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Welcome to The Rightful Ones

23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Roland Lindolf

Group: English/Saxon

Name: Roland Lindolf

Age: 32

Occupation: Blacksmith

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Description:
Standing at six feet tall, Roland is an average man for the most part. His black hair is shaved off, the only indicator of the color is the goatee he does his best to keep from getting burned. His eyes are blue, but you would be forgiven to think they were brown in certain lights due to the hue of the blue. While his body is muscular from a life at the forge, Roland has suffered most of his life from having a wagon run over his leg when he was a child. It never fully healed properly, and, while some days he can limp his way around without a cane and he has mastered standing on both legs easily, he prefers to have the cane in hand anytime he is not at the forge.

Roland chooses to dress with a simple off-white tunic that’s permanently a shade darker from being worn so much in front of the forge and a pair of dark trousers. During the colder seasons, he wears a large fur cloak that he managed to trade work to get the fur from the huntsman and the sewing and stitching done by the tailor’s wife.

Roland’s personality was shaped by his crippling, and he now works as hard as he can and expects others to at least match or surpass him. Laziness without reason aggravates him, and being made to be idle leaves him to wander and otherwise fidget until he can get back to work. But this does not mean he reaches past his limits. He knows he can not do many things he could and should be able to do, and while it eats at him, he does not try to overcome those limits. This is the key reason he has found himself still at his forge instead of evacuating to safety. Outside of work, Roland is relaxed and liked the company of others, though is never one to organize a gathering like that himself..

Roland was born into a blacksmith’s family, the first of two children and the only son that the family gained. Even after having his leg crushed at the tender age of five, Roland later in his life insisted on learning the craft from his father, fascinated by the things his father had made in the past and wanting to do the same himself. His teenage years did lend to him sneaking away on occasion to shoot the breeze with his friends, but his passion for the forge never wavered.
Eventually, Roland’s attention was caught by a young lady named Aisley, and she reciprocated his advances. Before too long, Roland had saved up money and supplies and set to work in secret, usually just before the forge was opened and shortly after they closed for the night, to create a wedding band for her. It was the first ring he had forged, and the first he had engraved, so the process was filled with trial and error, not wanting to give her something imperfect for her present consent. When the simple but elegant band was done, he went to her and offered it to her. It seemed she had a similar idea, as she had went to Roland’s father to have him add a bit to something she made herself: a ring made of ash wood burned and accented with metal.
The two wed, and before long Aisley was with child. Unfortunately, when Archibald was on his way into the world, neither of them managed to survive. The event left Roland traumatized, and his family forge -having been passed down to him upon becoming married- stayed dormant for weeks. Eventually he returned to work, with the ring he made Aisley on a simple chain loop.
When word of the Norse raiders arrived, Roland was the last of his home present. His younger sister had married a trader and was -hopefully- somewhere safe. Not wanting to abandon his family home, the forge was kept burning to help the Lord of the land by forging weapons and supplies to drive back the invaders.

Orvin -Father (deceased, old age)
Eawynn -Mother(deceased, bad winter)
Annis -Younger Sister (married and evacuated as far as he knows)
Aisley -Wife (deceased, child birth of Archibald)
Archibald- Son (deceased, child birth)