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02:58, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Posted by Teller of TalesFor group 0
Sir Sejanus
player, 9 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 00:12
  • msg #18

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

 Sejanus saw his brother in blood, Sir Perin, escort the Lady in Green to the dance floor. He wished Perin, good hunting, and then returned his gaze to the object of his keen interest. While the Lady was quite comely, he found the book she had been holding, of far more beauty even one as beautiful as the Lady in Green.

 The young Knight, just stood by the book, at first, he seemed to be making a study of the most rare and very expensive object, of beauty. He held out his hand, as if to touch it then hesitated.  But Sejanus then very gently touched the book, and slowly ran his fingers over the spine, ever so slowly, ever so gently.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:42, Thu 07 Sept 2017.
Sir Garym
player, 17 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 00:52
  • msg #19

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

The queen was truly breath taking as Sir Garym had heard. If, he were worthy he could see how such a woman could control a man, but he was new to his knighthood. Eventually, he would marry, but for now he was more interested in making a name for himself. Once he had tested his mettle against whatever God could throw at him then he could claim a wife for his trophy.

London was grand. The feast was beyond any that he had seen before,  but adventure called to Garym. Most likely he would not find it here. The only thing to do was to petition his Lord, Earl Robert, to send him forth doing the his will.

He waited until decorum would allow Garym to approach the Earl. "Lord Robert, I am so inspired by the deeds of three of knights, my peers. I would ask thee to send me forth in your name. Surely, there must be a task that I could do. Let my deeds bring more glory to Salisbury."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:38, Thu 07 Sept 2017.
Sir Tyreth
player, 8 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 06:08
  • msg #20

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

As the young knight rode - battle weary and silent, he marveled at how quickly life can change.  First, the end to what had seemed an eternity of drudgery.  6 years of caring for someone else's horses, cleaning another's sweat and blood-soaked armor, running messages and errands and patching up the bloody wounds of a fighter - over in an instant.  Elevated to knighthood in the field while on campaign against the Saxons with Earl Robert and was thrown almost immediately into chaos and combat.  Then the sudden summons and long, tiring march to London.  LONDON!  Where opportunity and adventure awaited.


Knowing he was running behind, Sir Tyreth - scrubbed clean and dressed in his finest knew he had one final stop before the Pentecost feast.  He knelt at the altar in the small chapel and tried to block out the sounds of celebration that had followed him inside.  He simply gave thanks for all he had been given and asked for guidance in the future.


Sitting at the table of honor in the great hall, Sir Tyreth smiled at the good fortune his brother knights from Salsbury had earned through their daring, strength of arms and perseverance, he knew his own future could be as rewarding.  And NOW was when it all started.  He rose and began to mingle with the assembled Ladies and Knights, listening for the call of opportunity.

Sir Tyreth has a couple of things he'd like to accomplish as well:
  • Get an idea of what is going on at court.  What is the NEXT campaign or threat?  How can he help? (Intrigue/Courtesy).
  • Meeting as many available ladies as possible, but definitely introducing myself to Rosalynd (Dancing/Flirting)

Sir Perin
player, 25 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 00:14
  • msg #21

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Perin, having finished his dance with the Countess, caught the eye of his old friend, Sir Gracian.

Well it never hurts to talk to the heroes of the hour, I should talk to my friend before he is well and truly swamped with admirers.

Smiling, he approaches the happy couple, his limp returning.  The young man bows to Lady Ariette before exchanging a firm handshake with Sir Gracian.  "My old friend, it is such a pleasure to find you well, and in such lovely company no less!"
Sir Gracian
player, 135 posts
Roman barstard
HP: 26/24 Uncon: 6
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 11:50
  • msg #22

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

"My friend!" Sir Gracian says with a huge grin before embracing the huge man. "It is good to see you as well. It has been far far too long since our last meeting. I can see you are still build like a bear!"

He then takes a step back to introduce Sir Perin to Ariette. "And yes ... I am in far better company than I deserve. May I introduce you to the woman that has conquered my heart and I am fortunate enough to one day soon call my wife. Lady Ariette - meet Sir Perin and Sir Perin meet Lady Ariette."

Sir Gracian is clearly not just in love but also terribly proud of his wife-to-be.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:28, Fri 08 Sept 2017.
NPC, 5 posts
Banneret of Stonewall
Glory 893 APP 17
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 13:05
  • msg #23

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

"Sir Gracian is too kind and too modest," Ariette replies.  "Tis I who made out in this deal.  It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Perin.  I predict great things for someone so bold as to court the Countess."
Teller of Tales
GM, 138 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 13:17
  • msg #24

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

As the musicians finish their song, the dancers head back toward their seats, and the servers reappear with huge platters of poached trout.  Conversations spring up at tables once more as people return to their places.

