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03:58, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: Scene 1: Rat Problems.

Posted by Vaelan NightshadeFor group archive 0
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 16 posts
Master of Stories
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 14:45
  • msg #1

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

In the fading light of day, a lone figure approached Stormharbor's bustling entrance. The city loomed ahead, its grand spires and ancient architecture captivating in their mysterious allure. Laughter and cheers reached your ears, mingled with bursts of maniacal giggling.

As you draw nearer, the spectacle revealed itself. An eccentric figure, adorned in vibrant reds and blacks, stood upon a makeshift stage. With flaming horns that flickered like dying embers, the Infernal Jester twirled and leaped with agile grace, captivating the audience with wild antics.

The laughter of the onlookers swirled around the jester like a melody, and the newcomer found themselves drawn into the whirlwind of excitement and wonder. The Jester's charisma was undeniable, their every move an enigmatic dance that spoke of mischief and secrets.

In the midst of the revelry, the Jester's gaze locked with the newcomer's. A knowing glint sparkled within the depths of the Jester's eyes, hinting at a deeper understanding of the newcomer's motives and actions.

"Welcome, wanderers, to Stormharbor! I am the Infernal Jester, your guide to a city veiled in twilight and mysteries, and just a hint of mischief. But fret not, for our little rat problem only adds spice to the dance of enigmas! Explore ancient relics, unravel secrets, and embrace the dance of riddles amidst our furry companions. Let adventure unfurl in the embrace of shadows, for here lies the allure of Stormharbor, where the rats play their part in our grand tale. Come forth and delve into the realm of endless riddles, boundless magic, and our ever-curious rodent friends!"
player, 4 posts
Half elven bard
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 15:59
  • msg #2

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

Lirian was tired. She had just arrived to Stormharbour and was walking her horse through the streets, humming an old song while looking for a cheap inn where to stay (her pouch was thinner that she would like) when she say the Infernal Jester show. She stopped to see it (keeping an eye on her belongings, as anyone knew pickpockets used to take advantage of the crowds) and appreciated his art.

"Which kind of being is this Infernal Jester?" she though. "A half demon maybe? Whatever he is he’s good at his trade as jester…

And what does he mean with rats? Every city has them, so I must suppose he’s talking about other than those small roedents…
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 14:54, Mon 07 Aug 2023.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 3 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 22:18
  • msg #3

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

Hunter paused to look at the curious fellow. How eccentric, while also entertaining. What's this all about? Does someone have an extermination problem? Perhaps he could help with that..

"Master! Master! Fried rat!"

Hunter looked down at the small figure tugging at his pants. She was pointing excitedly at some vendors on the other side of the square.

"Please Master! Fried rat!"

"Oh, very well, get two. I'll wait here." Hunter crossed his arms and lounged against a wagon, watching the Jester.

The creature shrugged her pack off and dumped it unceremoniously at his feet, and then disappeared into the crowd.

OOC: She's pickpocketting the crowd. Thanks for the idea, Lirian!
This message was last edited by the player at 22:19, Thu 03 Aug 2023.
player, 2 posts
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 10:11
  • msg #4

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

Brightkin hated his life it had been a week since his banishment and he was starting to think the queen hated him for he great power perhaps she felt him a threat to her power he thought to himself still he was duty bound to prove his worth so he could return to court as a hero.

But the weather was making his mood dark and the big clumsy humans kept mistaking him for a large insect and swotted him if he got too close.

Anyway he'd made it to one of their towns and noticed the strange man charming the crowds. He watched for a moment and shivered at the mention or gaint rats, he'd never met one but if they were anything like weasels he decided he didn't like them rubbing the scar on his shoulder from an encounter with one of the foul beasts.

He then suddenly had an idea what he thought could bring his banishment to an end this man thing before him was good but what he really needed was a powerful illusionist to add the wow to his show.his queen would see the good deed he'd done and welcome him back with open arms

Smiling He was just about to go over to introduce himself when he noticed A little  creature drop it's backpack and saying something to it's master skip off into the crowd picking pckest as it went... It was nimble but a big oaf felt the dip and was about to look down and catch the thing with it's hand in his pocket when Brightkin clicked his fingers and a large wasp started buzzing round the targets head... Now preoccupied with not being stung all thought of the creature was forgotten and it was able to slip away
Kai Wasser
player, 7 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #5

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

A human man approached Stormharbor. Dressed in studded leather armour over clothes that seem like they are long overdue a wash, his head under a wide-brimmed hat. The pale face visible underneath, one side shows several scars from burns.

On one side of him stands a pony, carrying various items on it's back.
On the other side, is a small guard dog, panting and looking around at all the excitement.

