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10:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War.

Posted by GMFor group archive 0
GM, 541 posts
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 04:22
  • msg #315

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

As you reach Oleg's, you see a young man with bronze skin and hair apparently preparing a small garden, maybe a quarter of an acre outside the trading post walls. He doesn't have old Claptrap hitched up to a plow, though. He doesn't have a plow at all, or a hoe or spade or anything. Instead, he just walks slowly across the field, and every few steps, a chunk of the earth just sort of blobs up and flips itself over, for no reason that you can see. An unorthodox technique, but undeniably effective. You can even see that the turned earth is considerably wetter than the surrounding dirt, although there's been enough rain recently that nothing is dangerously dry.

When she sees you approach, Svetlana calls to this man. "Come on in, Telric, these are the folks I wanted you to meet! Oh, and they've brought some more friends too, it'll be a proper party! Oleg will get over it, I'm sure."

The longhouse Oleg was building last time you were here has beams standing now and a solid floor, but the walls are only half-built and the roof isn't even started. Sergeant Garess and his men are still under canvas to the north. In addition to Telric, Valerie and Jaethal are visiting, plus a bald stranger hunched over one of the tables and muttering to himself.

When you produce her ring, Svetlana pales before flushing bright red in pleasure. "By Shelyn and Desna, you got it back! I thought I'd never see that again!" Before you can hand it to her, Oleg grabs the ring from you, gets down on one knee, and presents it to his wife once more, to the cheers and applause of everyone around. Even dour Sergeant Garess grins openly and bangs his tankard on the table in appreciation of Oleg's clowning, and Svetlana drags him up into her arms for a long kiss.

There's more stuff that happens here, but feel free to react to the events so far. You can catch up with Valerie and Jaethal, but Amiri, Harrim, and Linzi aren't here right now; Svetlana knows where they went.

Telric, please introduce yourself to the others!

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:47, Tue 05 Sept 2023.
Telric Televentor
player, 2 posts
AC-21, Per+7, HP-44/44
F+11, R+11, W+7
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 15:30
  • msg #316

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Telric was in the back of the room, leaning on the wall and adjusting his wide brimmed hat. He realized he was going to have to look these people in the face at some point. So far, mostly by reflex, he kept his head in a slightly downward position, allowing his hat to conceal his face from those around him. This worked in everyday travels, but now he needed work. Now he was going to have to come out of the wilderness he had been more or less living in for the past few years.

He exhaled, and walked over to the group. There was no going back now. He could make an excuse that they would be more willing to accept than most people he ran into. Svetlana and her husband had been understanding, but he had still relied on the hat as a reflex. He did not want to frighten them. Things got...messy...when people got frightened.

"Hello. I'm Telric. Svetlana and Oleg speak very highly of your group. I was wondering if you could use help in your work. I have, ah...special skills...that may be of use to you." He raised his head slightly, so his face could be seen by the party despite his wide-brimmed hat.

His face was nothing special...expect for his eyes. He did not really have eyes per say. Or maybe he did, but they looked more like glittering yellow gems than what anyone would call normal. Although with closer inspection, they are made out of the same material human eyes are. Just instead of white orbs, black pupils, and the normal coloring one would expect to see, its wholly yellow with reflective bits.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:34, Tue 05 Sept 2023.
Dubh Oiche
player, 272 posts
HP 26/26 AC 18
F+5 / R+7 / W+10 / Per +8
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 15:48
  • msg #317

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Dubh happens to be standing next to Booker as Telric introduces himself. "Special skills? Hey maybe he can turn into a bat!" He says with a good natured poke in the arm. Speaking a little louder, for the group, he addresses Telric seriously. "If Svetlana speaks well of you that goes a long way. More people in the group is also a pleasure. However, what we're doing is not a simple task or a safe one. What skills do you speak of that will make you more of a help than a hinderance in the wilds?" His tone is not antagonistic but rather realistic and practical. He almost died and he doesn't want that to happen to someone because they are eager for adventure.
Sophia Akhova
player, 352 posts
F8/R7/W4; Per +6
AC 20; HP 34/34; Hero 1/1
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 20:18
  • msg #318

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Sophia moved to get out of her dirty, uncomfortable armor, not expecting a fight here. She stowed it and returned to greet Valerie with a warm embrace warrior's armclasp, and a less touchy greeting to Jaethal. Hugging the undead priestess seemed like the last thing either of them wanted. "We have some news to share about our good friend Tartuccio but .. oh!"