As the fish disappears down hungry gullets, the servers return once more, this time with capon pastries and crisps.  The minstrels are back as are jugglers, acrobats, and jesters, moving between the tables and amusing the crowds.

The servers reappear with cheeses and lampreys in hot sauce.  Flagons and glasses are refilled and the feast continues.

At length, there is another break in the meal and people begin to wonder toward other tables and the dance floor once more.

We are at our second break.  The people you spoke to before are busy with others.  It is a good time for Intrigue to size up your opponents/competition or to gather information about what is going on around the Kingdom.  Performances, like Orate, Playing, or Singing are appropriate.  A note on Intrigue:  please be specific about what you want to know.  Getting information about a specific person is pretty easy.  Getting information about who is courting someone and what they are like is harder.  Getting information about what the Queen is up to or plans, is easier than just 'what is going on?' as you almost need to figure out what is happening before you can figure out who to talk to about it that might tell you, and then you need to convince them.
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 15:08
  • msg #25

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

As the servers are entering with the fish, a familiar druid stops by Sir Gracian, Lady Ariette, and Sir Perin as they talk.  "Sorry to interrupt, Sir Gracian, I just wanted to offer my congratulations and to ask that you spare some time to tell me of your adventures when you have the chance."

Looking over at Sir Dalan, he remarks, "I think that Sir Dalan will soon be telling the tale to the King and Queen but I would like a more complete version so that I can write my own ballad."
Sir Sejanus
player, 24 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 15:14
  • msg #26

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

 Sir Sejanus joined his fellow newly minted Knights, at table. He leaned over to speak with Perin. “I wanted to thank you, for the providing a diversion with the Lady, while I inspected her book. It is appreciated.”
Sir Garym
player, 24 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 15:31
  • msg #27

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

As the dinner finished, Garym rose to his feet. He raised his glass. "Knights of Salisbury join me as I toast the success of our campaign, and I thank the older knights that guided me through being a squire."

Garym raises his glass and drinks heartily. "Hoorah!! Also, I think we should drink to our heroic Knights, Sir Dalan and Gracian. They show us what it means to be a Salisbury Knight."

Once again Garym drinks heavy of his glass. "Finally, we all know that few can match Dalan Silver Tongue in song or story, but tonight I will try. Let me take you back to a darker time before the reign of Just King Arthur. The Saxons were once again raiding the good people of Salisbury. The Knights of Salisbury rode to meet the threat. On this day, it seemed all lost. The knights of Salisbury were in full rout."

Garym paused hanging his head to demonstrate shame that was happening in the story. "A lone knight awoke on the battlefield as the Saxons charged down upon the fleeing Knights of Salisbury. He looked and saw that his right arm was shredded and useless."

Garym animates his story with movement mimicking the lone knight. "Most would be in despair and give up.  But, not this knight. He grabbed his sword, and met the enemy head on. He attack one and then another felling them both. The Saxons tried to kill him, but the lone Knight was like a Harbinger of Death. Finally, the Saxons routed themselves. They did not stop running until after they left Salisbury. The Knight fell to his knees praising God. His Lord came to him, and asked, 'Why did you not run? What were you thinking?'. The knight answered humbly, 'My Lord I was thinking thank God I am Left Handed.'"

Garym smiled for a second time that night. He raised his glass again drinking the last of the liquid within. "Knights of Salisbury. Hoorah!!!"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:36, Fri 08 Sept 2017.
Sir Dalan
player, 111 posts
Silver Tongued
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 16:37
  • msg #28

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

"Knights of Salisbury. Hoorah!!!" Sir Dalan joins in the toast. "Well said Sir Garym!"

With that Sir Dalan gets to his own feet and glances first at Ellowyn, then at the King and Queen to whom he bows.

"Your Majesties, lords and ladies, my brother knights there are two not here tonight who should be." He raises own glass: "To absent friends."

After taking a sup he begins to sing:

"Four knights from Salisbury rode abroad,
For a king's honour and a brother's life,
And through heart, strength and love of God,
They vowed their quest through all strife,

Sir Tyngyr fell at the lance of a mad knight,
Though he lived to battle a dreadful hound,
So his friends might live through the night,
And return triumph and sorrow to noble ground,

Sir Caradwg battled lion and son of Erin's isle,
With courage and glory like Achilles's day,
Against the giant Sangnoir he faced a brute vile,
He fought and fell; so the Faerie let the hero stay,

Two knights back to London town now did ride,
With the whetstone and griefs fresh sting,
Their hearts mixed heavy with loss and pride,
For friends lost and saved and the glory of our king."

