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13:42, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Cornflower.

Posted by The Founder's GhostFor group 0
player, 239 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 07:04
  • msg #45

The Cornflower

With his temper up the short Czech shouts, "Kidnappers!" as he viciously swings again.

01:53, Today: Emrys rolled 9 with the Ars Magica stress die.  Ezven polearm +10 attack.

Attack total 18

Defense 6
Damage +10

player, 240 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 07:45
  • msg #46

The Cornflower

The magus stays behind his comrades in a defensive stance but stays aware of the other men in the common room behind him.

The door to their room looks faintly silvery but fades in but a moment.
The Founder's Ghost
GM, 392 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 04:12
  • msg #47

The Cornflower

Your fellow lodgers seem to react to the word "kidnappers" Evzen.  They start to cry out and rush towards the hall, at least some of them.

The scoundrels who were attacking you lose heart and start to rush backwards, except for the bleeding bowman and one whome Evzen just poleaxed unto his keester.

Calliope, the door flashes silver a moment.  You can hear what sounds like the sounds of retreat in the hallway.  Then other men's voices.  Whatever's going on out there seems to be moving away from the door...

Two of the scoundrels have been captured.  The other four are trying to rush back into the kitchen.

Letting them get away?

Calliope Podarces
player, 51 posts
Traveling Olive Merchant
Attractive, but weird
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 05:46
  • msg #48

The Cornflower

Calliope is unsure if it is safe yet for them to move, but so far it seems like the Oracle Counter-Ambush plan was working really well! She'd have to praise Emrys and the grogs later, when things settled down. Maybe even buy them some drinks or something.

The safest thing to do was to stay put for the time being. At least for a little bit more. She silently motioned for the grogs with her to hold steady for now.

OOC: Not going to second sight the door, because I and Calliope recognize that silver flash as Emrys' magic. I recall he had silvery themes going on last time when she was inspecting him and am wondering if that's a sort of "tell" or "resonance" his magic takes. Something to ask him about later. As for the present, the Calliope-portion of the party is going to remain turtled for now. Next round, if it isn't obviously safe like Emrys knocking at the door or something, she'll use premonition or something to try to "re-scan" for her immediate safety. But for this next round, we're staying turtled. She doesn't want her group caught up in tall the sudden movement in the hallway either.
player, 241 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 10:02
  • msg #49

The Cornflower

Emrys looks down the corridor as he follows the rush to the kitchen.  He stops if he spies the kitchen door and stares a moment.
player, 242 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 10:06
  • msg #50

The Cornflower

Furious at the scum Evzen stalks forward with his polearm at the ready.

05:03, Today: Emrys rolled 6 with the Ars Magica stress die.  Evzen attacks with the pointy end +10 polearm.

Attack total 16

Defense 6
Damage +10

player, 56 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 02:55
  • msg #51

The Cornflower

OOC: Okay, if this is still accurate, Wulfgang has a fellow in front of him and buddy is too close for archery, so knife it is!

Sweat beading on his brow as he stared down his opponent, the diminutive Wulfgang brandished his knife. Tucking low into a stable crouch, he sized up the man in front of him and waited for the opportune moment before lashing out like a viper with a vicious blow!
The Founder's Ghost
GM, 394 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 04:31
  • msg #52

The Cornflower

In reply to Emrys (msg # 50):

So noted on the turtling Calliope

Your foe cries out in pain and then falls over completely Evzen.

Wulfgang, you make what you think will be a brilliant lunge.  But one of the roused fellows in the common room who is rushing forward manages to bump you from behind and throws off your aim.  Your opponent scuttles backwards.

That offending bumper and four other men go charging down the hall, trampling the downed bowman and slipping on the bloody spot that Evzen has made of his opponent.

The other scoundrels hit the kitchen door, trying to pull it open.  Which they can't for some reason....


You suddenly feel someone grab you from behind and spin you around.  It's one of the few lodgers from the common room who didn't charge forward.  A disheveled looking merchant and two other similar looking merchants behind him.

