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22:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC] Part 2: The Journey to the Hidden Vale.

Posted by LoremasterFor group archive 1
Aldaron Swiftblade
player, 45 posts
End:26; Hope10; Parry:19
Fri 23 Feb 2024
at 17:04
  • msg #48

Part 2: Leg 2

Aldaron watches Gilraen leave with mixed feelings. She was a comfort, for certain. Without her, the wild is suddenly more perilous, the coming night more threatening. But the knot in his tongue has untied itself, and the heat in his cheeks cooled. He smiles to himself. Perhaps it's for the best. He wasn't sure how long he could continue without making a fool of himself.

Not long after, while Aldaron lays his bedroll in the hill's shadow, he sees Jari walk from the camp. He exchanges a brief look with Haldan. The two of them, it seems, have the same thought: Jari is up to something. While Haldan approaches Diarmoc, keeping the sinister man's attention diverted, Aldaron slips around the hill and slides into Jari's shadow. (STEALTH: Extraordinary Success with Eye of Sauron)

Let's see where you're going, friend Jari, and keep you safe from orcs while you're going there.

OOC: For Aldaron's successes, he will gain insight and widen influence, in case Jari is meeting someone else and so Diarmoc doesn't notice his going.
player, 81 posts
A square-shouldered pal
Hope 14 End 28 Load 25
Fri 23 Feb 2024
at 18:14
  • msg #49

Part 2: Leg 2

In reply to Haldan the Northman (msg # 47):

As Haldan seemingly blows up at Diarmoc, Nor stands, and takes a half-step towards them.  "Ho ho, now, Haldan.  That's no way to talk.  We're not even one night, and we're at loggerheads?  No no, lad.  Settle, have a think."  He turns slightly, more shifts his gaze, really, to address Diarmoc.  "I don't ask none for why from they whence come, nor what business they have when they get where they're going.  I'm sure you have your reasons, and many a man keeps his tongue to hisself, not blabbering on like some bard.  Due time, Due time."  He sits again, puffs for a moment, staring into the fire, and then speaks again.  "Now then lads, we have a lot to think about, what with what Counselor Gilraen has said.  But first on our list should be who takes what watch.  Now you, young Thomas, I would suggest either first or last.  And if you want someone with you, as you might not have the same sort of experience, then that's no shame.  Gentlemen?"
Diarmoc the Traveller
NPC, 8 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 09:42
  • msg #50

Part 2: Leg 2

Diarmoc, in a darker mood than ever before, sits alone in the growing darkness beside a boulder. He looks up as Haldan and Nor approaches and grimaces. After a while he ansvars. "Well, I met Jari on the road outside Bree and he paid me to bolster his attempts to recruit adventurers. I think he fears that there may be dangers in the valley so he had me enter Bree separately as a ruse to ensure that he would be able to recruit a goodly number of adventurers. Good enough for you?" He falls silent, staring into the gloom.

You may both roll INSIGHT or RIDDLE.
Haldan the Northman
player, 54 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 12 Shadow 1
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 10:44
  • msg #51

Part 2: Leg 2

Haldan takes another puff on his pipe {INSIGHT: Success, incl. useful item). Diarmoc's story sounds feasible, but Hal still has misgivings. The dark mood concerns him, the nervous shuffles, it's as if Diarmoc is concerned about something more than just the threat of danger. "What do you know of the valley of Morglynd? Have you been there before?"
Diarmoc the Traveller
NPC, 9 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 14:24
  • msg #52

Part 2: Leg 2

The man's eyes glitter as if with tears but he refuses to look up at Haldan. "No," he says, "I... I have not." He looks close to breaking and it is obvious to the Barding that Diarmoc is still not telling the full truth.

