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14:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alexia Areius

Nickname: Lexi, Lex, Sparks
Age: 20
Weight: 99 lbs
Height: 5’ 0”
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue-green
Distinguishing Marks: light freckles, small silver septum piercing

Physical Description:  Lexi is a very petite girl in both height and weight. Despite her small frame, she is stronger than you would think, but not to the same scale as many of her demigod cousins. Instead of her strength going to her body it went to her more magical abilities and mental fortitude.  She is fairly light skinned and keeps her naturally darker hair dyed a very light shade of blonde. Her facial features are quite delicate and feminine with large blue-green eyes. For clothes, Lexi really doesn’t have a set style that she would call her own and just wears whatever she fancies that day although it will usually fall on the more tomboy or grungier side of the spectrum.

Lineage: Daughter of Zeus


Strengths: Tough, fearless, determined, easy-going

Weaknesses: Quick to anger and often let her emotions get away from her

Fears: To see her father killed by the Titans and the have the modern world destroyed.

Hopes: Lexi hopes more than anything that the Olympians and their allies will be able to put and end to this war and rescue her father before its too late.

Inherited Godly Powers:
Aerokinesis: The ability to create control and manipulate wind.  She is able to use this ability for to manipulate the air for flight, creating strong gusts of wind or blasts of air, however keeping them sustained can be quite physically draining.  When angry she passively creates storms. The more her anger is allowed to grow things such as vortexes and funnel clouds can form, all the way up to full blown tornados if her wrath isn’t quelled.
Electrokinesis: She can create electricity with her body. This can take multiple forms from a shock to someone who touches her to a ball of electricity that she can launch from her hands and everything in between. This electricity can also be conducted from her body into weapons that she holds. Due to the fact that she is much more skilled in using her electrical powers than her aerokinesis skills, she can also call down lightning from the sky. Do this deals a lot of damage where the lightning strikes, but she is only able to call down one per day and the act will leave her drained and she will no longer be able to use any of her electrical abilities.

Basic Skills: Photography, making people laugh, very knowledgeable of history.

Backstory:  Alexia doesn’t have a very exciting backstory.  She was born through the pairing of Zeus and a mortal woman who she never met and was taken away after birth by her father to be raised and trained by him and the other Greeks. This was the sole reason that she was born. Not out of love, but in a decision by her mother and Zeus to create a powerful demigod.

She was taught from a young age about the history of her family, memorizing everything there was for her to know about the Greek pantheon. As she aged she broadened her horizons to include the other pantheons as well and world history in general. From the moment she started displaying her powers she was also taught to master them.

Once Rhodes was decided to be the base of operations for the war against the Titans, she was moved there by her father and she considers in to be her home since she has been there for half of her life now.

Alignment: Gods