They've spun you around Emrys and are peering at you suspiciously.

"You look like you're one of those bastards.  You bastard."
player, 243 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 06:36
  • msg #53

The Cornflower

"I'm a lodger with the men fighting the thieves!" he says in a higher surprised tone than he hoped to.

01:31, Today: Emrys rolled 2 with the Ars Magica stress die.  Charm (com +3, -3 for Gift) who me?>.
player, 244 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 06:47
  • msg #54

The Cornflower

With other patrons involved Evren takes a bit more care with his polearm at guard as he approaches the interlopers with menace, "Which one of you kokot want a poke next?!  Why are you after Calliope?"
The Founder's Ghost
GM, 396 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 03:17
  • msg #55

The Cornflower

Affare, you blink yourself into wakefulness after a dream about being back on board that ship during a storm.

You wake to find Leonard perched over you, sword and shield ready, and your bed now sitting in front of the door to the room.

Outside, you can hear lots of commotion.  There's no sign of Emrys, but Calliope is nearby.

Speaking of...

Calliope, you can hear someone...sounds like Evzen saying your name out loud.


Emrys, the merchant scowls and calls out, "Hey!  We got another one here!"

He starts to reach out as if he's going to grab your arms and pull them behind your back.

Wulfgang, with you man down, you glance back at Emrys and see that going on.

Evzen, the other lodgers have surrounded the trapped scoundrels.  Three of the men are facing them off with blades drawn while the fourth one beats on the door.

One of the ones facing you lot down mutters, "I knew this shit job wasn't worth nothin'.  Blast the captain."

The old crone who runs the inn shuffles out from her room, waving her hand and slapping at everyone's backs.

"You lot!  Stop all this!"

The scoundrel trying to get out of the door sees her and shouts, "You old hag!  Did you set us up?  We paid you good coin!"

In other words...everything is complete chaos inside the inn at the moment.
player, 245 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 08:04
  • msg #56

The Cornflower

Emrys tries to avoid the man's grasp as he springs back towards the door to their room, "Could use a little help out here!"

03:01, Today: Emrys rolled 2 with the Ars Magica stress die.  Brawl (dodge) +4 (dodging grab)
This message was last edited by the player at 08:10, Sat 20 Jan.
player, 246 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 08:52
  • msg #57

The Cornflower

Evzen casts a angry glare at the proprietor before threatening to skewer the bilge rats at the door.  Scumbag innkeepers were one thing the former wandering soldier didn't miss from his days wandering the roads of Holy Roman Empire.

With a sneer he mocks the kidnappers, "Good thing for us the greedy old hag had no problem selling you out for a bit more coin.  Tell you what, surrender.  You tell us everything and you get out of this alive.  Or you can die choking on your own filth."

03:15, Today: Emrys rolled 9 with the Ars Magica stress die.  evzen guile +5 (guile com).

So 14.

03:07, Today: Emrys rolled 7 with the Ars Magica stress die.  pole arm (if kidnappers try to attack) +10.

Attack total 17

Defense 6
Damage +10

If they decide to make a go at them, Evzen hacks one.  If they don't and the old lady tries to run he sweeps her to knock her off her feet if possible (no damage)

This message was last edited by the player at 08:53, Sat 20 Jan.
Calliope Podarces
player, 52 posts
Traveling Olive Merchant
Attractive, but weird
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 23:02
  • msg #58

The Cornflower

Calliope considers.

"Well gentlemen? It sounds like our Oracle Counter-Ambush worked like a charm. I think it's safe to open up and go meet back with Emrys." She said as she stepped back a bit.

"Affare? Time to get up and make sure I stay looking pretty. Felix and Karl? Move the bed back to where it was and then get battle-ready again. Leonard? Get your shield ready and open the door. If Emrys is right out there, pull him into the room behind you." she said as she issued new commands to the grogs.


Felix and Karl move the bed back, while Calliope and Leonard step aside. They then once again resume battle readiness.