She was just going to fill them in and ask about their adventures when the ring was returned and she turned to smile and laugh as she watched Oleg 'propose' to Svetlana calling, "NOW it's a proper party!"

She moved off to congratulate the 'new' couple, hugging them both just as they were breaking off from their kiss and telling them both with a sly smile, "I suppose you have to be each others partners for the first dance, but I hope party lasts long enough to get a chance with you both! Wil? Music for the born again newlyweds!"

At some point during the night she managed to get to Svetlana and ask, "I saw Valerie and Jaethal, but who is the shiny headed one? And where are Amiri, Harrim and Linzi? We have some news to share."

She found herself together with Dubh, Booker and this new Telric fellow that Svetlana spoke highly of. She tried not to react when she saw his eyes, but ... they weren't the kind of eyes you saw everyday. Regardless, Dubh had his questions, it wouldn't do to overwhelm the new guy with interrogation. First let's hear what he had to say to Dubh.

GM edit: Because of her near-supernatural beauty, Valerie has developed a cool, almost arrogant reserve, even with those she considers her friends: she's definitely not any more of a hugger than Jaethal.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:53, Wed 06 Sept 2023.
player, 374 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 16; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 20:55
  • msg #319

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Wilkezag grins like a monkey at the unfolding dramatic scene prompted by his presentation of the ring.  When Sophia calls his name, it breaks him out of his brief reverie to realize that the scene absolutely needs a musical background.  After a romantic ballad for the scene itself, Will starts a lively dance number, getting everyone at least tapping their toes.

After a break, the bard introduces himself to Telric, and welcomes him to the group.  He notices how strong and handsome, in an exotic way, the tall man is, and he feels a longing he hasn't felt since he quit the law firm to try his luck as a bard.  Suddenly nervous, he excuses himself to get back to entertaining the crowd.

Once it seems people are starting to tire of dancing, Will plays his latest version of The Everbloom, his hymn to Milani, and he tries to ignore Dubh rolling his eyes when the piece starts.  Even though it is not his best rendition, most seem to enjoy it so Will brushes his self-criticism aside.  After another mead and some beef and cheese on a thick slab of bread, he returns to playing dance tunes until people start to head off to bed.

15:50, Today: Wilkezag rolled 21 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 8.  Performance.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:56, Tue 05 Sept 2023.
GM, 544 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 03:40
  • msg #320

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

As you're unpacking and letting your poor packhorses out into the pasture (what pasture? Apparently Oleg has been busy and put up a quick rail fence, with all the new traffic), the bald man suddenly notices Dubh unloading the elk antler you found. "You! You're the one I dreamed of! I saw that antler, a sign from Erastil! And a man like you! But I never saw your face, just a... mask..." He trails off as Dubh turns around. "Huh. I thought the mask was an allegory. That's how prophetic dreams usually work, you know. Jhod Kavken, a priest of Erastil. I have come... I was sent. I was sent by... a dream. Old Deadeye, He sent me a dream." Jhod seems driven, but nervous, like he fears his own resolve. "Erastil tells me of a temple, west and south of here. A ruined temple, corrupted and lost to the wilderness. The Elk Father, He wants me to cleanse the temple, repair it and consecrate it once more in His service. But... this land is too terrifying for me. Erastil is a god of community, of banding together for successful hunts and bountiful harvests. But there is no community in these lands, only curses and danger, and bandits who mock Erastil's name." At the thought of the Stag Lord and his bandits, Jhod's jaw clenches. "Svetlana tells me you are building such a community, and I see this post is a fair start, with all your friends that have been in and out in the last week, as well as the trappers and hunters."

Jhod turns to all of you, pleading. "Will you help me to restore the temple? To bring the true worship of the Stag back to this land? I should warn you, there is some kind of guardian there. My dreams were not clear, but the guardian is as corrupted as the temple. I think maybe it is even the source of the corruption. It will have to be defeated before the temple can be cleansed."

He indicates an area on your map, past the Thorn River in the heart of the Greenbelt forest (hex D17). Jhod doesn't know the exact location, but he's pretty sure it's somewhere around there.

