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23:57, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Posted by OBorg
member, 41 posts
Born under a bad sign,
in a crossfire hurricane
Mon 6 May 2024
at 16:08
  • msg #1

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

EDIT - Game is now full! Thanks everyone!
link to another game

DISCLAIMER - No promises, this is just a speculative idea I'm throwing out fueled by insomnia, caffeine, job-loss induced boredom and lack-of-game frustration.

Frankly, though I enjoy creating a decent character with a plausible backstory, I'm utterly fed up with doing so to have the game implode at infancy, or my character killed off through bad luck, or in more than a few cases get rejected at application stage in favour of some utter munchkin of a character with an EPIC BACKSTORY and a big pretty almost NSFW picture the player has grabbed from someone else's deviant art page (I may be exaggerating a bit here, but you get the idea.)

And after weeks of nothing suitable appearing here or at any of the other PbP sites I peruse, it eventually dawned on me (ironically just before dawn, insomnia sucks.) that I might have to do it myself.

So, I was thinking of running a dungeoncrawl, three to five players maybe, level one or two characters biased towards fighters with maybe one or two wizards at most. (T&T doesn't have a thief class and their Rogues are basically untrained wizards which wont fit in the game too well...actually just thinking I might be able to take one Rogue character in the party but they'll be at a disadvantage compared to the others.)
System will be Tunnels and Trolls 5th Edition plus the Wiz/Mana stat from 7th Ed and a couple of houserules. T&T sample rules are available free from online retailers and the rest isn't hard to grok.

- No epic plot. Well okay I do have an idea or two, but nothing epic. Depending on how the game goes, I might develop it.
- No convoluted storyline. Kill things and take their stuff.
- No backstory or picture required. Your character is Foop O'Pingledart the Human Fighter? Good enough - we'll worry about a backstory if you survive.
- No need for in-character page long posts of introspective, character building navel gazing. You hit the monster with a weapon, move on.
- But still no munchkins - I do have some standards.

As I said at the start this is still pretty speculative, but if there's interest, I might give it a go.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:58, Thu 09 May.
member, 37 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 16:56
  • msg #2

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Yes. I'd play the heck out of this.
member, 248 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 17:06
  • msg #3

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

(I may be exaggerating a bit here, but you get the idea.)

Nope, I think you nailed it.
member, 37 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 17:40
  • msg #4

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

I would consider it but dont know T&T system.
Desert Mariner
member, 5 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 17:55
  • msg #5

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Interested but not familiar with T&T, though I do have a copy of 5e.
member, 203 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 19:47
  • msg #6

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Sounds like fun. Keep me in mind. I think I have T&T 5E rules around here somewhere...
member, 873 posts
Creator of HeroForge
Mon 6 May 2024
at 19:56
  • msg #7

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

If you can provide a link to the freebie rules, that'd be really helpful. Count me in.
member, 38 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 21:20
  • msg #8

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

In reply to LonePaladin (msg # 7):

I think it is against TOS to just give out a link, but you can find it if you google.
member, 42 posts
Born under a bad sign,
in a crossfire hurricane
Mon 6 May 2024
at 21:34
  • msg #9

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Wow, that picked up faster than I thought - looks like I'll have to put my money where my big fat mouth is and run a game!
I've worked out the basics, I just need to either find and adapt or create a dungeon myself, which is something I haven't done since Napster was considered edgy...

Watch this space.

If you can provide a link to the freebie rules, that'd be really helpful. Count me in.

Ah, I can see you're going to be the one to watch when it comes to solving puzzles and answering riddles!

I'm not sure of how the RPOL Overlords feel about linking to specific websites so I'm reluctant to, but if you put "Tunnels and Trolls Free Rules" into certain search engines, it'll take you to a mysterious website where, upon registering an account you can download a copy of the rules created for Free RPG Day a few years back. It's all legit I swear, or my names not Claude Maximillian Overton Transpire Dibbler!

They're not quite 5th or 7th edition rules (I'm not using the SPD stat for a start) but they'll give you a good idea what to expect. I'm also house-ruling the Kindred modifiers for non-humans as I'm intending most of the PCs to be fighters plus a couple of tweaks relating to Combat Adds for Fighters and Rogues and of course I'll be using the Wiz stat.

As an aside, the rights for Tunnels and Trolls has been acquired by Rebellion Studios, the owner of which has a rather good YouTube channel relating to medieval knights and such.
This message was last edited by the user at 21:39, Mon 06 May.
member, 874 posts
Creator of HeroForge
Tue 7 May 2024
at 00:20
  • msg #10

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Just knowing there's a legit way of getting that is sufficient.

As for problem solving and puzzles, I have a long history on that. Like, from solving text adventures where you had to figure out exactly what the text parser had in mind. 40 years in the TTRPG hobby, so I'd be your resident graybeard.

Also means I'm the "find a need and fill it" type, which more often than not makes me the healer. :\
Desert Mariner
member, 6 posts
Tue 7 May 2024
at 12:29
  • msg #11

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

In reply to LonePaladin (msg # 10):

LonePaladin, sounds like you and I may have a bit in common. I was playing and DMing the D&D brown box when I could have been playing T&T 1e, so you might not be the only graybeard.

My first text adventure was Zork on a DEC PDP-10 mainframe. Once everyone in the group had solved it, we then decided to see who could solve it in the fewest number of moves. That outcome is unfortunately lost to me now.

And while I tend toward rangers in the fantasy realm, I do seem to play more than my share of docs and medics in modern RPGs.
member, 40 posts
Tue 7 May 2024
at 21:23
  • msg #12

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

DnD had a brown box???


Oh my, that is just before my time, i started with the pink box and keep on the border lands
member, 875 posts
Creator of HeroForge
Wed 8 May 2024
at 03:13
  • msg #13

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Moldvay Basic Set here, picked up at a garage sale for $1. Best dollar I ever spent.
member, 43 posts
Born under a bad sign,
in a crossfire hurricane
Wed 8 May 2024
at 22:29
  • msg #14

No plot, no story, just dungeoneering.

Okay, crank up your hearing aids and wax down your walking sticks gentlemen, I'm ready to go live.

This is my first time GMing on this board so forgive me if I don't know what buttons to press.

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