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C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Posted by MolochFor group 0
GM, 1025 posts
Pluto Company
Sun 6 May 2007
at 01:33
  • msg #3

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Behind the mercenary trader - Zed, a scrolling-text news report supplies updates and strategies regarding the war.

- Four more Tolkeen towns destroyed by advancing Coalition forces.
- Tolkeen forces recue over a dozen prisoners from the clutches of The Coalition.
- Coalition has increased the use of psychics that interfere with magic. Recent studies have revealed that if the caster focuses his intent and purposely exerts his magic potential - the magic can beat the psionic interference. If you notice your magic is not working properly, try to use more energy than usual.

Black Andy
player, 4 posts
Grackletooth Gunfighter
Mercenary - Pluto Company
Sun 6 May 2007
at 19:13
  • msg #4

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Black Andy sidled up to Zed's displays and picked through in the manner of an expert scrounger, mumbling at a bass rumble, punctuated by the occasional hollow chuckling as he found something interesting.

Finally he just glanced up at Zed, "Hey there metalhead. How's business? he said familiarly, "All I want is some long E-clips, maybe another drum or two of Wellington grenades, and a box of railgun rounds."

"Gotten any interesting bot's in recently?" he finished up, merely curious.
NPC, 30 posts
Human - Crazy
Headhunter - Guns Dealer
Tue 8 May 2007
at 15:07
  • msg #5

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Zed finishes dealing with another customer just as Black Andy talks to him. "Hmm? Yes business is great around here. They say its' all about supply and demand. I sell war to warriors... how do you think business is doing?"

Zed grabs a nylon bag and puts the e-clips, one drum of grenades, and a box of railgun rounds inside. Using the draw string, he closes the bag and hands it to Andy.

"In case you didn't know Tolkeen doesn't charge for ammo. And no I don't deal in bots. I had a bad experience with a skelebot once - try my partner Smith - he might have what you are looking for."
player, 4 posts
Sphinx - Diabolist
Mercenary - Pluto Company
Tue 8 May 2007
at 15:22
  • msg #6

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

   "Ammunition please."  Ramenhotep keeps his request simple.  He hefts a heavy-looking rail gun into view from its position slung under his chest so Zed will know what type of rounds to fetch for him.  Ramenhotep eyes Kelthos and his collection of magic gear suspiciously as he waits for service from the crazy.
   The weapon is a standard-issue Coalition SAMAS rail gun.
NPC, 32 posts
Human - Crazy
Headhunter - Guns Dealer
Tue 8 May 2007
at 15:28
  • msg #7

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Zed doesn't say a word to Ramenhotep. He opens his eyes widely and waises an eyebrow. He turns slowly behind him to grab a drum for the classic rail gun, then turns sharply back as to catch the creature in the middle of an attack, before unsteadily handing the drum to Ramen as though he were a naked man with three heads.
player, 5 posts
Sphinx - Diabolist
Mercenary - Pluto Company
Tue 8 May 2007
at 16:36
  • msg #8

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

   "Uhhhh.... Thanks."

   Ramenhotep installs the drum on his weapon and turns to walk off.
GM, 1043 posts
Pluto Company
Fri 11 May 2007
at 15:43
  • msg #9

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

When finished loading up - you may jump ahead to the next morning and post in CHapter Seven : Waiting. Find a seat at the barracks and prepare for the new Major to introduce himself.
Cannon Fodder
player, 23 posts
Mercenary - 2nd Platoon
Fri 11 May 2007
at 21:19
  • msg #10

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

(just how big is the building...)
Portia Lynn
player, 3 posts
Human - Sorceress
1st Lt. - Pluto Company
Fri 11 May 2007
at 21:59
  • msg #11

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

When it appears that all of her platoon has arrived Lt. Lynn decides to speak to them before they disperse for the evening. Pulling her hood off once again the slight woman looks even more radiant than anyone who has seen her before remembers. When she speaks it is with such authority that passersby stop and do a double take. (OOC; She has a Charasmatic Aura and Aura of Power active. PB:21, MA:23)