Sir Perin
player, 26 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 21:45
  • msg #29

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Perin couldn't help but smile at Lady Ariette "I must admit that I find her quite an intriguing woman; she's really unlike any that I've ever met."  It's fairly obvious to both that he's quite taken with her, despite her reputation.  But given Sir Perin's upbringing, it only makes sense that he couldn't care two whits about what others think.

Moment later Sir Sejanus appears and offers his thanks, to which the young knight smiles and waves it off.  "I'm glad I could help, though credit really belongs to the young lady who saved you, not I.  Who was she?"
Sir Gracian
player, 137 posts
Roman barstard
HP: 26/24 Uncon: 6
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 23:02
  • msg #30

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Gracian bows to MerlinDiarmuid. "It will be my honor to tell you all the details of the adventures we had as soon as it is possible. I think they want us to be seated and continue the feast but before we do that let me introduce you to an old and most courageous friend, Sir Perin. If you ever need a brave and noble heart to aid you, wise MerlinDiarmuid, then Sir Perin is the knight you are looking for." He smiles and winks at Sir Perin.

"Oh my love. I think we must return to our table before we will be overrun by the servers." he adds with a grin and lead Lady Ariette to their table.

Seated once more Sir Gracian eat and drink and enjoys the festivities while getting to know his wife-to-be finding her both intelligent and beautiful. When Sir Garym so masterfully tells his story Sir Gracian listens with great joy, joining the toasts and laughs heartedly as Sir Garym ends his story. He already likes this young newly knighted man and then Sir Dalan gets on his feet. "To absent friends!" he joins in on Sir Dalan's toast and then listens carefully to Sir Dalan's song and seemingly lost in thoughs as memories of their adventures comes back to him. Memories of noble Sir Tyngyr that saved them even from beyond death and brave Sir Caradwg that the giant Sangnoir slew. It is only when Lady Ariette lovingly takes his hand and Sir Dalan's song ends that Sir Gracian can return from his thoughts. "Bravo, Sir Dalan. Bravo!"

When the second break Sir Gracian begins to mingle more freely with the other guests. His goal is to find out more about his future manors near Stonewall and Duke Morvid's demesne - what challenges face the the Duke and the area in general both from foreign enemies, dissent, rivalries and trade in general. Anything really he can dig up that may give him some idea about what he will be facing or information that he can use to his advantage.

Sir Gracian uses Intrigue.

GM EDIT:  Merlin and Diarmuid are actually two separate people.  I know it is confusing because Sir Gracian went to talk to Merlin and ended up with Diarmuid instead.  Diarmuid is an acolyte of Merlin's.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:21, Sat 09 Sept 2017.
Teller of Tales
GM, 141 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 00:56
  • msg #31

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

The crowd is stirred to laughter by Sir Garym's tale and nearly drawn to tears by Sir Dalan's requiem.

Sir Garym gets a check in Orate, Sir Dalan already has one in Singing.

Sir Dalan and Sir Gracian each receive 10 Glory for killing an archer ambusher, 10 Glory for entering the Kingdom Inapercu twice, 275 for successfully delivering the whetstone, and 150 for the public recognition from the king.

Sir Gracian discovers that Stonewall is well run and the peasants are generally pleased.  Ariette is a good steward and despite her young age, she is generally well thought of by the populace.  However, there is a group of bandits that have been plaguing the area.  Also, the main manor could use some fortifications.
Sir Sejanus
player, 25 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 01:24
  • msg #32

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

In reply to Sir Perin (msg # 29):

“The lady that I spoke with? She is the Lady Galeria, daughter to the Duke of Dorset. It seems she has many other siblings, as she is the last of the Duke’s prodigy."

 Sejanus took a goblet and sipped some wine. He looked to his companion, Sir Perin." The Lady told me something about the object of your quest, Perin. It seems her father, the Duke; he has been attempting to woe the Countess for the last three years.”
Sir Perin
player, 30 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 01:39
  • msg #33

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Perin can't help but frown slightly, though it quickly disappears as he inclines his head to Sir Sejanus by way of thanks. "Thank you for sharing my friend, now it is I who is in your debt."  Moments later Sir Perin stands and begins making rounds in an attempt to socialize, but more importantly, find out more about the Duke of Dorset.
Teller of Tales
GM, 142 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 13:13
  • msg #34

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Perin manages to spend a few moments chatting with some knights about the Duke but does not gather a lot of information more than he knew.  The Duke has seven children, four boys and three girls.  He is of Roman descent and is interested in expanding his holdings.  His first wife died five years ago and he has been looking for a good match ever since.  He has been relentlessly pursuing Countess Fiona for about three years and from a political standpoint it seems a good match.  He is also well-read and is rumored to have a large library at his manor.

