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07:21, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Settenhowe Locations.

Posted by Game MasterFor group 0
Game Master
GM, 21 posts
Fri 26 Mar 2021
at 22:27
  • msg #1

Settenhowe Locations

Here you'll find brief descriptions of all of the major locations within the village of Settenhow.
Game Master
GM, 22 posts
Sat 27 Mar 2021
at 17:34
  • msg #2

Settenhowe Locations

Bear's Head Tavern and Brewery

This is the fourth largest building in the village. It consists of a large central hall with small rooms built out from it. The central hall has a tall raftered ceiling and a central hearth around which tables and chairs are gathered for the patrons. There is a long bar at one end of the common room behind which is located the casks of ale and mead.

Out behind the main house is the brew house and meadery. This building is separate from the others and made from stone to protect it from fire. It is also half buried into the earth to help moderate the temperature of the interior.

There are four modest guest chambers available for rent. They consist of a single bed, a stool, and a small round table. Otherwise guests are permitted to sleep upon benches in the common room.

Small Beer, 1c
Ale, 4c
Mead, 1s
Imported Wine, 2s

Bread, 2c
Soup, 3c
Stew, 6c
Cheese, 1s
Meat, 3s

Common Room Bench, 7c
Guest Chamber, 5s
Game Master
GM, 23 posts
Sat 27 Mar 2021
at 18:26
  • msg #3

Settenhowe Locations

Church of Obad-Hai

This is the only building in the village itself made almost entirely from stone. Its thick walls support a sturdy high peaked roof. Several smaller chambers have been built off of the main church hall to house a small workshop, the home of the priest, and storage.

Within the main hall of the church the floor is hardened stone, with wooden benches all facing towards the center of the hall. There a small circle of rune-carved stones rests upon a slightly raised dais. Carefully tended plants grow upon the dais around the stones, including a vine that has grown up around each of them. The runes upon the stones tell the stories of the seasons, and the circle of life that all natural beings must follow.

Father Holden offers different services to the faithful. He tracks births, deaths, marriages, and divorces in the parish records. For a modest donation of a silver coin he'll even let a villager look up information in his records. This is commonly done when considering marriage to make sure that the two young people aren't too closely related. He also offers various prayers that he can say on behalf of those in need. The expected donation for each prayer can be paid through monies, or equivalent goods and labor.

Healing, 1g per hit point
Wedding, 1g for a simple wedding. 25g for a grand wedding.
Funeral, Same as above.
Coming of Age Rite, Same as above.
Atonement, Same as above.
Holy Water, 25g
Game Master
GM, 24 posts
Sat 27 Mar 2021
at 19:55
  • msg #4

Settenhowe Locations

Warrick House

This is the largest group of buildings in and around Settenhowe. It is a three story keep made from stone. A staircase leads up from the ground to a small landing in front of the thick wooden double doors that grant entry into the grand home of the Warrick family.

The ground floor contains the storage chambers and dungeon cells. Here the criminals guilty of major crimes are held while waiting for Sir Aektor to pass judgement. Some truly heinous crimes might require a messenger to be sent to the castle to request the Baron or one of his higher ranked servants come to the village to declare judgement.

The 2nd floor, where the main entry is located, is dominated by the Great Hall of the keep. Here is where the meals are eaten upon three large wooden tables that are set up in a 'U' shaped pattern with the connecting table placed at the far end of the hall upon a raised dais where Sir Aektor and his family sit. Connected to this chamber is a side chapel to Obad-Hai and an armory where the collected armor and weapons of the Warrick household are stored. A spiral staircase connects this floor with the floors above and below. Windows here are tall and thin to prevent people from climbing into the keep through them, and enable defenders to fire bows and crossbows at any attackers.

The 3rd floor of the keep has been split into separate living chambers for the different members of the Warrick family and the few servants who live with them instead of in the village. Windows here are slightly wider than those on the floor below, and covered with wooden shutters when not in use for ventilation. There is also a small guard room on this floor that is situated above the main gate on the 2nd floor. Here can be found a secondary armory as well as murder holes allowing scalding hot water, oil, or weapons to be used upon attackers who are trying to breach the main doors.

The roof of Warrick House is high peaked with a stone walkway along the edges. The walkway is crenulated for defense. The Watchtower is here as well, and it also serves as the home of the pigeons that are used to send messages to the Baron or other settlements. On top of the watchtower there is a pile of wood and kindling which is commonly covered by a heavy cloth to keep it dry and fresh. This is used as a signal fire in case of emergency to warn the Baron if the keep is about to be attacked.

Outside of the keep there is a small yard enclosed by a ten foot high stone wall with only one gate. Inside of this yard there is a barracks, kitchem, stables, and a workshop. Dame Rowena also keeps a small garden next to the kitchen where she grows herbs and vegetables.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:14, Mon 29 Mar 2021.
Game Master
GM, 30 posts
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 00:48
  • msg #5

Settenhowe Locations

Wiglaf's Smithy

When Wiglaf claimed the building three years ago it had been badly in need of repair and upkeep. Since then it has been slowly restored through the dwarf's skill and hard work. Now, the sturdy building is seldom silent as Wiglaf toils away at verious tasks making or repairing tools, nails, or other objects needed around the village. On occasion he has also agreed to forge a weapon or piece of armor for those wealthy enough to pay.

