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02:58, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 1: Gallows End.

Posted by The DirectorFor group archive Z
The Director
GM, 23 posts
Wed 6 Dec 2017
at 03:27
  • msg #30

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

On top of what you heard before, you are also informed that Dark Elves have recently been spotted in the Forest of Bron and that an army of Undead is gathering on the heights north of Hellwinter. They’re searching for something hidden amidst the highest mountains. Maybe they plan to descend on spring to ravage the lands of men.
Perhaps some extra Thunderbrews fuelled some fantasies, perhaps not.

Crossing the Forest of Bron takes three or four days, as daylight is short and the weather doesn't help. Then there is the final climb to Hellwinter, that can take another day.

In Gallows End Emporium you can buy some equipment, although in such a small village you can't ask for too much.

As you said you came to help, three or four people huddle around you, begging insistently.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 9 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Wed 6 Dec 2017
at 05:24
  • msg #31

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Garl’s ears perk up at the mention of his forsaken brethren, the dark elves.  Until now, the thought hasn’t occurred to him that while on this adventure, he might find himself ducking spells as well as casting them!  On the other hand, he wonders what magical horrors they might have unearthed.  Rather than frightening him, the thought fills him with wonder and fascination.  He wishes he could suck a dark elf’s brain out, and thereby learn everything he knows.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 20 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Wed 6 Dec 2017
at 07:00
  • msg #32

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

The Director:
On top of what you heard before, you are also informed that Dark Elves have recently been spotted in the Forest of Bron and that an army of Undead is gathering on the heights north of Hellwinter. They’re searching for something hidden amidst the highest mountains. Maybe they plan to descend on spring to ravage the lands of men.
Perhaps some extra Thunderbrews fuelled some fantasies, perhaps not.

Dark Elves...Undead... Sir Roland raises his brow. He looks up at Wyatt. "Any map of the area Innkeep?" He turns back to the men who gave the reports of the sightings. "These here are some big-ass reports. Might you men deign to point out on the map for us where you made these sightings?"

The Director:
Crossing the Forest of Bron takes three or four days, as daylight is short and the weather doesn't help. Then there is the final climb to Hellwinter, that can take another day.

In Gallows End Emporium you can buy some equipment, although in such a small village you can't ask for too much.

The knight performs some quick mental calculations. "A week's supply of rations for each person should be enough. And we will supplement our diet with game from the forest." He glances at Larson, then removes his money pouch and hands it to the dwarf. "Larson. Would you take care of that? Procure the rations, supplies and tools we need?"

The Director:
As you said you came to help, three or four people huddle around you, begging insistently.

"Come. Sit down and talk. One by one. You first." Sir Roland bids the people sit down at the table, then take turns to tell him what they need, one by one.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 10 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Wed 6 Dec 2017
at 20:32
  • msg #33

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

After ordering ordering another Thunderbrew, Garl stands.

Sir Roland, I propose a toast!  Here’s to big-ass reports!  May they lead us to the swollen breasts of adventure.”
This message was last edited by the player at 20:33, Wed 06 Dec 2017.
NPC, 7 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 01:16
  • msg #34

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Wyatt brings ONE Thunderbrew for Garl, then replies to Sir Roland, trying to conceal a smile: "Sorry Sir, but maps ae for people that can read... and in Gallows End most people can't read.
Anyway, the road is simple: you north east and you sind the Forest of Bron. Take any path, as they all go from south west to north east, and follow it towards north east. The path may split, but eventually all paths take to the north east side of the Forest of Bron... once you are out of the trees, you can see Hellwinter Peak, as it dominates the landscape. They built the Tower on it because from it you can see all around.
Climbing can be a bit hard, but it is not difficult to find a path.
Straightforward, Sir..."

The other Thunderbrew fuelled villagers that talked to you bout the other threats agree that the undeads are still far away, on the other side of Hellwinter Peak, but they contradict each other when it is time to pinpoint the positions of bandits and Dark Elves. If they really exist, they must move a bit all over the place as they have been spotted in very different locations of the Forest of Bron, which actually makes some sense.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:27, Thu 07 Dec 2017.
The Director
GM, 24 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 01:22
  • msg #35

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

The beggars come forward:
One is a former lumberjack that cut his own foot in an incident and is now lame, so he can't roll trunks anymore.
One is a hunter that lost his fingers to frostbite and can't wield his bow anymore.
One is an old widow with no childs nor relatives left.
One is a big man with the brain of a small child.
They all reverted to begging in Gallows End and they live of what the fellow villagers can spare for them. From what you understand, the Innkeeper graciously let them sleep warmly in the common room after closure for charity.
What do they want? Money, or at least food.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 22 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 04:13
  • msg #36

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Sir Roland frowns in irritation at the pronouncement of the Elf and promptly ignores him. There is a time and a place for celebration. Certainly not when those who need help have just spoken about the greatest threats endangering their lives...

