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Welcome to Time of the Dead ~ Free Zone~

19:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Time of the Dead ~ Free Zone~

Civilization - an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.

 It's funny how much we take for granted and how much we rely on what is really, rather unreliable.  Electricity, internet, television, radio, food, water, clothing, safety, family, friends, honor, integrity; they can all be gone in the blink of an eye.

  One blink of the eye.

  We aren't sure exactly how it started or what happened to cause mankind to become the monsters that you now see roaming the streets of once highly populated, civilized, cities and towns.  We don't know where our military is or why they have been unable to help us.  We don't know how to combat this threat to all we hold dear.  Why?  Because we are soft.  Society as a whole has become soft, reliant, uninformed and vacuous.  All those groups that kept screaming about the end of days. The ones we laughed at, scoffed at and made jokes about - they're the ones having the last laugh.

  When the meteors first hit, we were selfishly thrilled that most of them fell into the Indian Ocean and those that didn't..well...they hadn't hit us. We felt bad for those who had been hit and died but we were grateful it wasn't us.  Little did we know then that they were the truly lucky ones.  They died quick, or relatively so.  For everyone else the radiation poisoning which spread like a wild fire made it a suffering end.  Those doomsday cults?  They took the cowards way out at the first sign of trouble.  That's what we said, when the news began reporting group after group of mass suicides all over the world.  That was in the early days, when we were all still sitting around kidding ourselves into thinking this would pass, that our government would find a solution to the radiation sickness and the deaths.  That was before we realized the dead didn't stay that way.

  The sickness was everywhere and within a few days, the death toll had risen into the hundreds of thousands.  Even the reporters looked like hell as they continued, despite the situation and their own illness, to report the news.  As more and more died, however, less and less remained working.  A month in and there was no more television broadcasts, the internet was still up for a while, but not reliably and once the electricity went out, well.  Those in our town that were left, we'd moved to the school. Too many dead roaming the streets, too many violent types taking advantage of the state of chaos the world was thrown into.  My husband died from the illness, as did my youngest son.  We'd learned what we had to do to keep them from rising again.  Gruesome business.  Thankfully my daughters and my eldest boy and I didn't have to see it, all we saw was our loved ones being burnt on a funeral pyre.

  A week later, my daughters, one after the other, succumbed to lack of food and water.  My son and I stood in silence, we were too dehydrated to cry.  And then the gang attacked what was left of us.  They pillaged what little we had, took advantage of those they wanted, killed those they had no need son tried to protect me, and died honorably - a mother couldn't ask for more than an honorable son, could she?

  We'd heard the radio broadcasts about a safe place in the Colorado Rockies, those that survived the violence talked about going there.  I knew it was useless.  We were too weak, too defenseless to make it there and I wasn't going to leave my family.  How could I?  Without them, what good was my carrying on to an uncertain and most likely bleak future.

  If this world is to survive, it will be through the efforts of those much stronger than I or any of those with me.  Maybe it will be you who brings mankind back from the brink of extinction.  As for myself, I took the cowards way out after I laid those that were left with me to rest.

  If you are reading this, I wish you the best and hope you live to see a better tomorrow that I could foresee.

  May God have mercy on us all.

  - Patricia Annette Collins Gates

This game will be a Zombie-apocalypse type game loosely based off the world of the AMC hit show 'The Walking Dead', with our own twists added.  No cannon characters will be allowed.

This is a world where simple survival becomes a daily struggle and the dead don't rest in peace unless you make them  Will you become one of the survivors, one of the Users, or one of the Dead? Despite the threat of the Risers they are not as dangerous as the Users - those people who have lost their humanity without the loss if their lives.  Those who travel in packs and act worse than animals.  The Biters, they're predictable, you know exactly what they want and their limited abilities.  The Users have full range of motion and functioning, though dark and twisted, brains.  The collapse of society begins breaking down amid the moans of the undead and running into Husk or User is a frightening prospect.

  Primary game themes will be survival/horror in a world being overtaken by walkers. The direction of the game is open-ended, following where the players want. Drama between characters is encouraged. Adult themes of gore, violence, language, racial tension and others may come up. This is an 'adults only' game.