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Welcome to Pokemon: End of an Era

23:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pokemon: End of an Era

Industrialization has polluted the world nearly to the breaking point.
Overforestation has destroyed much of the world's natural habitats.
Pokemon are hunted, not just for necessity, but for pleasure.

The Legendaries have had enough.

They met, deep in the forests of Johto, and decided, that the only way to save the world from a polluted death, was to remove humanity from it.

They couldn't decide how, though, to do so. Some of the legendaries wanted to have an armageddon of sorts, a major disaster that would kill all life (except them), so they could start the cycle anew.

Some of them wanted to just destroy the human cities and towns, to kill them all.

But one voice was heard over the others. Mewtwo, who had witnessed humanity's deprivation firsthand, wanted to inflict upon humans, the pain that they inflicted upon him- the loss of identity.

All but one of the Legendaries agreed.

The lone dissenter, Mew, had grown fond of the humans, and wanted to try to guide them back on the path of harmony. Being outvoted, though, Mew stepped back, and watched as the Legendaries wrought a massive curse over the world. From that point on, all Pokemon gained a new ability- the ability to Change humans, mind, body, and soul, into Pokemon.

That was ten years ago.

Since the day of First Change, when Professor Samuel Oak released his findings about the Change, the world itself has changed. Humanity is nearing the edge of extinction, as wild pokemon attacks become more frequent, and certain nefarious groups use the new ability to gain more Pokemon to capture and exploit. Most of the population of Kanto (where the first part of the game is set) has retreated to three locations.

Those still loyal to the Pokemon League, have retreated to the Indigo Plateau, and turned it into a sort of shantytown.

Team Rocket has reformed, led by the former Viridian City Gym Leader, Giovanni. In a series of attacks, they have taken over Giovanni's old hometown, and turned it into a fortress, from whence the reborn Rockets stage attacks on the League.

And the city of Saffron has come under the protection of Silph Co. The company has developed technology that repels wild pokemon from the city, keeping its citizens safe and happy.

Most of the towns of Kanto still exist, as well, with two notable exceptions.

Pallet Town is a ghost town. During the riots that followed Professor Oak's announcement, a massive wild pokemon attack caused terminal damage to the town, Changing or killing most if its inhabitants. The only building that still stands is Oak Labs, which is seemingly untouched by the devastation that leveled the rest of the town. Noone has heard from Oak since that day, however.

Cinnabar Island is, as well, no more. A massive volcanic eruption destroyed the island, sending chunks of it all over the Seafoam Bay, and sinking the remainder into the seas.

It truly is a dark time for humanity... but there is light.

Mew, the only Legendary that disagreed on the choice of action, has chosen a select few humans to be the beacons of balance within the world. These people are protected from Change by Mew's power, and are able to harness it, and control it to an extent.

You are one of those chosen- one of the people that can bring the world back into light, and restore it to its former pristine beauty. You can decide whether or not this truly is the End of the Era.