He turns and catching Wyatt's eye nods in thanks for his directions, then returns to the matter at hand. The knight looks at the four beggars thoughtfully. The smell of unwashed bodies and stale food emanating from them assails his face head-on, but elicits nothing more than a slight wrinkling of his nose. These are the poor and destitute who desperately need our protection and help... And we shall give it gladly!

He raises his voice. "Innkeep. I hear you have been allowing these four to sleep here in the common room after hours? I thank you on behalf of Baron Graystone. For taking care of the poor and destitute." He gets up from the table, turns to Wyatt, and gives him a slight bow. He glances around the common room looking at each face in turn and addresses everyone in the tavern.

"These four are your fellow villagers. Your neighbors if you will. The Heavens forbid that while you are granted gracious provisions for your daily lives, you ignore those around you who are poor and desperately in need of help. Your charity, given with a willing and cheerful heart, would be a rightful response to the grace you receive and rely on every day. And would surely bring an abundance of blessings and joy upon you and your household."

The knight allows a brief moment for his words to sink in, then turns to look at the Innkeep. "The big man with a child's mind looks hale and strong. He should be able to help you out with various menial tasks - chopping of firewood, carrying of heavy stuff, fixing of your leaking roof... You mentioned you run the Emporium too? He can help out there as well. He just needs clear instructions. In simple words..."

"As for the lady, she could help with cleaning tasks. Washing plates and mugs, wiping tables, cleaning the windows.. She is probably able to serve customers their orders too. And that leaves you free to just sit at the bar and collect payment..."

"If you would allow them to do these for you, in exchange for two square meals a day, in addition to letting them sleep here in your common room as they already do, you would have the gratefulness of the Baron Graystone..."

The knight's gaze and his voice softens slightly as he makes his plea. "...And mine as well. Would you consider that?"

He turns and looks next at the Blacksmith with his soot-darkened face. "Sir, the man with the broken leg, with a simple crutch he can still get around quite easily. He can help out at your forge, as a blacksmith's assistant if you will - keeping the furnace well supplied with wood, working the bellows, fetching water... And all that for two square meals a day..." He turns back to eye Wyatt. "...And a place to sleep here in the Gryphon's Nest where it's warm..." He turns back to the Blacksmith. "Would you consider that too Sir?"

Sir Roland looks finally at the hunter who had lost his fingers to frostbite. "You may have lost your fingers, but your eyes are just as keen, and you have a loud clear voice and can run like the deer? The Baron has need of a lookout for this village and its surroundings. Especially with dark creatures up and about these days. Your job would be to keep a close and careful lookout for any who approach this village. And when you see dangers approaching, you shall sound the alarm to warn everyone."

"Would you do that for two square meals a day, and a place by the hearth here at night?"

There is a few minutes of silence as Sir Roland, imposing in his bearing and confident in the authority he possesses, looks around the common room at each of the villagers, awaiting their response. He turns to Larson, stretching out his hand. "Six crowns my good buy these four a bath, and a clean change of clothes..."
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 23 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 04:27
  • msg #37

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

The other Thunderbrew fuelled villagers that talked to you bout the other threats agree that the undeads are still far away, on the other side of Hellwinter Peak, but they contradict each other when it is time to pinpoint the positions of bandits and Dark Elves. If they really exist, they must move a bit all over the place as they have been spotted in very different locations of the Forest of Bron, which actually makes some sense.

The knight listens carefully to each man as he speaks and points, even though many of their accounts differ wildly and even contradict each other. He nods gravely at the end, thanking all of them for their help.

"It seems there's a great number of these creatures are about...and we are only three men."

"Do not be anxious friends. We will go into the forests on the morrow. And see what we can do about these craven beings..."

The Director
GM, 25 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 04:53
  • msg #38

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Everybody nods to your requests and you can just hope they will actually follow your suggestions.
It is now time to sleep, but before there is still a bill of 20 Silver Shillings to pay for four Thunderbrews, on top of 6 Gold Crowns for your charity (please decide who has to pay and deduct the coins from your character sheets).
The Innkeeper puts several big logs besides the fireplace, so you will be warm all night despite the freezing cold outside.
If you want, tomorrow morning you can pass by the Emporium before leading to the Forest, as it is now closed for the night.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 24 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 05:03
  • msg #39

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

The Director:
Everybody nods to your requests and you can just hope they will actually follow your suggestions.
It is now time to sleep, but before there is still a bill of 20 Silver Shillings to pay for four Thunderbrews, on top of 6 Gold Crowns for your charity (please decide who has to pay and deduct the coins from your character sheets).
The Innkeeper puts several big logs besides the fireplace, so you will be warm all night despite the freezing cold outside.
If you want, tomorrow morning you can pass by the Emporium before leading to the Forest, as it is now closed for the night.

