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17:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 7: Miles before peace.

Posted by ArtemisFor group 0
player, 258 posts
HP62/50 AC17
Fri 27 Sep 2019
at 11:13
  • msg #499

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

She hissed as the demon beside her drew blood but kept her focus on the Big one in charge. The pain catalized her, giving her the anger she needed to fuel her power. When her blast hit, it hit hard.

06:11, Today: Bryon rolled 35 using 1d20+20.  Concentration check to Cast Defensively.
06:09, Today: Bryon rolled 59 using 14d6.  Hellrime Crit Damage.
06:09, Today: Bryon rolled 22 using 1d20+13.  Conf Crit.
06:08, Today: Bryon rolled 33 using 1d20+13.  E.Blast (v Touch AC) - Hellrime.

GM, 953 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 13:44
  • msg #500

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Tanzy's whirlwind of slashes hit true once more and the demons around her are nearly dead already as she spins from one to the other.

Meanwhile Prizzard sweeps Balor's legs from under him and he falls to the ground. Hard. All of you have the same idea. You cannot let him live. Not after how close he's come to killing you. Prizzard's scythe swings true, just as Raknesh's arrows drive into their target, each one piercing the demon's flesh. Lastly, Bryon's Eldritch blast releases onto the thing's face and he howls in fury and pain as the combined efforts finally, blessedly, finish him. You stand there, panting for half a second but Raina and Emeric are suddenly shouting, pulling you away as Raina makes a frantic gesture. A wall of her violet energy goes up between you and the corpse as he explodes in a blinding flash of light that shakes the entire room and throws everyone, even the dretches, to the floor. When the dust clears you see she's wounded, having taken the brunt of the explosion, but still able to stagger to her feet, Emeric moving quickly to help her. The dretches themselves, with their master dead, turn and flee towards the door with screams of panic...

ooc: Ok, there's still a bunch of dretches if you all feel like attacking them. You get aoo against several of them. There are still about 28 or so but they are all booking it so there's no need to if you don't feel like it. Just giving you a chance before I move you along :)
player, 766 posts
Bounty: The Shadow Scythe
Rashemi of the Wild
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 22:53
  • msg #501

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Burned and cut as they were, Prizzard and his borrowed clothing were quite obviously done. He had hopped back up quickly to not make an easy target for the fleeing demons but remained defensive. Once they cleared the room he walked to the nearest wall to lean back upon. Looking upon his companions he cracked a smile at some thought. He left his last, vile spell active, just in case the battle was not yet over.
player, 259 posts
HP62/50 AC17
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 13:31
  • msg #502

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Bryon is happy to let the monsters leave. She sat and tried to catch her breath. ”We should be leaving soon, yes?”
player, 398 posts
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 03:41
  • msg #503

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

With a little roll Tanzy is on her feet again, though she doesn’t attack any of the fleeing demons. “Everyone okay?” She asks once the room is clear. She brushes some debris off her pants and takes stock of the others. She’d escaped the encounter relatively unscathed and she winces with guilt at how bad the others look.
player, 767 posts
Bounty: The Shadow Scythe
Rashemi of the Wild
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 04:55
  • msg #504

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Still smiling he noted "We're practically storybook heroes at this point. Stormed the underworld, met and befriended the living origin of magic who happens to be my grandmother, snuck through a river of gore, took down not only a giant undead, but some kind of greater demon, and somehow nobody is dead. I wouldn't be surprised to wake up in the real world, all of this some wild dream!" He can't help but laugh, their lives had become some kind of absurd at this point. At war with a dark goddess, confronting her immortal servants while outrunning a wave of undead sweeping the world. It was just absurd enough that even a child might doubt it all really happened. But here they were, an odd assortment of heroes working to save the world. It was all so surreal that he had to laugh. Once any potential laughter from the others calmed, or just he calmed a bit: "The heroes always suffer in the stories, but they always complete their mission." His smile wasn't madness by any means, but some kind of childish joy, incredulity at the revelation, and concern for what was yet to come. And the laugh equally mixed, yet sane.
GM, 954 posts
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 13:56
  • msg #505

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Raina gives a shaky smile at Prizzard's words, Emeric standing beside her with an arm about her waist to steady her. It's clear the two have some kind of romantic history. Yes. It's been an adventure alright. I'm sorry I missed most of it. But then my father has kept me busy, she shakes her head with a shudder. Speaking of, it's awfully quiet. Hopefully Grandmother has subdued him for now. He is very unhappy with me. She looks at the hole in the wall with worry and indeed it has gone completely silent.

