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Welcome to Shadow Over Eriador! Adventures In Middle Earth

07:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shadow Over Eriador! Adventures In Middle Earth

Nor has Eriador been spared by this darkness. The quiet and sleepy places there, like Bree and The Shire, have felt the uneasiness grow. Wolves and bandits plague the Great East West Road. Trolls have once again wandered south from the Trollshaws and Ettenmoors. Orcs and goblins from Mount Gram, Goblin Town, and Angmar are beginning to raid south. Rangers, sworn to protect the region through ancient oaths of old, have seen these things and spoke to Elrond himself. The Bounders that guard the Shire's borders have turned away wolves and worse of late. Many there talk of Bilbo Baggins, the Master of Bag End, and his recent... adventures and that this may somehow be the reason for the troubles.

No one knows for certain. Even the Wise argue among themselves and as they debate and bicker the Shadows grow ever longer... long enough to reach even the once peaceful lands of Eriador...

To the Halls of Zarak Dum I go...
Where the folk of Durin lived of old...
To mine the rich veins of silver and gold...
Until the Witch-king came ever bold...
The folk of Durin must then flee that hold...
Yet its halls are still rich I'm often told...
In a far away land of ever cold...
Where the folk of Durin lived of old...

A Game set in Middle Earth using 5th Ed D&D along with the Adventures In Middle Earth by Cubicle 7.