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18:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 1396 posts
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 13:57
  • msg #1

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Gathered, with the disposal of the rod of Orcus and damnation to follow behind you, Orontor and the mages gathered circled and nodded.
Appreciative and with the Journal of Paldemar in hand, he went over the notes and his face was a grimace of concern throughout.
"I see. Well...this is concerning but recent words make sense suddenly. The Lord Warden, Faren Markelhay of Fallcrest, sent out a messenger some time ago wording concern and seeking help with what now seems to have a direct link to our rogue mage and traitor - and with extend beyond what was initially feared. With the link to pyramid, and the curse of the beasts associated with its presence, I urge you kill two flies with one stone and seek out the lord and aid him and the course, sooner than later. A word of caution. We have learned of many agents of the course and you will likely be watched and hunted. Pay heed. And make haste. It is due south of here, a days travel or so by foot."

Orontor remained, cautious and talked briefly to the gathered.
"We will scry and watch your doings, and aid if we can, but we are weakened and rebuilding so what we can offer is inconsistent. But we will do what we can. If you have nothing further, I urge you make haste, but ask if you have any doubts!"

A mage turned and tugged at Nezumi.
"A creature called Baaz asked for you. Said no rush, just wanted to check in on you."
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:59, Thu 21 Dec 2023.
player, 143 posts
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 20:51
  • msg #2

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"Ah, I should probably check in on my little servant. Make sure they're well taken care of in my absence and all. Would you at all mind guiding me to them? This place is a tad labyrinthine." Nezumi replies to the mage.
GM, 1398 posts
Wed 27 Dec 2023
at 11:53
  • msg #3

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

-- Recap of events up to now--

Through use of the Rod and the powers that it bestowed Paldemar, along with tainting his mind and actions, he sought to capture and create a rift to the shadowfell.
As the veil is thin between The Nether vale and the shadowfell, piercing it from within the Thunderspire Labyrinth and using the lore and abilities of the mighty mage Karavakos and his artifact allowing the capture and opening the the rift, allowing Orcus, his influence and minions to freely ascend on the lands and cause eternal darkness and anguish.
Failing the ritual to bind the rift and succeed in dragging a fortress of necrotic energy back to this plane, the fabled pyramid of shadows, forces have now sought to not only find other ways to bind and force it through, albeit from the other plane, but also seek vengeance and revenge on those who stand in the way and prevented it.

As a shadow and agents of Orcus and the pyramid begin to come through, albeit little at the time, and harassing the city of Fallcrest, the concern is that the mission to stop Paldemar and the veil in the sea of shadows, have been no more than a delay to something inevitable - and the heroes, the group, have every chance to gather, and prevent this by dealing a final blow to the plan and damnation of the lands.

The mages, instrumental in being caught and bound, know the above and parlays it to the group - and points to fallcrest as a key location to stop any agent of Orcus and their enemy.

GM, 1401 posts
Thu 28 Dec 2023
at 09:39
  • msg #4

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Nezumi followed calmly the young mage.
Not to much surprise, the small room at the Inn, she offered and prepaided remained the base for the small creature, affectionately defined as friend Baaz, not forced but marely been shown affection and calm for the first time in it's existence and realizing the joy in freedom and opportunity.
Inside the room the small creature advanced, calmly and bowed its head.
"Master! A joy to see you! It has been most curious here. Calm, but also sense great concern and strange things at night. Was told this place is busy. Still. Lots happening. Saw a dark man, with curious ears. Sat alone. Wrote. Left behind a scroll. Can not read. Perhaps master can use it? Also made this small thing for you! Will keep you safe!"
Baaz hands a small frame with a curious almost fiery liquids inside, that is no larger than her hand.
The scroll is bund with string.

Elsewhere Orontor took note of the curiousity into Karavakos.
"The mage was powerful beyond words, and angered the gods many years ago and the pyramid you are to seek his prison. He made a pact with infernal legions and sought and almost succeeded to take over the lands around, on many planes before meeting defeat in the feywild - but his power, anger and willingness to do everything to get what he wanted saw him trapped within. If he has any sway in Paldemars deroute or his influence will keep disturbing the lands and stability, seeking the god-taint Karavakos is instrumental. Be careful, granted."
player, 146 posts
Thu 28 Dec 2023
at 11:07
  • msg #5

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"Well, if I can't read it I'm sure one of those bookish types can. While I take a look how about you tell me about this potion you made and how life here in the city has been treating you?" Nezumi stows the potion carefully in a potion slot in her belt before opening the scroll and attempting to read it or else identify the language it's written in.

(Known languages: Common, Draconic, Elven. INT check result of 16 to try to identify the language if it's not one of those.)
This message was last edited by the player at 23:21, Thu 28 Dec 2023.
player, 404 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Sun 31 Dec 2023
at 02:33
  • msg #6

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock stood in the treasure chamber looking to claim his reward for disrupting the ritual in the sea of shadows. The half Orc saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was a set of blood-stained black leather gloves. He felt like he had seen them before. Checking the back of the hand, his eyes went wide as he recognized the emblem embossed on them, a tusked skull and crossed swords. It was the symbol on the pirate flag that had enslaved him most of his life. These…had belonged to his father, Captain Snaggletooth of the Iron Tusk pirates.

His father must have been defeated not long after his escape. Which means…Grock slipped on the gloves and held out his left hand like he had seen the Captain so many times in the past. A bow and quiver appeared. A mental command sent the bow and quiver back into the glove. The same motions were repeated with the right glove producing the infamous double sword, Blood Rain, named for the spray of blood produced when it’s victims’ heads are chopped off. Grock couldn’t believe his eyes and felt the bloodlust coming from the blade.

Wrapped around the handle was a piece of paper, the last will of the Captain written in his own blood:

“To whoever claims the Blood Rain,

These are my last words as the sea comes to claim what is hers. What you hold is the twin blades of freedom. Freedom for whoever wishes to grab life by the cannonballs and forge their own destiny! This blade freed me and my fellow sea dogs from the yoke of spoiled merchants living fat off the backs of others. I imprisoned the crew of the ships we sank so they may know what it is like to be chained and know what is means to truly be free and willing to fight for it be their spirit not broken. I submitted my own son to the whip to toughen his back and strengthen his body. His hate for me fuel to his will to live. That bastard even broke free and escaped. Just like his old man. I’m proud of him. Now my era has ended and yours is about to begin. Forge your own destiny in the name of freedom…or don’t. Nothing my rotten corpse can do to make you hahahaha!

-Captain Snaggletooth of the Iron Tusk Pirates

The letter fell to the floor as Grock finished reading. Stunned to silence, he stared into the blade and could swear he saw his father smiling back at him with his usual smug grin. The ex-slave could never forgive his father for the atrocities he had committed, but at least he now knew why. The hate melted away and was replaced by peace. The blade went back into the glove as he looked down at the remnants of chains that dangled from his forearms and ankles. Would he always be chained to the past? Would he always be running from something? No. The half Orc reached down and with much strain ripped the chains off tossing them to the side. He would make something of himself and charge towards his own destiny that he wished now that he was truly free.

Grock stood with renewed purpose and determination at the exit of the town in the direction of their next great journey. He looked back waiting for his companions to conclude their business in town and join them.
GM, 1404 posts
Wed 3 Jan 2024
at 08:46
  • msg #7

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

In reply to Nezumi (msg # 5):

Baaz smiled and nodded.
"This thing will keep you safe. Can't explain, but learned to harness flame. Rise like a flame, when hurt."
He turned and nodded at his room with a small smile.
"Enjoy it here. Most are nice. Some look strange. Made friend with big Ogre fella. He promise to keep me safe. Good fella, bit big and curious smell. Feels good here. Master is also nice to Baaz. Can not complain."

The scroll is gibberish to you and the tonation and writing is curious even to you. So for now it appears a lost cause.
player, 282 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Sat 6 Jan 2024
at 06:16
  • msg #8

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth had one other thing in mind before they departed, something trivial to provide and potentially crucial once they arrived. "Would you provide us with a letter of introduction? The leadership of Fallcrest, and its defenders, may not be welcoming to strangers in these circumstances."
GM, 1405 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 07:48
  • msg #9

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Orontor nodded.
"As the Lord warden approached me, that has already been handled. Here, take this, and please make haste if you can. The road is is straight west and the roads are well established to the town itself."
Extending a piece of parchment, bound with a dark blue ribbon, he nodded, awaiting further questions or requests for aid.
player, 149 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 01:30
  • msg #10

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

After spending a while with Baaz simply socializing after their business was concluded Nezumi returns to Orontor.

"Can you or one of your colleagues read this? I received it from my associate Baaz who said it was left behind by a 'dark man with curious ears who sat alone and wrote' in the common area of the inn. I thought it might have some importance."
GM, 1407 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 09:22
  • msg #11

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Orontor nodded and took the scroll.
He glanced over it and looked curiously.
"thalackz'hind....thats high drow".
He waves someone over.
"We can perform some magic to decipher this when time permits, but it will take a while. The word thalackz'hind and the runes suggest that this very word or phrase means attack from afar or assault...whom, where and what is unknown for now however."
He looked it over.
"I urge you pay heed and keep your eyes open and I will advise to you, via a sending ritual, what it states. Would this work?"

I will post an update that is for the road to fallcrest.