Attention!... Greetings everyone to Pluto Company, Second Platoon. I am your commanding officer Lt. Portia Lynn. I want to make it clear that I am a caring and understanding woman who appreciates individuality and it is my policy to allow everyone under my command alot of leeway to do what they do best. However if you disobey my orders there will be repercussions. If you do so in the field you will be immediately executed. From what I understand most of you are new to Pluto Company. I am as well and I am certain we will make our mark. Most of you I hand chose though all I really know about you is what is in your files for the most part. I must say that the Tolkeen Military is lacking in some of the particulars I find important. To that end I have created a questionaire that you are to fill out and return to me tommorow morning at the briefing. You are free for the evening so go do as you will. If you do not turn in the form completely filled out then I will have you beaten. This information will be kept private but if I find out you omit or falsify information I will have you beaten and docked a weeks pay. Good evening to you all I look forward to serving with you.

The fiery young Lieutenant pulls out a stack of papers and holds them up to the monstrous Thornhead Demon who begins handing them out like a proper personal assistant. That in itself says alot.

OOC:Here is the questionaire just send it to me in a PM please. :)
Your full birth name:
Date of Birth:
Occupational Background:
Special Skills:
Natural Abilities:
Magical Abilities: (If a mage what disciplines and a detailed list of all spell knowledge.)
Psychic Abilities: (Including a detailed list of powers)
Detailed list of equipment you carry including mundane weapons:
Detailed list of magical artifacts, items and weaponry you carry and what powers they bestow to you:
If you have minions, followers or abilities to summon any list the pertinent details regarding that here:

Cannon Fodder
player, 24 posts
Mercenary - 2nd Platoon
Fri 11 May 2007
at 22:06
  • msg #12

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

"can I get a bigger copy, and a bigger pen...."
Portia Lynn
player, 4 posts
Human - Sorceress
1st Lt. - Pluto Company
Fri 11 May 2007
at 22:41
  • msg #13

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

The 5ft woman looks tiny as she looks up at the hulking Adarok. "Having been a slave I am sure you are resourceful enough to figure out a solution." She says coldly. "If anyone has any intelligent questions for me then I am always willing to hear them. Otherwise good evening to you all." The Lieutenant waits a short while to see if any of the platoon wish to speak with her about anything before returning to her housing unit for the evening.
player, 7 posts
Sphinx - Diabolist
Mercenary - Pluto Company
Fri 11 May 2007
at 22:46
  • msg #14

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

   Ramenhotep pays Portia his full attention while she speaks.  Her charm and attractiveness captivate him without contest.  Her repeated referrals to beatings are only just barely enough to give him pause.  He accepts his questionnaire with a polite bow to the demon that presented it to him.  Ramenhotep's opinion of his first lieutenant is changed after reading the very first line of her document.  His eyes grow wider as he reads on...
   Ramenhotep wastes no time in filling out his responses.
Cannon Fodder
player, 25 posts
Mercenary - 2nd Platoon
Sat 12 May 2007
at 04:21
  • msg #15

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Cannon raises the tiny clipboard way up to his try to focus one eye on it, as it is too small for him to focus both eyes on. He is holding it between two fingers very gingerly and trying to opperate the pen....
Black Andy
player, 6 posts
Grackletooth Gunfighter
Mercenary - 2nd Platoon
Sat 12 May 2007
at 14:23
  • msg #16

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

If Andy looked slightly confused, if anything... clipboards? What the fuck?

He went through about three pens, the first two snapped between his fingers as he intensely scribbled on the clipboard. A look of deep concentration was on him while he wrote, which culminated in a wide grin again as he handed it in.
player, 7 posts
Elven - Temporal Wizard
Lieutenant - 2nd Platoon
Sat 12 May 2007
at 16:09
  • msg #17

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Lt. Dyvalis stands behind the young lieutenant as her servant hands out surveys, clearly seperating himself from the low ranks and the hired help. His face seems to be fixed in a perma-scowl, and one gets the impression he has no idea how to laugh. His eyes are reddened, as though he had just finished crying, but again, this seems to be the way he always looks.

