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13:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt.

Posted by GMFor group archive 0
player, 232 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 15; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 05:12
  • msg #155

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Wilkezag triumphantly presents the radishes to Svetlana.  "Do you mind if I watch you make the dish?"  He tells her about his failure trying to make a dish featuring the fresh meat that the hunters had brought back and the alcohol confiscated from the bandits.  He listens carefully to any advice she might like to offer.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:24, Wed 15 Mar 2023.
GM, 377 posts
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 02:44
  • msg #156

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Svetlana is overjoyed to see you returned safely. "And you brought the radishes, too! Oh, my Oleg will be so happy. He won't show it, of course, he never does, but I'll know, and now you'll know too. Here, you can help, chop up these onions while I get the radishes ready. It takes a special touch: you have to use a silver knife. Steel hurts the radishes somehow, takes the moon out of them. Figured that out when Oleg had taken all the knives to Restov for sharpening and I only had Aunt Ethel's old silver to work with. She was the only one who supported us when we got married. Sent me her silver in secret when she passed. I got Oleg to buy me a real silver kitchen knife after that. You can get those in Restov, you know; people make them to fight wererats!" Maybe the radishes are slightly fey-touched after all, or maybe it's just an alchemical interaction; even searching for magic, you just can't decide. Sure enough, she pulls a silvery knife out of the back of her drawer; it started out as an adventurer's silvered dagger, probably, and Oleg had a different handle put on it, but it works well enough.

"What's this about liquor? Oh, that crazy coot Bokken and his moonshine. I've tried to use it before, but something about it just doesn't take to cooking. No matter what I've done, it always goes bitter. I think Bokken must do something to it after it comes out of the still that gives it that edge, oh! like Desna's starlight on a clear night! But it doesn't like being heated at all. A splash in a cool sauce or soup can work, refreshing on a hot day. But at that point you might as well just drink it straight... carefully!"
Dubh Oiche
player, 165 posts
HP 26/26 AC 18
F+5 / R+7 / W+10 / Per +8
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 19:22
  • msg #157

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Dubh takes some time to go and seek out Oleg and the construction crew. "At some point we are going to need to repair the bridge. Do you know what it would take? We haven't had a chance to look at it yet but we've been told a little about it."
Sophia Akhova
player, 261 posts
F7/R6/W3; Per +5
AC 19; HP 20/20; Hero 1/1
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 20:19
  • msg #158

Re: Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Sophia almost giggled at Linzi, happy to be reunited.

"Yes! No, Yes!" she answered the questions in order about the bandit 'queen', seeing a dragon and fairies.

"If you have any advice for convincing the fey to reveal themselves as more than minty pranksters, I'm all ears. I should be careful, if I say that with one the the fey around I might wake up literally all ears..." She laughed at the joke, and then settled in to rest and recover before getting ready to head to Bokken's in the morning.

GM edit: I definitely should have asked more excited questions.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:03, Fri 17 Mar 2023.
GM, 379 posts
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 00:09
  • msg #159

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Oleg thinks about the bridge. "Over the Thorn River, you say? The only bridge I knew about was old Davik's over the Shrike, but the bandits cut that down, and now I hear it's haunted. If there's a trick bridge, I don't know. Maybe I could figure it out, but I've never worked on any bridges. I'm best at furniture, and I can do barns and longhouses, but bridges... they're tricky. I'll send a letter to me old pa. Maybe he's got some ideas."

Everyone sits down to dinner, over fresh bread and the famous moon radish soup. Just one taste seems to clear your mind of any lingering cobwebs from your long journey, and leaves you viewing the evening with new eyes. Good food, good friends, and safety. His favorite soup (and a certain amount of Bokken's liquor, since you've opened the bottle already) puts Oleg in a more gregarious mood than usual, and he starts talking about the things he's seen out here on the frontier. "Oh aye, there's monsters out here, Kesten. Spiders the size of a strong man. Thylacines that'll gnaw your bones to dust. Owlbears and forest drakes deep in the woods. Trolls farther south, although those bandits have been keeping them away recently. Boggards out west in the Slough, I hear they've been causing problems for river traffic. But the real menace are the tatzlwyrms. Like drakes, smaller, but meaner. Blend right into the trees. Too stupid to know they've been killed. If I'm going to turn this place into a wayhouse, I ought to get something to put over the mantle. A tatzlwyrm head would set just the right mood, I think. What do you say? If you see one out there, bring back its head!"

