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Welcome to Deathwatch : Duty Is Our Reward

04:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Deathwatch : Duty Is Our Reward

You are Adeptus Astartes. Deathwatch space-marines.

But you are more then that, more even then your illustrious brothers. You are the pinnacle of ten thousand years of genetic engineering and military prowess. You are the pre-eminent warrior of your chapter house, having forsaken leadership in favour of your dedication to war in the Emperor's name. You are the greatest, pre-eminent warrior among a host of of the universe's most fearsome warriors. We will be playing Deathwatch marines of the highest caliber, the champions and heroes of various Chapter Houses, brought together, joined under the banner of the Deathwatch.

Characters will be built with 23,000 exp, 100 Renown and wielding not one, but two relics. They will be the paragons of their respective houses, legends amongst legends.

Deus Hasta Caesaris

You are a member of the pre-eminent Deathwatch kill team called "Deus Hasta Caesaris".  The spear of the God-Emperor. Each of you have spent decades, if not centuries, in service of the deathwatch.

"Deus Hasta Caesaris" has been active in the Jericho Reach for the last 80 years, observing and participating in the Achilus Assault as it unfolded.

As revered members of your various chapters in the Adeptus Astartes, you are held in high regard by both your Chapter brothers and by your brothers in the Deathwatch. Over long decades fighting in the darkness of the Jericho Reach, you have proven yourselves over and over again. Tackling and overcoming overwhelming odds. Tyranid, Xeno, Tau, Chaos marines... All have been faced, in horrific number and all have fallen against your superior combat skill, tactics and dedication.

"Deus Hasta Caesaris" operates out of Watch Station Erioch and aboard the ancient Mars-Class battlecruiser 'Primarch's Fury'.