Someone who lives or has lived nearby might know more precisely where Jhod's ruined temple is.
GM, 546 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 04:07
  • msg #321

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Svetlana rolls her eyes when asked about your other friends. "Oh, Linzi told Harrim about some ruins off north someplace that she wanted to write a poem about, and nothing would do but Harrim had to go take a look. He's obsessed with ruins and other signs of the 'downfall of civilization,' that's Harrim for you. Nice fellow overall, but definitely a bit odd. Amiri went along to keep them out of trouble, or possibly to find more trouble for them to get into, I couldn't really tell. They'll be all right, I don't think there's anything really dangerous north of here."

When Wilkezag starts playing some dance music, Octavia rushes over to whisper to Svetlana, who takes her inside the house. The two women are in there for some time, but Octavia finally comes out almost a changed woman. Svetlana's dresses clearly wouldn't come anywhere near fitting the slim half-elf, so she still has the same outfit, but many of the rips and tears have been mended or otherwise bound up. With a bright red ribbon braided in her hair, and even a touch of rouge on her cheeks, she seems more confident and settled than you've seen her all day. She strides over to Regongar and drags him up for a quick jig, which he takes with good grace; like any swordsman, he's a perfectly competent dancer when he wants to be. Regongar pleads off after a couple of numbers, but Octavia is perfectly happy to dance alone or with anyone else who offers for over an hour, before slumping down beside Wilkezag and giving him a light kiss on the cheek in thanks.

I was already planning to give you one more round of social combat tonight with Octavia, Regongar, Valerie, or Jaethal, so we'll take this as Wilkezag's contribution. 21 isn't quite enough for a critical success against Octavia, unfortunately.

Jaethal: 8 (helpful, maximum)
Octavia: 5 (helpful)
Regongar: 5 (friendly)
Valerie: 7 (helpful)

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:08, Wed 06 Sept 2023.
Telric Televentor
player, 6 posts
AC-21, Per+7, HP-44/44
F+11, R+11, W+7
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 05:08
  • msg #322

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

 "However, what we're doing is not a simple task or a safe one. What skills do you speak of that will make you more of a help than a hinderance in the wilds?" 

Telric exhales, looking around at so many people all at once. "That's a fair question boyo. I will give you a proper demonstration, don't you worry.

However, there are too many folk around who might get a...ah...wee bit jumpy if they see it first hand. Basically I command the earth and waters. Like a...elemental mage. Sure, that's sounds...reasonable, right?"

It was uncertain if he was trying to convince the group or himself with that very odd description. However, he does adjust his hat so the others do not take too much notice of his odd eyes.

When the music starts, along with the dancing, Telric tries to stay out of the spotlight for a bit. However he quickly realizes the people not dancing draw more attension at a dance.

As a result, he bows and bows and doffs his wide brim hat to Octvaia, seeking her favor on the floor. The hat has a strap to keep it on his head during such events. As his dancing does move his partner and him about the room fairly vigorously.

Telric clearly does not dance in the proper high court style. Instead he more or less keeps his partner in the air most of the time. Following the energenic and atheltic style of peasant dancing famous in farming communities. He proceeds to lift her and swing her about, very carefully so as not to crash her into anyone or trod on any feet. He seems practiced at it so there is no room for error. However, he does not try to steal the spotlight with any flashy moves.

OOC-dancing with Octavia. Using athletics and my assurance feat for a result of 17.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:28, Wed 06 Sept 2023.
GM, 547 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 05:52
  • msg #323

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

One of Garess's men overhears you talking with Telric. "Ha! Don't let the lad fool you. Was practicing against him yesterday. I figured, he's a pretty big guy, probably won't be too quick, easy to get in on, what? Next thing I know, he's gone and there's this sorta... statue thing where he oughta be. He wallops me a good one with this hammer made of ice, then whips around with his big stone sword (no idea where that came from, nor what happened to the hammer) and clocks me again from the other side, and I was done after that."

Octavia is happy enough to dance with Telric, but after the first lift she tries to keep a little more distance. It seems she isn't so much a fan of your more physical style of dancing, possibly because you weigh more than twice what she does. Although she bows politely to you at the end of the song, she takes a break for a quick drink afterwards, forestalling you from offering another dance.
Dubh Oiche
player, 277 posts
HP 26/26 AC 18
F+5 / R+7 / W+10 / Per +8
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 15:23
  • msg #324

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

The answer and the unsolicited opinion of Garess's man seems to satisfy Dubh, at least for the time being.
He nods at the description of Telric's abilities. "When we head out next you'll be a welcome addition." He offers a hand to seal the deal and as they shake he allows his eyes to glow through his mask in a silent acknowledgement that they are both different from the majority of the people around them.