After dinner, Svetlana carefully simmers the rest of the soup down to a thick paste, and seals it in the emptied bottle, which she gives to you. "Just add some water back in and heat it up, should be good as new. If you're ever confused or befuddled, drink it and dance beneath Ashava's moonlight, and mayhap she'll guide your steps back to yourself."

Everyone is too tired to chat much after dinner tonight, but any of your companions are friendly enough to go with you in the morning if you want them along, to have more time to talk about their past and their desires for the Stolen Lands.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:06, Fri 17 Mar 2023.
player, 234 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 15; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 04:24
  • msg #160

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

"Wait, wait," Wilkezag calls out as everyone is getting ready to head off to rest.  "Please, indulge me for one performance of The Everbloom, my hymn to Milani for the boon she granted us during our fight at Lady Aldori's manor house.  Linzi, I'd especially like you to hear it, and make suggestions for improvements if you have any."  Will is a little rusty, having not performed for an audience in a while, but the rendition is passable.

23:22, Today: Wilkezag rolled 20 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 10.  Performance

This message was last edited by the player at 04:25, Fri 17 Mar 2023.
Booker Magestos
player, 139 posts
HP-30/30, AC-19(21)
F+7, R+8, W+7, Per +5
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 14:49
  • msg #161

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Booker manages to stay awake, as the trip and not the performance had been wearing at him. Granted their bard made travel more pleasant, but Booker was not an experienced rider, and his bedroll could not match an actual bed. He had to get access to a ritual spell of phantom carriage, and a concealed hut spell to sleep in comfort in the wilderness. But those where expensive and out of reach, sad to say...
Sophia Akhova
player, 263 posts
F7/R6/W3; Per +5
AC 19; HP 20/20; Hero 1/1
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 19:00
  • msg #162

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

"Haunted bridge? Could you show us where on a map? Seems like that's something we should be aware of," she replied to Oleg (assuming it's not the bridge we saw already? Since it's across a different river?)

Though too tired for diplomacy, Sophia wasn't dead! She stayed up as long as she could chatting with Linzi, Amiri and Harrim, as well as her own companions about what had happened, what was to come, and especially the fey. Even though her answers to Linzi's questions had been terse, she was definitely interested in learning anything any of them knew of the fey in the area.
Dubh Oiche
player, 167 posts
HP 26/26 AC 18
F+5 / R+7 / W+10 / Per +8
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #163

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

"Please, indulge me for one performance of The Everbloom...

As soon as the words leave Wilk's mouth Dubh groans "Dear gods, again!?" he bemoans before heading to set up his bedroll under the stars. Despite his vocal protests he can be heard humming the melody along with the Bard during his performance.
GM, 382 posts
Sat 18 Mar 2023
at 18:38
  • msg #164

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Oleg isn't sure exactly where Davik's bridge was, as he never went that far south; it was too dangerous for him even before the bandits moved in. He thinks it should be just about due south from the trading post (E21 or E22, probably). He'd only heard about it from some of his customers, who agreed one and all that Davik was a weird guy that no one wanted to spend too much time around. If he has become some kind of undead abomination haunting the remains of his bridge, well, no one is too surprised.

On the morning of the 11th Pharast, you set out once more, refreshed, resupplied, and ready to face the Stolen Lands once again. Traveling largely east to check on Bokken, you cross more gently rolling grasslands without a hint of civilization. Really, it's surprising that Rostland hasn't tried to bring all this land under the plow, as it seems quite lovely. Although the thylacines you met earlier near here might be a discouragement. You take the time to ride around a bit, making sure there are no dens of more dangerous predators in the area. But it turns out that this section of the plains, at least, seems to be largely quiet.