Surprised that the supernatural mercs can even read, he rolls his eyes as he watches them fumble with their questionaire. The whole process seems rediculous, but the lieutenant likely had her reasons. If this degenerated into some kind of concentration name game for children however, he would have to sit out.
Portia Lynn
player, 5 posts
Human - Sorceress
1st Lt. - Pluto Company
Sat 12 May 2007
at 16:31
  • msg #18

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

As everyone is filing away or seemingly intent on getting the form done immediately Portia takes the remainders from Burd the Thornhead Demon. as she packs them into her black leather satchel she keeps one. folds it in half and slides it across the table to Dyvalis. "I do not like surprises lieutenant though I accept that war is full of them. When they arise I intend to be as prepared as is humanly possible. As such I intend to know as much about everyone under my command as I can. Until tommorow Lieutentant." She says nodding respectfully and walking away talking to the Thornhead and Tauton that are walking along beside her. Anyone easvesdropping or with exceptional hearing would hear something along the lines of; "talismans tonight...same routine as last time... no mistakes."
GM, 1053 posts
Pluto Company
Tue 15 May 2007
at 06:31
  • msg #19

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

The following morning at 0700 hours Pluto Company is ready to head out to the village of Embradonne (Em-brad-on). They know they will still be connected to Tolkeen quite well, and will not have to worry overly about being cut off. This means supplies and reinforcements should not be a problem.

Major Zor Karno will decide the formation of the platoons - and how they spread out for the trip - which should only take a few hours.

Lieutenant Lynn can arrange how this platoon is organized however.

Lynn herself pilots an alien hovercycle

Dyvalis - a demonic horse

Sergeant Razgriz and Corporal Kamada still have their TW hovercycles

Pvt. Deacon - takes to the skies with his TW turbo wing - along with Ramenhotep and Cannon Fodder.

Burd, Ret'la, Jess'Voruk, Jeran and Severin all ride atop a Tolkeen Demon hover-Barge.

Black Andy pilots his own modified Bobcat hovercycle

While The Fire Fly Demolition Squad takes the mountaineer (Nilus, DeeVee, Gregorious, and Payl) - formerly piloted by Ulik the Mystic Knight. The 3 orc brothers (Ikuk, Jomo, Ludo) form a triangle perimeter around it on hovercycles.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:20, Tue 15 May 2007.
player, 10 posts
Elven - Temporal Wizard
Lieutenant - 2nd Platoon
Wed 16 May 2007
at 23:06
  • msg #20

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Lt. Dyvalis grins politely at Lt. Portia, but avoids making eye contact. He has a strange nervousness about him when it comes to dealing with women.

After that he will prepare for the next day's journey.
player, 67 posts
Lizard-Man - Necromancer
Seargant - 2nd Platoon
Fri 18 May 2007
at 02:00
  • msg #21

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Razgriz is a silent fellow, the short of stature Lizard Man saying nothing unless asked a question requiring a response. Keeping to himself and blending into the crowd, not one to draw attention to himself unless otherwise needed. Unfortunately for him, there wasn't a full moon last night so perhaps he'll get lucky and there shall be one before the Coalition assault begins.
Portia Lynn
player, 9 posts
Human - Sorceress
1st Lt. - Pluto Company
Fri 18 May 2007
at 03:28
  • msg #22

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Portia arrived on her Eyelor hovercycle which travels along in complete silence. Her hood up as it always seems to be and she is sporting a pair of goggles and air filter mask similar to those fancied by Line-Walkers. She unstraps the mask so she can speak and when she does her voice has a tinge of anger instead the cold emotionless tone she had the previous evening. While hardened soldiers are likely not all that impressed even they would note that depsite her small size the woman is a touch intimidating.