When Jhod approaches him he nods his whole head so that the priest can get the gesture. "We will gladly help restore a temple of Erastil. His presence has always been a blessing in the eyes of the Green Faith. We have much to do in making the land ready for settlers though. I cannot promise it will be done before the solstice. But you have my word it will be a priority." Normally Dubh wouldn't accept a task without talking about it with the rest of the group but this seems like such an obvious choice to him that it doesn't occur to him that the others might not want to take part.
Sophia Akhova
player, 355 posts
F8/R7/W4; Per +6
AC 20; HP 34/34; Hero 1/1
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 16:49
  • msg #325

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

More amused than offended that Valerie dodged her hug and went for a safer hand grasp instead, Sophia gave her a smile then leaned in to speak, not quite in a whisper but only to her, "Hey, I have something to show you back at my bunk. Don't worry! I'm not inviting you back to my bunk like that! Just, trust me, come on."

Assuming Valerie followed (and if she didn't she'd spoil her own surprise telling Valerie she wanted to ask if she wanted her old armor) she took her back to where she'd stashed her armor earlier, then pulled it up to show her.

"I kind of outgrew this. Oleg has a nice suit that offers a bit more protection that I'm going to pick up tomorrow. Thought you might want this one. It's a little dinged up but should be easy enough to shine up nice and it's already set up for a woman, so shouldn't take too many alterations. Might need to take it in a bit in the chest and shoulders," she smirked teasing the other warrior woman just a touch.

"Not like the one I'm gonna buy, it's all manly. Hey, maybe you can give me a hand tomorrow adjusting it for me?  Get a proper warrior girl armor party going?"

Back at the party, Sophia was inspired by Telric's dancing with Octavia. She nudged Valerie and said, "Excuse me, I have a point to go make. Armor party after breakfast, yeah?"

The athletic dancing might not have worked on the slight wizard, but she looked Regongar over with a smirk and approached him, asking to dance as he watched Telric awkwardly swing Octavia around.

On the dance floor she made sure to lead Regongar, roughly pulling and shoving him to keep him exactly where she wanted him. She was there to make a point more than to dance. As they parted after a quick dance she smirked at the orc and said in a growling tone, "You're not a bad dancer, Reggie. As long as you don't forget who is leading."

One last try to intimidate Regongar with the last social round. And I hope you don't mind I set up the armor exchange with Valerie for the next day. Going to assume she can help me with the full plate and add it on to my sheet.

09:53, Today: Sophia Akhova rolled 25 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 17.  intimidate Regonkar yet again!

GM, 549 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 00:40
  • msg #326

Re: Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Valerie isn't sure she really believes that you would just give away something as valuable as a suit of armor, but she agrees to meet you tomorrow just in case. She isn't used to generosity that comes without strings, often uncomfortably personal ones, but having a colleague respect her skills and knowledge rather than her beauty convinces her to give you a chance.

Turning your dance with Regongar into a quiet battle seems to impress the half-orc. He didn't believe that any mundane fighter could match his magic, but over the course of the dance, he's forced to admit that maybe there is something to your claims of focusing on the purely physical arts, as he finds himself unable to take control or even to escape your lead without making a scene. Seeing Octavia smirking at him, he bows cordially to you at the end of the song, although he's still not above turning your parting handclasp into a test of strength... which he promptly loses. He makes a mental note not to play "handshake" with Sophia again.

Jaethal: 8 (helpful, maximum)
Octavia: 5 (helpful)
Regongar: 7 (helpful)
Valerie: 7 (helpful)

Sophia Akhova
player, 358 posts
F8/R7/W4; Per +6
AC 20; HP 34/34; Hero 1/1
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 16:08
  • msg #327

Re: Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Sophia gave Regongar a graceful low bow, showing off more than a little cleavage, while she held his hand very very tightly, not ready to let him go. She didn't hate the guy, she just needed to make sure he realized she wasn't a girl he could push around. She let his hand go just before the big orc started to cry.

