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02:18, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cairo II.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
The Keeper
GM, 1576 posts
Tony Stroppa
Wed 27 Jun 2018
at 03:34
  • msg #818

Re: Cairo II

On shaky legs the investigators stumbled through the gate into the courtyard. All around them was the fearful wailing and shouted prayers of the elderly inhabitants of the mosque. In the middle of the courtyard stood one of the Girdle's guardians, an ancient warrior with an ornate scimitar. The ground continue to rumble and shake beneath them.

Strangely, he danced around, as if in the throes of some  monstrous religious ecstasy. He was shouting something that was difficult to hear over noise that was as loud as a freight train!
John-Marc Falcon
player, 913 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Sat 30 Jun 2018
at 04:07
  • msg #819

Re: Cairo II

JM looked about to try to gather his bearings in the confusion.  When he saw the guardian he pointed.  "Come on!  Let's see what is going on with the guardian!"  JM yelled over the noise and then dashed off to toward the man.

"Warrior!" he yelled in Arabic. "What force of evil djinn's have attacked the place of God?"
The Keeper
GM, 1578 posts
Tony Stroppa
Sat 30 Jun 2018
at 07:43
  • msg #820

Re: Cairo II

In reply to John-Marc Falcon (msg # 819):

The ancient fighter whirled around and, cackling, raised his scimitar high.

"Fool! It is not the djinn who attack, it is the other servants of my master, the Black Pharaoh! Come to take back what rightfully belongs to Him! You shall not stop them, it is too late!"

Insane eyes glowing in the dim light of the courtyard the old man advanced on JM, scimitar ready to strike.

The rumbling beneath their feet continued but the shaking had largely stopped making it easier to move about. Outside the mosque they heard a tremendous crash and the sound of screaming as one of the many shoddily-built tenements that had grown up on the outside of the walls like barnacles collapsed. Then a second and third building collapsed.
Cynthia Jane Holloway
player, 982 posts
Globetrotting Free Spirit
Mon 2 Jul 2018
at 18:51
  • msg #821

Re: Cairo II

"JM, watch out!!" Cynthia will circle to the side and pull off a shot at the warrior.
Count Sigismund Bathony
player, 791 posts
Antiquarian Book Dealer
Owner Abingdon Rare Books
Fri 6 Jul 2018
at 04:52
  • msg #822

Re: Cairo II

The Count followed the others in and also stopped at the fallen man. When he started on them he removed his revolver from his pocket, hoping the mere presence of the weapon might persuade the man from attacking. This was not to be and the Count fired on the man as he advanced with his sword, emptying his revolver into him.

Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 61 using 1d100 with rolls of 61. Pistol = 70%.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 44 using 1d100 with rolls of 44. Pistol = 70%.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 42 using 1d100 with rolls of 42. Pistol = 70%.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 8 using 1d100 with rolls of 8. Pistol = 70%.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 70 using 1d100 with rolls of 70. Pistol = 70%.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 86 using 1d100 with rolls of 86. Pistol = 70%.

Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 11 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 9.  Damage.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 6 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 4.  Damage.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 4 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 2.  Damage.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 10 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 8.  Damage.
Count Sigismund Bathony rolled 8 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 6.  Damage.

John-Marc Falcon
player, 916 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Fri 13 Jul 2018
at 05:34
  • msg #823

Re: Cairo II

JM chose accuracy.  He settled himself into the classic pistol pose and fired a single shot from his big Webley.

01:34, Today: John-Marc Falcon rolled 7 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 5.  Damage.
01:33, Today: John-Marc Falcon rolled 58 using 1d100 with rolls of 58.  Pistol [65].

The Keeper
GM, 1583 posts
Tony Stroppa
Tue 17 Jul 2018
at 04:16
  • msg #824

Re: Cairo II

A fusillade of shots rang out.

Raising and firing her shotgun, Cynthia's buckshot charge took him full in the chest! He stumbled and fell into dust. Of the Count's volley from his revolver one bullet struck the prone man in the left as he lay in the courtyard. Steadying his Webley, JM fired a single shot which struck him in the head.