Soon enough the servers return and bring plates heaped with venison.  Conversation ebbs as the crowd tucks into their sixth course of the night.  This is soon followed with the final course, which consists of imported fruits and dry cake wafers.

As the meal concludes, the King and Queen thank their guests and retire.  Many of the ladies (and all of the Chaste ones) depart as well, as do many knights and lords.  Of note is that Lady Heledd remains, surrounded by a huge contingent of knights playing a game of some sort and laughing a great deal.

Those who remain are mainly interested in drinking, games, feast challenges, drinking, and drinking games.

The Earl (who himself departs after speaking to Princess Gwendollyn for some time) has informed everyone that they are marching back to Salisbury in the morning.

An evening of drunken debauchery awaits those interested.
Sir Perin
player, 34 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 13:58
  • msg #35

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Perin is quick to follow his lord out, he has no desire to stay as things devolve.  As he leaves, he can't help but smile broadly as he chats amiably with some of his fellows.  Tonight has gone better than he ever had any reason to suspect, he met an amazing lady who he had become quite taken with, and he had even managed to avoid putting his foot in his mouth (at least too much).  All in all, not bad for his first feast.
Sir Dalan
player, 113 posts
Silver Tongued
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 14:09
  • msg #36

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Dalan kisses Lady Ellowyn on the cheek. "Until we meet again my love."

While part of him would definitely like to stay for the gaming and swapping stories with his brother knights he knows to do so might reflect badly on his lady love. Besides Sir Dalan knows he'll be expected to be on his feet and ready for travel with Earl Robert.
Sir Sejanus
player, 26 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 19:27
  • msg #37

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

 Once the feast was at an end, the Monarchs retired, with much of the Court. Sejanus wished his fellow knights a good evening, as he followed his Lord out. While many retired to their quarters, Sejanuss reached for the Chapel, so he might pray before he retired for the night.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:43, Sat 09 Sept 2017.
Sir Gracian
player, 139 posts
Roman barstard
HP: 26/24 Uncon: 6
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 22:52
  • msg #38

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Sir Gracian leave the feast before the heavy drinking begins. Tomorrow they will be leaving London and once again be on the road and Sir Gracian need all the rest he can get. The rumours of an upcoming campaign promise little chance of sleep and rest in the future.

So Sir Gracian leave the feast and return to his quarters but not before he has held fair Lady Ariette in his arms and whispered sweet promises of love in her ears. "They speak of a new campaign and the promise of battle and Glory. If so then I will fight for you and the thought of returning to you, my love. Please ... let me fight for our King wearing your colours. With your colours I know I will fight with the strength of a thousand men."
NPC, 6 posts
Banneret of Stonewall
Glory 893 APP 17
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 23:08
  • msg #39

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

Ariette sneaks Sir Gracian a surreptitious kiss as she ties a rose scarf around his neck, "let me love protect you from all who would try to part us," she murmurs.  "I will await your homecoming stoically and your letters impatiently," she says.
Sir Gracian
player, 140 posts
Roman barstard
HP: 26/24 Uncon: 6
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 23:14
  • msg #40

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

"And I will count the days till we are together again. I promise to write as often as the campaign allows me, my love."

He then returns to his quarters. The scent of Ariettes perfume in his nostrils and with thoughts of her on his mind. He falls asleep as soon as he feels the bed forcing his faithful servant to undress Sir Gracian and tuck him in.
Sir Garym
player, 26 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2017
at 01:38
  • msg #41

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

He watched his fellow knights leave, but the words of Earl Robert echoed in his head that it was important to be seen. He spent the hours after the King and Queen reveling with the other knights present. Much of it was simply what one does, so one might be recognize for their truly glorious deeds.

He drank and laughed with his fellows until the early morning hours. One joke he told that he thought won him some notice. "A Saxon Warrior and his men return to their village after a long hard day of fighting. "How are we faring?" asks the Saxon King. "Sire," replies the warrior, "I have been robbing and pillaging on your behalf all day, burning the towns of your enemies in the west.""What?!" shrieks the king. "I don't have any enemies to the west!" Oh, no..." says the warrior. "Well, you do now."
Teller of Tales
GM, 145 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2017
at 11:08
  • msg #42

Chapter 2.1 - Pentacost Feast (515 AD)

The morning is not kind to the young knight as the sun pierces his bloodshot eyes like the hand of an angry god.  On the plus side . . . what was the plus side again?  Oh yes, he met up with some fine knights unappreciated by their lords.  And he saw Lady Helegg's fine legs during some game that involved a lot of drinking.  A lot of drinking.

Sir Garym gets a check in Compose.

And I forgot, Sir Sejanus gets a Pious check.

OOC:  Sorry, I originally posted this yesterday as Sir Garym by mistake.

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