Sir Roland undertakes to pay for the cost out of his own pocket - total of 8 Crowns. Acting like the boss requires some backing up...which is a big reason why knights and lords and other gentry spend so much to maintain their lifestyles... This seems good and right to the knight.

He ends the matter with the following line. "I'll be calling here again. Soon. Do not disappoint me my friends..." With a final nod and look at everyone the knight calls for the tab and calls it a night.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:56, Thu 07 Dec 2017.
The Director
GM, 26 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 05:08
  • msg #40

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

The Innkeeper does his best to make you comfortable and, while the big man with the brain of a child a couple of times cries during the night due to nightmares, you pass the night reasonably well, for being at the last, although tiny bastion of civilization.

[OOC now it's my turn to go to bed as well... good night, gentlemen! ;) ]

In the morning the Innkeeper offers you a portion of hot, sticky porridge for 2 Shillings, harboiled eggs for 1 Shilling each.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:09, Thu 07 Dec 2017.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 11 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Thu 7 Dec 2017
at 06:44
  • msg #41

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Garl helps himself to three eggs, knowing that they are one of the best sources of nourishment for the brain.  He passes on the porridge.  As he eats, he keeps a wary eye on his surroundings.  Solitude is an old lover whom he misses desperately.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:45, Thu 07 Dec 2017.
NPC, 8 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 01:37
  • msg #42

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

If you want to pop by Gallows End small and and poorly-furnished Emporium (that the Innkeeper will open just for you), you will find this equipment available:
10 metres of rope6SS
iron ration (one meal)4SS
bronze mirror3GC
violet potion8GC

[OOC Don't forget to deduce from your character sheets the money you spend for your breakfast or for your shopping.]
Garl Ligoosh
player, 12 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 02:04
  • msg #43

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Garl inquires about the violet potion.
NPC, 9 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 02:06
  • msg #44

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

"Well... I don't know exactly its effects, but I know for sure that it is MAGIC! Some time ago a very powerful wizard left it to me as a tip, when he went on his way..."
Garl Ligoosh
player, 13 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 02:17
  • msg #45

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Garl asks permission to attempt to identify the potion (using his magic lore skill).
The Director
GM, 28 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 02:36
  • msg #46

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

In reply to Garl Ligoosh (msg # 45):

Of course Wyatt agrees.

OOC: Please roll 2d6 vs. your MAGIC + Magic Lore Special Skill. You pass by rolling under.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 14 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 02:53
  • msg #47

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

21:52, Today: Garl Ligoosh rolled 3 using 2d6.  Magic lore check. 
The Director
GM, 29 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 02:57
  • msg #48

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

OOC: it is a Potion of Stamina. It will restore STAMINA to its initial level when drunk. There is enough potion for a single dose.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 15 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 03:01
  • msg #49

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Garl will purchase 30 iron rations, 30m rope, a bronze mirror and a linchpin.  (I believe this will cost 17 gold and 2 silver.)
This message was last edited by the player at 03:02, Fri 08 Dec 2017.
NPC, 10 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 03:05
  • msg #50

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

While Wyatt looked a bit disappointed yesterday night, as his deal making food cheap and ale expensive didn't pay out as he hoped, after this big sale he looks definitely happier, while he pockets your money.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 26 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 03:21
  • msg #51

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Garl Ligoosh:
Garl will purchase 30 iron rations, 30m rope, a bronze mirror and a linchpin.  (I believe this will cost 17 gold and 2 silver.)

Sir Roland nods in approval at the purchase of Garl and contributes his share of 8 gold. He shows his appreciation at the initiative shown by the Elf by giving one of his very rare smiles. "That sets us up just fine Elf. Good man."
While Wyatt looked a bit disappointed yesterday night, as his deal making food cheap and ale expensive didn't pay out as he hoped, after this big sale he looks definitely happier, while he pockets your money.

The knight claps the Innkeep on his back, giving the man a good-natured wink. "We will be back soon Innkeep. And hopefully then, we will have more to spend on your expensive meals and cheap ale..."
The Director
GM, 30 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 03:44
  • msg #52

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

OOC: looks like you are now ready to leave Gallows End: link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:15, Sat 09 Dec 2017.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 27 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 03:59
  • msg #53

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

Garl Ligoosh:
Garl will purchase 30 iron rations, 30m rope, a bronze mirror and a linchpin.  (I believe this will cost 17 gold and 2 silver.)

Sir Roland looks at the pile of equipment with a calculative eye. "I will carry half the rations."

"Garl could you pick up the rope, the linchpin, and the mirror?"

"And Larson, the rest of the rations is yours."

Sir Roland glances at each of his companions to see if there are any objections.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 16 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Fri 8 Dec 2017
at 06:10
  • msg #54

Re: Scene 1: Gallows End

“Wait... you want to carry half of MY rations?  I think you make too many assumptions...”
This message was last edited by the player at 07:35, Fri 08 Dec 2017.
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