As the echoes of gunfire died away, so too did the subterranean rumble subside.
Cynthia Jane Holloway
player, 986 posts
Globetrotting Free Spirit
Tue 17 Jul 2018
at 15:43
  • msg #825

Re: Cairo II

"Well," Cynthia said, "that was easier than anticipated."

Cynthia will replace the missing round and carefully approach the entryway to the mosque.
John-Marc Falcon
player, 918 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Thu 19 Jul 2018
at 01:05
  • msg #826

Re: Cairo II

JM flips open his pistol and replaces the spent round as he looks about.  "It seems our friend was either a powerful practitioner or the focus of something deadly.  Now that we've put him down for good let's move through the rubble and find our goal.  We'll need to be wary of loose and disturbed structures."
The Keeper
GM, 1585 posts
Tony Stroppa
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 08:08
  • msg #827

Re: Cairo II

In reply to John-Marc Falcon (msg # 826):

Skirting the obviously dead man, Cynthia reached the door to the main mosque building, followed by JM. They were met by one of the elders they had talked to earlier about the Girdle. He was covered in dirt and dust, blood streaming from gashes in his head. His fez was lost, djellaba filthy and askew. Dust billowed out of the mosque door.

He cried in Arabic, "We have been betrayed! The traitor Sayyid has given himself to Shaytan!" He stopped just outside the door, coughing.

Behind them Count Bathony's eye was caught by the fallen attacker's weapon just beyond the corpse's outstretched fingers. It was a beautiful ancient scimitar, blade of Damascene steel inscribed with Arabic script with an ornate hilt encrusted with jewels.
Count Sigismund Bathony
player, 792 posts
Antiquarian Book Dealer
Owner Abingdon Rare Books
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 08:14
  • msg #828

Re: Cairo II

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 827):

The Count had taken a knee while he dumped the empty shell casings onto the cobble stones of the courtyard. With a practiced hand he reloaded from one of his speed loaders and then snapped the cylinder back into the frame while pulling the hammer back.

He saw the sword and grasped the hilt while still carrying the revolver in his other hand, he then stood and followed the others.

This message was last edited by the player at 08:46, Mon 23 July 2018.
The Keeper
GM, 1586 posts
Tony Stroppa
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 08:39
  • msg #829

Re: Cairo II

In reply to Count Sigismund Bathony (msg # 828):

As he grasped the hilt Bathony felt a surge of something go through his hand and into his body, like an unknown energy. In a millisecond it was gone, leaving him to wonder what the fading tingle meant.
Cynthia Jane Holloway
player, 988 posts
Globetrotting Free Spirit
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 13:58
  • msg #830

Re: Cairo II

"Where? Where is this Sayyid? We cannot let the girdle be lost."
John-Marc Falcon
player, 919 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Sun 29 Jul 2018
at 06:03
  • msg #831

Re: Cairo II

JM translated the man's speech for his fellows.  He glanced back over his shoulder meaningfully.  "We have killed one man who seemed to have channeled the power from the Evil One.  Are you and your fellows alright?"
This message was last edited by the player at 06:04, Sun 29 July 2018.
The Keeper
GM, 1588 posts
Tony Stroppa
Wed 1 Aug 2018
at 04:09
  • msg #832

Re: Cairo II

In reply to John-Marc Falcon (msg # 831):

The despairing elder continued, "He.. he was the one who convinced me not to trust you. To give you a false Girdle to take to the Museum because only we were holy enough to protect it and not infidels like you. Then the foul traitor summoned demon worms from below. They have destroyed the vault room and all the protectors are buried in rock and dirt. And now they have the Girdle. Oh! I am so ashamed!"