Before anyone can react though, the motherwitch emerges, looking disheveled and covered in blood. What a brat, she mutters. I should have disciplined him better when he was young. She looks up at you, satisfaction on her face. Oh good. You're alive. Well Raina. If I had my way you'd stay. Don't know what good you gallivanting about with the living is, but it's your life, she shrugs. Just come back and visit me once in a while. I get bored and heaven knows your brother never bothers to come. Now, you lot all look spent. I suppose I can scrape up the energy to send you back myself. Your father won't be happy about this though dear. Keep a watch out for that in the future. This place is never quite done with those who find a way to leave it. She gives you all a look of warning at this. And you. Prizzard is it? You seem like a passable grandson. Someday, when you inevitably find yourself back here, come find me. We'll have tea.

ooc: Ok, I'm about to finally send you guys back. Go ahead and finish up with any conversation, plans etc and when you're ready I'll move things along :)
player, 260 posts
HP62/50 AC17
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 14:37
  • msg #506

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Byron nodded, ”I’m looking forward to getting cleaned up, eating, and seeing my husband so yes, I’d like to leave noe please.”
Raknesh Kaltash
player, 613 posts
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 19:19
  • msg #507

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

"Thank you for the last minute save" said Raknesh as the flames subsided.

After the exchange between Raina and her great mother, he sighed.

"Another god like being who get crossed with us... we should be used to it by now...

Let's get out of this place while we can.
I need to feel complete again."

GM, 956 posts
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 15:39
  • msg #508

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Perkins listens to all this with a hopeful look, transforming back into a frog and jumping up to Tanzy's shoulder. Um...good motherwitch? Do you think I might be able to tag along with them for a bit? That bit they have me doing with the well has been getting dull. I quite like having adventures! The old woman shrugs. If you wish. Of course, you could find yourself slain within a day and end up back here sooner than you like. I'll humor you though. I do still owe you for that time you beat me at dice. He gives a little froggy grin at this. Hopefully you don't mind...Tanzy? he adds.

By now it's time to go and Emeric and Raina exchange low words at the corner of the room, clearly a lover's parting, and the woman looks saddened by the separation. Still masked as he is, you can only assume at Emeric's state but he doesn't seem particularly happy either.

Ezran is also returning with you, though she declares she will go off and find Jett, try to free him of his possession as best she can. Considering it was her death that made him so vulnerable to it in the first place, she might actually have a chance of that.

The motherwitch gathers you all to the center of the room and starts to concentrate, muttering something to herself. You feel the air go very still, your heart beats start to slow. Suddenly though, she stops herself short and glares up accusingly at Tanzy. Blistered kneecaps! You ate something didn't you?! she points. Raina turns in surprise, peering at Tanzy too. Tanzy, when you came here, my brother offered you food and drink. Did you...take it? Raina asks worriedly. Of course she took it! When am I ever wrong?! grumbles the witch. You're lucky it's me who is sending you back. If Raina had tried it wouldn't be pretty. Well. It's your problem now dearie. Good luck with that. Then suddenly, before anyone can react, the old woman snaps her fingers and you fall to the floor, completely limp. You can't gasp, can't move, can't blink, you just fall as though you weigh a thousand pounds. Then. Nothing. Oblivion.

The nothingness lasts an eternity. You can't think, can't fathom anything. You are simply in a black void, no body, no mind, just a vague unthinking consciousness. Then finally you wake up. You're all lying on your backs by a campfire, the stars above you and seated nearby is Halek, Ulthol and Loden, all looking incredibly relieved to see you. Ezran is nowhere to be seen.
player, 261 posts
HP62/50 AC17
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 17:32
  • msg #509

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Bryon was afraid in the void. Her fear was that she would never see Ulthol again. She wakes and see her beloved husband and she stood and rushed to him. She tackled him raining kisses down on him, not even giving him the chance to even talk just kiss kiss KISS!
player, 770 posts
Bounty: The Shadow Scythe
Rashemi of the Wild
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 21:30
  • msg #510

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Prizzard found a calmness in the void paired with a primal fear somewhere in his mind. Unable to form a thought, neither feeling took full control. A period which could only be experienced as a memory.. how odd. And then his mind woke to his existing pains and discomforts and he decided the void might have been better. Only another moment passed before he let out a small sound of pain and curled up on his side around his missing arm. Even this lasted only a moment,  but he shook from some pain during it. When he relaxed: "It feels like we've been gone for so long."
player, 399 posts
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 07:12
  • msg #511

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Tanzy shrugs at the witches accusation “Of course I ate! When you wake up dead and a handsome man offers you a plate of muffins you damn well are going to eat one! It’s not like I was expecting anyone to come after me...”  She looks at her companions and grins,“Should have known better.”