I think perhaps an ENHEARTEN roll could lure Diarmoc out of his shell.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:29, Sat 24 Feb.
Haldan the Northman
player, 57 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 12 Shadow 1
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 14:36
  • msg #53

Part 2: Leg 2

Hal looks sympathetically at the man, and decides to try a different approach. "We can help you if you'd let us, but it would be a lot easier if you told us what we're up against." (PERSUADE: Success)

Invoking 'Fair-spoken' and spending another Hope point.
GM, 116 posts
Fellowship points 6 (6)
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 15:09
  • msg #54

Part 2: Leg 2

Diarmoc's chest heaves with a great sob and starts to tell his story. It is difficult to tell, coming out in heaves with spittle running from his mouth and tears running down his cheeks. You gather that he and his kinfolk left the South and travelled north. He admits that there is more to this quest than was said at Bree. "The valley of Morglynd might have some treasure", he says, "but it’s also home to a band of foul Trolls who capture and eat people.” He manages to get out that they waylaid Diarmoc’s family and took them away. He met Jari as he wandered, bereft and lost, and Jari came up with the tale of the lost treasure in order to recruit some stalwart adventurers. Their real goal is slaying the Trolls, not finding Dwarf-gold.

Diarmoc then descends into despairing imaginings about what might have happened to his family, alternating between grim speculation that they’ve been devoured and hope that they might still be alive.

Since you used PERSUADE rather than ENHEARTEN you do get him to tell his story but everyone who hear abut the fate of his family also gain 1 Shadow point (DREAD).
player, 84 posts
A square-shouldered pal
Hope 14 End 28 Load 25
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 15:33
  • msg #55

Part 2: Leg 2

Nor feels the tarred line of despair tighten anew. "Your pain is the pain of us all; that fell creatures walk these lands.  How fortunate we are to have Jari - who took up your cause.  Why keep these trolls a secret, I wonder?  We will all speak afresh on his especially, Thomas.  Do not flee in the night.  I wonder then also what Gilraen might have made of this news?  With the rangers about - though you have said you do not trust them, Dairmoc, they might be an ally here."
Perry Foxglow
player, 28 posts
Hope: 15 End: 23 Load: 5
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 21:38
  • msg #56

Part 2: Leg 2

Gilraen had not fully soothed Perry's curiosity, though he was thankful for what news she brought.  The puzzle of the dead travellers would remain unsolved for now.  Then Jari took his leave of their company and now poor Diamarc's woeful tale.  The evening had not turned out the way Perry anticipated, and it left him in a dour mood.  He wanted to question Diarmoc further but could not see where new information might be gained.  The poor man had been through enough.  Perry stared into the fire, head on knees and lost in thought.

"I do not feel especially like sleeping," he said, but to no one in particular.
Haldan the Northman
player, 59 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 11 Shadow 1
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 09:32
  • msg #57

Part 2: Leg 2

"Thank you for sharing your story, Diarmoc. We will go to the valley and try to find these trolls." (VALOUR: Great success)

Haldan doesn't know what else to say. He has heard tales of people captured by trolls and kept as prisoners, to be eaten later. A few have even escaped, although Hal has never met anyone who escaped from a troll lair and he has his doubts as to the veracity of the stories. If Diarmoc's family were captured, the chance of them being alive is slim. Still, the fellowship will need to make haste, and should be wary. Trolls are not the smartest of creatures, but they can be devious.
Diarmoc the Traveller
NPC, 10 posts
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 17:23
  • msg #58

Part 2: Leg 2

Diarmoc collects himself and stares wide-eyed at Nór. "No, no, I am sure they will be fine." He picks up a kerchief from his pocket and wipes his face and finishes by loudly blowing his nose. He doesn't seem willing to discuss Jari. Suddenly he looks up as the dwarf in question walks into the camp and you can see how Diarmoc once again clenches his jaw and returns to his usual sullen self.
Jari the Wanderer
NPC, 11 posts
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 17:23
  • msg #59

Part 2: Leg 2

After perhaps a couple of hours Jari returns to camp, well into the dark hours. The sky is clear and you can see without fire well enough by the light of the stars and the mooon. "All is clear ahead," the dwarf mutters and rolls himself up in his blankets.
Haldan the Northman
player, 61 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 11 Shadow 1
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 19:22
  • msg #60

Part 2: Leg 2

Haldan retrieves his blankets and checks that Silvermane is comfortable. "I'll take the first watch," he declares. "The rest of you try to get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow."

