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Welcome to Legends of Theah I

14:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Keenan Finn MacGilroy

"If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart, which, say what you will, is the great high-road to his reason, and which, when once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing his judgment of the justice of your cause."


"A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets."

Name: Sir Keenan Finn MacGilroy O'Callaghan
(in Cymric): Cianan Fionn Mac Giolla Ri O'Ceallachain
Nation: Inismore, Avalon
Profession: Member of the Order of the High King, a Knight in service to Her Majesty the Queen Elaine of Avalon, under direct orders of Knight Captain Sir Uwaine
Appearance: Above Average. There is an edge of danger and mystery about him, at odds with a friendly smile and a pair of lively emerald green eyes that hint of a roguish nature.
Age: appears to be about 25, give or take
Height: 5'11", a slim, athletic build.
Hair: Chestnut brown, worn short. Facial hair: a thin, trimmed mustache & goatee
Visible Weapons: A rapier, worn on the right side of his belt
Other: Small scar along the inner edge of his right cheekbone. Swordsman Guild pin (Andrew's) on his collar. Is often seen wearing a blue & silver tabard with the insignia of the Triple Crown marking him as one of Queen Elaine's Knights. Beneath his tabard (or when incognito), he prefers basic black. Perhaps it's a throwback to his time spent as a Sea Dog.


The Vow of the Order of the High King

"Before Her Majesty the Queen and all the Triple Kingdoms, I solemnly swear to: Defend justice wherever I find myself, be it land, sea, or sky; Uphold the laws of Avalon and protect her from her enemies; Protect the innocent and those incapable of protecting themselves; Exemplify the honor and nobility of the Glamour Isles in my thoughts, words, and deeds; And defend Her Majesty the Queen from all foes, foreign and domestic. This I vow in the name of the High King, Her Majesty, and the Triple Kingdoms."