"Pleasure dancing with ya. Anytime you want another, just come find me," she smirked and moved back to Valerie, laughing "He's not so bad, long as you make sure he knows where he stands."
player, 378 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 16; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 18:43
  • msg #328

Re: Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Will watches, enthralled, as Sophia and Regongar perform their "dance."  As the activity becomes more like wrestling than dancing, he starts to emphasize the beat more than the melody, until he is nearly playing a battle song.  With the final handshake / arm wrestle, he bangs a strident chord and holds it until they break.  Then he finishes with a riff that he now considers to be "Sophia's Theme."
GM, 553 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 22:54
  • msg #329

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

It seems like everyone is pretty much finished for the evening, but I'm assuming that we're sticking around Oleg's and taking a day of rest tomorrow so that Sophia can get some crafting tasks done.

After the big party last night, everyone takes a quieter day on Oathday the 24th. Octavia transfers your returning rune to Amiri's old dagger, taking extra care once she hears the story behind it. She seems a little nervous about meeting the barbarian in person, but if you trust Amiri, Octavia decides that she'll have to trust Amiri as well.

Valerie and Sophia spend the morning working on the suit of plate armor Oleg got in. Roughly ten thousand buckles and straps later, the two women finally have it adjusted just right for Sophia, and they can turn to the much simpler task of fixing up Sophia's old half-plate for the shieldmaiden. As they spend time together, Valerie grows to appreciate Sophia, who never pretends to be anything other than what she is, and respects others for their deeds, rather than their blood. As they finish, Valerie hands Sophia a vial full of a violently red liquid. "I've been saving this for a rainy day. It's supposed to give you a little extra stamina, keep you going for a few minutes, even when things aren't going great around you. From what the others have said about your plans... I think you might need it before I do."

The other heroes spend the time maintaining their own gear and helping out the hosts. Telric finishes the garden he was working on yesterday, while Wilkezag helps out in the kitchen and overseeing the smoker, and Dubh spends the day practicing his animal form and hunting for the stewpot. Booker makes sure he has everything ready for the journey back east to Restov; although he was looking for more excitement and danger in his life, the wilderness of the Greenbelt is a little more excitement than he was really prepared for. Since Oleg will have to return to Restov anyway to offload all the random junk you've sold to him, Booker offers to travel along. Even on the road, the Stolen Lands are not at all safe.

Anyone can take the moderate juggernaut mutagen (as it turns out to be), but I think only Sophia and Telric would actually want it. Although technically I suppose it would continue to function in animal form.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:12, Thu 07 Sept 2023.
GM, 554 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #330

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Later in the afternoon, Octavia's concerns about boisterous barbarians are realized, as the archaeology party returns. Linzi and Amiri are joyful to have all of the friends together once more, and even Harrim seems more loquacious than usual, expounding at anyone who will listen about the beauty he found in the crumbled watchtower they were investigating. "Truly, an important reminder that all things must end one day, and it seems there are plenty of places around here that have gotten a good head start!"

Amiri is pleased to see your improvements to her dagger, especially when you demonstrate the returning effect against a target you set up behind the house. "Now you'll have to kill something really big with it. A wyvern, maybe, just as it starts to fly away! A troll charging at you, and bam! Dagger in one hip, same dagger in the other knee, and a third time right in the eye!"

Although everyone is partied out from yesterday, a quiet evening with friends seems like just the ticket. Octavia in particular is nervous about these new gregarious strangers, but Linzi quickly puts her at ease, while Regongar (unsurprisingly) understands Amiri almost instinctively. Neither of the escaped slaves is quite sure what to make of Harrim, but he wastes no time in reassuring them that all oppressors, even the Technic League, will one day find themselves ground to dust, no matter how much they try to hold on to power. It's not clear to you how much this helps, but at least he means well.

Everyone may take one more round of social combat, particularly with the other three who just got back. Please theme your actions in the context of a quieter evening of conversation and storytelling, rather than last night's rave. If you're not sure what they're interested in, remember to read back to Lady Aldori's dinner party for clues. We'll start a new Scene on the 25th, whatever you choose to do on your next trip out.

Amiri: 8 (maximum)
Harrim: 4 (helpful)
Jaethal: 8 (maximum)
Linzi: 5 (helpful)
Octavia: 5 (helpful)
Regongar: 7 (helpful)
Valerie: 8 (maximum)

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:18, Thu 07 Sept 2023.
Telric Televentor
player, 13 posts
AC-21, Per+7, HP-44/44
F+11, R+10, W+7
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 00:49
  • msg #331

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

In reply to GM (msg # 330):

Telric speaks with Harrim, used the idea of rich vs poor. He advises him on various farming techniques that someone without land or money could use for thier own small farms. At least enough so one can live without needing masters of any kind.

