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21:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Macy Belle

Name: Macy Belle
Face/Model Claim: Julianne Hough
Age: 28
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Hometown: Southport born and bred.
Relatives: Parents and extended family.

Job: Owner of Belle's Restaurant.

Skills: Business degree and she makes mean crab cakes.

Weapon(s): A flick knife with a bespoke silver blade which was specially crafted and a refillable perfume spray Atomizer of holy water. Both were given to her by Parents after her attack. She's never used either but for safety sake and after making a promise to both of them, she never leaves home without them.

Height: 5'4
Weight: As long as she can fit into her jeans, she doesn't care.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Scars/Marks: She has a nasty gnarled scar on the curve between her neck and left shoulder.

Weaknesses: Macy suffers from frequent night terrors stemming from her past experience. Sometimes she gets little sleep at all and experiences exhaustion the next day. She's been known to have the odd glass of wine which frequently results in an empty bottle. Although she wouldn't be considered an alcoholic, she sometimes depends on it too much to relax her and help her sleep.

Personality in Brief: At face value Macy hides her heartbreak well. She's a positive woman with a bright and pretty smile and vibrantly friendly disposition. She tends to think herself lucky and somewhat of a survivor rather than a victim and intends on living each day like it's her last. She's amiable, very chatty, makes friends easily and is a well known face in Southport and Oak Island. A quintessential girl next door, people generally endear to her likable nature quite easily.

History: Alice and Gregory Belle had the perfect marriage, a nice home and a successful business. The only thing that was missing was a child. They tried for years to get pregnant with no success. Alice felt like a complete failure but Greg was always reassuring to his wife telling her whatever happened, he would go on loving her regardless. They eventually sought help from a Fertility specialist and after investigating, there was no reason why they couldn't conceive naturally. They considered going down the IVF route but out of the blue, Alice, at the age of thirty seven finally fell pregnant.  From that moment on, Greg wouldn't let his wife lift a finger. They went through their first trimester with no problems and Alice's pregnancy was a breeze. They did everything right, read all the books, attended antenatal classes and prepared for their new arrival. During classes Alice became friendly with another Mom-to-be. At Nineteen and Single, Emma Collins was braving becoming a Parent alone and Alice immediately took a shine to the much younger woman. Alice and Emma went into labor at the same time, even though Emma was a couple of weeks early. With only two minutes apart they both gave birth to healthy Baby Girls and Alice and Emma saw it as a sign that their children, Macy and Addison would be great friends.

Due to financial difficulties and lack of Family support Emma had to work. Alice who had decided from the moment she found out she was pregnant to be a stay at home Mom offered to care for Addison. She refused payment stating she was happy to help. Juggling two babies was hard work, but Alice was a natural. As predicted Macy and Addison were inseparable. The years passed by and both girls went through pre-school to school together, sharing the same class.

In the meantime Emma started dating a new guy a little Older than herself. As much as he might have been accepting of Addison at first, Alice grew concerned that Emma was growing far more interested in this new man than she was her own Daughter. She loved Addison like she was her own and never refused to take care of her when asked. Only it started to become a more regular occurrence after school when Emma wasn't working and should have been spending quality time with her child she was instead spending time with the new Boyfriend. Macy never minded, she loved the frequent sleepovers when Emma didn't turn up to collect Addison until late and Alice had already put her to bed, reassuring her friend that it was fine.

Alice began to notice a change in Addison, she wanted to be around Emma less and less and didn't seem to like her Mother's boyfriend at all. When Alice raised her concerns with Emma, Emma reassured her. Addison had just been spending a lot of time with Alice and she probably felt a little put out with having to share her Mom with a new man. Alice accepted the explanation on the condition Emma would do more with her Daughter and apologetic, Emma promised. When she tried to collect Addison, the little girl grew upset and in turn, so did Macy. The only way to placate them both was if they agreed that Macy could sleep at Addison's house. Reluctantly, after much begging from her Daughter, Alice agreed.

Macy woke up the next morning to find the bed beside her empty and Emma hysterical. Alice quickly arrived to comfort her Daughter but the buzz of activity as the Police arrived distressed Macy more. Addison was missing. The sensitive questioning of the child brought no clues as to where Addison had gone. Macy was inconsolable and Alice took her home. The entire town pitched in to search for seven year old Addison Collins. Divers were released to trawl the Intercoastal Waterway moving as far as Cape Fear River. Although the investigation revealed a sinister to Southport in regards to what they found in the waterways, they didn't find the body of a seven year old girl. Emma's new Boyfriend was investigated and came up clean. There was no evidence nor any sign of Addison and the entire Town was unsettled by her disappearance.

Macy was utterly heartbroken, she wouldn't speak, she refused to eat and her Parents grew more and more concerned. Each day that passed the Police were no closer to finding out what happened to Addison. Two weeks after the child had gone missing Alice heard Macy talking on the front Porch of their house, it had been the first time she had said anything since discovering Addison had disappeared. When Alice went outside to find out who Macy was speaking to. She found her sitting on the steps of the porch petting a beautiful silken haired Red Retriever.  Alice tried to intercept, growing worried. Macy became distressed and started clinging to the stray dog refusing to let it go. Prying her Daughters arms from around the animal, Macy became even more hysterical, screaming and kicking out at her Mother.  Alice wrestled her Daughter inside and called Greg.  Hearing his little girl wailing in the background he hurried home. Macy wasn't any calmer when he arrived and to his surprise he found the dog whining loudly on his porch to his daughter's screaming.