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:31, Thu 11 Jan.
player, 150 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 09:37
  • msg #12

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"Works for me, we should probably be off then. The forces of shadow never rest."
GM, 1408 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 14:20
  • msg #13

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

----Outside the Seven-Pillared Halls----

With the words of the Mages of Saruun, the decree of the Lord Warden of Fallcrest, you make way out of the Thunderspire mountain, seeing true sunlight for the first time in eons it feels. The sweet scent of the natural flora fill the air, the delicate hues of lands and forest before you.
The road ahead, a common and well used travel route leading past the mountain southward.
While well cleared and easily traversed, the road and lands offer some variety with hills, rivers, and various changes in the ground.

Some time pass and the sun standing high in the sky burns your skin ever so softly. Suddenly you see something up ahead.
You meet heavily laden carts with people sitting on top of the carts. The carts seem to be containing most of their worldly belongings, the pore mules in front of the carts are all but worn out. You meet the peoples eyes and you see the fear hidden away there, deep inside of them. They have been through something that forever is going to put a scar in their souls.
They barely glance at you as you pass them, obviously worn and scared.

----Some time later----
With a calm trip behind you, sore legs and concerned demeanor, you notice a sight ahead.
You clear the last hill and set your eyes upon Fallcrest.
The town stands amid the Moon Hills at the falls of the Nentir River, divided in two by a large cliff that divides the town into Lowtown and Hightown, with the Moonstone Keep overlooking the town.
Here travelers and traders using the old King’s Road that runs north and south, the dwarven Trade Road from the east, and the river all meet.
The surrounding hills shelter several small valleys where farmers and woodsfolk live.

But what catches your eyes are not the town in itself – it is the immense pyramid floating in the air above the town.
Swirling black clouds cover the sky and thunderous lightning can be heard from its core, challenging anybody who dares to enter. The pyramid in itself is utterly black, as if it was sucking in the surrounding light, and casting the town below in shadows.
A huge swarm of black ravens circle silently around the pyramid. The sight is so unnatural so you feel fear fill your bowls at its sight.
What dark purpose can this pyramid of shadows have?
(You are free to roll Perception/nature/arcana checks)

Given your actions and embarks of bravery, you will incure a passive +2 bonus to all diplomacy and charisma based skill checks while in Fallcrest!

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:33, Thu 11 Jan.
GM, 1409 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 14:32
  • msg #14

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Descriptions of locations:

1. Tower of Waiting
This old fortification was built on a small island in the Nentir to guard the city from any waterborne attack from the north. It fell into ruin even before the sack of the old city, and now is little more than an empty shell overrun by mice and birds.

Barstomun Strongbeard - Porter.

There are no guards at the Five-Arch Bridge.


Knight’s Gate guards the northeastern road to Thunderspire Mountain.



Home of the Lord Warden.

9. The Tombwood

Temple to Pelor.


12. The Nentir Falls


14. The Bluffs

15. The Catacombs


Temple to Sehanine.





21. Moonwash Falls


23. Blue Moon Alehouse








Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1139 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 18:47
  • msg #15

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"I take it that that's not usually there."
player, 406 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 21:22
  • msg #16

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock looks at the pyramid. “No I’m pretty sure it is. They would not have built a town underneath it on purpose in case it fell. There would also be a clear way on how to get up there. Let’s check in with the lord.”

15:19, Today: Grock rolled 33 using 1d20+14 ((19)).
player, 152 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 05:19
  • msg #17

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Arcana: 12
Perception: 21
Nature: 13

"That'd be the problem we're here to deal with up there. Here's hoping things aren't to complicated to deal with on the surface beforehand though. If you need to be certain that someone is being honest and they're mostly friendly I can be of some assistance. Wake me if I'm needed, otherwise I'm going to rest up to keep watch overnight tonight." Nezumi shifts into mouse form and curls up on Grock's head playing the role of the harmless pet mouse that nobody who would let it sleep on their head could be particularly dangerous.

Bluff: 27 (Forgot to add the local +2 bonus)
This message was last edited by the player at 05:20, Sat 13 Jan.
player, 284 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 14:26
  • msg #18

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"I don't think it is actually there." Rynoth pointed up toward the birds flitting about the structure. "See how the shadow ravens just pass in and out through the walls? It's only half-manifest, which means that Karavakos hasn't broken out yet." He let his hand fall back to his side, although he continued to split his attention between the pyramid and the road ahead. "I went through the mages' archives before we left and learned a few things about him and why he's there."

Legends of old speak about the time before men when eladrins and fomorians battled for supreme ship of the Feywild. One such legend tells the story of the ancient fomorian king Moran, who was known for his pursuit of power and fell magic. He stroke a bargain with a demon lord who transformed his evil eye into a crystal vessel of shadow and fire. Moran later crafted several lesser eyes of similar design, naming them Moran’s Eyes and giving them to powerful monsters in exchange for fealty.

Karavakos had with his demon pact with the Prince of Undeath managed to concur all neighboring lands and form a mighty nation to rival the great human empire of Nerath that held sway over much of the land at this time. It was at winter’s arrival that Vyrellis, the eladrin princess, arrived to Karavakos palace seeking his audience.

Vyrellis was the second daughter of the great Eladrin King Palenthior, Warden of the Silver City of Celduilon, and shared Karavakos ambitions for power. The beautiful eladrin princess filled Karavakos head with dreams of power, proposing that he should extend his rule ship across two worlds and into the Feywild. Against eladrin customs, Karavakos took Vyrellis as his bride without her father’s consent, and they proclaimed that they together would rule the new empire. With spring’s dawning his armies would march into the Feywild.

Vyrellis knew that her father would close the Moon Door’s into the Feywild at the approach of Karavakos demonic and undead armies, so she proposed another alliance, betraying her people, and spoke of another portal to the Feywild, a portal guarded jealously by the troll king Vard, founder of the realm of Vardar which bridged into the Feywild as well as the world of men.

Karavakos went to the troll king’s lair with an offer of alliance, but the troll king of Vardar would not hear of it. He knew the strength of the eladrin forces and did not want to march against them and risk his life. Karavakos had to return empty handed. There the story could have ended if not the Blood Lord had interfered, because Vard wielded one of Moran’s Eyes, using it to dominate his violent subjects. Through it the Blood Lord whispered, sending visions to the troll king of Vardar. Telling him to go back to Karavakos with an ultimatum – If Karavakos could guarantee that the troll king would survive the eladrin battle, he would lend Karavakos his aid and his troll hordes.

Karavakos, who received help from his demonic advisors, started the creation of the Stone Cauldron—a vessel built to contain the waters of life that the troll king guarded, having the power to fuel a ritual capable of returning the dead to life—even those already claimed by the Raven Queen. What Karavakos did not tell Vard, was that those raised returned as shades of their former selves under the control of the one who raised them.

When spring came, the demon hordes marched through the Crystal Throne at the Fortress of Mross-Kagg into the Feywild. In the Feywild, though, the demons and the undead met their match. Invincible on the battlefields of the natural world, the demons had no such protection once they stepped into the Feywild and met the mighty eladrin army. Fey spears and arrows felled the hordes, putting an end to Karavakos’s dreams of conquest—and severing his demonic bargain.

When the troll nation of Vardar was sacked, Vard was killed in battle at Kadorhak, his body vanishing in a sheet of orange flame. The forces of good assumed he had been incinerated, but the power of Moran’s Eye carried his body back to the Great Warren. Troll shamans later interred Vard’s remains and the Eye in a great barrow hidden in the Trollhaunt, waiting for his return. But as ages past he was soon forgotten in the mists of time.

The pyramid was constructed from green feystone, so it would last forever. The Tower was the foci used in the complex ritual to bend the dimensions for the creation of the demiplane needed for the prison.

And so one witness remained – Karavakos – imprisoned for eternity in the Pyramid of Shadows by the eladrin king Palenthior, together with princess Vyrellis for her betrayal.

GM, 1411 posts
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 10:28
  • msg #19

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

For reference, you all across the board learn this(already partially summarized by Rynoth:
Perception Check
You notice that the ravens seem unnaturally silent, and a trail of shadows follows its wake.
You spot that some birds fly into the surface of the pyramid, just to disappear into its black surface as if it was not there.

Nature Check
Those ravens are not normal birds, but something else – darker and filled with shadow stuff.

Arcana Check
You sense that this pyramid is created with very strong magic and somehow extra-dimensional, not a true building per see.
You can notice the presence of both shadow stuff and fey magic in its magical bindings.

Your arrival is quaint - few guards if any are visible and there is a lul or calm to the town that is unexpected to say the least.
You know that two things must happen here. Be prepared for anything - find the Lord Warden and learn of the pyramid and a way in if needed.
How, for now is uncertain..
You do notice in the distance, a few men and women wandering from house to house, but little more.

Note: You are at the knights gate(number 5 on the map, north).
player, 407 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 14:35
  • msg #20

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock keeps moving seeing that there aren’t any guards to stop them or ask why they are here. Going through the gates, he heads east going up the path straight to the Lord Warden’s house. “Let’s go straight to the big man and get the rundown on what has been going on in town.”
player, 285 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 17:33
  • msg #21

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth agreed with that plan and likewise continued apace, although his long glance down the street was followed by a quiet, "Stay vigilant. That may be trouble coming, and I'm even more concerned by what we don't see."
GM, 1412 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 13:48
  • msg #22

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

As you pass through the gate you see a higher ranked soldier, the sergeant of the militia along with his three men guarding near the gate.
He is is visibly shaken and distraught and as he sees you he nods carefully.
Calmly he halts you.
"Are you by chance here to aid? You certainly look the part. But one can never know these days. We could use any help."
He turns to the others to keep calm and watchful before continuing.
He sighs and states, merely to himself but also at you.
"One day it was just there – floating in the air and with a crown of dark clouds over it.
Got everybody kind of jumpy. We had a couple of days of riots, as people tried to flee from the city.
Now we keep the gates open, so people can leave if they want to.
A couple of days later those bloody shadowravens started to appear in the sky, like a cloud of shadows circling the town.
We have tried to shoot them down – but it is useless, the swarm just keeps growing.
Now we even don’t keep guards at the Five-Arch Bridge due to the shadowravens.
Too many guards killed – no cover from them there. But I don’t leave my post. They will have to bury me here."