"Im not going to tell you how to travel for godssake. You can use the buddy system for all I care. When we get to Mad Town and I am able to make more informed decisions you will have my orders. Regarding orders I may have not been clear so let me reiterate with a direct order. For the few of you under my command that have not turned in the form I gave you last night your deadline is thirty minutes after we reach our destination. At that point we will be in field and failure to comply will be seen as an act of insubordination. As such it will be dealt with accordingly under the military law Tolkeen established at the outset of this conflict. I beg you to test me on this so I can clear the weeds from the garden before any of our lives actually depend on it. That will be all."

Lieutenant Lynn straps her air filter back into place and zips off on her hovercycle. Presumably leaving Dyvalis and Razgriz to round up the platoon and head out.

OOC: Moloch if you can please let me know if any of the 2nd platoon NPC's willfully disobey by not turning in the form. Otherwise I will assume they complied and you can just get me the info whenever. If a PC does not post one way or the other in a reasonable time after we arrive then I will also assume they have no intention of cooperating either.
player, 13 posts
Elven - Temporal Wizard
Lieutenant - 2nd Platoon
Tue 22 May 2007
at 19:47
  • msg #24

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Dyvalis rides along on his devil-horse up near the front of the platoon. His eyes look tired and bloodshot. He makes very little in the way of conversation, seeming to pay attention more to the scenery than anything. He becomes almost hypnotized by the tall grass they rush past. He checks his watch almost every minute of the journey, like clock work.
Portia Lynn
player, 11 posts
Human - Sorceress
1st Lt. - Pluto Company
Thu 24 May 2007
at 04:36
  • msg #25

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

After she was informed 2nd platoon was to lead the pack Portia decided that despite her foul mood it would be best not to sulk and to put her platoon in order. Even if it is only for appearances sake.

"Okay, Cannon Fodder go and live up to your namesake. You have the point. I want you at least 500ft up in the air and a few thousand feet in front of us at all times. Razgriz you take Corporal Kamada and Ramenhotep with you and cover the left flank at least 3000ft out. Second Lieutenant Dyvalis you take Private Deacon and the Grackletooth to cover the right flank in the same manner. The rest of us will remain centralized. Maintain staggered positions as you are able. Should you see anything of interest report directly to me over 2nd platoons frequency and I will decide whether or not it is worth bothering the Major with. We will keep this formation all the way to Madtown regardless of our position in the convoy. That will be all. Move out!"

Portia rises silently into the air on her mystic hovercycle and moves into position ahead of the demon barge and mountaineer. Though Cannon Fodder is up front as a big missile shield she is still in a sense leading the way.
Black Andy
player, 12 posts
Grackletooth Gunfighter
Mercenary - 2nd Platoon
Thu 24 May 2007
at 06:02
  • msg #26

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

"The Grackletooth got a name, ma'am..." Andy said out loud, "an' it be Andy. Reck'n I deserve my name be called same as ever'one else."

Even with what might a whiny comment like that, Andy somehow manages to seem affable and non-hostile, and his big grin didn't fade. He said it even as he nudged the big-engined wide-seated Bobcat cycle over to the right flank. He was picking his teeth with one hand, using a big sliver of metal about as long as a normal mans index. He'd had a big breakfast.
Cannon Fodder
player, 38 posts
Mercenary - 2nd Platoon
Thu 24 May 2007
at 07:49
  • msg #27

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

CannonFodder places his left hand to his chest and holds up his right hand raising a finger (no not THAT finger) as if to make a point.

"While we are on the subject of names, my unfortunate Nomdegier(sp?) reminds me of an unfortunate time in my life, could we shorten it to Cannon?"

CF takes to the skies and flies at the prescribed distances, maybe a bit higher so he can have an even better view, tho from 500 feet he can probubly see rather well already.
NPC, 4 posts
Goblin - Merc Seargant
Firefly Demolition Squad
Thu 24 May 2007
at 15:48
  • msg #28

Re: C7 : (2nd Platoon)

Nilus salutes the Lieutenant "Yes sir!, mam.... sir..... mam....."

The goblin awkwardly rejoins his merc squad and leads them out with the others.
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