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14:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Paxley Rae Hodges


Name: Paxley Rae Hodges

Nickname: Pax

Age: 24

Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sexuality: Attracted to people for who they are, not what they are

Play-By: Lights, aka Valerie Anne Boken neƩ Poxleitner

Year: Fourth

Discipline: Illusion

Specialty: Invisibility


Physical Description: Paxley is an average height at 5' 5" but weighs in on the thinner side at 116 lbs, but has a good amount of musculature for her size. Her chest and hips fall into the average rage as well but thats something she's really never minded and is extremely confident in her own body.

She has think dark brown hair thats often a bit messy but she still manages to pull it off the look with heavy bangs and lots of layers. There isn't anything too remarkable about her facial features but they make her a very attractive girl. She smiles almost all the time and her general love for life is clear in her expression.

Her general style is had to put a label on. She often wears shorts or tight jeans (never skirts or dress) and her tops are often tank tops or loose (yet cropped) t-shirts and flannels. Mostly Pax just wears what she likes to and doesn't fit under a label, which is exactly how she likes it.

Distinguishing Features: Numerous tattoos can be found on Pax's skin. A majority of them give away her innate nerdy nature and lifelong love for video games.



Personality Description: Paxley loves life and tries and believes that life is to short to go around miserable. She's extremely welcoming and friendly to anyone that approaches her and its extremely rare to ever see her without a smile on her face. Its extremely difficult to make her angry and often gives people many more chances than they deserve.

Her optimistic attitude leads to her being peppy to the point that some people might get annoyed and her major caffeine addictions gives her more energy than she really needs. Pax has a great sense of humor and loves trying to make people laugh, even though her jokes are usually pretty bad.

She loves playing tricks and pulling pranks on her friends, something that is made easier by her specialty of illusion. Pax can be quite the troublemaker, but she never does anything that would get her in too much trouble. She will follow the rules but tries to push their limits.

Goals: To get the most enjoyment out of life as possible and make sure that every day is the best that it can be. To catch 'em all in Pokemon Go, reach the Master Tier in League of Legends, and get 100% completion in Skyrim.

Likes: Smiling, cold beer, cats, sushi, video games, caffeine, snack foods

Dislikes: People who are pissy for no reason, hazelnuts, decaf coffee, salads, geese (they freak her out)

While its not her original cat, Pax has her large black fluffy cat name Alduin with her at school


Characters History: Paxley Rae Hodges was born to young Magician parents who met at Brakebills their first year and it was a cheesy story of love at first sight. She was born while they were in their fourth year and the school and was sent back to her dad's hometown of Toronto, Ontario, Canada to be raised be her grandmother until her parents graduated and could return home. Her mom however didn't like this arrangement and dropped out of the school a few months later to go raise her daughter.

When Pax was 5 her parents finally got married and had her younger twin brothers Aiden and Lachlan. Her parents had the babies to keep them occupied so Pax found a cat and decided that it was hers and just brought it home one day. Thankfully they let her keep it didn't ask any questions on where she found it.

Around 12 years old Paxley started manifesting her magical abilities and her parents noticed it right away so they started tutoring her and teaching her how to control it. This was also when she got detention for the first time for casting a spell on her teacher that made her sound like a chicken for an hour.

Even when she was young they knew that her specialty would be invisibility and she started manifesting it shortly after she began practicing magic at home. The first time it happened it wasn't even intentional at all. Pax had been playing hide and seek with her brothers and some friends. She was the last one that needed to be found and and as she hid in the closet she just kept focusing on not being found. When her brother opened the door she thought that she was doomed, but her couldn't see her standing directly in front of him. After that it took a few hours for her to figure out how to be seen again and she wasn't able to fully become invisible again until she arrived at Brakebills.

Her whole life her family had known that she was going to get invited to the school, she was too gifted and clever not to. So no one was surprise when she would up on the campus to take her exam. Paxley passed with flying colors and was quickly placed into the Illusion Kid's Castle. She had never felt so at home until she started attending the school and since then she's enjoyed every minute of it.