He eyes you and nods to himself.
“You are the first people who willingly set foot here in Fallcrest since the appearance of the pyramid, or wait – there was some strange dark clad people a couple of days back. Didn’t really say what they were up to. Under normal circumstances I would not have let them into the city. Anyways, I am rambling. Can I aid you travelers?”
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1140 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 14:31
  • msg #23

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"Yes, I rather think we may be able to help you. I humbly ask that you tell us where we can find these newcomers, and anyone who might know more about the situation. And please keep your own noble personage safe."

Never hurts to be polite to the people lower on the ladder.
player, 286 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 15:12
  • msg #24

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth had a followup, delivered as an equally-polite inquiry. "Did those dark-clad people have any other distinguishing features?"
player, 408 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 16:16
  • msg #25

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock walks up and holds out the letter from the Lord Warden. “We’re here to help. That other group may be here to prevent our progress on your issue. Any further information on them would be most helpful. It would also be wise to keep an eye on them if at all possible. I do understand that you are short handed due to recent events.”
GM, 1413 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 13:14
  • msg #26

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The sergeant nodded and smiled.
"“You should talk to the Lord Warden, Faren Markelhay, we need all the help we can get.
He is up at the Moonstone Keep, straight up to the left. Tell the guards that sergeant Nereth sent you!”

He pointed up and felt calm based on his relaxed posture given your remarks.
He turns to the group again on the subject of the group.
"Can't say much. Looked like mercenaries, granted in robes, but the weather was dreadful so it made sense at the time. Spoke barely, needed to go to the tower they said. Not very talkative, but the light skinned man ensured their assistance to current events and we are in a spot where we need all hands we can..."
He halted and continued.
"Oh yes, the leader has a curious weapon within his cloak. A mace, but the head looked animal...let me think..a ram maybe? Properly nothing.."
He points south, circling left further into town(mark 22).
player, 409 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 13:50
  • msg #27

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock thanks the guard and heads to Moonstone Keep. Once he reaches the outer gates where some guards would be, he held up the letter from the Lord Warden and let them know that sergeant Nereth sent them.
player, 287 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 15:34
  • msg #28

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth took a moment to clarify things for the sergeant before they left. "You wouldn't have had cause to know this, but a ram's head sign is the symbol of the cult of Orcus. That bunch have been behind a number of troubles of late, and they have good reason to be interested in that." He stabbed a finger up at the floating pyramid. "Nevertheless, be careful about confronting them. Bludgeons are likely to be the least of their threats in a scuffle."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:39, Sat 20 Jan.
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1141 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 16:59
  • msg #29

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Khalid follows Grock, alert for trouble.
GM, 1414 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 14:23
  • msg #30

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

As you walk past the HALFMOON TRADING HOUSE you notice a small man peek out, nodding calmly.
The road up is well kept and easily traversed with a slight incline.
The keep itself is an older castlelike structure and beside the keep itself holds barracks, a stable, an armory, a chapel, a smithy, and several storehouses.
Inside you notice a balding, middle-aged man, with refined clothing and a downed demeanor pacing.
You are stopped briefly by the two guards out front, but open voice of being sent by the Sergeant, permitted inside without much fuss.

The interior is as expected upper class, but nothing exceedingly outrageous or staggeringly costly. It is well kept and refined.
A servant arrives leading you into a delicate and heavy set office with dark oak furniture and paintings.
The man turns.
"So, I hear you are here, not as vultures but as true champions and with intent to stop this horrid thing above us yes?
If this is right I beg you, from the bottom of my heart to aid me and everyone here restore Fallcrest to its glory, and aid us.
Kill that swarm of hell spawn black ravens and find a way to get rid of that damn pyramid over my city before every merchant have left the town, I beg you."

He turns and points at a chest and a locked door.
"If you can, and you succeed, I will offer you a reward of no less than 3000 gold pieces and a selection of high end items, weapons from our secure storage....we are in desperate times, and all this have no value if we are asphyxiated and driven away by that shadowy complex."
He eyes up and sighs.
"Where is the issue. We have several people left, I hope but I urge you to ask around or seek out those still here. One place could be at Nimozaran in the tower south of here. He is wise, but hates company so whether he is of use I dare not say."
player, 410 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 17:57
  • msg #31

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock took note of the scenery as they passed through the hallways. When conversation turned to asking others in town about the pyramid, he made an inquiry. “There was a group that entered the town before us that we suspect is up to no good. They mentioned wanting to know where a tower was. Do you know about such a tower or what it’s significance would be?”
player, 288 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 18:11
  • msg #32

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"That would probably be Nimozaran's tower," Rynoth replied slowly, clearly not liking the implications. "Whether he's somehow involved or just another target."

"Lord Warden, I'm not concerned about the gold, but if you have powerful weapons on hand then those would be more use to us now rather than later. As you just said, they won't do you any good, but they might well make a difference in dealing with the that and its occupant." He pointed up in the direction of the pyramid for emphasis, keep wall and roof in the way notwithstanding.
GM, 1415 posts
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 08:39
  • msg #33

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The Lord Warden eyed Rynoth.
"If you can get a way in, and advise so, we have a deal on the access - shy of that I can not dispose up ahead of time."
He pointed south.
"The tower holds the High Septarch of Fallcrest, Master of the Fallcrest Mages’ Guild - Nimozaran the Green. If anyone around here knows the arcane and otherworldly, it is him.”
player, 411 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 15:16
  • msg #34

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock understood the Warden’s apprehension to give items and them skip town. “We understand and accept your deal. We need to head to that tower immediately before something happens to him. He might be our only way up into the pyramid to take it out from the inside.”Grock gave a quick bow and made his way out to get to the tower quickly.
GM, 1416 posts
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 13:24
  • msg #35

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The road southwards traverse past further empty buildings or closed shops, albeit a few appear opened but enclosed and safeguarded.
The Lord Wardens word of concern was evident to everyone as you traverse along the ridge southwards.
With the stables behind you, the eastern gate, where a single dwarf stands with a stern look, you close in, on the heightened and solitary tower, with one way in and one out.

As you close in, you notice something.
You see the green Septarch’s Tower rise from the lonely cliff across the chasm ahead, a narrow stone bridge spanning the gorge.
Suddenly, from the surrounding forest, a number of humans step out to greet you. A gaunt man with an ashen face and ramskull-headed mace address you.
“The Ashen Covenant does not tolerate failure, Paldemar got what he deserved. However, our Master can not accept your meddling.
You have been sentenced to the lowest form of undeath – and we are the tools of our Master to carry it through. Prepare to die and become zombies in our Master’s service!”

Five pale and black clad figures closes in on you, one being a desiccated corpse with dark nails, shriveled features, and evil gleaming in its eyes. The creature’s flesh is paler than that of the other, and it is blotched with black, diseased patches.
A finger is pointed, as three rotten fleshlike zombies rise from the ground up.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus96/96G1123211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC 
Ashgaunt82/82O1325242020Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes76/76G1121181919Crimson Path 
Crimson Acolytes76/76Q1321181919Crimson Path 
Crimson Acolytes76/76U721181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions1/1J1115161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1L1315161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid50/64F14?23(24)181818  AP: 1, Surges:4/9 SV: 16
Rynoth49/59E1221222120  AP: 0, Surges:7/9 SV: 14
Grock45/55E1324222321 Resist 5 NecroticAP: 1, Surges:9/9, SV: 13;
Nezumi59+17/59B1023(27)20(22)17(19)21  AP: 1, Surges:6/9, SV: 14, 0/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:30, Wed 31 Jan.
player, 290 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 21:19
  • msg #36

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

...and here they were. At least this bunch had the courtesy to openly announce themselves.

* * *

Since there were character reworks, one more reminder: everyone has a +2 power bonus to Endurance!

Also, it's now: Whenever one of Rynoth's allies uses a magic item's daily power, that ally gains 9 temporary hit points.

Initiative 15.


EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus96/96G1123211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC 
Ashgaunt82/82O1325242020Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes76/76G1121181919Crimson Path 
Crimson Acolytes76/76Q1321181919Crimson Path 
Crimson Acolytes76/76U721181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions1/1J1115161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1L1315161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid50/64F14?23(24)181818  AP: 1, Surges:4/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock45/55E1324222321 Resist 5 NecroticAP: 1, Surges:9/9, SV: 13;
Nezumi59+17/59B1023(27)20(22)17(19)21  AP: 1, Surges:6/9, SV: 14, 0/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14


This message was last edited by the player at 02:01, Sun 04 Feb.
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1145 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 16:03
  • msg #37

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Khalid's hand moves toward the hilt of Prophet's Breath.

Initiative: 6

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus96/96G1123211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC 
Ashgaunt82/82O1325242020Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes76/76G1121181919Crimson Path 
Crimson Acolytes76/76Q1321181919Crimson Path 
Crimson Acolytes76/76U721181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions1/1J1115161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1L1315161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid50/64F14?23(24)181818  AP: 1, Surges:4/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock45/55E1324222321 Resist 5 NecroticAP: 1, Surges:9/9, SV: 13;
Nezumi59+17/59B1023(27)20(22)17(19)21  AP: 1, Surges:6/9, SV: 14, 0/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14

This message was last edited by the player at 15:45, Sat 03 Feb.
player, 412 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Sat 3 Feb 2024
at 14:51
  • msg #38

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock assumes a sprinter’s stance with Blood Rain held behind him for a big slash.