He pointed at a nearby collapsed section of the mosque. "Under there lies the other Ulama and protectors. We were so, so foolish!"
John-Marc Falcon
player, 921 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Sat 4 Aug 2018
at 01:37
  • msg #833

Re: Cairo II

JM translated the words of the Elder.  "With the aid of Allah perhaps we can recover the girdle.  Who took the Girdle?"
Mosque Elder
Sat 4 Aug 2018
at 01:47
  • msg #834

Re: Cairo II

In reply to John-Marc Falcon (msg # 833):

The man shook his head, weeping freely.

"Giant worms came up from Hell. They took the Girdle. Then disappeared back to Hell."
John-Marc Falcon
player, 922 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Sun 5 Aug 2018
at 03:28
  • msg #835

Re: Cairo II

JM blanched at the revelation of the loss of the Girdle.  He quickly translated the terrible news.  "Allah be with us," he responded in Arabic.  "Is aught known or left behind that might allow tracing such blasphemous creatures?"
The Keeper
GM, 1589 posts
Tony Stroppa
Wed 8 Aug 2018
at 08:29
  • msg #836

Re: Cairo II

In reply to John-Marc Falcon (msg # 835):

The filthy Ulama shook his head. "Praise Allah and his Prophet, Mohammed, I do not know of any way to find it's location. It is gone. All that remains is to carry out the vengeance of Allah."
Count Sigismund Bathony
player, 793 posts
Antiquarian Book Dealer
Owner Abingdon Rare Books
Wed 8 Aug 2018
at 08:35
  • msg #837

Re: Cairo II

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 836):

Looking around at the scene before them the Count adds, "I think we should go, regroup back at Alenander's and see if he may be able to help and send a note to the good Doctor at the museum to see what he suggests and to tell him the worst has happened."

John-Marc Falcon
player, 923 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Thu 9 Aug 2018
at 03:07
  • msg #838

Re: Cairo II

JM nods.  "It seems like there is little remaining to do here.  We've been outwitted in this case.  If these people need help I might stay at least for a little while the rest of you investigate."

He turns back to the Ulama; "Is there anything we can do for your people?  Immediate aid that we can render?"
Cynthia Jane Holloway
player, 989 posts
Globetrotting Free Spirit
Fri 10 Aug 2018
at 19:52
  • msg #839

Re: Cairo II

"We do have tools that might let us scry as well, and a willing teacher. It seems at least worth the trouble to see if it's feasible."
The Keeper
GM, 1590 posts
Tony Stroppa
Sat 11 Aug 2018
at 03:40
  • msg #840

Re: Cairo II

In reply to Count Sigismund Bathony (msg # 837):

The elder's blank shocked gaze fell upon the ancient blade that Bathony had taken from the old traitor. He spoke and JM translated:

"There is nothing you can do to help us here and now. Our failure is complete. But perhaps you may yet succeed where we did not! Take that scimitar. The "Sarm of Akhmallah". It has slain many an enemy of Allah. Perhaps it will do for you what we could not in our pride and foolishness!"

Cynthia was referring to the Mirror of Gal. In it they might see that which they couldn't at this time. Perhaps with Dr. Khafour's help?
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:43, Sat 11 Aug 2018.
John-Marc Falcon
player, 924 posts
Former Flt. Lt., RAF
Aeronautical Pioneer
Mon 13 Aug 2018
at 06:48
  • msg #841

Re: Cairo II

JM bowed; "With the aid of Allah we will defeat the evil.  Pray for us unceasingly that Allah may protect us from evil magic and djinn's of ill will.  We will use the scimitar to defeat the foes of righteousness."

He stepped back and looked at the others.  "Every minute counts now.  We should scry what we can before the foe get too far away or have a chance to conceal themselves."  JM turned and walked quickly back toward their car.
Count Sigismund Bathony
player, 794 posts
Antiquarian Book Dealer
Owner Abingdon Rare Books
Mon 13 Aug 2018
at 06:55
  • msg #842

Re: Cairo II

In reply to John-Marc Falcon (msg # 841):

With a nod to both men The Count followed John-Mac back to their vehicle.
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