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Welcome to Blackfalcon 2.0

12:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Blackfalcon 2.0

In the not so distant future, the world has changed greatly. Humans, as predicted, have outgrown their borders and been forced into the harshest climates and most remote places the world has to offer. And in so doing, they have stumbled across the things that magic has kept hidden since the Dark Ages. Elves deep in the Amazon, dragons hidden in the Himalayan mountains. And as a result, they have unknowingly contaminated themselves. Children began being born with magic in their veins, displaying strange powers that could not be explained. And it didn't stop with just humans. Twisted by exposure to humans, tainted magic returned to its own world, infecting those with bloodlines similar to humanity. Powers began emerging in elves, dwarves, and the like. The limited number of anthro animals multiplied tenfold, and they began displaying powers as well.

Humans, being humans, reacted to this development with paranoia and fear. At first it was a few isolated incidents, covered up by governments or dismissed as hallucinations and bigfoot sightings. But eventually it became too big to hide. Panic ensued, with children displaying powers being abandoned or turned over to local government, never to be seen again. Witch hunts began occurring, people accusing neighbors and acquaintances. Major governments began arming themselves for war as it quickly became clear that many factions in the magical world were sick and tired of hiding and were using this as an excuse to take back what they considered rightfully theirs.

It was in this initial chaos that Blackfalcon Academy emerged. Its goal: To prevent this war from occurring by bringing together a small group of gifted from all corners of the world to stop it. But the Academy was riddled with secrets, mistrust, and doubt. Without the loyalty of its students, several were lost before eventually, the Academy itself was betrayed. The resulting battle destroyed the school, scattering the students to the four winds, with more than half missing, presumed dead.

Five years later, the situation is much, much worse. Full-scale war has broken out between the realms of technology and magic, with dragons and chimera facing off against tanks and helicopters. Forests have been laid waste with bombs, and several major cities have turned to charred husks after being devastated by major offensive spells.

In the human world, the war is a constant presence. Everyone knows someone who has lost someone, if that is all they claim they count themselves lucky. The world of magic is feared and unknown, and no one knows where the next strike will occur. And it is very hard to shake the feeling that they are losing. For gifted, it is even worse - they are branded wanted criminals, arrested on sight to be drafted against their will to fight in the war, the human government viewing them as little more than weapons. While there are those who are fighting for gifted rights, the vast majority of the human race views them with suspicion and fear.

On the other side of the coin, the magical realm is ruled by the Dragon Council, a large council that is made up of representatives from the more powerful magical races - dragons, hydra, chimera, sphinx, gryphons, and the like. While they have not been as affected by the war, with their population well-hidden, they have suffered losses. Despite this, the Dragon Council is firm in its course, ignoring or silencing any dissenting opinions. Unlike the human government, they have decided that gifted are threats, regardless of species. In the magical world, there are standing orders to kill gifted on sight. Not all obey these orders, but enough do that gifted are wise to remain hidden.

Finally, there is a small but growing group calling themselves the Gifted Alliance. They are nothing short of gifted supremacists, crying out that gifted are the way of the future, and that both the human and magical societies are corrupt, tyrannical, and doomed to fail. Most view them as anarchists at best, and dangerous fanatics at worst. Some gifted seek refuge with them, but they are hard to find, regardless of your origin.

It is here that Blackfalcon decides to try again, seeing a truly desperate situation. After building a new Academy, he is once again recruiting gifted from all corners of the world, sending out acceptance letters to a new generation of young gifted, the ones who he hopes can save the world from destroying itself. No pressure.