Affare gets up and gets battle-ready, presumably.

Calliope steps back more into the room, while Leonard takes the defensive lead and opens the door. If Emrys is in reach, Leonard grabs him and pulls him into the room behind him from the hallway.

Affare Acisculu
player, 133 posts
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 01:09
  • msg #59

The Cornflower

Affare sits up slowly rubbing his eyes.  ”Huh?  What’s that?”
The Founder's Ghost
GM, 399 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 01:56
  • msg #60

The Cornflower

Affare, your comfy bed is suddenly scooted violenty back across the floor.  You have just enough time to register the world moving before the door to the room is thrown open and Leonard charges out.

Emrys, you manage to sidestep the grasping hands, but your back hits the wall.  The three men surge towards you.  But over the tops of their heads (they are all rather short), you see Leonard come barreling out of the bed room.  He meets your eye.
If anyone would like to post Leonard's actions as part of your response, feel free to do so please

Calliope and Affare, you follow Felix and Karl as they charge out after Leonard.  You can see the situation in a fell swoop.

Three of your fellow lodgers seem to think Emrys is part of the kidnappers and are trying to corner him.

Evzen and the other lodgers have four of the currs corraled against the kitchen door.

Two of the kidnappers are laying on the hallway floor, bleeding.

The Innkeeper is yelling for everyone to stop.  Which no one is doing.

You can also hear someone pounding on the barred door.  Apparently the noise from everything has alerted the guard, who are trying to hammer their way in through the common room's front door.

Evzen, the four you have corraled throw up their hands.  "We surrender!  Go easy now!"
Affare Acisculu
player, 134 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 04:10
  • msg #61

The Cornflower

Affare beholds the seemingly worldwide roughhousing like a virgin who has stumbled into a brothel.  All those books didn’t get him ready for this!  Although he had seen his fair share of brawls traveling the Rhine with his merchant parents, it was always at a safe distance.

Even after getting shot with an arrow, the coarseness he was being exposed to still shocked him.  But he supposed he would get over that.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:11, Tue 23 Jan.
player, 250 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 04:53
  • msg #62

The Cornflower

"Wise choice," Evzen says motioning with his pointy stick, "Set your weapons down and step away from the door over there and we'll have a quick chat."

The Czech man-at-arms demeanor changes as they comply (assuming they do), "Let's the basics so everybody can catch up.  You bribed the innkeeper here to let you in through the kitchen so you could kidnap the lovely lady in that room over there right?"

He waits a brief moment for an affirmative response before moving on past that fact, "Just to confirm things, you were paid to snatch her by the master of the Lady Sleeps in.  He tell you what he wanted her for or did he just see a few coins if he sold her in another port?"

Evzen looks sympathetic as he observes, "Don't really blame you but I like my women a little more curvy and a lot quieter."

23:28, Today: Emrys rolled 4 with the Ars Magica stress die.  charm (5) +2 com= +7


specialty (witty putdowns)

player, 251 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 04:57
  • msg #63

The Cornflower

Emrys moves behind Leonard and tries to avoid being grabbed by the other inn patrons for now.  He's not cowering.  Seriously.  He's just avoiding tactical complications.

23:54, Today: Emrys rolled 4 with the Ars Magica stress die.  brawl (dodge) +3 (dodging +4).
Calliope Podarces
player, 57 posts
Traveling Olive Merchant
Attractive, but weird
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 05:51
  • msg #64

The Cornflower

Leonard nods obediently at Calliope, before barreling out into the hallway.

Karl actually moves to interpose himself between Calliope and the door, taking Leonard's "place" as her direct bodyguard just in case. Calliope herself did not feel quite safe going into the hallway yet, but listened on now that the door was open.

"You! He is my lord, not some vandal! You will not touch him!" Leonard tried to say. It was intended to be firm but civil, but it came out as a strange fiercely loud whisper-croak due to his damaged voice.