Ooc-20:46, Today: Telric Televentor rolled 22 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 15.  Lore farming.
player, 379 posts
Bard, not barrister
AC 16; Spell DC 18; HP 24
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 02:01
  • msg #332

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

After the stories are done, Wilkezag takes Linzi aside to consult with her on his song The Everbloom, asking about the changes he has made to it since she last heard it.  "I've incorporated a bit of birdsong -- only natural given my muse -- it's from a nightingale that I was privileged to harmonize with the other day."  He daydreams for a moment about the transcendence he felt in that one performance.  "Anyway, what do you think of this?"  He plays the hymn with the extra trills that he added, and listens intently for her opinion and approval.

20:53, Today: Wilkezag rolled 27 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 14.  Performance for Linzi.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:02, Fri 08 Sept 2023.
GM, 555 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 04:19
  • msg #333

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

I'm going to give Telric this round back to try again, because you should have known better. Harrim is unfortunately going to be sort of tricky to impress because his interests are so narrow and none of you are religious characters, but you're welcome to try something else. He's a cleric of the End Times, which means he's... weird.

Harrim doesn't seem interested in farming at all. Farms, after all, inevitably fall to weeds, drought, locusts, or in severe cases all three.

Linzi listens to Wilkezag's story and revised composition avidly. "I'm not sure that a nightingale is the most appropriate for Milani, even though you're really captured it perfectly! Nightingales are about peace, rest, and safety, but the Everbloom never stops fighting against oppression. A lark, or an owl, maybe?" She picks up her own lute and demonstrates what she means, adding hints of martial Gorumite and Desnan harmonies to your largely Gozren theme as she shifts your nightingale trills into a descant that evokes an owl's cry as it strikes its prey.

Even if I level Linzi's social encounter up a little to be a reasonable challenge at 3rd level, 27 on Performance is still a critical success.

Amiri: 8 (maximum)
Harrim: 4 (helpful)
Jaethal: 8 (maximum)
Linzi: 7 (helpful)
Octavia: 5 (helpful)
Regongar: 7 (helpful)
Valerie: 8 (maximum)

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:20, Fri 08 Sept 2023.
Sophia Akhova
player, 360 posts
F8/R7/W4; Per +6
AC 20; HP 34/34; Hero 1/1
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 05:41
  • msg #334

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

"I was just dancin' with the big brute to make a point!!!" she laughed as Valerie gave her the elixir for 'stamina'.

"And he'd need more than this to keep up with me anyways. And besides, he's pretty obviously with Octavia, little tiny thing that can't push back seems his type."

She stepped back to evaluate Valerie in her old armor. "Well, you don't look as good as I did in it, but you fill it out alright." Either Sophia had some extraordinary self-confidence in her appearance or it was mostly bravado, or both, Valerie as always looked exquisitely stunning, even covered in heavy armor.

"You sure you don't want to hang onto the mutagen? I mean yeah men are stupid and they get more stupid when they see a pretty face and a bit of cleavage, but you gotta figure sooner or later you're gonna meet a fella who sees you just the way you want to be seen, yeah? "

She couldn't help but smile when she heard before seeing Amiri return, and ran up to hug the barbarian lass, forgetting just how much armor she was wearing. It made for an awkward embrace.

"Hey! We're not all as tough and nimble as you, some of us need more of a bulwark against the claws and teeth. Don't worry, I intend to get your dagger good and grungy with monster gore, I'll have some stories for next time. This time all we did was kill bandits, little tiny blue guys and giant ticks. It was ... less than glorious, I'll tell ya. But we're going out for boar soon!"

She made sure to place an order with Oleg for the striking rune before she forgot.

Pass on this social round. I can't think of much else to do apart from intimidate Reggie again and that seems like it's getting worn out. Lol though I should have made sure he overheard my conversation with Valerie!

I take it back, I'll try to discover Harrim with perception:

23:48, Today: Sophia Akhova rolled 14 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 7.  discovery on harrim with perception.

May... be?

Put the juggernaut mutagen on my sheet, but if you want it Telric - or anyone else, let me know.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:49, Fri 08 Sept 2023.
GM, 556 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 15:56
  • msg #335

Re: Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Watching Harrim interact with the others, Sophia just can't figure out a way to break into his determination. He really seems to be obsessed with his god's worship and the downfall of civilization, particularly dwarven civilization, shortly before the inevitable End of All Things.

