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11:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ties that Bind.

Posted by Eight PointsFor group 0
Eight Points
GM, 13 posts
Mon 11 Apr 2022
at 22:37
  • msg #1

Ties that Bind

I knew I had forgotten. If you want to discuss the circumstances of the binding ritual, here is a good place.

Perhaps the circumstances: eg rushed or prepared.

Was it safe? Did anyone try to sabotage the ritual?

Did you make or meet any allies or enemies as a result?
Durcaeth Grimvine
Durcaeth Grimvine, 14 posts
Sat 16 Apr 2022
at 15:25
  • msg #2

Ties that Bind

Thinking about how Grimvine's presence affected the binding ritual.

1. There are a lot of menacing and savage beings among the forces of Order. However, there are few being whose inner madness is so well reflected in the body and form as the Spite-Revenants of Sylvaneth. Durcaeth Grimvine's arrival made multiple applicants re-consider their choice and while few of them really changed their minds, most of them (especially Lumineth and many of the more sophisticated beings) made sure to stay away from him as to not get bound into him. It is not clear if Grimvine was oblivious to the fact or simply did not care. Alarielle herself had ordered Grimvine to come and that was all that mattered.

2. The binding ritual itself was that much more of a hardship because of Grimvine. Some flashes from his soul were shared with the other members of the binding. Some parts relating to the Spirit-Song were incomprehensive to everyone except possibly Arthenadon. Other parts were haunting, disturbing or filled with deep sorrow of someone who has lost everything. What others might or might not know, is that the act of sharing helped Grimvine to restore some of his sanity.
Sebhata Jetsoul
Sebhata Jetsoul, 12 posts
Witch Aelf
Sat 16 Apr 2022
at 16:32
  • msg #3

Ties that Bind

Sebhata isn't going to be one to bring any exceptional trauma to the binding. I'll leave that to the others.

If we're running with the idea of thoughts/feelings/memories transfer during the binding process itself then I'd throw out that the others would have got a sense of duty and determination from Sebhata, something that might not have meshed with what little of her they'd seen beforehand. In the run-up she'd certainly have seemed somewhat on edge and like she really didn't want to be there. Very much got her high walls up.

In actually joining the binding there's just calm acceptance - no more than slight ripples on dark waters.
Jorik Sternbok
Jorik Sternbok, 8 posts
Sat 16 Apr 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #4

Ties that Bind

As jorik was dead the others in the binding will feel the shadowy echos of his death and being dead..... Not images as such but a cold dread but only a fraction of what Jorik himself must have experienced.

The actual binding created the life energy needed to bring him back from limbo and made you all more exhausted than you've been told the binding would and for months after you felt a small part of you was missing but over time your body has regenerated the life essence taken from you all with no lasting effect
Kaltos Stareye
Kaltos Stareye, 11 posts
Stormcast Eternal
Sat 16 Apr 2022
at 19:39
  • msg #5

Ties that Bind

While Kaltos isn't in the binding, for him the biggest issue, or perhaps draw for him to the binding, is that he can't see with any clarity the future of the binding.  He's used to having some idea of what the future may hold, but it is blank as far as the binding goes, what it will do, how long it will last, etc.
Zakarr Kromnarrson
Zakarr Kromnarrson, 5 posts
Duardin (KO)
Sun 17 Apr 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #6

Ties that Bind

Zakarr doesn't have any manner of traumatic memories or the like, but the binding will definitely learn parts of the Kharadron Codes and some of the ways to circumvent them if needed. In particular might be flashes of memories where Zakarr might have seen that happen. However, there's also the ever-nagging need to uphold those Codes lest something terrible happen as had befallen him once. While the Codes are paramount to his philosophy, he's also learning from the others that bending these rules isn't the same as outright breaking them - sometimes they need to be rewritten to cover such circumstances. Sometimes, the Codes don't even cover all circumstances.

Of course, there are people out for him because of the artycles he did break, especially because of the IncidentTM. Anyone of those who would know that he is now Soulbound would probably see this as an attempt to dodge his punishment. If anyone else is seen with him, they'll be deemed guilty by association.
Sebhata Jetsoul
Sebhata Jetsoul, 13 posts
Witch Aelf
Sun 17 Apr 2022
at 20:44
  • msg #7

Ties that Bind

So now we're getting a better idea of who the PCs are and what they bring to the binding, a thought I'd like to throw out there:

This binding was rushed. It's something thrown together on short notice from the best (?) candidates available, with some expected parties or candidates refusing the arrangement or failing to meet the deadline.
  • Jorik's death put the finalisation of this binding on a very real and sudden deadline. Pressure applied by his patron(s) forced the timeline up considerably.
  • Grimvine's candidacy would have been a problem for some and may have caused some individuals to refuse to take part.
  • Zakarr sounds like he could have good reason to drop everything and seek sanctuary in this duty.
  • Sebhata is an asset who had outlived her usefulness in her previous position, one who could be quickly and easily reassigned and disposed of.
  • Kaltos is an obvious stabilising force meant to help balance things out. Maybe he was already set for this binding, or perhaps Sigmar chose him for the role after seeing the direction things were headed.
  • Arthenadon might have been a package deal with Grimvine and/or as a second Sylvaneth could reflect a lack/loss of candidates from other sources.

This has the feel of something a bit messy rather than a very deliberate fellowship with carefully curated members, and between Jorik and Grimvine we've got decent explanations for why the powers that be might have been stuck with second-best rather than their preferred choices for the binding. We're a product of circumstances rather than the bright and shiny chosen of the gods, and we're going to carry the weight of proving this wasn't a mistake.
Durcaeth Grimvine
Durcaeth Grimvine, 17 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2022
at 00:21
  • msg #8

Ties that Bind

I have to say I like the idea Sebhata painted. The combination of characters can make kind of a rough group, one that truly gets a job done, but maybe not with the gentlest hand. A falchion and not a scalpel in that manner.
Kaltos Stareye
Kaltos Stareye, 12 posts
Stormcast Eternal
Mon 18 Apr 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #9

Ties that Bind

It works for me.  While he is not involved in the Binding, Kaltos is brought in.  It sounds like there's a less than ideal group that was settled for, and maybe that's why it was felt he was needed to be included.

"OK...yeah this did not go according to plan did it?  Kaltos!  Yeah get in there, try to keep them from wrecking everything..."
Arthenadon, 5 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2022
at 01:33
  • msg #10

Ties that Bind

I like everything I'm seeing here.

Arthenadon tried to mess with the bond.  Specifically, he tried to modify the magic that purges Sylvaneth generational memory from passing on - he tried to direct it to eliminate his and Grimvine's memories now so that they could be absolved and enter the bond as innocent, internally whole creatures.  Instead, it spread those memories out to the others and as it rooted into the other members it resulted in the shared memories between this particular bond.

In retribution for his attempt at meddling with the bond Arthenadon lost some of the memories he most wanted to keep instead.

If that works for others, I'll share what Arthenadon wanted to forget (and got spread to everyone instead).
Eight Points
GM, 15 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #11

Ties that Bind

A lot of interesting points. So here is what I'm thinking around the actual circumstances of the binding.

There were portents. A new challenge to Sigmar's reclamation of the realms.  Requests were sent, and answers received, some reluctant, some willing, all heroes.

In the mountains of Aqshy, they gathered.  And there they were met.

Sigmar and Alarielle struggled to hold the binding together as warriors fought the age long vendetta against chaos on the plains below.  It was uncertain, until a heroic soul, on the verge of his last breath, joined the binding.

His aim thwarted Legridos the Mirrored was forced to withdraw and leave the gods to mull over their latest champions.
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