Please decide if you want to have brought someone else along before you reach Bokken's tomorrow, as I'll want to change the dialog a bit if you do. If not (or maybe even if you do), you'll almost certainly meet a new companion at some point in the next few days.
GM, 384 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 04:12
  • msg #165

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Continuing your path eastward, you try to keep your map as up-to-date as possible, but there really isn't much in the way of landmarks here. An occasional small grove is really the best you can find, and Dubh has all he can do just to keep track of where you are without getting hopelessly turned around. Still, late in the afternoon, you find a small cabin puffing a surprising amount of smoke through the chimney. A middle-aged man comes out to greet you begrudgingly. "More bandits, I suppose? Gerroff, I already gave you the liquor for the month! You take any more, I won't be able to feed my own self, never mind the still!" He seems nervous and jittery, despite his bluster. "Here, hang on now, you lot seem better dressed than the usual louts. What's going on here?"
player, 237 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 15; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 14:08
  • msg #166

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

"Greetings!" Wilkezag calls out cheerfully, "We are not here to cause you any trouble, sir.  Are you Bokken?"

To the positive response, he continues, "Oleg asked us to come by and check in with you.  We are trying to make sure you do not have bandits bothering you any more.  We have already taken care of Kressle's crew and we intend to eliminate the Stag Lord, as well.  This whole area will soon be safe for honest folk like yourself."  He does not exactly punctuate his words with strums of the lyre, but just provides a bit of background music that enhances the declaration.

09:03, Today: Wilkezag rolled 20 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 10.  Performance replacing Diplomacy to Make Impression.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:10, Tue 21 Mar 2023.
Sophia Akhova
player, 266 posts
F7/R6/W3; Per +5
AC 19; HP 20/20; Hero 1/1
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 16:27
  • msg #167

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Sophia smiled at being called 'better dressed'. She hung back and let Wilkezag make the first impression, but apparently Bokken has already made an impression on her!
Booker Magestos
player, 140 posts
HP-30/30, AC-19(21)
F+7, R+8, W+7, Per +5
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 16:56
  • msg #168

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

In reply to GM (msg # 165):

Booker folded his arms and gave a skeptical look. He did not much enjoy being compared to bandits. Howver, he made sure to keep his hands away from his sheathed blade, lest anyone get the wrong impression.

He also found it odd to be announced by bard, but understood the reasoning. His own family would no doubt just show up with a party of heavily armed warriors. That image did the talking for them. While not technically bandits, they sometimes got close.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:45, Wed 22 Mar 2023.
Dubh Oiche
player, 168 posts
HP 26/26 AC 18
F+5 / R+7 / W+10 / Per +8
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 18:15
  • msg #169

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Dubh slips casually from his horse, he could stand on his own two feet for a rest and give the lovely girl a break. He pulls an apple from his pack and feeds it to her while softly humming three bars of The Everbloom and stroking the horses neck. He is certainly not a threat as he appears more interested in his horse than what Bokken is up to.
GM, 385 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 01:52
  • msg #170

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Upon hearing that you've taken out the closest bandits, Bokken almost freezes in nervousness, barely believing that his nightmare is over. "They're gone? They're really gone? Praise Desna, praise Cayden Cailean, praise Calistria, praise all the gods! They're gone! I can get back to my proper work!" He rushes forward to take your hands in gratitude. You realize that he's missing the last finger on his right hand, but it seems to be a very old wound, nothing to do with Kressle. "Come in, come in! Let me get you some tea, at least. I don't have much in the way of wares right now, because of those bloody bandits. Haven't even been able to get over to Oleg's, didn't have enough to sell to make the trip worth the effort. But if you're prepared to pay fair prices for honest work, we should get along just fine. You say Oleg was worried about me? Didn't know he had it in him."

