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Welcome to [A] Stormhaven: City of Adventure

10:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[A] Stormhaven: City of Adventure

On a salty wharf in the Dockside district, harried porters feverishly unload treasures from a recent expedition to the Dread Isles. A rope snaps, sending a large wooden crate crashing to the ground. The crate explodes in a shower of wooden shards as a vicious behemoth charges into the fray. The beast quickly devours a nearby porter and the docks erupt into a scene of chaos and terror...

Across town in the bustling Bazaar district, a wily cutpurse follows closely behind a nobleman and his paramour as they peruse silk scarves imported from the Empire of the Shifting Sands. It would only take a quick flick of the wrist and he would surely dine well tonight...

In the soaring heights of the Tower of Wizardry, the elderly Archmage grips his magic staff while surveying the city below. He was near the end of his days and knew a time would come when a new wizard would take up his mantle. Unfortunately, none were ready for the post and succession would likely be a bloody affair, the more so for Stormhaven's denizens, who would undoubtedly be caught in the crossfire...

The Captain of the Storm Sentinels rides up the winding city streets to deliver his report to the Lord Mayor, who was now sequestered in the Great Hall with the Town Counsel. The old veteran had just returned from a patrol through the Hinterlands, and his tidings were not good...

Meanwhile, in a smoky tavern in The Narrows, an experienced sea captain sat before a group of would-be heroes, laying out the terms of the venture. The Mariner's Guild would pay handsomely for their services, but it was not without risk. After all, the last crew had not returned...

Welcome to Stormhaven, City of Adventure!

Stormhaven: City of Adventure

Theme - Old School-inspired Fantasy Gaming.

Flavor – Fast and loose pulp action-adventure.

Campaign Objective(s) - Stand-alone, episodic 1st edition AD&D adventures.

General Setting – Generic homebrew setting that is deliberately vague to give players an opportunity to help shape the campaign. Heroes will be based out of a thriving port-city that is conveniently located near many adventure locales. The city will be a mash-up of iconic elements from Sanctuary (Thieves' World), Greyhawk City, Lankhmar, Baldur's Gate (Forgotten Realms), Sharn (Eberron), and Mos Eisley (Star Wars).

Posting Requirements – I will be aiming for a posting rate of 1 post every 1-2 days, with the realization that real-life takes precedence, and there will be periods where that rate slows down. My main concern is that players communicate planned absences so I know what's going on. I will make it a point to let players know when real-life circumstances will have me sidelined and expect the same level of courtesy from players. Communication is key to the success of a PbP.

If this sounds like it might be your cup of tea, additional information is available at:

link to another game
