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Welcome to Victorian Gothic: Bloodlines of Magic

21:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Caswyn Grandelocke

Full Name: Caswyn Grandelocke, Lord Bryghtwell
Nickname: Cas, Brighty, “Lord Gold”
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Occupation: business manager (Bryghtwell Futures), heir
Nationality: English
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Current status: Single and employed
Current Residence: Bryghtwell Manor House, London

Overall Appearance: Cas stands at medium height and build. His eyes are sapphire blue and his hair is jet black and well groomed. As is his rather robust mustache. Rather than being merely dressed as his contemporaries, Cas wears the finest of gentleman’s clothes as shown by color, cut, and material. Not one to brandish rings or necklaces, he is known to show off expensive cuff links and tie pins. And of course he is most often seen with his cane and the large sapphire stone (fake?) that adorns its top. He usually offers a friendly smile toward all, but his eyes light up when he is truly pleased. He has a commanding voice, but one that is delivered in a soft spoken manner.

Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 175 lbs
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Hair color: Black
Hair Style: Short and stylized
Complexion: Slightly Tan
Body shape: Solid
Distinguishing Marks: Pink star birthmark on inner left wrist
Clothing: Fancy contemporary

Basic Personality: Cas presents himself as a dilettante and a bon vivant for reasons of his own, and hard to find him outside this role. Even then he is naturally a warm and friendly person and an exceptional business manager.

Magic Percentage: Div33/Hys12
Special Skills: Investments, business management, logistics

History: The Grandelocke family consists of a long line of diviners. As a result, they have been able to amass a fortune that is said to rival even the oldest and most established of the nobility. So much so that even though the family has increased its inheritance by dealing in mercantile matters, few would dare openly speak against them. Instead, many have taken advantage of doing business with Bryghtwell Futures, although mainly in secret, to increase their own finances and standing. Some have even gone so far as to give Cas the nickname of “Lord Gold” because it seems that everything he touches turns to gold.

Cas has in fact done well for Bryghtwell Futures. So well that his father has turned over the running of the company to Cas in everything but name only. Cas claims only the title of business manager. It is likely the union of his mother’s emotional engineering skills, as Cas calls them, entwined with the Grandelocke divination dynasty that has made Cas so successful. But rather than flaunt his abilities openly, Cas presents himself in society as a bon vivant with a laissez fair attitude who is happy to coast along on the wealth and hard work of his forebearers.

Fernanda Treeholme Grandelocke, mother (living)
Reese Grandelocke, Earl of Bryghtwell, father (living)