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Welcome to Shadows of Night -Forgotten Realms Pathfinder 1st edition

10:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shadows of Night -Forgotten Realms Pathfinder 1st edition

The Nightmare
This has plagued you every night for a full ten day. Is it Lunacy, Have you been the target of some fell spell, has a witch become angered at you ? All Excellent Questions unfortunately with no answers at least not at---first. It seems to be a calling an Omen of things to come.

The Dream always starts out the same you are without Arms, Armor, Clad in little more than a white shift. None of signs of wealth or other keepsakes are present with you. You are in a deep wood, the trees are ancient Darkwood but seem petrified, their is a great presence in a tree ahead of you, the branches sway and make a low moan through the long branches. There is the shape of something dangling in the branches, its hard to get closer to as their is a thick fog making shapes other than those tree's apparent. Even the best of eyes can not penetrate this gloom as you move, something squirms, moves, slithers under your feet but looking down, again nothing but that fog that covers even the ground below you. It is eerie no sounds save the wailing through the tree limbs. It gives the sense of terror.

The dream shifts from there, no longer a deep wood that you can not see through to a star filled night where your bare feet travel across dark sands. Sands the colors of onyx, firm beneath your feet, yet the dark grains hide something that again, squirm and move as you walk. It is a uncomfortable feeling and one that ingrains a sense of blatant solitude.

Next you find yourself walking through a city, it is underpopulated at least as far as you can see. The walls are formed of gold, there are scenes engraved into the wall, but they are hidden by lichen, greened with age. Its clear that no one has been here in sometime, and yet---your barefeet again are on the golden floor, following--something ? Somebody you can't see ahead of you, this dream unlike the first with it's terror, brings with it patience, and it isn't the lonely solitude of the desert. Its a sense of this might be alright. There is a glimmer of hope as you sense you are not alone.

Until again your dreams shift, and you are inside a labyrinth the walls rise up so high into the sky you can not see the sun. Inside of the labyrinth there is something, you can of course sense it, you know it is there, it has chased you from the past what feels like an eternity, there is urgency here, there is a sense of something terrible having caught wind of you, having sensed you as you sensed it. You flee deeper into the labyrinth as though you know where you are going---you know you've no idea--and what ever is behind you is closer. There are feet around you, but no faces can be remembered.

Its like a sudden breath has been knocked from you and your find yourself in what can only be described as a temple or bone--or is it ivory ? You again sense that this is something you have dreamed before, and a great presence of magic is here within this room. You sense others around you, something that has been there all along but unseen. Something, sits in the middle of the room, slowly spinning, but you awake before you can see.

A voice speaks to you .."At last your eyes have been opened." you do not see the speaker but as you hear the words you awaken from the dream--yet again. the voice that echoes in your head. "Find Me, Heal Me."