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00:16, 24th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Character Creation.

Posted by Teller of TalesFor group 0
Teller of Tales
GM, 13 posts
Spinner of Sagas
Giver of Gifts
Thu 8 Apr 2021
at 18:53
  • msg #1

Character Creation

When rolling, please put what you are rolling for in the comment section and verify the proper type and number of dice to be rolled.


Name - Choose a name for your character.  Feel free to use any of the names from the list I found: link to a message in this game or come up with your own.  Try to avoid names of actual Arthurian personages or those in Post #3 of link to a message in this game

Age: 21  Birth Year: 484

Son Number: 1

Homeland: Cornwall

Culture/Religion:  Cymric/Christian (Let me know if you want to play something different)

Lord: Earl Guinier

Father's Name: Choose a name for your father, (see above)

Father's Class: Vassal Knight

Current Home: Roll d20 - 1-5 = Jagent / 6-10 = Tintagel / 11-17 = Devon / 18-20 = Exeter  This is where you were born.


These have been pre-filled with Regional modifiers for Cornwall (+2 Arbitrary, Prudent, and Suspicious)

Make any trait 16 (Valorous is highly recommended) and it's opposite 4.
Use up to 6 points to modify any trait(s) with a maximum of 19 in any given trait.  Make sure the sum of each pair equals 20.

Think about how you want to play your character rather than just possible bonuses.  Make up a story or other background for any significant traits.  E.G. Sir Tyngyr grew up poor, his father frequently unable to adequately feed his family.  So Tyngyr gorges anytime he gets food or drink.  Indulgent = 17 / Temperate = 3.


These have been pre-filled for Cymric and Cornwall, just roll your Hate (Irish) passion of 4d6+1


These have been pre-filled for you.  Just add a name and Level 5 skill for your squire.


Start CON at 3 (Cymric) and then add 60 points to the five attributes as you wish.  Maximums:  SIZ (22) CON (22) STR (19) DEX (19) APP (19)
In order to do 5d6 Melee damage, STR + SIZ >= 27 * This is HIGHLY recommended.
In order to do 6d6 Melee damage, STR + SIZ >= 33
In order to heal 3 per week, STR + CON >= 25 * This is HIGHLY recommended.
In order to survive combat, you should probably have a CON of 14+ and HP 30+

SIZ can't normally be raised after character creation.

Distinctive features:  3 if APP <7 or >16 | 2 if APP 7-9 or 13-16 | 1 if APP 10-12

Some suggestions:
Hair (very long, curly, red, crewcut, blond, excessively hairy, huge beard, prematurely gray, glossy, bald, a particular cut, etc.)

Body (slouched, barrelchested, hunchback, tall, thin, broad-shouldered, high-shouldered, very muscular, burly, squat, smooth skin, etc.)

Expression Bright-eyed, proud, sneering, haughty, nice smile, hidden behind beard,
straight teeth, dour, cheerful, squint, piercing glance, etc.)

Speech (lisp, stutter, accent, basso, sharp, nasal, shrill, squeaky, musical, loud, soft, strong, national accent, etc.)

Facial Feature (noble nose, scarred, darkly tanned, black eyes, bushy eyebrows, deep-set eyes, high cheekbones, red and weatherbeaten skin, braided beard, big ears, long mustache, small nose, facial blemishes, birthmark, etc.)

Limbs (short legs, bulging biceps, one arm longer than the other, rough hands, long nails, hairy arms and hands, bow legs, limp, big feet, long fingers, etc.)


Base skills/Combat skills for Cymri are pre-filled.

1. Choose any one combat or non-combat skill at which you excel.
Make it 15. (A weapon skill is a popular and useful choice.)
2. Choose any 3 non-combat skills, and make each of them 10.
3. Raise any four scores from among the Traits, Passions, or
If you raise a skill or combat skill, then it increases it
by up to 5 points.
If you raise an attribute, trait, or passion, then it
increases by 1 point.
4. Add 10 more discretionary points, to be divided in any amount
among any number of non-combat skills of your choice.


• No skill or combat skill may be raised above 15 by these individual skill points.
• No Trait can be raised above 19 by these individual skill points.
• No Passion can be raised above 20 by these individual skill points.
• No attribute (i.e., SIZ, DEX, STR, CON, APP) can ever be raised above racial limits.
• No skill with a beginning value of 0 or “―” may be augmented, except for combat skills. Hence, for example, no male character can have a Fashion skill when starting play.
• Individual skills can be augmented by several of the several steps below. For example, a default Cymric knight in the Uther Period starts with a Hunting skill of
6, but at Step 3 this can be raised to 11, then at Step 4 it can receive 4 more points to bring it to 15.