The only way they could get Macy to calm down was to bring the animal inside and very gently they tried to explain to Macy that the dog was probably somebody's pet and they would need to find her owners. Unsuccessfully her Parents tried to locate whoever owned the dog but nobody came forward. Greg took the retriever to a Vet, who claimed she was around 12 months old and had possibly been dumped or belonged to Tourists who had passed through though no dogs had been reported missing in the area.  Apart from being a little on the thin side, she was healthy and the Vet offered to arrange to take her to a Shelter. The thought of going home and having to tell Macy that he had taken the dog to an Animal shelter filled Greg with dread. She had already been through so much without breaking her heart further. So Greg took the dog home and after a few stern words and a quiet argument from Alice, they both reluctantly agreed to allow Macy to keep her.  At first Macy wanted to called her Addison, but due to the sensitivity surrounding the little girl's disappearance, they coaxed Macy into choosing another name, she settled for Amber which had been the name of Addison's favorite doll. Strangely it suited the rusty colored Retriever and she reacted to the name with an agreeable and exuberant wag of her entire body when called.

Every day Amber would wait patiently for Macy to get home from school, at weekends and Holidays they did everything together. Macy was never seen without the dog in tow. She would obediently walk at her side but when leashed, it was a different story. Amber learned quickly, Macy taught her tricks and as long as she didn't try to leash her, Amber always heeled and kept perfect pace with Macy.

She started Highschool and at the age of thirteen Macy had her first crush on a boy. An ex-army kid, Jayden had moved the Southport area with his Parents after his father retired from the Military. He proved to be popular straight away, never taking a second glance at Macy. For two years Macy kept her crush secret until on the last day of school before Summer Break, she left her book bag behind on the school bus. Macy was speechless when the next day, Jayden was standing on her porch with the bag. Amber immediately started making a fuss of the boy, bouncing around him vying for his attention. Alice then hospitably interfered, insisting Macy invite Jayden inside.

During that Summer, Macy experienced her first kiss and by the time it was over, they returned to school very much a couple. Three years passed by in a blur and on graduation Jayden announced his intention to join the Military. Macy knew it was pressure from his Father. A firm believer that the Military molded a man, Jayden had been too brain washed by his Dad to think differently. Though, Jayden intended to show Macy how serious he was about her. Equipped with a Marriage license and a ring he had purchased from Murphy's (who had sworn it was gold, until it turned Macy's finger green). They drove across to Shallotte and got married in a small Chapel. Macy wore a light blue summer dress with a daisies in her hair and their only guest was her trusty dog Amber. Neither Macy's Parents nor Jayden's were pleased with the news, suspecting at first that Macy was pregnant. Then as they discovered much to their relief she wasn't they came round the the idea. Alice and Greg were only disappointed that they hadn't been there to see their only daughter get married.

Jayden started his basic training and Macy left for college. When he was sent overseas on his first Deployment they spoke when they could and made the most his the short time he got for leave. He continued on with his role within the Army as Macy finished College. His promise of a better life for them as a Family didn't reassure Macy and the day came that she dreaded the most in the form of Two Military Personnel delivering a Death Notification. Tragedy had dealt a second blow and shattered every dream she's ever had.

At the age of 21 Macy was a Widow. Declared Dead in Absentia, she clung on to that little bit of hope that he was still alive and three weeks later, Amber became unsettled late in the evening, barking and fussing to go outside. When Macy let the dog out she found Jayden standing in her front yard, Amber gave her usual exuberant greeting at his arrival. Overwhelmed with the emotion and relief that he was still alive, Macy ran to him. At first he seemed to share in her enthusiasm, he scooped her up into his arms, holding her tight, then tighter, and tighter, until she alarmingly felt his arms crushing her body painfully and stealing her breath away in the vice like hold. Amber's temperament immediately changed and her excitement turned into aggression. Macy struggled for release the but unrelenting hold kept her prone. Jayden tore at her throat with an iron jaw and elongated teeth, ripping at her flesh carelessly in his desire to spill blood.

Unusual for the otherwise placid dog, Amber's frenzied barking woke Greg and Alice. Greg found his Daughter slumped on the front yard bleeding profusely from the open wound on her neck. Alice tried to stem the blood flow as Greg carried Macy to his car and instead of waiting for an Ambulance to arrive, drove her the short distance to the Hospital. It was only by sheer luck or lack of experience that Jayden hadn't torn the carotid artery he was aiming for. Still having lost a substantial amount of blood Macy was taken in to emergency surgery and given a blood transfusion. The only thing Macy would confirm was that it was a Vampire attack, when asked if she knew her assailant, racked with guilt that he would hurt or kill someone else, she still couldn't bring herself to name Jayden.

Macy never saw him again and he made no attempt to try and contact her. After a few months she received an official Letter informing her that an internal investigation regarding Jayden's death had unearthed certain findings and the US Military had awarded Spousal Compensation. The Letter didn't go into details on what those findings were and and it appeared suspicious. After calling the number given to her, the document's legitimacy was confirmed but Macy still suspected it's authenticity. Macy was awarded enough to start up her own business in the form of a Restaurant, which enabled her to apply for a Mortgage and buy her first home. A bittersweet moment as she tried to place the pieces of her life back together.

Sometimes, in a crowded place or when she's walking Amber, out of the corner of her eye, she thinks she catches a glimpse of him but when she looks there is nobody ever there. She now wears a silver cross on a long silver chain tucked inside her shirt out of sight.

For such an old dog of 22, Macy is not quite sure how Amber is still going. She's as sprightly and agile as she's always been with a glossy coat and perfect teeth. Age hasn't seemed to have affected her at all and Macy doesn't question it. The thought of losing her too is something she couldn't bear.

OOC WRITER'S NOTE: Macy is open for any connections within Southport. She is also very much a starter character who can be evolved. If anyone wishes to involve Macy in any ideas or plots, then feel free to PM.