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21:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Margareta Bosch

Name: Margareta Bosch

Nickname(s): Maggie, Gretel, Greetja

Age: 22

Story: Hansel and Gretel

Character: Gretel

Status: Title

Length of Time on This Side: Almost 4 years

Heirloom(s): Around her neck she wears a black cord that holds a small black leather pouch containing a number a small objects. It contains 3 white pebbles, a smooth wooden token, a small opal, a piece or turquoise, and a piece of bone.

All of the items tie back to her story from the Otherside. The stones are ones that she used to find her way back home with her brother, the wooden token is a piece of her father's axe, the opal and turquoise were from the witches treasure, and the bone was a fragment from the witch that had kidnapped them.

Physical Description:Margareta stands at an slightly taller than average height of 5' 6" and has a slender frame but a hint of curves where they matter most. She has a friendly face and is most often seen smiling. Her eyes are bright green and her hair is naturally an ashy blonde with hints of red in it. The is a light spattering of freckles across her cheeks.

Since coming through The Rift her style has changed quite a bit and she has adopted a blend of her heritage and that of a nature loving hippy from This Side of The Rift. Her hair is filled with dreadlocks and falls past her shoulders. She rarely chooses to wear any make up, but when she does its a very natural look. The way that she dresses is similar favoring casual clothes, lots of neutral colors and since coming through The Rift she has developed a love for flannel.

Distinguishing Marks: Her long reddish blonde dreadlocks are usually the first thing that people notice about her when they see her. She often has the strands decorated with assorted ornaments from sting to feathers to beads and more depending on her mood for the day.

Maggie has a few assorted tattoos that she has accumulated since coming through The Rift and going through her drastic style change.

She has quite the sweet tooth and almost always has some sort of candy or treat with her.

Personality: Since coming through The Rift, Margareta was able to let go a lot of the troubles that had followed her through her life in the Fairy Tale Realm. She doesn't care about the fact that her parents abandoned her or that a witch tried to eat her. She put all of that in the past and just tries to live the new life that she has.

She tries to live out her life on This Side as a happy and and friendly nature loving girl and for the most part she succeeds. She is typically friendly to all and tries to give them the benifit of the doubt and a chance to prove themselves before determining how she feels about them

Why Did You Come Through The Rift?: You can really only live through an old lady trying to eat you and your brother so many times before you start losing it.

History: As the story goes Gretel and her brother Hansel were the children of a poor woodcutter and his wife. A famine spread through the land and instead of risking starving to death, their mother decided to take the children into the woods in hope of abandoning them. However they overheard their parents discussing their plans and the night before Hansel snuck out of the house to gather white pebbles.

The next morning when their mother leads them deep into the woods, Hansel drops a trail of the white pebbles from their house so that they would know how to get home.

When their mother found them home she was furious and locked the two up so that they wouldn't be able to collect any more pebbles.

The next day their mother yet again leads the children out into the woods and this time Hansel was able to snag a piece of bread to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to follow back home. However once they turned around to go back home their found that the breadcrumb trail had been eaten by birds.

Hansel and Gretel wandered the forest for a few days until they came across a cottage that was made entirely of gingerbread, candy, and all sorts of treats. The two were drawn to the house and began eating what they could.

An old woman came out lured them into the cottage with promises of a warm bed, a hot bath, and all sorts of delicious food.

Nothing would have made the children suspect that she was truly and evil cannibalistic witch.

The witch tossed Hansel into a cage and made Gretel her helper/slave/assistant. Gretel was forced to help her and fatten up her brother for the witch to eat. Hansel pretended to be thinner than her was to delay the time before she would eat him by sticking a bone out of the cage to trick her.

Eventually the witch grew tired of waiting and decided that she would just eat both of them and lit up the oven to cook them.

She attempted to get Gretel to lean forward and check to see if the fire was hot enough and sensing what the witch was going to do Gretel pretended like she didn't understand. The witch went to demonstrate and Gretel shoved the woman into the oven when she leaned forward and closed the door behind her, burning and cooking the old witch alive.

When the screams died down, Gretel freed her brother from the cage he was locked in and the two searched the cottage. They found numerous treasures and took them with them. On the way out, Gretel also took a small fragment of bone from the ashes that she carried with her.

Hansel and Gretel escaped the cottage and a duck ferried them across the water back home. When they arrived they found that their evil mother had died and their father welcomed them home, happy to have his children back and the treasures and riches from the witch.

Ever After: Margareta lived out the next few years in peace and happiness with her brother and father but after the Darkness and Evil started invading the Land of Make Believe she left through the rift with her brother.

Since then she has been living in Havencrest and making a new life for herself. She began studying and expanding on the knowledge of witchcraft and the occult that she had picked up during her imprisonment with the witch. She opened a small shop where she sells an assortment of teas and incense along with items for rituals and spells.