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23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Yuki Tanaka

Captain Yuki Tanaka

Sex: Female
Gender: Cis-Female
Age at the time of departure: 28


The young captain of the Hope, Yuki doesn't look like an authority figure in the slightest. She has long dyed green hair, which she frequently likes to braid or put up into a bun. Her eyes, though, indicate that she was originally an albino. Her most notable feature is her left arm, or lack there of. Though Yuki has a prosthetic to take the place of her original piece of flesh and blood she rarely wears it, claiming it to be "uncomfortable".


Yuki's personality is hard to place, as the only trait that really defines her is determination. She can be extremely strict, or very lenient depending on the time of day. Friendly or aggressive in different situations. She likes cute things and machines. Yuki happens to be pretty smart but doesn't have the best common sense. Essentially, she is a human who doesn't have particularly extreme traits. In any other circumstance, one wouldn't notice Yuki... Yet somehow she managed to set herself apart from the crowd in the applications process.


Yuki was born in a young city in Japan which has since mostly sunk into the sea. Her family was small, consisting of her mother, father, and older brother. They lived in a small but comfortable apartment over the flower shop her mother owned, which always seemed to be full of her father's small experiments. The adults she referred to as parents emphasized how important they were in each other's lives, creating an extremely healthy relationship. However, things took a turn for the worse when Yuki was 13. Her father left for work one day and didn't come home that night. Then he wasn't back in the morning... Or that afternoon. A few hours after that her mother called the police, and the search was on.

The last person who ever saw Akira Tanaka claimed that he wandered away from the local train station and into the nearby woods after claiming to see a light inside of them. It became a part of local folklore, and Yuki grew up hearing about the Shooting Star Disappearance at every one of her major life events.

Which, there was plenty of. Yuki became infatuated with the sciences after her older brother was accepted into medical school. Not caring much about making friends or finding love, Yuki threw herself into her school work. She wanted desperately to be a Physicist. Eventually, though, her hard work paid off. She was accepted into a prestigious college in America, and after getting her degree in Physics with a minor in Engineering Yuki went on to work for a private Space-Tourism company - designing rockets.

On her way to work one morning, however, she was hit by a car. In the accident her left arm was severely damaged and had to be amputated. She was able to afford a prosthetic arm, however it didn't quite work as well as her old one. In the hospital she heard of a Doctor applying to the Expansion Project. This is how she learned about the Project itself.

She didn't have a reason, apparently, deeper for applying to the Expansion Project greater than pure curiosity... But apparently, the Director of Sensou Defense liked her application so much that at 24 years old Yuki was selected to be the youngest Captain. Specifically, she would be overseeing the success of The Hope.


Yuki has below average strength. (d20)
Yuki is more agile than most. (d10)
Being an astronaut, Yuki is in excellent health. (d10)
Yuki has almost always been scarily book-smart. (d8)
Yuki isn't the most mentally stable. (d12)
Her eyes are shocking keen. (d8)
Possibly has broken a mirror... or three. (d20)


Complex knowledge of the physical sciences. (d8)
Speaks several languages. (d8)
Knows the basic habits needed to pick up any new skill. (d10)
Well-spoken. (d10)
Hopeless romantic. (d12)
Fan of classic literature. (d12)
Childhood trauma. (d30)
Amputee. (d30)

Typically Carries

A small bracelet from her father with a moonstone with a star etched onto it on it.