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21:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Terryn McNiall

Name: Terryn McNiall

Other Names: Ninurta, Seyyon, Anhur, Belatucadros, Camulus, Cicolluis, Cocidius, Neit, Rudianos, Toutatis, Kyzaghan, Huitzilopochtli

Nicknames/Titles: The Thracian Rider, The Huntsman, King of Shadows, Lord of Blood and Soul

Age: In his Sidhe form, he is ageless, and mortal ideas of age are hard to ascribe to him. He is clearly an adult, but beyond that it would be impossible to say.

Sex: Male

Species: Elder Fae/Elder God

Powers: What powers Terryn possesses are an unknown quotient. Clearly though he is a Fae being, and one of immense power. While he does not feel "divine" or "celestial" in the way some gods or angels do, there is a certain similarity to the energy for those who can discern such intricate details. Mostly, he feels ancient. There is a weight and presence to his energy that heralds back to the beginning of absolutely everything.

The one thing that always stands out, but only to a specific type of individual, is the scent of his blood. No matter the situation, vampires can always smell his blood. It doesn't tell them anything particularly helpful about him, just that he smells really, really yummy.

Appearance: In his human guise Terryn is not necessarily the man who is going to immediately draw all the eyes of lass and lad alike the moment he enters the room. He is not the tallest, he is not the biggest, and perhaps he isn't even the most attractive. But none of that should imply that he's short, scrawny, and ugly either. It is perhaps more his contained and controlled nature that allows him to somewhat vanish amidst a crowd until he wants to be seen. But when the eye does finally find him, it is usually met with appreciation.

His hair is often kept long, but not in a way that suggests he has any real love of long hair, but more that he just hasn't bothered to get it seen to. This means it's either pulled back, in a knot or ponytail at the back of his neck, or left to fall around her face in a tussled mess. It never seems to detract from the rest of him though, indeed it almost seems to lend a boyish charm. His eyes would probably be the next thing one notices, bright blue, with a naturally inquisitive glean and perhaps just a hint of mischief, or amusement. Like he finds the entire world funny, but it's an inside joke between him and the universe. His face shows the signs of a life well lived, of joys and sorrows, but it's all laid on a foundation that was clearly nothing short of beautiful in his youth, and age has not dulled that beauty so much as given it character. His cheekbones are still high, if a tad less sharp. The angles are all still there, they've just added on a bit, the jaw appearing a little more square. An overall coat of masculinity layered over a face that at one time would have probably been described as somewhat feminine. He wears a small goatee and mustache, but they aren't long. Almost short enough that one might think he just hadn't had the opportunity to shave. But the intentional style of the goatee would of course suggest otherwise.

While not incredibly tall, he is over six feet, and while not incredibly muscled, he has a nice spread of shoulders, and what would appear to be a lean and toned frame beneath his clothing. He's just not bulky, but clearly athletic. That body is often hidden beneath some manner of fine clothing. It isn't often that one finds him in jeans and a tee shirt, for instance. Often it is dress slacks, and a button down collared shirt tucked into his trousers. Often times a vest accompanies it, but unless it is truly called for you likely won't see him in the tie and coat. Sleeves often rolled up to elbow, so he can get things done.

Face Claim: Orlando Bloom

Personality: Terryn is quiet, but not in a shy way, or anti-social, as he will happily engage others if called upon. Instead, it is more that he is observant. He likes to watch others, listen, before he chooses to speak. When you do get him talking, he tries to remain cordial and polite, he doesn't back down in his opinions, but he makes no attempt to force those opinions on others, or mock the opinions of anyone else. There is an old world sense of propriety to him, in some ways, what would often be referred to as chivalry, in this age. He has a quick wit, but it can be rather dry sometimes, and often people can have a hard time knowing when he's joking or not, so often he doesn't display that wit unless he is more comfortable with a person, or has faith that they're quick enough to recognize his wit when it is unleashed.

History: Coming soon, to a character description near you.

Profession: Owner of The Foxtooth Pub

Sexual Orientation: Whatever is most interesting in the moment.