08:46, Today: Grock rolled 29 using 1d20+9 ((20)).
Current Stance: Aspect of the Charging Ram

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus96/96G1123211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC 
Ashgaunt82/82O1325242020Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes76/76H1021181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions1/1J1115161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1L1315161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid50/64F14?23(24)181818  AP: 1, Surges:4/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66H1525192219  AP: 1, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi59+17/59B1023(27)20(22)17(19)21  AP: 1, Surges:6/9, SV: 14, 0/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14

This message was last edited by the GM at 10:01, Mon 12 Feb.
GM, 1422 posts
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 15:02
  • msg #39

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Initiative order:
NEZUMI: 14 (goes first due to higher modifier).

16:00, Today: Storyteller rolled 28,23,14,15 using 1d20+9,1d20+5,1d20+5,1d20+5 ((19,18,9,10)).

Players go ahead!
player, 413 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 20:19
  • msg #40

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock breaks right and then charges straight towards the ashen figure. Blood Rain hummed with power as the blade was brought up in a wide arc disemboweling the creature and sending it in the air before it fell prone on its back. The half spun the twin blades in the air picking up speed.

The figure tried to lift its head only have its throat slashed with the next strike and finally being decapitated with the third strike. Blood shot in the air like a fountain raining down on the ground around it. Blood from its victim flowed up the blade into the handle. Grock felt the life force of the man he just killed rejuvenating him.

14:04, Today: Grock rolled 17 using 1d8+14.  Action point damage.

14:03, Today: Grock rolled 28 using 1d20+18.  Action point attack prone ashgaunt AC 25.

14:00, Today: Grock rolled 10 using 2d6.  Extra crit damage.

13:57, Today: Grock rolled 20 using 1d8+14.  Dual attack damage.

13:55, Today: Grock rolled 30 using 1d20+18.  Dual attack prone ashgaunt AC 25.

13:54, Today: Grock rolled 37 using 1d20+17.  Charge ashgaunt AC 25.

Move: East 6 squares
Standard: Charge crit Ashgaunt for 51 damage using Power Attack, furious assault, Horned Helm, and stance. Enemy knocked prone.
Bonus: None
Free: Dual Weapon attack hit for 20 damage including damage from Headman’s Chop feat.
Action Point: attack hit for 17 damage including Headman’s Chop feat.
Total damage: 88 damage to Ashgaunt.
Current Stance: Aspect of the Charging Ram

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus96/96G1123211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes76/76H1021181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions1/1J1115161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 
Zombie minions1/1L1315161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid50/64F14?23(24)181818  AP: 1, Surges:4/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi59+17/59B1023(27)20(22)17(19)21  AP: 1, Surges:6/9, SV: 14, 0/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14

<Next up: Everyone but Grock.>

player, 163 posts
Thu 29 Feb 2024
at 05:16
  • msg #41

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The mouse on Grock's head runs towards the north before becoming a combat ready young woman. Freezing the 3 zombies solid before charging at the acolyte and slicing deep into it's thigh, chilling it to it's very bones. The once-mouse flourishes and stands ready to punish any attempt to counter-attack.

Move: O14>M9
Minor: Return to humanoid form
Standard: Freezing Burst (Item Encounter) centered on K12, killing L13, Ice Scepter Daily power triggered survivors are Immobilized Save Ends
AP: Charge M9>I9, Unraveling Strike on Crimson Acolyte, crit for 35 total damage, target is vuln 3 cold, unable to heal, -1 AC, and will take 5 phys damage if it attacks Nezumi until end of Nezumi's next turn

22:52, Today: Nezumi rolled 20 using 1d20+11.  Freezing Burst Attack.
22:53, Today: Nezumi rolled 48 using 3d20 with rolls of 16,18,14.  Deathless Hunger.
22:57, Today: Nezumi rolled 36 using 1d20+16.  unraveling strike.
23:04, Today: Nezumi rolled 17 using 2d4+8+7.  Unraveling Strike crit phys dmg.
23:06, Today: Nezumi rolled 18 using 2d8+7.  unraveling strike crit cold dmg

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus96/96G1123211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes41/76H1021181919Crimson Pathvuln 3 cold, unable to heal, -1 AC, and will take 5 phys damage if it attacks Nezumi until end of Nezumi's next turn
Zombie minions1/1J1115161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid50/64F14?23(24)181818  AP: 1, Surges:4/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14

<Next up: Everyone but Grock and Nezumi.>


EDIT: Forgot to reduce Acolyte's health.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:19, Thu 29 Feb.
player, 294 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Thu 29 Feb 2024
at 17:34
  • msg #42

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth raised his hand toward Khalid. A air-burst erupted around Khalid, landing with a sound somewhere between a low whoosh and a heavy whump. The zombies went flying, while the cultists' leader was drawn close in.

Rynoth followed that up by evoking a warding field around the swordmage as he circled to help flank the startled and wind-blown looking deathpriest.

Std: Gale-Force Infusion on Khalid hits Deathpriest, Zombie 1, Zombie 2, and Zombie 3 for 16 damage. Deathpriest slides to I12. Zombies slide northeastish.
     ...Khalid gains a +5 power bonus to AC until Rynoth's EONT.
     ...Zombie 2 succeeds at Deathless Hunger.
Minor: Resistive Formula on Khalid. Khalid gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter and may end this effect as a free action to gain 20 temporary hit points.
Move: Walk E-E-NE-N-NW to J11.

09:09, Today: Rynoth rolled 16,32,32,23,17 using d10+8,d20+13,d20+13,d20+13,d20+13.  Gale Force; DP, Z1, Z2, Z3. – 16,32,32,23,17
09:10, Today: Rynoth rolled 6,17,13 using d20,d20,d20.  Deathless Hunger Z1,Z2,Z3. – 6,17,13

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus80/96G1123211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes41/76H1021181919Crimson Pathvuln 3 cold, unable to heal, -1 AC, and will take 5 phys damage if it attacks Nezumi until end of Nezumi's next turn
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid50/64F14?23(24)181818 +5 AC Rynoth's EONT; Resistive FormulaAP: 1, Surges:4/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14

KHALID is up!

This message was last edited by the player at 17:35, Thu 29 Feb.
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1148 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Mon 4 Mar 2024
at 05:32
  • msg #43

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Khalid inhales sharply and the infusion enters his system directly. He shudders and then appears to blur ever so slightly. He moves to get a better position on the priest, ignites lightning along the length of his blade and sends green tendrils of it out to funnel the creature's attacks toward him. Then he strikes.

The lightning leaps from the blade into the body of the priest. The light dazzles everyone for a moment and when they look again Khalid is a dozen feet away, laying into another enemy.

Move: Shift 1 to H13 to flank the deathpriest.
Free: Gain 20 THP from infusion.
Minor: Aegis of assault on deathpriest.
Standard: 21:22, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 24 using 1d20+13.  Dual lightning strike<i> +13 vs. AC 23 of deathpriest. Hit.
21:23, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 8 using 1d6+5.  <i>Dual lightning strike
damage, 1d8+5 lightning.
Effect: Teleport 7 and make a secondary attack. Teleport to G9 to flank the acolyte. Make a secondary attack.
21:27, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 30 using 1d20+13.  Dual lightning strike +13 vs. AC 21 of acolyte. Hit,
21:28, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 7 using 1d8+5.  Dual lightning strike damage, 1d8+5 lightning. Target is marked until the end of Khalid's next turn.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus72/96I1223211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. Marked until the end of Khalid's next turn. 
Crimson Acolytes34/76H1021181919Crimson Pathvuln 3 cold, unable to heal, -1 AC, and will take 5 phys damage if it attacks Nezumi until end of Nezumi's next turn
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64H1323(28)181818 +5 AC Rynoth's EONT; aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Jhaartael55/55B1120162021  AP: 1, Surges:7/8, SV: 14

Enemies are up.

GM, 1426 posts
Mon 4 Mar 2024
at 12:23
  • msg #44

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

In a flurry of blows, the forces of Orcus dwindle heavily.
Summoning the blessing of the infernal lord, the priest sends a wave of darkness out, that bolsters those close and aligned, but damages Rynoth as the Necrotic energy spreads.
The bleeding cultist, used the flow of energy and prowess to almost teleport away, placing himself near the priest and assaults Nezumi!

Dark blessing. Hits Rynoth due to burst, misses Nezumi.
Push Rynoth 1 square away. 19 necrotic damage

Crimson Acolyte:
Bloodied, triggers Crimson Path, shift 2 as free movement.
Strikes vs Nezumi, misses.

Strike vs grock, misses!

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus72/96I1223(35)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. Marked until the end of Khalid's next turn. 
Crimson Acolytes34/76H1023181919Crimson Pathvuln 3 cold, unable to heal, -1 AC, and will take 5 phys damage if it attacks Nezumi until end of Nezumi's next turn
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64H1323(28)181818 +5 AC Rynoth's EONT; aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

Players are up.

player, 166 posts
Mon 4 Mar 2024
at 13:25
  • msg #45

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

As the Acolyte attempts to strike Nezumi her blade easily shoves theirs aside and digs just a bit more into their flesh even as a silent roar painfully echoes in the villain's mind throwing them off balance. A blizzard whips up around Nezumi even as her blade digs into the earth at her target's feet rather than their flesh, almost as though to console the mousey woman.

