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Welcome to Take me out to the Black

00:30, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Take me out to the Black

I am looking for up to 2 characters to join our group this game.

The game takes place in the year 2517, on a variety of planets and moons. All the planets and moons are in one large system. The starship's mode of propulsion is a "gravity-drive" and there is no faster-than-light travel in this universe (Verse). The characters occasionally refer to "Earth-that-was" which the emigrants left 500 years earlier. The system contains Core Worlds and Border Planets. As a general rule, the farther out one travels, the less civilized society becomes. Terraforming is a process in which a planet or moon is altered to resemble Earth.

Throughout the series, the Alliance is shown to govern the star system through an organization of "Core Worlds", following its success in forcibly unifying all the colonies under a single government. The Alliance is composed of two primary "core" systems, one predominantly Western in culture, the other pan-Asian. The central planets are firmly under Alliance control, but the outlying planets and moons resemble the 19th-century American West, with little governmental authority. Settlers and refugees on the outlying worlds have relative freedom from the central government, but lack the amenities of the high-tech civilization that exists on the inner worlds. In addition, the outlying areas of space ("the black") are inhabited by the Reavers, a cannibalistic group of nomadic humans that have become savage and animalistic.

The Unification War was a war fought between the Union of Allied Planets and the Independent Planets from 2506 to 2511. The Central Planets had taken much of the system resources and technology and left the outer planets to fend for themselves. After years of unsatisfactory talks, the outer planets seceded from the Alliance and gathered support of other planets. Their aim was to start their own alliance, without the interference of the central planets. The Alliance could not accept this loss of face and so the war began. Relatively little is known of the actual war itself (for example, it is unknown who actually started the war, though comments made by Jayne imply that it was the Alliance). One of the bloodiest battles of the war was the Battle of Sturges, which was fought over a hoard of money - it also took place entirely in space. Other notable conflicts are the Battle of Du-Khang in 2510. The Battle of Du Khang was a protracted siege between the Alliance and Independents a year before the end of the Unification War. There was a long winter campaign in New Kashmir. One of the last and most grisly major battles in the war was the Battle of Serenity Valley.

The year the game is set in is 2517 (7 years after the end of the Unification War). You are either a member or passenger on the spaceship “Defiance” The Defiance is a DC-88 Drake captained by Aksel Bergen a former Browncoat officer.

Crew needs:

Ship’s Gunner,
Miscellaneous Crew Member (hired muscle)