The building consists of a house and attached workshop. Two of the walls of the workshop have been removed to allow for better ventilation and to reduce the risk of fire. Wiglaf is almost always here along with his new apprentice, a young girl named Gertrude, working on one project or another. He maintains a small stock of items that he sometimes sells on feast days.

x3 Bell, 1g Each
x5 Bag of Caltrops, 1g Each
x1 10 feet of chain, 5g
x2 Crowbar, 2g Each
x1 Grappling Hook, 2g
x3 Hammer, 1g Each
x2 Sledge Hammer, 2g Each
x2 Hunting Trap, 5g Each
x1 Lantern, Hooded, 5g
x2 Lock, 10g Each
x25 Pitons, 5c Each
x14 Iron Pot, 2g Each
x4 Shovel, 2g Each
x7 Bag of 10 Iron Spikes (large nails), 1g Each

x1 Carpenter's Tools, 8g
x3 Cook's utensils, 1g Each
x1 Jeweler's Tools, 25g
x2 Leatherworker's Tools, 5g Each
x1 Mason's Tools, 10g
x1 Smith's Tools, 20g
x1 Tinker's Tools, 50g
x2 Woodcarver's Tools, 1g Each

x2 Chain Shirt, 50g Each
x1 Chainmail, 75g
x3 Steel Shield, 10g Each

x9 Dagger, 2g Each
x3 Handaxe, 5g Each
x1 Mace, 5g
x6 Spear, 1g
x1 Battleaxe, 10g
x1 Longsword, 15g
x1 Maul, 10g
Game Master
GM, 31 posts
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 01:22
  • msg #6

Settenhowe Locations

Hedra's How'sits

This two room building serves as a combination of shop and residence for Hedra Rowe and her son Arren. The front of the shop is slightly cluttered, but all of that clutter amounts to an impressive display of various items. Hedra has collected the items created by many local crafters and sell them all in one place for the benefit of any travelers who happen to pass through the village.

x1 Abacus, 2g
x3 Bundle of 20 Arrows, 1g Each
x6 Pouch of 20 Sling Bullets, 4c Each
x2 Barrel, 2g Each
x8 Basket, 4s Each
x10 Bedroll, 1g Each
x12 Blanket, 5s Each
x1 Book (Horatio's Hoe-Down), 15g
x1 Book (Bellenthorp's Beautiful Mind), 20g
x1 Book (Tusk Love), 5g
x3 Bucket, 5c Each
x25 Candle, 1c Each
x24 Clothes (Common), 5s Each
x15 Clothes (Traveler), 2g Each
x4 Clothes (Fine), 15g Each
x6 Clothes (Robes), 1g Each
x11 Fishing Tackle, 1g Each
x32 Chalk, 1c Each
x1 Hourglass, 25g
x6 Vial of Ink, 10g Each
x8 Ink pen, 2c Each
x17 Jugs or Pitchers, 2c Each
x9 Lamp, 5s Each
x20 Flask of Oil, 1s Each
x50 Sheet of Paper, 2s Each
x75 Sheet of Parchment, 1s Each
x5 Vial of Perfume, 5g
x4 Pouch, 5s Each
x45 Rations (1 day), 5s Each
x5 Hempen Rope (50 ft), 1g Each
x68 Sack, 1c Each
x22 Soap (Scents vary), 2c Each
x3 Tent, 2g Each
x4 Tinderbox, 5s Each
x12 Waterskin, 2s Each
x10 Whetstone, 1c Each
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:30, Mon 29 Mar 2021.
Game Master
GM, 34 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2021
at 22:11
  • msg #7

Settenhowe Locations

Village Square

Technically it isn't square in shape, but few pay enough attention to quibble over that detail. It is, however, the only place in the village that has been paved by cobblestones. All other streets are hard packed dirt. Surrounding the square are all of the various shops and business which now call Settenhowe home. The Church to Obad-Hai is also connected to the village square. In addition, there is a wooden stage built into the middle of the square that is used for announcements, fairs, plays, and punishments when needed. The wooden pillory on the stage has hosted many a would-be swindler as they are pelted with rotting fruit and vegetables by anyone who passes by.

Crime and the Common Punishment
Breaking a Contract, 4 hours in the pillory.
Petty theft (1st offense), 4 hours in the pillory.
Lying to an Official, 4 hours in the pillory.
Public brawling, 4 hours in the pillory.
Public drunkenness, 4 hours in the pillory.
Starting an Unauthorized Fire, 10 hours in the pillory.
Petty theft (repeat offense), 24 hours in the pillory.
Selling weighted goods, 24 hours in the pillory with the weights you used around your neck.
Major theft (1st offense), Loss of a finger.
Major theft (repeat offense), Loss of a hand.
Arson, Three days in the keep's dungeon if no one is hurt. Death if someone is killed.
Murder, Death unless proven as self defense.
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