Free: White Lotus Riposte, Acolyte take 5 Phys damage
Immediate: Elemental Roar Encounter, Acolyte takes 10 Psychic damage and grants CA to Nezumi until end of her next turn
Standard: Elemental Wrath Encounter, 19 vs Acolyte Ref of 18, for a critical miss, Nezumi gains Aura 1 dealing 4 Cold damage to anything starting their turn in or entering it.

07:12, Today: Nezumi rolled 19 using 1d20+18.  Elemental Wrath with CA vs Acolyte.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus72/96I1223(35)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. Marked until the end of Khalid's next turn. 
Crimson Acolytes19/76H1023181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64H1323(28)181818 +5 AC Rynoth's EONT; aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

Players except Nezumi are up.


PS: Zombie Minion forgot to save vs Immobilized
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1151 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 04:56
  • msg #46

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The tendrils of lightning encaging the priest twist into a ring, through which steps Khalid, sword already in motion. The edge of the weapon glints, light refracting through vicious shards that have appeared there. However, some dark luck deflects the shards harmlessly into the ground.

Khalid presses his attack. His blade glows green as he sweeps it into the priest and the flames dance merrily from that wound into the priest's ally. Khalid bows his head in brief thanks, and steps backward.

Immediate reaction: Aegis of assault. Teleport to Ill. May use spikes of agony in place of melee basic attack.
20:40, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 18 using 1d20+13.  Spikes of agony (with CA) +13 vs. AC 25. Miss.
Standard: 20:45, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 33 using 1d20+13.  Greenflame blade (with CA) +13 vs AC 25 of deathpriest. Critical hit. 20:47, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 10 using 2d6.  Critical damage, 2d6.
13 fire damage and 10 critical damage.
All enemies adjacent to target take 3 fire damage.
Move: Shift 1 to J12.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus49/96I1223(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes16/76H923181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions1/1K1215161313Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 +5 AC Rynoth's EONT; aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65H1422242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

Players except Nezumi and Khalid are up.


PS: Zombie Minion forgot to save vs Immobilize
player, 298 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 08:14
  • msg #47

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth fell back a bit, not out of any trepidation but to ensure that Grock's weapons would benefit from the overflow when he felled the remaining zombie with a well-placed arcane bolt.

Move: Walk to N13.*
Std: Magic Weapon vs Zombie Minion 2 hits for 8 lightning damage. Grock gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +4 power bonus to damage rolls until Rynoth's EONT.
  ...Zombie Minion failed Deathless Hunger.
Minor: None.

* Although I don't think that's the right position since it was immobilized?

00:07, Today: Rynoth rolled 23,8,5 using d20+16,d4+7,d20 ((7,1,5)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus49/96I1223(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes16/76H923181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1K1215161313DEADImmune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65N1322242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66O1425192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

GROCK is up.
player, 415 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Sun 10 Mar 2024
at 03:59
  • msg #48

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock charged the Death Priest but slipped on a banana peel halfway over whiffing and falling back a step. Who litters like that?!

21:51, Today: Grock rolled 20 using 1d20+18.  Charge death priest AC 25.

Move: Move closer
Standard: Charge the Death Priest missing with a 20 AC
Bonus: none
Free: Boots of Adept Charging shift him East 1 square

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus49/96I1223(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes16/76H923181919Crimson Path 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1K1215161313DEADImmune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65N1322242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi64+9/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

DM is up.
GM, 1427 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 14:40
  • msg #49

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Seeing their ends come closer those, the deathpriest calmly raises his hand and with stern voice he mutters. "This matters not, your end by Lord Orcus will be met regardless...we are but the first..."
From behind, Nezumi notices the cultist strike hard at her.
(6 damage + 5 necrotic) to Nezumi
The priest eyes the same target and with a calm look, sends a fiery burst of dark fire at her.
(11 damage) to Nezumi, cultist gets +2 to attack.

As you strike you hear swoops above you, see dark shadows circle and pitched screams.
You are being watched...

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus49/96I1223(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes16/76H923181919Crimson Path, +2 attack next hit. 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1K1215161313DEADImmune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65N1322242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi51/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

Players are up.

player, 300 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 20:53
  • msg #50

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth advanced and struck, bloodying his own weapon as he charged those of Grock and Khalid. He'd heard the leader's sentiment too many times to be impressed by it. If anything, it left him to briefly wonder whether the cultist's superior had expected success or had simply used this assignment as a convenient way to dispose of an ambitious - or unduly pompous - underling.

Move: Walk to J11.
Std: Magic Weapon vs (I think) Acolytes hits (Heroic Effort) for 9 damage. Khalid and Grock gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +4 power bonus to damage rolls until Rynoth's EONT.
Minor: None. (Probably.)

13:43, Today: Rynoth rolled 21,9 using d20+16,d4+7 ((5,2)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus49/96I12?23(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes7/76H9?23181919Crimson Path, +2 attack next hit. 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1K1215161313DEADImmune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONT, aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65J1122242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi51/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

Players are up.

player, 171 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 22:08
  • msg #51

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

As the blizzard surrounding her begins to wane Nezumi strikes the Deathpriest themselves true causing the blizzard to begin anew.

Standard: Elemental Wrath encounter (2nd/final use) vs Deathpriest, 30 vs AC hits for 27 total cold damage, until end of next turn Nezumi has Aura 1 dealing 4 cold damage to any creature who enters or begins their turn within the aura. This will kill the Acolyte at the beginning of their turn unless they're moved out of the aura before their turn. (Aura damage pre-applied)

16:59, Today: Nezumi rolled 30 using 1d20+16.  Elemental Wrath vs deathpriest.
17:00, Today: Nezumi rolled 27 using 4d4+18.  Elemental Wrath vs deathpriest.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus14/96I12?23(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes-1/76H9?23181919Crimson Path, +2 attack next hit. 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1K1215161313DEADImmune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONT, aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65J1122242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock66/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi51/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

Players are up.

player, 417 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 11:57
  • msg #52

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock stepped back and charged the Death Priest again. However his dreaded opponent the banana peel foiled his efforts again as he stumbled right at the last second missing the priest.

06:53, Today: Grock rolled 24 using 1d20+18 ((6)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus14/96I12?23(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes-1/76H9?23181919Crimson Path, +2 attack next hit. 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1K1215161313DEADImmune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONT, aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65J1122242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi51/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

Khalik is up.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:27, Fri 15 Mar.
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1154 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 07:06
  • msg #53

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Time and space bend as Khalid warps into existence next to the deathpriest, sword already in motion. Green fire erupts, taking the shape of deaths heads with gnashing teeth. The magic is hungry for the foe's demise.

Immediate reaction: Aegis of assault Teleport into flanking with deathpriest.
23:58, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 18 using 1d20+13.  Melee basic attack (with CA) +13 vs. AC 25 of deathpriest. Miss.
Standard: 00:03, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 30 using 1d20+14.  Greenflame blade (with CA and magic weapon) +14 vs. AC 25 of deathpriest.
00:04, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 12 using 1d8+9.  Greenflame blade damage (with magic weapon), 1d8+9 fire. Enemies adjacent take 3 fire damage.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Deathpriest of Orcus2/96I12?23(25)211921Dark blessing; 1/enc. +2 AC; aegis of assault 
Ashgaunt0/82O1325242020DEAD, Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant; Grave Master Aura: Aura 5, +2 atk/defense(+4(, Minor: Wake the dead - 0-4 targets. Rise as free action. 
Crimson Acolytes-4/76H9?23181919Crimson Path, +2 attack next hit. 
Zombie minions0/1J1115161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1K1215161313DEADImmune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hpImmobilized Save Ends
Zombie minions0/1L1315161313DEAD, Immune disease, poison - Deathless Hunger(if reduced to 0 hp, if not crit, roll = 15+, remain at 1 hp 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONT, aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65J1122242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi51/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

DM is up.

GM, 1429 posts
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 14:08
  • msg #54

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The deathpriest clutched his heart, and fell to a knee before sighing and collapsing from his wounds.
Gravely injured he exhales for good, leaving a strew of corpses about.

Faint magical eyes peer from above and you notice they spy on you without much hassle as if they exposed themselves to you on will.
In a blink, a young Halfling, adorned in fine clothing and with wavy dark brown hair appears.
"Hails! I am Tobolar Quickfoot - You stand before the tower of the honorable Nimozaran the Green, of great prowess, power and insight. Whom are you to venture here, spill blood on the steps and what is your desire here? The Arch mage is not be pestered, unless by those worthy or bringing insight beyond the norm."

OOC: Consider the Halfling unfriendly and without cause to let you enter for now..
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1156 posts
Swdmg, 64/64 7/9 (16)
AC 23 F 18 R 18 W 17
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 23:12
  • msg #55

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Green flame briefly envelopes Khalid's sword again, cleansing it of the stains of battle. Then the gnome sheathes the weapon, and bows low.

"I can only offer my apologies, Master Quickfoot. I had a disagreement with these individuals and settling it became a matter of honor and steel. I meant no disrespect.

"We are here in search of a means of accessing the looming pyramid. Assuming we are then able to return, we would have insight to offer that is far beyond normality, though our worthiness would be for others to judge.