No, Perception 14 doesn't cut it, which is why you're getting vague hints but nothing very easy to act on. I think Dubh is the only one with even the slightest training in Harrim's interests, although Wilkezag's colossal Diplomacy bonus means he could probably power through anyway. Telric could maybe manage it by pretending interest in Harrim's rantings, also; you'd have to roll decently but it's quite possible.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:59, Fri 08 Sept 2023.
Telric Televentor
player, 14 posts
AC-21, Per+7, HP-44/44
F+11, R+10, W+7
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #336

Re: Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

I'm going to give Telric this round back to try again, because you should have known better. Harrim is unfortunately going to be sort of tricky to impress because his interests are so narrow and none of you are religious characters, but you're welcome to try something else. He's a cleric of the End Times, which means he's... weird.

OOC-I will take the fail then.
Dubh Oiche
player, 285 posts
HP 26/26 AC 18
F+5 / R+7 / W+10 / Per +8
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 21:48
  • msg #337

Re: Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Dubh takes a seat beside Harrim and listens to him for a while before trying to draw him out with questions about how he feels that the end times will come about. Given that every time something is named the opposite is created how can the cycle be broken? Wouldn't the end of our system simply be the beginning of another? Dubh does not argue with him but rather discusses the points they both agree on and tries to emphasize their similarities. As they are talking his innate connection to the shadows seems to strengthen and the light that normally pulses through his veins during high emotions has completely vanished to embrace this darker discussion. Anyone watching may even seem to see the light in the area around the two of them dim. Surely that cannot be, it must just be their imaginations.

OOC: I think this should be a religion roll. Hope so.

18:47, Today: Dubh Oiche rolled 23 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 14.  Religion.

GM, 558 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 22:42
  • msg #338

Re: Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

Harrim is surprised but pleased to have a willing audience and conversational partner. Most people generally edge slowly away once he gets started. "Aye, just as the last multiverse ended, with only Pharasma surviving on Her Spiral Seal to tell the tale, this reality too will falter. But Groetus will be there to see the End, when the last living thing dies, to relieve the Goddess of Death of Her eternal duty and pack away the dust of this universe. Perhaps a Survivor will escape once more, but perhaps not. The other gods can fight their struggles, can scheme and plot against one another, but it is all pointless. The Harbinger knows the End is coming, no matter what they do. When I was young, and the hammer twisted in my hand, the chisel scraped when it should cut and shattered when it should chip, or the gouge carved my hands instead of the wood, I thought I was cursed, and in my blindness I despaired. But I learned: Groetus spoke to me. In His whispers, He taught me of the End, that I would know to greet it with a calm heart. Just as the serpentkind, and the Azlanti, and the Taldan Empire, and the cyclopes, and Tar Taargadth, and Tar Khadurrm all fell: you, too, will learn one day." He glances around to make sure no one else is listening, then whispers: "Aroden was only the beginning."

Harrim can go on like this forever if you let him.

Amiri: 8 (maximum)
Harrim: 5 (helpful)
Jaethal: 8 (maximum)
Linzi: 7 (helpful)
Octavia: 5 (helpful)
Regongar: 7 (helpful)
Valerie: 8 (maximum)

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:47, Sat 09 Sept 2023.
GM, 559 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #339

Chapter 3, Scene 3: Old Sharptooth's War

With everyone temporarily together again, the trading post is full far beyond capacity. The longhouse still isn't ready since Oleg had to take some time out to fence a pasture, so almost everyone ends up outside again in tents or just beneath the sky. At least the weather is nice, and with the moon just past first quarter, Desna's stars shine like fifteen million diamonds in the night sky.

In the morning, Harrim comes to you just as you are packing up to set out once more. "That mad Erastilian druid told me where you folks were headed. Though I'd love to see this ruined temple of his, I need to take a few days to rest and get Oleg to fix up my gear. But I always make sure to have one of these handy. Never know what you'll find in a ruin, but we didn't end up needing it at that watchtower. Barely any carving at all there, and Taldan anyway, so what it had was easy to read. Maybe you'll have need of this, and you'll be glad you have it." He hands you a scroll of comprehend language. "Just in case, you know. If you do find this temple, make sure to take plenty of notes!"

Here ends the scene.
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