Bokken currently has the following items in stock, at least that he's willing to admit and sell to you.
  • a handful of minor and lesser elixirs of life, if you want more for some reason
  • a collection of lesser bombs; he definitely has alchemist's fire and acid flasks and may have other common types
  • several lesser cognitive mutagens (he makes them for himself, he's probably addicted)
  • one lesser serene mutagen
  • one lesser energy mutagen of acid
  • possibly other lesser mutagens, you'll have to ask
  • several lesser smokesticks
  • two lesser darkvision elixirs
  • one lesser comprehension elixir
  • one cat's eye elixir
  • three lesser antidotes
  • two lesser antiplagues
  • one lesser focus cathartic
  • one silversheen

For some reason, Bokken's inventory in my sourcebook still contains a bunch of potions, not alchemical items as it should. Probably didn't get updated correctly from 1st edition. So I made up the list above. You can ask him for any low-level alchemical item and he might have one handy or might not, but he'll remember and try to cook some up for you next time he sees you. In the future, you can send messages to Bokken via Oleg, and commission low-level alchemical items much faster than having to send back to Restov for them. Bokken has a pretty good recipe book; he knows the recipes for all common items up to 2nd level, plus a decent number of higher-level or less common items.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:53, Wed 22 Mar 2023.
Dubh Oiche
player, 170 posts
HP 26/26 AC 18
F+5 / R+7 / W+10 / Per +8
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #171

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

As they are sitting down for tea Dubh reveals one of the things that they could use, during conversation. "...while we were camped in the forest we had a bit of a run in with some of the local fey. They didn't cause any real harm, just got up to their standard mischief. But if you have something or could make something that would allow us to see through their magic. We would be very grateful. Or for that matter if you know of a relic somewhere that we might be able to find that would accomplish the same purpose."
player, 239 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 15; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 04:03
  • msg #172

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Will looks over the elixirs, but finds nothing that really interests him.  Turning back to Bokken, he asks, "We're headed next to take down the gremlins of the Old Sycamore.  Is there anything you can tell us about them that might help?"
GM, 388 posts
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 05:17
  • msg #173

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Bokken thinks for a second. "Gremlins, is it? Wherever you find gremlins, you'll find giant bugs, too. Venomous giant bugs. They love 'em, always keep some around. I never go south into the hills, but if I did, I wouldn't try it without at least a couple of antidotes, just in case. I've got some right here; they're not too hard to make and the bandits always appreciate them, so I try to keep some in stock. I've heard someone down south invented some kind of thing that makes your weapons work like cold iron for a time, too, but I've never seen a recipe for it, sorry.

"As far as seeing through fey magic.... I think you're on your own for that one, sir. At least gremlins don't have much magic themselves, what? But for something smarter, the best I can do for you right now is this cat's eye elixir. If anything gets close to you with this, even invisible, you'll probably see 'em coming, at least!"

For what it's worth, whatever was hassling you in the forest west of Oleg's doesn't seem to have followed you into the plains, or at least you haven't noticed anything strange in the last few days.
player, 241 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 15; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 13:41
  • msg #174

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Will thinks of his horror at his one brief encounter with the giant spiders, and shivers a bit.  "Thanks for the warning.  I think I will take one of those antidotes, then."  He hands over the 3 gold pieces and places the antidote in the easy-reach area of his belt.
Booker Magestos
player, 142 posts
HP-30/30, AC-19(21)
F+7, R+8, W+7, Per +5
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 15:25
  • msg #175

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

In reply to GM (msg # 173):

Hearing about giant poisonous insects, Booker also heads over to the alchemical salesman. "Ah, yes. I will take one of those antidotes too, please." The spiders had been shocking enough, he did not want to think of something bigger or more poisonous. He handed over his own 3 gold.
GM, 390 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 03:32
  • msg #176