"I humbly ask that we be allowed to speak to the archmage."
player, 423 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 17:18
  • msg #56

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The blood on Grock’s double sword seemed to be absorbed into the blade. A quick mental command sent Blood Rain back into the glove. He looked at the halfling with suspicion but believed his words. “This pyramid is scaring off the people and hurting them. These men wished to prevent us from going up to the pyramid and stopping the foul actions it is causing. We didn’t agree, so our blades did the talking. We mean you and the noble mage no harm. We merely wished to get to the pyramid and was told your master may be able to get us there. We are here on request by the lord of this land.”The half Orc presents the summons papers.
player, 302 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 19:43
  • msg #57

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"I would like to point out that by disagreement, he means that they," Rynoth stabbed a finger toward the arrayed corpses, "Showed up and attacked us." His tone shifted from matter-of-fact to slightly cynical. "In the name of their master, who has decreed our deaths, and so on." He didn't actually shake his head, but the gesture was felt nevertheless.
GM, 1432 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 12:55
  • msg #58

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The halfling eyed the group and too much dismay felt unsure of the visitors before him.
"I see. Yes, the town is in dire straights and the arch-mage is deep in thought and attention to how and why it is happening and what to do to combat know of the pyramid and the lord warden then? I see..even so, times are pressed.."
The halfling halted as an older yet nimble woman appeared, slightly covered but with a kind face.
"Miss Hanako? You are here? What do I owe the honor and pleasure? We spoke, and you showed interest and insight - do you still seek the archmage?"
He spoke for a moment with the woman as if the rest of the group was not present nor visible.
"If so, he could fit you in based upon what you learned and your worthiness to the goal at hand."
For the moment the halfling payed more attention to her than the rest, leaving you in a curious spot.
player, 177 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 13:08
  • msg #59

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Seeing an opening Nezumi shifts into her mouse form and attempts to swiftly slip inside while the man's attention is elsewhere.

08:07, Today: Nezumi rolled 11 using 1d20+10.  sneaky mouse times. – 11
player, 303 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 22:15
  • msg #60

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth folded his arms and turned his head to speak to Grock, but he did so loudly and clearly enough that the halfling couldn't help but overhear him even in a distracted state.

"Well, if the archmage wants to know how and why it's happening, and what to do to combat it, then we'd better proceed directly inside because we can tell him all of those things, having just dealt with the other half of the problem beneath Thunderspire."
player, 424 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 22:34
  • msg #61

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock nodded in agreement. “Yeah he really doesn’t want that thing escaping. Could spell doom to the town below at a minimum. Might even go after the Archmage if it has a hankering for punishment.”
GM, 1433 posts
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 11:29
  • msg #62

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

As Nezumi turned into a mouse and snuck past, she suddenly felt watched.
A mere moment later, and much to the distraction of all present, 3 translucent eyes appeared and a ringing sound emerged.
The halfling turned.
"Intruder! How dare you!!"
He snarled and raised his hand, but halted in a moment of hesitation as the woman nodded calmly at him.
"....but also quite resourceful. Your rumor is warranted. You are all watched inside. So do not thread wrong...but the gate is open for now."
The door behind you opened by itself wide open.
You are let inside.

The interior is decorated with trinkets, books, paintings, and curious contraptions of strange origin. Just beyond you see a large round room, with a large table and seats. Inside you see an elderly but focused man with short trimmed beard eyeing you. He waves you closer.
The man nods and extends a desire to see you seated.
As you do he smiles, briefly and states in a calm tone, resonating against the stoneforged walls, with a warm hearth behind you. The room smells of berries.
"I am Nimozaran - often referred to as the Green, and this is my tower and study. State your intent and what you seek...and key to me..why? What is your motivation? The more I know, the better I can perhaps help.."
Hanako Todoroki
player, 2 posts
HP 57/57 | SV 14 | S 6/6
A 25 | F 17 | R 26 | W 17
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 16:10
  • msg #63

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

With all the quick excitement the old woman that emerged from the shadows hadn't gotten too much notice and had mostly taken her place as a silent observer, leaning voicelessly over her staff and giving a couple simple nods of confirmation to the halfling beside her. Her elderly eyes shifted over to the not-so-stealthy mouse transformation while she bemusedly adjusted her spectacles and a ripple of wrinkles rushed up her cheek in an unabashed grin, "Good effort.".

The rogue couldn't help but let out a touch of a raspy chortle as she slowly paced inward behind the party, casually following there lead and lightheartedly shooing them along as if she was queuing to have a chit chat with Nimozaran herself, "Oh chairs? Don't mind if I do." there was an arguably humorous excitement in the old gal's voice while she shuffled on in like she was just meant to be there, groaning mildly as she plopped down, "I love chairs." she murmured with a relieved sigh, setting her staff over her lap and settling in, "These are comfy too." with that she decidedly shut her mouth, letting the younger crowd have their time.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:11, Mon 08 Apr.
player, 304 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 22:50
  • msg #64

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth summarized their experiences in Thunderspire from just before his meeting with the group up until their departure - Grock was better-placed to speak of what had happened elsewhere and before that meeting - and then finished up with their brief journey to and through Fallcrest.

" our chief concern is how to get into that pyramid to deal with its notable resident, if there isn't some way to simply banish it again."
player, 425 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 01:25
  • msg #65

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock nodded along with the retelling of events. “Yeah that pretty much sums it up. You really think we’d go up there just for funsies?”
GM, 1434 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 13:12
  • msg #66

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The man takes a deep breath, a sigh of relief and sits calmly in a large chair.
He rubs his chin and speaks calmly.
"I see no harm in your aid, you have fought and come this far - I shall ensure I can perhaps pave a way forward regardless of what may come of it."
He finds a book and opens it, nodding to himself before beginning to share his insight.

“When first the pyramid appeared I stood utterly confounded, just as astounded as the rest of the town.
What was this dire black pyramid floating over our small community? But instead of leaving as many have chosen to do, I decided to find out the truth to this mystery.
I went into the oldest part of the Mages’ Guild’s library and started dusting of tomes I haven’t even opened before.
It has taken me weeks to go through all the material, but finally I found the answer in an old tome dating back to the founding of Fallcrest three hundred years ago.
Nearly five hundred years ago, a mighty tiefling wizard named Karavakos made a fatal bargain.
The twin threats of minotaurs of the wild and rebellion from within threatened his iron grip over the lands of his petty kingdom.
In desperation, Karavakos summoned a demon, a servant of the mighty demon prince Orcus and asked for aid. The demon whispered dark secrets to Karavakos, guiding him into building an unholy cult of the demon prince Orcus in his kingdom.
In return the demon showed him a ritual and an artifact that would create a gap between the worlds, connecting one of Orcus’s unholy Shadowfell sites to the world.
Karavakos, already a skilled magician, created the Rod of Ruin and the necessary ritual to bridge the gap to the Shadowfell. Skeletons, zombies, and demons flooded through the rift into the light of day.
A legion of abyssal warriors came to march under his command, and he stepped up his efforts to restore his tyranny over his domain and subjects.
The hordes of demons came at what at the time seemed to be a very reasonable price. They would fight on Karavakos behalf and obey his orders.
If he ever led them to defeat, however, they would abandon him and feed on his dark soul for all eternity. All the souls of his subjects would be damned to an eternity of pain in the depths of Abyss.
Only an error made by the wizard could result in the demons’ defeat—no army in the world could defeat them on the field of battle.
Karavakos led his hordes on one conquest after another. His first target was the neighboring minotaur tribes, which were almost driven to extinction by Karavakos undead and demon infested hordes.
One tribe took refuge in the depths below Thunderspire Mountain, where they founded the city of Saruun Khel and hid from Karavakos wrath.
What had been a small kingdom ruled by Karavakos grew into a mighty nation to rival the great human empire of Nerath that held sway over much of the land at this time.
With winter’s arrival, Karavakos called a halt to his campaign of expansion. He returned to his palace with the Eladrin princess, Vyrellis, who was to be his bride.
Together, he proclaimed, they would rule a new empire, and with spring’s dawning his armies would march into the Feywild, extending their rule across two worlds.
When spring came, the demon hordes marched through the thin border between worlds. In the Feywild, though, the demons met their match.
Invincible on the battlefields of the natural world, the demons had no such protection once they stepped into the Feywild.
Fey spears and arrows felled the hordes, putting an end to Karavakos’s dreams of conquest—and severing his demonic bargain.
At the same time, the empire of Nerath had dispatched legionnaires to eliminate the threat of the rift to the Shadowfell.
The empire’s soldiers destroyed the remaining undead, sealed the opening, and built a keep to watch over the location and contain the threat. This is the site known as the Keep on the Shadowfell.
Karavakos nation died on that day, all his subjects killed and their souls brought back to the Abyss with the returning demons.
At the end of the war the greatest wizards of the Neratch Empire and the Seelie Court in the Feywild created something they referred to as ‘The Pyramid of Shadow’, its purpose lost in the sand of time.
This very tower, the Septarch’s Tower was build as a foci for the ritual, as it is all made up of Feystone to make sure it would never fall. Aranda Markelhay was one of the Nerathan wizards who constructed the tower.
Who was later given the task to guard the Septarch’s Tower. The Markelhay family soon established the town which later would become Fallcrest and the Moonstone Keep as their residence.
Generations later I guess the knowledge of their true past has been lost and none of the Markehay family today knows anything about their grand past, except that they have inherited the governance of Fallcrest for generations.
Why the pyramid has suddenly appeared over Fallcrest again is not mentioned anywhere in the tomes, but that I want you to find out.
At the top of the tower there has been a teleportation circle that has been dead as long as I can remember. Two weeks ago it started to shine as a shooting star…"

He points up.
"I can show you to the top and the circle...but if you have questions or need to prepare...I urge you do so now.."
player, 306 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 04:51
  • msg #67

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

It was a new version of the story, and the details largely agreed. Rynoth took it in with quiet contemplation, shaking his head a few seconds later and answering, "The Lord Warden indicated that his armory would be open if we had a way in. I think that we should take him up on that before we use the portal, but I have no other preparations to make besides that."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:53, Mon 15 Apr.
player, 426 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 17:04
  • msg #68

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock listened to the tale and understood the implications of the pyramid. At least it seemed there was a teleportation circle at the top of the pyramid. It made him wonder though if the man they sought was at the bottom of the pyramid or in the center. Would it be a maze to find him with hidden traps? “I do believe with a letter of intent from the arch mage here, he would he open to letting us borrow some items. However, we already encountered the cult of Orcus on the way here. Should we risk them blocking our path back to the tower after returning from the warden?”
Nimozaran the Green
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 09:42
  • msg #69

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The archmage nodded.
"You can return shortly if needed. The path is one way for nowm and require great care and intent. Be careful and return with haste. I will take you to the top of the tower then."
The mage turned and eyed a document in anticipation for next steps.
Handing over a decree quickly written he urged you not to just sit around with the shadow ever looming.

