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Welcome to Star Trek: To Boldly Go

12:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Logan Keth

Species: Human

Rank: Lt. Commander

Physical Description: 6'2" tall, medium-built human. He is dark-skinned and bald with brown eyes.

Personality: Logan is an intense but amiable crewmate who views his home as Starfleet and his crewmates as family. He is a daring and gifted pilot who makes it his business to know every inch of the ship to which he is assigned so he can push the limits as an extension of his Captain's will. Completely at ease at the helm, he is fearless and daring but would never needlessly endanger the ship or her crew.

History/Background: Logan was born and raised in a Starfleet Starbase immersed in cutting-edge science and technology. At a young age he was known to pilot shuttlecraft for his parents and never ceased asking questions about astrogation and piloting. As he matured he displayed a natural affinity for leadership and followed that talent into the Starfleet Academy. However, despite his competence in the Command corps, his calling was piloting and it was in that he truly excelled. He had a natural instinct regarding the movement of his ship and those of his competitors. He felt that he innately understood the full capabilities of his starship while simultaneously predicting the movements of his foe.

While interested in captaincy, he is content with the helm and is reluctant to give up piloting if he believes his replacement would be inferior. He has complete respect for the chain of command and most specifically his captain and makes it his business to carry out all orders as efficiently and to the best of his ability. However, a recent event forced his hand. On his previous assignment, he had to assume command of his vessel when the captain suffered a mental breakdown in response to an encounter with ship of unknown origin. When the approaching, heavily-armed vessel refused to respond to hails, the Captain of Logan's outgunned science vessel froze as their enemy powered their weapons. Reacting instinctively, Logan assumed command as the most senior officer on the bridge and executed evasive maneuvers, successfully evading the enemy ambush undamaged. While his captain was reassigned to a less-demanding position, Logan received a commendation and promotion to Lt. Commander following the event. Their foe was never successfully identified and, whether a first contact alien or a pirate with a cobbled together, one-of-a-kind ship, Logan is ever on the lookout for news of similar encounters.

Devoting all his energy to his assigned ships and crew, Logan was content. Realizing his allegiance would always be first to his ship, he never married and has no children. |