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Welcome to The Rightful Ones

03:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Rightful Ones

Welcome to the Saxon / Viking era.  Become the Shield Maiden/Warrior/Knight/Monk/Bar-wrench you always wished...join our small group of writers and begin your adventure.

Our Viking's just arrived (heading into the evening of the second day), the Saxon's are plotting their next move, and by plotting they have a constable formulating his attack.

The game has need for all characters, Warriors, Shield Maidens, Lords, Ladies, Bakers, Farmers, and Candlestick makers.

Consider this a historic type of slice of life, RP game.  It is free-form and all we ask is the you read the rules, be kind to your fellow writers, and enjoy yourself.

Don't hesitate to PM me for more details. 

*Note this is an Adult Rated game and as such must meet site requirements.

The Rightful ones

This is a medieval loosely based historical free-form adult RPG. The plot surrounds two Kingdoms one fighting for its right to claim and forge a new life in (and on) new lands and the other trying to keep its control, keep its lands and be free from raids.

The game will focus on the people; the royal family, nobles, military (Knights), and common folks for the Saxons people and the newly crowned Jarl, his warriors, and the Norse people who followed their Jarl to this new land to prosper.  Stories will focus on the period and conflict on various levels from individual conflicts to wars between kingdoms.

In this game, it will chronicle the reign of both the Saxons and and the Norse (Northman), the people surrounding them and the choices they make with the consequences of those choices.

The Rightful Ones, is a twist on history and the what-if's stories as it plays out and the Saxon's eventual collapse to the Norse.

Now prepare yourself for an adventure in history as you begin to write your story!

The soon to be appointed chieftain/Jarl of the Norse (northman/Vikings), Erland, must merge his clan with the locals and build a village of his own. If he can succeed his name will forever be remembered in the rune-stones.  Erland sailed his ships west as the seer advised with many talks of treasure, prosperous lands, and climate weather; the Norse are ready to start life in this new land.

While the Saxon’s fear these savages and try to repel them at first it soon becomes clear they are not Viking's and they aren’t leaving.  And what better way to protect their fertile lands then by befriending the enemy.

Can the Saxons learn to trust the Norse clan now looking to call their land home?  Will the Norse use their trade savvy ways to earn the trust of the locals or will they violently take over the land?

Come step into history and tell your characters tale.


THE BACKSTORY (not the main story line but the back drop)

The daughter of the Saxon King and a Scots warrior has been paired to marry, both have just found out. Her father (the Saxon King) negotiated a betrothal to the prominent figure of the Scots clan (not part of the Norse that arrived on his shores) for a hope of truce - an alliance - though her brother (Olis) is opposed, he is soon to become King of the Saxon's, Olis (the brother) imprisons his sister in the Tower of Blackwaters, and the Viking/Norse Warrior gets word via her handmaiden/spy as to what truly happened to her and he sets a course to free her.

In the meantime, the Norse clan headed by Jarl Erland tries to seek a peace but the Saxon's are very distrustful and rightfully so.  Their goal (the Norse) is land, trade but with the world in fear of the next Viking Raids the Saxon's are leery of trusting the new arrivals.

Unbeknownst to both King and Scots Chieftain who has the Saxon princess hand in marriage, the Princess has formed a relationship with one of the Norse clan’s men who arrived on their shores.  Although the two are vastly different they found happiness which is ruined when her betrothed come to the “rescue” her.  Will she be forced to marry this Scots warrior?  If she suffers though the marriage will she continue her affair with her lover?   Olis, her brother eventually declares war against Norse who have arrived. Once he succeeds the throne under dubious events that is. Treaties be damned as tensions over the last few years has risen and in a very public denouncing he burns effigy made of straw in the figure of the Jarl who threatens his shores.   He has plans into effect to bring his sister lover to justice and publicly punish both of them (his sister and her lover) and show his control.

Olis had been secretly working with the other northern allies over the years to form a great army to crush the enemy on his shores.

Tensions run deep.  One snap of a twig can set off the bloodshed.

There isn’t right or wrong...or bad or good...

The espionage and treachery run deep……this is where our story begins...