Aldaron should be back soon, and Hal is interested in finding out what Jari was up to.

1 Hope point recovered (from fellowship pool)
Aldaron Swiftblade
player, 52 posts
End:26; Hope10; Parry:19
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 19:31
  • msg #61

Part 2: Leg 2

Aldaron draws little attention as he slips into camp, appearing some moments after Jari. Without ceremony, he simply sits himself on his bedroll in the darkness of the hollow, exactly as if he'd been there all along.

He can tell at a glance that something has been revealed in camp during his absence, Diarmoc's tear-stained face is clue enough, though he wouldn't want to venture a guess as to what.

"Thomas, why don't you take first watch, while we are still awake," he ventures. "We four can debate the rest of the night's allocation between us."

He signals Haldan, Nór, and Perry with his eyes and a subtle jerk of the chin, indicating they should withdraw a distance so they can speak in private. Once they follow him into the hill's deeper shadows, a place where they can see both Diarmoc and Jari without being overheard, he watches Thomas make his first stuttering patrol of the camp. "These are dangerous lands," he begins, before dropping his voice to a whisper.

"I followed Jari some way from the camp. The dwarf is a difficult quarry, skilled and cunning, and he was at pains not be followed. I almost lost him, would have if not for luck. Once he was well clear of the camp, he stood atop the crest of a hill and whistled a birdcall. Obviously a signal. Given the way he was facing and the prevailing wind, it was meant for someone off to our east, in the valley itself I would guess." Aldaron pauses and glances about, making certain nobody is listening who should not be. "I don't know what game Jari is playing, but after hearing Gilraen's words, I wouldn't discount Jari being in league with the orcs who killed the travellers."

He stops, his face fixed in a frown. "Did Diarmoc yield any more about their intentions?"

OOC: I'm assuming here there will be time to speak wbile we organise watch, so I took a liberty in pushing ahead with giving Aldaron's account.
player, 85 posts
A square-shouldered pal
Hope 14 End 28 Load 25
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 21:36
  • msg #62

Part 2: Leg 2

Nor nods.  "Aye and did he.  Cut to the quick, his family ambushed and taken captive by trolls.  Presumed eaten but maybe not.  Jari found him, somewhere, convinced him that they should make up a story about treasure to get adventurers, and then go fight the trolls.  Seems Diarmoc is as deceived as we are.  I say first thing we should have a confront.  And no one should take watch alone."
Haldan the Northman
player, 62 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 11 Shadow 1
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 22:32
  • msg #63

Part 2: Leg 2

Hal frowns, "If Diarmoc is telling the truth, and I believe that he is, then who was Jari signalling? I think I agree with Nor, that Diarmoc too is being deceived. Whether it's trolls or orcs I don't know, but we'll need to stay alert. Maybe it's time to bring Gert and Milton back."
Aldaron Swiftblade
player, 53 posts
End:26; Hope10; Parry:19
Mon 26 Feb 2024
at 08:17
  • msg #64

Part 2: Leg 2

"We could certainly leave a message for them," says Aldaron, turning his eyes to the darkness around the camp. Gert and Milton are out there somewhere, but he hasn't been consciously looking for traces and has seen none.

"It's possible Diarmoc has been lured into some arrangement under duress. I don't know to what end, but he lied to us from the beginning. If the orcs, or trolls, or someone else is holding his family, Jari might have persuaded him to help lure us into an ambush..."

Except, why bother? They have no money to speak of. What possible reason could they have?

"...I just don't know why."

