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Welcome to Pokemon: The Chronicles of the Ascending Rockets

11:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pokemon: The Chronicles of the Ascending Rockets

The United Kingdoms of Tarien, a compromise of peace between the surviving warring kingdoms, has held since the wars ended not too long ago. The Great War that saw Pokémon and their Trainers unleash the greatest of their powers, tearing the very fabric of the world asunder and nearly destroying it. It is seeing the second generation of ruler taking the throne of the United Kingdoms, and he is a man unlike his father, a young and idealistic man of negotiation.

But Pokémon have always defined themselves through conflict, and their handlers are frequently no different. The courts can be dangerous in very insidious ways, the wilds have yet to be tamed, and warmongers and opportunists of all kind still stalk civilization. Even now, there are those who take the peace for granted and wish to destroy the kingdom from within, putting their own men on the throne and ruling from the shadows.

Then there is the Shadow-King of Steel, a hardened, ruthless man who once served Tarien admirably, but now seeks nothing less then its absolute subjugation through military force. Today, he assembles a great army, calling all dragons to his side, destroying the tribes surrounding Tarien, leads raids on its borders, and soon, will invade in force.

And never to be forgotten are the Pokémon Kingdoms themselves, ruled by singular, powerful Pokémon who have the strength of will and the arcane knowledge to bend the world around their lairs into a landscape fitting their own personal preferences. They would gladly enslave any foolish enough to fight them and fail, and woe to all if they ever set aside their petty grievances and marched as one...

It is a dangerous world, but not without opportunity or adventure. Will you answer the call for the great to step forward?