Everyone can assume adding a parcel upto level+1(magic item).
In sense we do not need to make this a big thing and you can head there, declare an item and return to move things along.
Assume as above that you have permission as per the mages decree.

player, 427 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 14:09
  • msg #70

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock found a magical quiver in the armory which suited his needs. He’s set and looks to the group. “Ready to go.”

OOC: Endless Quiver (lvl 9) acquired.
player, 182 posts
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #71

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

"This might have been handy back at that lake." Nezumi says as she grabs a pouch radiating an essence of elemental cold.

OOC: Pouch of Frozen Passage (lvl 9) get
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1159 posts
Swdmg, 70/70 9/9 (17)
AC 25 F 20 R 20 W 19
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 18:37
  • msg #72

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

When Khalid next appears, he's wearing a very ostentatious pair of boots. It's frankly easy to see why most people wouldn't want to wear them, despite any magical benefit they might provide, but the gnome wears them almost proudly. "I am ready to leave upon a moment's notice!" he announces.

Boots of striding for +1 speed.
player, 308 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 21:02
  • msg #73

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth rifles around in the armory for a little while before finding something to work with: a new shortblade with heavy geometric designs on the hilt and a similar if more subdued design to the rest of it.
GM, 1437 posts
Fri 3 May 2024
at 12:25
  • msg #74

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

As you return, gathered, renewed and prepared, you find the arch mage waiting with calmness in his steps and a book in his hands.
He nods, urging if you are prepared and sensing so, points to a winding staircase upwards.
Slow steps lead upwards to the top of the tower were you can overlook the town and can see the black pyramid really close, shadow leaking from its utterly black surface.
Just before you you see strange silver symbols inscribed in the floor.
They seem almost alive, shining bright and flowing before your eyes.
Nobody can be sure were they lead, but you have your guesses.
You realize that once you step through there is no turning back.
Then you will be at the mercy of the Pyramid of Shadows.

He points. "You must stand here and wait. The ritual will begin shortly and you are then left on your own."
There is a humming in the air.


If you step in and wait, read below:
You’re immersed in darkness and get a tingling feeling through your whole body. Suddenly you hear a booming male voice inside your head, “Welcome to the Pyramid of Shadows. The only way to win your freedom is to kill us—three times.”
His mocking laughter taunts you, fading away as light returns and a tremendous stench assails you, suggesting that you’ve left the Septarch’s Tower behind.

You feel uneasy and suddenly your vision focuses.
A stench of death and blood assails you as you appear suddenly atop a pile of bodies. Humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, and others, all apparently recently killed but all wearing clothing and armor of an earlier age. The pile of bodies seems to shift, as though something might be moving beneath it. Above you, at the top of the pit, you see a hideous, two-headed giant—he’s rubbing two blades together with an eager gleam in the eyes of both its horrifying heads.
You see a flash of something large and green moving through the refuse beneath your feet. It might be a giant snake or worm but any guess is valid.

Above you, a deep voice eminates with a gleeful look.
“Its head is just what I’ve been missing, I need that,”
Its the giant above.

Roll initiative please!

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONT, aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65J1122242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi51/64I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:9/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

player, 183 posts
Sun 5 May 2024
at 00:37
  • msg #75

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

19:33, Today: Nezumi rolled 19 using 1d20+5.  init. – 19

Roll initiative please!

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONT, aegis of assault on deathpriestAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65J1122242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219 Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth's EONTAP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

This message was last edited by the player at 04:26, Mon 06 May.
player, 309 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Mon 6 May 2024
at 06:26
  • msg #76

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

06:22, Today: Rynoth rolled 8 using 1d20+5 ((3)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges

GM, 1438 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 07:10
  • msg #77

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.


EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57--25172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;

Hanako Todoroki
player, 4 posts
HP 57/57 | SV 14 | S 6/6
A 25 | F 17 | R 26 | W 17
Mon 6 May 2024
at 13:59
  • msg #78

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Snagging some Diamond Bracers Lvl 9 from the loot earlier

08:50, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 25 using 1d20+10. Initiative. Edit - Forgot to add 1/2 level in the original roll

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid64(20)/64J1223(28)181818  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 16
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D925172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;

This message was last edited by the player at 14:11, Mon 06 May.
Khalid ibn Faizal
player, 1160 posts
Swdmg, 70/70 9/9 (17)
AC 25 F 20 R 20 W 19
Tue 7 May 2024
at 05:32
  • msg #79

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

22:29, Today: Khalid ibn Faizal rolled 13 using 1d20+6 ((7)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66K1225192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D925172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;

player, 428 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Tue 7 May 2024
at 13:44
  • msg #80

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

08:27, Today: Grock rolled 11 using 1d20+9 ((2)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66G825192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D925172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;

GM, 1439 posts
Wed 8 May 2024
at 09:26
  • msg #81

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

The ettin started to gage your size and smirked as the bone beneath you made sound and moved, as if something below was waiting for you!

HANAKO and NEZUMI - go ahead!

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler81/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawler81/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66G825192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D925172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;

Hanako Todoroki
player, 5 posts
HP 57/57 | SV 14 | S 6/6
A 25 | F 17 | R 26 | W 17
Thu 9 May 2024
at 03:48
  • msg #82

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Move Action - Shift to D8

Standard Action - One-Two Punch Encounter - First Attack CC-D11, Second Attack CC-H10
22:38, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 29 using 1d20+17.  One Two Punch H10. – 29
22:38, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 36 using 1d20+17.  One-Two Punch D11. – 36
Both attacks will deal -1d8 sneak attack damage to impose a -2 penalty to attack rolls to the CCs until the end of Hanako's next turn. This attack is also rattling so the penalty is increased to a -4 to attack rolls. Additionally, both creatures are dazed from Backbreaking staff.
22:42, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 14 using 2d8+9.  Damage roll H10. – 14
22:42, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 20 using 2d8+9.  Damage roll D11. – 20

Minor Action - Sneak In The Attack (Next character to hit CC-H10 can deal 2d8 extra damage as long as they have Combat Advantage)

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler67/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako
Carrion crawler61/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock62/66G825192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;

This message was last edited by the player at 03:49, Thu 09 May.
GM, 1441 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 13:33
  • msg #83

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

From below two horrid creatures fully emerge, throwing bone all around. The centipede like creatures are large, with sickening teeth and tentacles. Its foul smell is putrid and horrid to watch!
Above, the Ettin move closer, using the long polearm to stab at you. However with the chaos below it fails to find a target.
The creatures flail about, and one attacks Grock, one on Rynoth.
Adaptly Rynoth navigates out, but Grock is struck by the tainted tentacles and feel numb.

Grock takes 12 damage.(23-4) vs Fort 19 for a hit(just)
Extra: Ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized instead of slowed (save ends).
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is stunned instead of immobilized (save ends).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler67/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako
Carrion crawler61/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock40/66G825192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65I924221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Players Turn!
player, 184 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 17:39
  • msg #84

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Nezumi draws on Elemental Ice to strike the beast to her north, rending it's carapace leaving it more vulnerable to both cold and direct attacks before seamlessly shifting into a countering stance.

Unraveling Strike hits 29 vs AC 20, deals 25 damage (combining phys and cold) and inflicts -1 AC, Vuln 3 Cold, and Can't gain HP until end of Nezumi's next turn, as well as 5 additional damage if it attacks Nezumi before her next turn.

12:28, Today: Nezumi rolled 29 using 1d20+15.  unraveling strike. – 29
12:30, Today: Nezumi rolled 25 using 2d4+18.  unraveling strike total damage. – 25

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler67/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako
Carrion crawler36/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako, -1 AC, Vuln 3 Cold, and Can't gain HP until end of Nezumi

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock40/66G825192219  AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65G1124221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Players Turn!
player, 429 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Thu 16 May 2024
at 15:46
  • msg #85

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock grunted from the tentacle catching him in the side. The poison burned and made his joints stiffen. If he couldn’t fight off the poison soon, he would be paralyzed and at the mercy of these creatures. He attacked the one in front of him with might and fury, but the poison made him flinch at the last second on one of his attacks barely missing. It was not enough to fell the beast. Hopefully one of his allies could finish it off.

10:28, Today: Grock rolled 7 using 1d20.  Saving throw.
10:28, Today: Grock rolled 18 using 2d8+11.  AP damage.
10:27, Today: Grock rolled 32 using 5d8+11.  MBA damage 1.
10:26, Today: Grock rolled 24 using 1d20+18.  AP CC1 advantage .
10:26, Today: Grock rolled 19 using 1d20+18.  DA CC1 advantage .
10:25, Today: Grock rolled 35 using 1d20+18.  MBA CC1 advantage.

