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Welcome to The Apocalypse Key - PFRPG

12:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Apocalypse Key - PFRPG

It is spring throughout the majority of the Palladium world. War and rumors of war abound. If rumors can be believed then a second Ogre War is underway in Timiro. With the majority of the kingdoms troops away at the distant front a bloody slave rebellion is raging in the countries  interior. Before it is over it promises to be the worst such incident in the kingdoms history.

   In the Land of the South Winds Archduke Ansel Bartoli has been assassinated by his own son who has assumed power of the duchy. The death of the elder Bartoli has been likened to a Damn breaking. The ensuing struggle for power among the nobles has plunged the entire region into civil war. All the while the true power in the land, the Church of Light and Dark, seems content to sit back in the gilded city of Sekti-Aptu while chaos reigns all around.

   Tensions and minor skirmishes have finally erupted into full scale acts of war in the disputed lands between the Eastern Territories and the Wolfen Empire. The spark that ignited the fire was nature herself. The Great Northern Wilderness was on the heels of a Coyle winter. The sparse snowfall allowed massive numbers of coyles and those of their ilk to roam unhindered through the north. As their numbers grew they became bold and reckless. In an unprecedented move tens of thousands of them flooded into the disputed lands with the intent to slaughter every last human they came across not stopping until they reclaimed all the land from the pitiful humans. Their sheer numbers overwhelmed all who stood in their way but the their momentum broke as they crashed like a wave into the mighty walls of the fortress city of south watch.
   The valiant defenders of that city dispersed the killer horde but at great cost. Besides a score of men the east lost one of it’s greatest heroes. General Natsa Poledoris was killed as she led a brilliant flanking maneuver against the Coyles decimating most of their number. The cry of “Remember the Winter Fox” echoes from the lips of those throughout the east stirring their sentiments. And as the reports of the slaughter reaches the far edges of the Territories the people call for revenge, justice, and retribution. Despite the diplomatic measures being taken by the Wolfen the entire east is mobilizing for war.

  In the Empire of Sin politics and petty squabbles are still the order of the day. The rebellious Middle Kingdoms anti-Itomas rhetoric is reaching a fevered pitch yet still a relative peace permeates the Western Empire. Reports from the Old Kingdom Frontier area speak of an alarming increase in raids along the border. The Clynn nobles continue to downplay the intelligence reports claiming they have everything under control. Contact with some of the outermost settlements has been completely severed and imperial troops are being dispatched to the area in force despite the protest of House Clynn. Rumors are abound but the most prominent are of orc and goblin prisoners under interrogation that are telling of a mysterious lizard-mage and his cohort of gromek wizards that are organizing the sub-humans and plan on leading a massive army down from the mountains to sweep through the land of humans. Most dismiss this as foolishness as it would certainly be a futile effort.

   Throughout the rest of the world similar tales are being told. Just recently at the Lopan Games violence unexpectedly erupted causing many deaths. The battle being fought by powerful mages  culminated in a powerful mystic maelstrom that wiped out a small coastal village killing hundreds. In the Floenry islands religious intolerance has become religious war and a reign of terror is engulfing the inhabitants of the island chain. A large meteor has fallen in the Ophids grasslands and scores of mutated creatures savagely attack any who try and investigate. Many believe it has something to do with the Devils Mark and the fabled Palladium of Desires. On the western edge of the Land of the Damned a strange atmospheric phenomena is greatly affecting the Sea of Dread and wreaking havoc on Bizantiums secret shipping lanes. The masters of the northern sea are effectively cut off from the western half of the world which is plunging their economy into a horrible recession. Many talk of rebellion against the monarchy. In the Baalgor Wastelands a powerful thunderstorm suddenly appeared encompassing a mile wide area and has been raging for almost a month. Many of the nomadic Eandroth have been mysteriously slaughtered in the region and although many see the abundance of water as a blessing. Those possessed of psychic and magic abilities sense a dark force emanating from the area.

   In the Yin-Sloth Periphery things are much the same as they always have been, Sweltering heat and oppressive humidity is a constant companion of those who choose to call the area home. Life is hard and short lived for most in the untamed land carved from the jungle. The corrupt House Glaverius is power in the region with the bulk of their wealth and prestige coming from the slave and drug trades. Much of the area is still untouched jungle sporadically dotted with outposts and plantations. Most recently raids by the so called Orcish Empire have increased ten-fold and pressure from the Empire to get the situation under control is beginning to make the Glaverius Nobles even more unpredictable. Headhunters and deep jungle slavers tell of strange goings on in the interior of th Yin-Sloth where man has not been in ages. Battles being fought between dragons with men as their allies, and the name Dragonwright can frquently be heard whispered from the shadows.