Roll d20 for Family Characteristic -
1 Keen on Status (+5 Courtesy)
2 Spiritual Bent (+5 Religion)
3 Know the Commoners (+5 Folklore)
4 Know Faerie Ways (+5 Faerie Lore)
5 Good with Horses (+5 Horsemanship)
6 Excellent Voice (+10 Singing)
7 Keen-sighted (+5 Awareness)
8 At Home in Nature (+5 Hunting)
9 Sprightly (+10 Dancing)
10 Natural Healer (+5 First Aid)
11 Naturally Lovable (+10 Flirting)
12 Never Forgets a Face (+10 Recognize)
13 Surprisingly Deductive (+5 Intrigue)
14 Like an Otter (+10 Swimming)
15 Natural Storyteller (+10 Orate)
16 Natural Musician (+10 Play (all instruments))
17 Good with Words (+10 Compose)
18 Grew Up with Books (+5 Reading)
19 Good with Birds (+10 Falconry)
20 Clever at Games (+10 Gaming)

Roll d20 for Luck (Note:
01 Money: £30 in old Roman coin.
02 Money: £3d6+15 in old Roman coin.
03 Money: £8d6 in old Roman coin.
04 Marvelous goose: the manor where it lives gets £1 each year. Roll d20 each Winter; on 01-03, it dies; on 04-06 it does not lay the golden egg, but an egg that hatches another of its kind!
05 Sword belt: Grants automatic success at DEX rolls to stay on your feet.
06 Wonderful Cat, always gets its rat: Adds £1 income per year to the manor where it lives. Roll d20 each Winter; on 01-03, cat dies; on 04-06 it had a Wonderful Kitten that will grow up like its mother.
07 Marvelous Listening Ring: Grants +2 to Awareness
08 Fantastic saddle: Grants +4 to Horsemanship to stay on horse.
09 Blessed lance: Grants +2 modifier to Spear skill value when using this lance, until it breaks; if the parts are recovered, it can be repaired at a cost of £1.
10 Ancient bronze sword: grants +2 modifier to Sword skill value when used. Also, it has a weak blade that will break in
combat as if it was not a sword. Value intact = £2, broken = £0. It can be repaired by a smith at the cost of £2.
11 Marvelous Shield, Christian: If your Piety is 16 or more, it grants +4 to your Major Wound threshold; - OR - Pagan: If your Worldly is 16 or more, it grants +4 to your Major Wound threshold.
12 Marvelous horseshoes: Grant +5 to horses movement rate. A failed horsemanship roll causes a shoe to be lost, and so the magic too. Finding the lost shoe requires a successful Awareness at the site where it was lost, but if found, the horse can be reshod.
13 Warrior Song: A faerie whispered a song in your ear while you slept. A successful Singing roll grants all friends that hear it +3 to their Energetic and +3 to Valor.
14 Marvelous Underjerkin: If struck with a Major Wound, attempt Love of Family roll. Success will reduce damage from a Major Wound to be one point less than is needed for a Major Wound; critical success = only half the damage is taken. After
this, roll 1d20, where 01-15 indicates it is ruined.
15 Christian: Finger of Saint Alban, a relic: Grants +3 Piety; - OR - Pagan: Horse hair from Epona’s horse: a Pagan holy item: Grants +3 to Horsemanship.
16 Christian: Tooth of Saint Germanus, a Christian relic: Shout Alleluia and attempt Love (God) roll. Success causes all Germanic Pagans to make a Valor Roll (failure = they flee); and, beforehand, the shouter can distribute a total of 20 points among opponents that are subtracted from their Valor (i.e.- one foe gets –20, two get -10 each, twenty get -1 each, etc. - OR - Pagan: Lock of Gwydion’s hair, a Pagan holy item: Grants an automatic critical success at Temperate. After this, roll 1d20, where 01-05 indicates it is ruined. May be used once per day.
17 Christian: Blood of Joseph of Arimathea, a Christian relic: With a successful Piety roll, the owner of this can cause the door to a prison cell to open, even if he does not have the relic in his presence. - OR - Pagan: Lock of Arianrhod’s hair, a Pagan holy item: Grants an automatic critical success at Lustful. After this, roll 1d20, where 01-05 indicates it is ruined. May be used once per day.
18 Chestnut colored, strong charger: It does 7d6 damage.
19 Charger, and a Camargue Ambler
20 A Map to . . . something
Teller of Tales
GM, 51 posts
Spinner of Sagas
Giver of Gifts
Fri 16 Apr 2021
at 17:20
  • msg #2

Starting Manor

You all start with a small manor in Lesnewth Hundred.  See Map Group 3.  Your choices (first come first served) are:

Otterham - to the East of Boscastle
Warbstow - South of Otterham
Treneglos - South of Warbstow
Clethor - South of Treneglos
Altarnun - South of Clethor

(Yes, I had to look up a current map to try to figure out how to spell these).

Each manor provides £6 of income, and contains the following:
• a village with 500 commoners
• a small church
• a mill
• a communal bakery
• a pack of dogs (for herding and hunting)
• a herd of about 20 horses
• a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, a herd of pigs, a flock of chickens, a gaggle of geese and other animals (some owned by the manor, and many more owned by the peasants).

The manor house is surrounded by plowed fields, meadows (used for hay), pastures (used for grazing), and wastes (land not used for other purposes).

In addition to £1 from your mill/bakery, £2 from your flocks, and £2 from crops, roll d6 to determine where your final £1 comes from:
1 - Toll/Ferry
2 - Mine
3 - Lumber
4 - Fruit trees
5 - Crafts (describe)
6 - Fishing

A professional Steward costs £1 to hire plus £1 / year.  Stewardship 10+1d6.

Yearly income:

Roll Stewardship
Critical = +3£
Success  = +1£
Failure  = -1£
Fumble   = -3£

At game start you have no money unless you rolled some on the Luck table.

Manorial Improvements are listed:  (

It costs £6-£8 per year to maintain your standard of living.
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