Minor: Lurking Spider Stance
Move: None
Standard: melee basic attack hit for 32 damage (used power attack, fury from half orc, and sneak in the attack)
No action: dual attack miss with 19
Action point: melee basic attack hit for 12 damage

Failed saving throw: upgrade from slowed to immobilized

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak222/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawler17/81H1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako
Carrion crawler36/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako, -1 AC, Vuln 3 Cold, and Can't gain HP until end of Nezumi

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 1, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock35/66G825192219 ongoing 5 poison damage Immobilized (save ends)AP: 0, Surges:11/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65G1124221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617  AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Players Turn except Grock!
player, 311 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Thu 16 May 2024
at 22:25
  • msg #86

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Rynoth extended his hand, and a cavalcade of power suffused Grock, some of it internalizing while the rest erupted outward to pound both the crawlers below and the ettin above. Not done yet, Rynoth then drove his charged blade repeatedly into the bulk of the nearest crawler, and its directed flailing quickly subsided to fitful twitches as ichor bled out into the corpse-pile below.

Minor: Swift Mender on Grock: Grock makes a saving throw. (This will not worsen the condition if it fails.)
Minor: Curative Admixture on Grock: Grock spends a surge and regains 26 HP.
Std: Gale-Force Infusion on Grock hits Crawler D11, Crawler H10, and Gurrak for 9 damage. Gurrak slides SE-SE to H10.* Grock gains a +5 power bonus to AC until Rynoth's EONT.
AP: Magic Weapon vs Crawler H10 hits for 10 damage. Grock and Hanoko gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +4 power bonus to damage rolls until Rynoth's EONT.

*Gurrak must make a saving throw. If he fails, he goes off the edge to H10 and falls onto the (about to be dead) crawler's space. If he succeeds he ends up prone in his current space.

14:58, Today: Rynoth rolled 9,34,31,32 using d10+8,d20+15,d20+15,d20+13 ((1,19,16,19)).
15:14, Today: Rynoth rolled 28,10 using d20+18,d4+7 ((10,3)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak213/222I8?22261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako
Carrion crawler27/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako, -1 AC, Vuln 3 Cold, and Can't gain HP until end of Nezumi

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock61/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONTongoing 5 poison damage Immobilized (save ends)?AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65G1124221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Khalid's turn!
This message was last edited by the player at 22:27, Thu 16 May.
GM, 1443 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 08:53
  • msg #87

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

NPC'ing Khalid - missing Greenflame weapon.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak213/222I8?22261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako
Carrion crawler27/81D1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules.-4 To Hit + Dazed Until Hanako, -1 AC, Vuln 3 Cold, and Can't gain HP until end of Nezumi

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock61/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONTongoing 5 poison damage Immobilized (save ends)?AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65G1124221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Rynoth + Grock before next turn(Nezumi/Hanoko) turn!
Hanako Todoroki
player, 8 posts
HP 57/57 | SV 14 | S 6/6
A 25 | F 17 | R 26 | W 17
Sun 26 May 2024
at 16:04
  • msg #88

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Standard Action - 10:55, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 28 using 1d20+18.  Fleeting Spirit Strike VS D11 AC.

10:58, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 17 using 4d8.  FSS plus sneak attack. +9 damage and another +4 from magic weapon. 30 Total. Killing the Crawler.

11:02, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 21 using 1d20+16.  Stealth to become hidden.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak213/222I8?22261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative 
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawlerDEADD1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock61/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONTongoing 5 poison damage Immobilized (save ends)?AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65G1124221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Hidden Stealth 21 AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Rynoth + Grock before next turn(Nezumi) turn!
player, 190 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 21:17
  • msg #89

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Nezumi fires a bolt of energy at the foe as she says "Little help Grock?" before shifting into her mouse form and climbing onto his shoulder.

Standard: Eldritch Bolt range 10 at-will 23 vs Ref, hits for 21 force damage, -1 to Ref until EoNT, 4 extra force damage if they attack Nezumi before SoNT
Minor: Tuathan Animal Shape
Move: Climb onto Grock's shoulder, G11>G8

16:08, Today: Nezumi rolled 23 using 1d20+13.  eldritch bolt. – 23
16:09, Today: Nezumi rolled 21 using 1d10+14.  eldritch bolt dmg. – 21

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak192/222I8?22261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative-1 to Ref until EoNT, 4 extra force damage if they attack Nezumi before SoNT
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawlerDEADD1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid70/70H1125202019  AP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock61/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONTongoing 5 poison damage Immobilized (save ends)?AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65Grock24221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Hidden Stealth 21 AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


enemies turn!
GM, 1445 posts
Tue 28 May 2024
at 11:34
  • msg #90

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Snarling, and moving with heavy steps, the twoheaded giant struck hard thrice in succession at Khalid, but the blade only hit him heavily once, still leaving quite the wound on him!
With the Crawlers dead, their carcesses begin to dissolve and melt between the skull and bones beneath you, allowing for more space and room to maneuver.

Strikes three times(both heads and AP attack).
Vs Khalid, hits just once. 23 damage and marked!

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak192/222I8?22261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative-1 to Ref until EoNT, 4 extra force damage if they attack Nezumi before SoNT
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawlerDEADD1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid47/70H1125202019 MarkedAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock61/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONTongoing 5 poison damage Immobilized (save ends)?AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65Grock24221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Hidden Stealth 21 AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Remaining players turn!
player, 315 posts
HP 61/61 | S(15) 10/10
Def 20/21/21/19
Tue 28 May 2024
at 13:22
  • msg #91

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Gurrak's wild flailing ended up just a little bit wilder as Rynoth turned about and sent a jolt of electricity arcing up into the ettin's belly.

Immediate Interrupt: Shocking Feedback vs Gurrak hits for 13 lightning damage. Khalid gains Resist 5 All until Rynoth's EONT.

13:16, Today: Rynoth rolled 28,13 using d20+15,2d4+7 ((13,3,3)).

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak179/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative-1 to Ref until EoNT, 4 extra force damage if they attack Nezumi before SoNT
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawlerDEADD1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid52/70H1125202019Resist 5 All Rynoth EONTMarkedAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock61/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONTongoing 5 poison damage Immobilized (save ends)AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65Grock24221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Hidden Stealth 21 AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Remaining players turn!
This message was last edited by the player at 13:23, Tue 28 May.
player, 430 posts
HP 66/66 S 11/11 SV 23
AC 25/ F 19/ R 22/ W 19
Wed 29 May 2024
at 00:14
  • msg #92

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

Grock’s legs felt like lead, so he summoned his magical bow from his other glove as the Blood Rain went back into the left one. Taking aim, he fired a decent shot into the ettin’s stomach. It would take many more arrows to finish this thing off. With force of will, he was able to burn up most of the poison circulating through his veins. The heaviness in his legs was slowly going away.

19:08, Today: Grock rolled 14 using 1d20.  Save versus immobilized .
19:08, Today: Grock rolled 15 using 2d10+11.  Bow damage plus power attack.
19:07, Today: Grock rolled 29 using 1d20+15.  Rba ettin AC 22.

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak164/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative-1 to Ref until EoNT, 4 extra force damage if they attack Nezumi before SoNT
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawlerDEADD1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid52/70H1125202019Resist 5 All Rynoth EONTMarkedAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock56/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONT AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65Grock24221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Hidden Stealth 21 AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Remaining players turn!
Hanako Todoroki
player, 11 posts
HP 57/57 | SV 14 | S 6/6
A 25 | F 17 | R 26 | W 17
Thu 30 May 2024
at 04:51
  • msg #93

Pyramid of Shadows - a path ahead.

For a moment Hanako considers climbing up the side of the pit, but it's probably safer down here and arthritis has really put a damper on her free climbing capabilities in recent years, so instead it's time to swap over to her sling and take down this giant...from the shadows, where she's hopefully out of sight and out of reach.

23:36, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 31 using 1d20+15.  Killers Ambush on Big Guy.

23:37, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 19 using 3d6+7.  Sling Damage.
23:38, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 1 using 1d8.  Sneak attack damage, using underhanded tactics.

Total Damage 20

23:39, Today: Hanako Todoroki rolled 20 using 1d20+16.  Stealth to become hidden.
Gurrak has a -2 to hit from underhanded tactics and another -2 from rattling for a total of -4

EnemyHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:
Gurrak144/222I822261819reach 2, autosave vs daze/stun/charm, dual initiative-4 to hit until Hanako. -1 to Ref until EoNT, 4 extra force damage if they attack Nezumi before SoNT
Carrion crawlerDEADH1020191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 
Carrion crawlerDEADD1120191817Tentacles - 5 damage/rnd, special rules. 

Please update to correctly reflect where you are start of combat!
PlayerHPLocationACFRWCurrent conditions:Effects/ongoing:AP/Surges
Khalid52/70H1125202019Resist 5 All Rynoth EONTMarkedAP: 1, Surges:9/9 SV: 17
Rynoth65/65E922242221  AP: 0, Surges:10/10 SV: 16
Grock56/66G825192219Magic Weapon +1/+4 Rynoth EONT, +5 AC Rynoth EONT AP: 0, Surges:10/11, SV: 23;
Nezumi65/65Grock24221823  AP: 0, Surges:8/9, SV: 16, 5/5 glove charges
Hanoko57/57D825172617Hidden Stealth 21 AP: 0, Surges:6/6, SV: 14;


Remaining players turn!
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