Tanzy feels the void closing in around her and is just beginning to panic when she finds herself on her back on the ground. Cursing she sits up abruptly and hugs her knees to her chest. She feels tired and weak but otherwise more or less herself. Prizzard was right, it felt like they’d been gone so long. it was almost like a dream. A really bad one. “Thanks bringing me back guys,”  She says after composing herself. Her words are sincere and she manages a shaky smile at Bryon’s reunion with her husband.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:49, Thu 10 Oct 2019.
GM, 957 posts
Fri 11 Oct 2019
at 14:29
  • msg #512

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Ulthol returns Bryon's affections heartily and Loden laughs at their antics, turning away with a grin. Well, can't say as I blame them, he chuckles. Good to see you all back. You've been out an entire week you know. As he says this Halek rushes to Raknesh, giving him a relieved hug. You're back, you're back! he laughs, one of the few times his childish innocence reveals itself.

Meanwhile Perkins, seemingly having stowed away with you, gives a little hop on the ground and Loden does a double take. How lovely! I made it! Raina, seeing the watchman's confusion, hastily makes introductions. Oh but where is that woman? Ezran was it? the frog looks about. Raina nods knowingly. She was transported to her body, wherever that may be. I hope she's well. I hate that she's alone but...she's strong. I think she'll be alright. There is worry in her voice but there is comfort, knowing the woman is going after Jett. Hopefully she finds him before he finds you.

Well then. I suppose we've delayed long enough. We need to rest. Traveling to the land of the dead and back is very taxing. But come morning we have to head towards the temple. Too many will be on our trail soon enough. She looks up at the sky suddenly, trying to squint through the trees. Loden. Is it a full moon? He shakes his head no and Raina, after glancing at Tanzy hesitantly, gives a satisfied nod. No doubt she's thinking of Tanzy's siren affliction, which is what started this whole mess in the first place. I think...killing you, reset your sirenism. Else you'd become one right now, it IS night time. You'll turn again on the next full moon, and then every night after that if we can't cure you. I'll have to do some research... she frowns. At this, Perkins hops up and down excitedly. Oooh! Oooh! I can help! I know a thing or two about shape-shifting! he grins. I'm pretty sure I can come up with a way to help her, if you can get the ingredients. It'll take some doing though, he adds.
Raknesh Kaltash
player, 614 posts
Fri 11 Oct 2019
at 14:48
  • msg #513

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

The first thing Raknesh felt when they went back to their body was Rocky's presence.

Once again his soul was complete and he felt a lot better.
Nothing was forgotten, but he felt stronger and whole.

"Is it safe again for Halek to be this close?" he asked, remembering that the boy had left in fear of trouble if he had stayed close to them before they went in.
player, 771 posts
Bounty: The Shadow Scythe
Rashemi of the Wild
Tue 15 Oct 2019
at 11:59
  • msg #514

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

"Maybe it's scared to come out.." he said it without thinking, the scene was still raw and gruesome in the memory of his flesh, the hand still damaged from the magic backlash. It was obviously wishful thinking, lycanthropy was a mindless, magical disease after all. Prizzard sat up slowly, the shoulder and bicept of his missing arm quite tense, twitching occasionally.
GM, 958 posts
Tue 15 Oct 2019
at 22:59
  • msg #515

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

ooc: Golly Moses! Do you realize it's been almost TWO years since Tanzy was killed!? I believe it was late January of 2018. That's nuts! I'm impressed by your memory about Halek Raknesh. I had to go back and refresh on a bunch of stuff.

IC: Yes. It's safe. It's been a week. The powder has faded, I can be around you again. Halek informs you happily. He just looks so pleased, so relieved that you are all back safe. It's adorable.

Meanwhile Raina considers Prizzard's comment and frowns. If only it worked that way. She will be back to plague us soon if we don't take care of matters before then. Nothing to do tonight though. Our bodies may have technically been resting, but our souls never got the chance. We need to sleep. I can set wards for lookouts, no need to keep watch. We'll head towards the temple in the morning and worry about finding a cure for Tanzy along the way. I believe we'll have time to get everything before the next full moon, she suggests.

Later that night, after the general excitement of being back has ebbed, you eat and go to sleep. For Prizzard, sleep comes slowly. You once again cannot feel your powers. Vivien's borrowed magic is gone without a trace and you're as cut off from your source as you were before you left. It is frustrating. That means a week has gone by with no improvement. Did you burn yourself out permanently with that black powder? Is it ever going to come back? Besides that, Tanzy still being cursed doesn't help matters. All that work, all the trouble of going to the underworld and you still have such massive problems looming over you. You do eventually fall asleep, but it is that same void like oblivion you felt crossing back over to the land of the living. That feeling of not existing and yet somehow being very much aware of it. When you do wake, your heart is racing.

Tanzy, not terribly concerned about her siren form since in her mind Raina will solve it, drifts off to sleep with ease. You're just grateful to be alive again and in the real world where you don't have to wade through sewers of gore or face flaming demons or anything like that. Just the night sky above and the crickets in the distance. You sleep deeply, but dreams of your brother flash through your mind. He just stares. Accusing. Angry. Your trial thrums in your head, long buried guilt rising back up.