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Bokken tucks your payment in a pouch at his waist, presumably not wanting to show you where he hides his cashbox. "Thank you sirs, and a pleasure doing business with you. If you are taking down those bandits, well, I won't mind seeing the back of 'em, not at all. Just don't bring in too many gabbling villagers. Can't stand 'em, all 'Bokken, don't blow up the village with your experiments!' and 'Bokken, if you mutate the cattle to become twice the normal size with four eyes and six horns, we won't be able to herd them!' Bah! Like I've ever had problems with that. I mostly just experiment with the taste! Which reminds me, I haven't been able to get any fangberries recently. Without those, my elixirs will taste just as bad as those hacks from Restov, and then where would I be? You wouldn't happen to be going farther west, are you? I normally just buy 'em from traders, but there haven't been any in ages, and I've heard there's supposed to be a patch in the hills, maybe... 50 miles west and a bit south from here? 60 miles? Just a bit over the Thorn River, anyway. E19, F18, or F19, probably. If you could bring me back a whole bunch, I'd appreciate it. Could get you some nice discounts. Just drop 'em off at Oleg's, I'll get them there soon enough. Fewer visitors that way. Never liked visitors."

If it's clear that you're finished spending money, he collects your teacups and bustles around dusting. You're not unwelcome, exactly, but it's clear he's had about as much socializing as he can take. As you pack up to leave, he warns you, "Just watch out for my bastard of a brother! He took this from me," holding up his missing finger, "the last time he hit our poor ma, Desna rest her soul. Took off right after instead of facing the guards, lives in a hollow tree somewhere down south now. After Ma passed, I came to get revenge, but the hills were too dangerous for me. This is good, though. Lots of room, big sky, trader once in a while, no nattering villagers with pitchforks. Aye, it's the life."

Leaving Bokken's with the stated intention of assaulting the mitflit gremlin hive will end the current scene, although there are still a few things you will almost certainly trip over before you get there.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:40, Fri 24 Mar 2023.
Booker Magestos
player, 144 posts
HP-30/30, AC-19(21)
F+7, R+8, W+7, Per +5
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 15:23
  • msg #177

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

In reply to GM (msg # 176):

Booker looked at the man, wondering what he would do if his family ever showed up. He would like to think he could just walk away, but he knew it would be unlikely. He doubted they would settle for just a one on one duel either.

"What does your brother look like, and what's his name?" He said, putting his toe in a metaphorical water most likely he should steer clear of.
Sophia Akhova
player, 268 posts
F7/R6/W3; Per +5
AC 19; HP 20/20; Hero 1/1
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 22:54
  • msg #178

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

Unwilling to part with gold for potions just yet, Sophia smiles and bids Bokken a farewell, and turns to leave but remembers something at the last minute.

"Wait, the bandits down South said you provided liquor for the Stag Lord. We scattered them and kept the liquor, he's going to be wanting more. I don't know if he'll send men but if he does... perhaps we could give him something a little stronger than his usual order? Something that would knock him out, or put him into a stupor so we could attack while he's weakened? Do you have anything like that?"

OOC: sorry fell behind but wanted to ask about the earlier plan we discussed for poisoning the Stag Lord before attacking!
GM, 392 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 04:51
  • msg #179

Chapter 3: Scene 2: Bandits of the Greenbelt

"What does Arnulf look like?" Bokken spits. "He looks like me, only not so bald! Or maybe he is by now. I haven't seen him in years, and I'll be just as happy if I never see that bastard again. Might not even be there anymore at all, but I'll bet he's too mean for anything to get him."

Bokken blinks at your story of taking the liquor. "Oooh, Stag Lord ain't gonna like that. Kressle's bunch were the only ones who knew where I live... I hope. Wish you'd got 'em all, though. But I don't think Stag Lord's gonna be happy if he don't get his booze. You folks gonna deliver it yourselves, maybe sneak into the camp that way? Might work, might work. I don't keep anything like that on hand, but for an evil bastard like him, I could probably cook something up. Don't think I've got anything that'll kill him without him noticing and raising the alarm, but I should be able to weaken him pretty good. I'll bring it over to Oleg's next week, no charge."
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