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Welcome to The Rightful Ones

21:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Group: Norse/Viking

Name:  Ǣstríðr, Ásta for short or sometimes Ætta

Age:  11

Occupation: Shieldmaiden in training / second-wave settler

Physical Description: Long braided reddish brown hair matching her parents, being still her young age her stature and build are diminutive but already she shows the building of the scars and muscle of a true shieldmaiden.

Personality:  Brash and combative to those she doesn't see as worthy, the waves of the seas she grew up on could not handle any kindness or calm. If you showed weakness or fear nature took advantage, but even then she is a person and to those, she is close to or finds respect for will see her softer side. A side where she will turn to spear to their defense and not pointed their way.

Biography: Her birthing into the world was rough and sadly as is often the case in the world, resulted in the death of her mother. Growing up to stories of the shieldmaiden who was her mother, how she was a mighty warrior who would fight beside her father. Go exploring and sailing ground the world. Tales of Eyildr and Hoárr always kept the young Ætta wanting to grow up to be like her parents.

Her younger years were very much on the boats, sailing with her father while he continued his journey. Seeing and experiencing the world, picking up small bits of a number of the languages but only really enough to be able to purchase what she wanted at the ports. This all changed when her father received a letter coming from their distant home, a call to return and hear a request from the Jarl there. Her father told her they would go and that this might mean their life was to change, that the dream of finding a homeland truly their own was to come.

When they returned she was told to stay and continue her training and learning, taking to sword, spear, and shield as natural as her parents had. She would come with later settlers after her father and then the first wave had taken some footing and hold to the land.

Family: Hoárr