Seeing this 'Infernal Jester' before them, seeking to entertain and cajole them in, upon hearing the words "boundless magic", Kai knew that he was needed here.

"That much magic around, some of it can't be used for good, can it girl?" Kai said to himself, rubbing the dog's head, before deciding to proceed.

Looking at some of the others heading into Stormharbor, it was certainly an eclectic city, and much more diverse than some of the villages he had passed through to get here.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 24 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 7 Aug 2023
at 14:07
  • msg #6

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

OOC: Hunter go ahead and roll for stealth for your pet.
IC: The jester jumps around doing a dance to the songs of the band behind him. All of the sudden flames swirl around him creating a cyclone of air and fire wrapping that goes high into the sky and forms a giant dragons head.

The flame roars at the audience and then before you can do anything makes a bee line for the jester who appears unfazed by the creature. The flames slam into him making a huge pounding from the ground. As soon as the creature hits, it turns into a ton of flowers blocking your view.

When the dust clears the jester is standing in the middle with his arms out. No damage to his body. The audience still dazed from the show start clapping. The man bows to the crowd as people continue to give their thanks for the entrainment.
player, 8 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:10
Mon 7 Aug 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #7

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

As Lirian was watching at the jester, his play of the flame cyclon turning into a dragon head was too much for her horse, who started to move nervous, nearly panicking and tamping other bystanders. Lirian took it by the reigns, trying to calm it as the dragon head fell over the jester and exploded in flowers.

With the disappearing of the flames and dragon head, along with Lirian caring, the horse began to clam, but not before it has pushed someone among the people, nearly making him to fall. Lirian turned to him helping him to recover the balance.

"I’m sorry" she apologized to him. "I didn’t expect those fireworks, and it’s clear neither did my horse did. I was tried to hold it, but it seems I could not do it quick enough" she explained, feeling embarrassed by the situation.

OOC: a good occasion for introductions, if any of you wants to be the one so pushed…
Hunter Gallagher
player, 5 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 09:27
  • msg #8

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

Hunter was impressed by the firey dragon , and wondered how it was done. Was that gunpowder? Or was it magic of some kind? It kind of reminded him of that time he had tried to make a cannon from a length of pipe, but the thing had fired backwards somehow, taking into the air and spiralling round and round in wide loops before veering off and screaming into Mother's roses. Exhilarating! His pulse pounded at the memory.

There appeared to be a woman struggling with a horse in the crowd just in front of him. The silly thing was probably spooked by the lights and fires. Silly animals.

A master horseman himself, Hunter strode forward confidently to help.

OOC: Unbeknownst to Hunter, Jenkins might be in trouble!
21:08, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 2 using 1d10, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  goblin stealth.

player, 3 posts
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 11:29
  • msg #9

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

Brightkin's smile dropped from his face when he saw the fire dragon effect.... So the jester already had his illusions covered oh well.

The he noticed a rider having difficulty with her horse and quickly fluttered over to see if he could be of some use
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 26 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 13:43
  • msg #10

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

Jenkins tries her hardest at stealing anything from the crowd but the crowd is too compact and thick. The few times she tries someone notices her and gives her a evil look. No one makes mention since most are watching the Jester but it's a quick glare that makes her rethink her actions.

Just then somewhere far behind the crowd more towards the shops side of things, you hear

You see what appears to be at least a few guards making their way towards your area.
Kai Wasser
player, 8 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 00:04
  • msg #11

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

Seeing the magical display, Kai gives a scowl at the whole thing, and shakes his head in disappointment, Such a wasteful use of magic. Throwing it around for parlour tricks. as he thinks to himself.

Hearing the shouting of guards and accusation of theft, Kai instinctively draws a chakram, coated in what appears to be alchemical silver, ready to assist if necessary.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 6 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 01:03
  • msg #12

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

When the hue and cry went up, Jenkins instinctively ruined and ran. Taking advantage of her small size she squeezed through legs,ducked under grasping arms, and did her best to evade her pursuers.

She hid briefly beneath a horse and tried to scout a way clear.
player, 10 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:10
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 08:57
  • msg #13

Chapter 1: Scene 1:

As the horse seemed to calm itself with Lirian caresses, she moved a little away from the crowd, so it could move and felt less nervous, smiling a “thank you” to the two men that moved to help her. She took a carrot from her pocket and gave it to the horse as she heard the hue and cry about a thief.

She looked where the cry came from, while still caressing her horse. “Good, cries and running people is what Redmane (OOC: the horse) needs now to calm…i” she thought, upset by the disturbing. She was unwilling to intervene, but if the running came to her, she’d better do it…

OOC: Lirian does not act unless the goblin moves toward her. If so, she tries to trick it with her staff, making it to stumble on ground and leaving it for the guards.
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