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Welcome to The Kingdom of Corzoconia

14:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rodimus Piper

Name: Rodimus ("Roddy", "Rowdy") Piper

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Trade/Occupation: Priest of Lliira

Physical Description: 5', 11" & 245 lbs. A little heavy but not morbidly so. His hefty body frame hides his considerable strength.

Personality: Jovial, good natured, kind. Always sees the bright side of things and tries to cheer up those who feel sad, angry or melancholy be it by a joke, song or a gift of strong drink. Does not stand bullies or those who would treat others unkindly or cruel. He loves to sing and have a good time whether it be drinking, partying or helping those in need.

Background: Rodimus was born in a small unnamed village on the edge of the kingdom.  A goblin attack upon the village took the life of his parents and would have killed everyone there had not an adventuring band arrived during the attack and saved the village. One of the band, a priest of Lliira named Aniah asked the village elders if she could take little Rodimus with her to an orphanage in her home town. The Elders, knowing the child had no next of kin other than his slain parents, allowed her and thus little Rodimus was raised at the orphanage for most of his young life. Scared and shy at first, the priests and volunteers were patient with little Rodimus until after a few months, and with visits from his rescuer Aniah whom he now cared for as a mother figure, he slowly came out of his shell and as the years passed he became a good natured, friendly, fun loving young man that one would expect from an orphanage run by the goddess of joy.

Upon reaching his 13th birthday, he expressed an interest in joining the order and the priests and priestesses were happy for his decision and he donned the robes of an initiate with Aniah personally preparing him for his initiation into the order. The church brings joy through song and dance and although being a little heavy and struggling a bit with the more physical dances, he made up for it in his singing ability. He also excelled in his martial training, becoming skilled with the chosen weapon of the church being the throwing stars employed by the church called "Sparkles" by the faithful. Upon reaching his 17 years, he became a full priest of the order and Aniah was there to present him with his robes, a bandoleer with 5 "sparkles" and Footman's mace.

Continuing his training further at the local church for another four years, he was allowed to see the world under the guidance of an elder priest and once again, Aniah was there to be his mentor. Joining her adventuring company amusingly called "The Brotherhood of Deeds & Mead" he had many adventures and saw much of the world. However tragedy struck the company when they tried to liberate a town held under the tyrannical sway of Bane, an enemy faith. Entering their stronghold and confronting the High Imperceptor himself in his church along with his subordinate priests and temple guards, the company pressed the attack only to find themselves evenly matched. During the battle, Aniah confronted the High Imperceptor himself and managed to deliver a fatal blow but not before he too employed evil magic to drain her lifeforce. Aniah's sacrifice however demoralized the Banites enough to sway the battle in their favor & win the day with most surrendering or killed.

After liberating the town, they brought Aniah's body back to the temple in her hometown. The priests used their power to speak with Aniah's spirit asking if she wished to return to the mortal realm. Her spirit responded that she had lived a full life full of joy and now wanted to serve Lliira in Brightwater beyond the mortal realm. To Rodimus, she left a heartfelt message saying mourn not her passing but take joy in the memories they had, of how proud she was of him and to continue forth in the Elysian Rigadoon - The Joyful Dance of Life. With her last message to Rodimus spoken, the spell ended and her spirit left.

Saddened by the loss, Rodimus took solace in her final message and after Aniah's funeral and wake, he continued on with the company taking Aniah's place among them. After a few more years adventuring, the company eventually disbanded but with a promise should one ever need of one another, they would reunite to help in whatever way they can. Thinking on what to do next with his life, Rodimus decided to head for the kingdom of Corzoconia to start a shrine to Lliira and eventually build & consecrate a church/festhall/bar in Lliira's name and to honor Aniah's memory by helping people in need of joy in their life after tragedy or loss as she did for him as a child many years ago.