Raknesh feels happy, at peace. Especially with Halek sleeping not far away, a little smile on his innocent face. It's so good to be back. The night air feels refreshing, freeing, and you breathe it in deeply as you fall into your usual dreamless sleep, for Kalashtars never dream. You lie there for hours, the comfortable blackness you're so accustomed to rejuvenating you, like a blanket of tranquility wrapped around you. And wake up in your cell.

Meanwhile Bryon sleeps truly peacefully. She lies in the arms of her husband and sighs happily, knowing she's back. She's safe, and her husband loves her with every speck of his being. All is well again.
player, 400 posts
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 07:56
  • msg #516

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Tanzy wakes with a start her forgotten guilt fresh in her mind after the dream. It seemed the underworld would continue to haunt her despite their escape. All interest in sleep is abandoned and she gets up to toss another log on the fire. Raina had said there was no need to keep watch but now wide awake she finds a spot near the edge of camp and settles in to keep an eye on things. Between the siren problem and her brother she has a lot to think about anyway.
player, 772 posts
Bounty: The Shadow Scythe
Rashemi of the Wild
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 09:17
  • msg #517

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

(Thought I had posted my response last week)

Thanks to the magic ring he always wore Prizzards mind and body needed little sleep. Still, he was surprised to find he hadn't slept longer and in his waking panic he looked around. Tanzys empty bed filled him with a fear and guilt. Immediately though, Sonnenixxus felt this through their bond and came to report her location and safety. He willed himself to calm before approaching her position and Sonn took over his sleeping spot. He arrived with little stealth and stood nearby yet slightly behind, looking outward as she was. He was not good with people or words so given a pause to think he simply stated "It will not have you."
player, 262 posts
HP62/50 AC17
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 13:52
  • msg #518

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Bryon will just wallow in her bliss.
Raknesh Kaltash
player, 615 posts
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 16:51
  • msg #519

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

"This cannot be!"

He quickly reached for Rocky's presence, an obvious proof if there is one.
player, 401 posts
Wed 23 Oct 2019
at 03:13
  • msg #520

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

“I have no doubt she’ll be back,” Tanzy admitted to Prizzard. “If death didn’t deter her then nothing will. But I will learn to control it, and then I’ll use it like it used me.” The dream of her brother had given her the idea. She was not strong enough to avenge him but surely the Siren was. Raina had already promised to help if a cure couldn’t be found. “Though if we don’t get it figured out it will probably be best if I disappear around the next full moon. We don’t need a repeat of last time,” she adds with a grin.
player, 773 posts
Bounty: The Shadow Scythe
Rashemi of the Wild
Wed 23 Oct 2019
at 03:41
  • msg #521

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

"No.. not at all." Silent tears form at this possibility and memory, only his conviction keeping his voice steady. "There are better ways. We cannot allow others to find you in that form." Last time he planned to simply keep her tied down, but now doubted that would work. His familiars sleep venom was also questionable.. he had many questionable ideas.
GM, 960 posts
Wed 23 Oct 2019
at 13:41
  • msg #522

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

Raknesh's attempts to reach out to Rocky at first yield nothing, inducing panic, but then, finally, he responds, waking you from the depths of your nightmare to which you jolt up in a cold sweat, heart racing. Even now, seeing the camp and your companions around you, feeling Rocky, you still can't help but wonder if this is all just another trick and you never really left that cell.

The rest of that night passes horribly. Sleep is not found again for any of you save Bryon of course who sleeps better than she has in months. Come morning Raina gives you all a knowing look but says nothing, simply saying you need to head south and readying camp. Loden also can see something in your faces and he respectfully keeps silent though you can tell he's curious. Halek is simply happy to have everyone safe and goes about helping with an air of cheeriness rare in the child.

As you set out, Raina informs you that you need to go to the city of Uzai, to the great library. There she will be able to research everything she needs to help Tanzy. It's a massive place and but two days off. It will be nice to have a real inn and shops for once, not to mention a much needed distraction.

ooc: Ok, I'm going to start a new thread. Everyone finish up here and let me know your plans for the next two days. Then at your convenience you can go to the new thread.
player, 402 posts
Wed 23 Oct 2019
at 17:38
  • msg #523

Chapter 7: Miles before peace is found

“I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” Tanzy responds with a shrug.

The next two days Tanzy does her best to remain positive, though it’s obvious her trip to the underworld has changed her. It may be noticed that she sleeps less in an attempt to avoid more bad dreams. She will stay up late keeping who ever is assigned first watch company or playing dice games with Perkins. When she does sleep it’s usually after a good stiff drink to help take the edge off. Never a fan of roughing it in the wilderness, she is excited at the prospect of visiting a big city.
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