But he does know they should expect the worst, and they shouldn't trust either Jari or Diarmoc. When they enter the valley, they can expect to face orcs and trolls. And if Orothel has been taken, there must be more danger than they think. The experienced ranger would be no easy gull.

Thomas stumbles his way around another circuit of the camp. Aldaron sighs. "Whatever we will face tomorrow, we still need to stand watch tonight. Haldan, I think you will have twice the burden, first watch and Thomas to supervise. I like to rise early, shall I take last watch? Perry and Nór, do you want to divide the middle part of the night between you. We should be wary, but I don't think we'll have problems tonight. Whatever scheme Jari is cooking, the pot is the Morglynd."
Haldan the Northman
player, 65 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 11 Shadow 1
Mon 26 Feb 2024
at 10:02
  • msg #65

Part 2: Leg 2

Hal shrugs. There are still too many unknowns, but he's fairly certain that there's an ambush up ahead and that Jari plans on leading them into it.

"I'll take the first watch with Thomas," he nods at Aldaron, "and wake one of the others in a couple of hours."
player, 88 posts
A square-shouldered pal
Hope 14 End 28 Load 25
Mon 26 Feb 2024
at 20:17
  • msg #66

Part 2: Leg 2

"Any watch fine for me.  Keep your blades close, lads."
GM, 121 posts
Fellowship points 5 (6)
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 07:50
  • msg #67

Part 2: Leg 2

Despite being well prepared your blankets have not been quite enough to keep the spring chill from your bones but eventually morning comes after a night without fire. The sky is entirely overcast today and the Weather Hills does not live up to it's name as the air is still and heavy, full of the earthy smell of wet grass. Jari is in no rush to break camp but walks around doing this and that, double and triple checking the mules' harnesses.
Aldaron Swiftblade
player, 57 posts
End:26; Hope10; Parry:19
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 08:29
  • msg #68

Part 2: Leg 2

Aldaron watches the dwarf from atop a boulder below the hill's crest. It was a peaceful night, if not the most comfortable, but the warmth of the sun cresting the distant mountains was more than welcome when it came.

"How long to your uncle's treasure, Jari?" he asks, jumping from his perch as the others stir.

For a dwarf in uncommon haste to leave Bree and recover his inheritance, today Jari seems all too happy to take his time. Aldaron wonders what has inspired the change. Could the signal he sent mean he has achieved what he wished?

If so, what could it be?

He eyes the camp. Trolls wouldn't attack in daylight, nor orcs, given a choice. None of the adventuring party is a person of significance, and none is carrying any treasure worthy of an elaborate ambush. The thing is a mystery.

No doubt, he thinks, as he sets about making a cold breakfast, we'll have all the answers we want later.
Haldan the Northman
player, 72 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 11 Shadow 1
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 08:56
  • msg #69

Part 2: Leg 2

Looking up at the clouds, Haldan curses under his breath. He quickly rolls up his blankets and returns them to his pack. "We should make haste, if there are Orcs and Trolls in the valley, we don't want to be caught there after dark."
Jari the Wanderer
NPC, 12 posts
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 09:03
  • msg #70

Part 2: Leg 2

Jaris head jerks up and he casts a quick glance at Diarmoc before turning to Haldan. "What's this of orcs and trolls? No, no, not to worry. The valley is just a little ways to the east now, ripe for the plucking. Come, young Thomas, give me a hand with this tackle," he waves the young man to come help him and then moves on to another menial task.
Haldan the Northman
player, 73 posts
End: 26 Load: 18 Fat: 2
Hope: 11 Shadow 1
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 09:47
  • msg #71

Part 2: Leg 2

Hal gets Silvermane prepared for their departure. "Gilraen warned us of fresh orc and troll tracks in these hills. Now make haste ... we'll be leaving with or without you."
Jari the Wanderer
NPC, 13 posts
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 11:32
  • msg #72

Part 2: Leg 2

"Very well master Haldan, let's be off then," Jari grumbles but quickly gets ready to depart.
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