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01:25, 23rd May 2024 (GMT+0)

Canicus Hamm

Name: Canicus Hamm

Age: 20

Gender: male

Power: Fire

Side Affect: When coming down from a bout of using his powers, Canicus recedes into a state whereby he can barely use them, or even think straight. He effectively, burns out. The old "The fire that burns twice as bright burns half as long." idiom applies.

Appearance: Canicus stands at an even height of 6"0, with a somewhat lopsided face and dark hair that'd look more appropriate on a chimney sweep. Canicus, with his off centre nose (crooked from when it was broken in some fight or other), unsymmetrical sneering smile, and left ear lobe with a small chunk missing from it (again, bar fight), naturally strikes one as an unkempt or scruffy individual.
This ragamuffin look extends to his clothing as well. Most of his shirts, trousers and jackets are frayed at the ends, cuffs, sleeves, collars and have one or two holes in them. In terms of colour, his clothes interchange between ash grey, bright red and sunset orange, making him stand out a little, but not too much. Though it may not seem like it, Canicus understands the need to smarten up occasionally, though he loathes it.

Personality: A calculating and serious minded young man, Canicus' is, in everyday life, much like the flame of a campfire. He is a warm, somewhat comforting presence, being generally amiable and easy to be around... This version of Canicus however, is only put forward in polite company. Because this warmth and kindness is a facade covering his true nature. He is in reality, a spiteful, prideful, hateful and sadistic individual. Though, being of sound mind, he chooses to hide his destructive personality, instead lulling people into a false sense of security. So much like a fire, when he is set off, when his ire is earned and fuelled, he will rant, rage, burn and destroy all he can.
Canicus does however, respect certain kinds of people. Most often people like himself, with a passion for mayhem and a distain for 'society', etiquette and all things orderly. If someone likes a drink and a fight, Canicus can get along with them just fine.

Likes: Fooling people. The misfortune of others. Fire in all it's forms. The outdoors, especially forests. Cooking. Brawling in pubs, inns, bars etc etc.

Dislikes: People who don't have the sense to hide what is negative about them. Children. Winter, and the cold in general. Small enclosed spaces.

Fears: Small enclosed spaces. Being trapped. Drowning.