Leonard didn't wait for the others to respond though. He bee-lined right to Emrys, and grabbed ahold of the man firmly and pulled him physically behind him. Realizing afterward that he just manhandled one of the leader-figured of the party, Leonard looked apologetic suddenly as he croak-whispered-spoke more gently this time.

"I...apologies, milord. Her um...ladyship? She...commanded I fetch you no matter what. But didn't mean to be rough with you, sir. But she's right your safety comes first before my dignity." he said, as he turned to look back at the men who were trying to grab him.

Felix, the servant with his customer-service skills, ran out by Leonard too and immediately tried to de-escalate things.

"Oh goodness gracious! Our apologies for any misunderstanding, gentlemen." he said to the 3 merchants who were suspicious of Emrys.

"As you can see behind me, we're staying here at this inn just like you are, and Milord here is certainly not a kidnapper. But thank you, though, for trying to help us protect the inn and the ladies who are staying here." he said, throwing their aggression back at them but in a way where it was clearly obvious he was telling the truth. Like the open door to the bedroom was the proof in the figurative pudding that they were legit if anything.

He then pointed accusatorily at the actual kidnappers who the other grogs were subduing.

"So you have my respect for trying to protect an innocent woman. But those thugs, good gentlemen, are strangers who tried to break into our lady's chambers, affront her dignity, and kidnap her. Hells! They may have even wanted to kidnap some of you too for all you know!"
Affare Acisculu
player, 136 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 19:11
  • msg #65

The Cornflower

“Everything she says is true,” Affare throws in, trying to be helpful.  He stops there before continuing to see how they react.  The gab was a gift that was often best used sparingly, after all.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:13, Tue 23 Jan.
The Founder's Ghost
GM, 400 posts
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 04:16
  • msg #66

The Cornflower

One of the four kidnappers chuckles at your quip Evzen. His fellows glare at him.  He just shrugs.  "Oh come on. It was funny...

"An' yeah.  You got it all pretty right-"

"Gos'..." growls one of the others at him.

"Gos" shrugs again.  "What's the point in keeping quiet now?  Them knights are gonna stick pokers up our asses if we don't talk.  Me?  I like my ass as it is."  Gos turns back to you Evzen"Except it wasn't really our captain.  I mean...yeah.  he's the one who told us ta do it.  But someone paid him to tell us to do it.  And no.  No idea who.  Just know it wasn't the Captain."

Meanwhile, at the other end of the hallway...

Leonard and Calliope's intervention, followed by Felix and Affare's assist seem to have mollified the three merchants.  Though that may be because Emrys is now hidden behind Leonard

One of the merchants hurries off and takes the bar off the common room door.  Guards begin to pour into the room.

A knight follows them in.  He's a tough looking older fellow who looks like he's seen a few crusades.  He stares at everyone then holds up a hand.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!  We'll talk to. Each.  And Every. One of you.  But we will do so in order.  So nobody move.  Get those men on their knees back there under arrest."

It seems everyone is going to have to give a statement...

Emrys, Affare, and Calliope.  Wulfgang, you too.

I need to know what you three want to tell the guards.  You guys may make statements as any of the Grogs if you wish.  Your call.


player, 253 posts
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 07:00
  • msg #67

The Cornflower

Emrys tries to stay unobtrusive by staying in Leonard's shadow.  When it's his turn he tells his interrogator, "My comrades and I were passengers on The Lady Sleeps In out of Hamburg.  Karl noticed a few sailors scouting out the inn today while they were making arrangements with the innkeeper to pay us a visit tonight.  From what one of them said, Gos, the captain was paid to send his men to kidnap Calliope.  We didn't know what they were up to at the time but thought it would be safer for some of us to stay alert throughout the night.  The sailors came through the kitchen door just a short while ago and made a beeline to Calliope's door and tried to break in.  We stopped them and they tried to run."

01:23, Today: Emrys rolled 8 with the Ars Magica stress die.  communication +3 (-3 gift).

The magic blocking the kitchen door has a duration of two minutes.

Evzen tells a similar story and elaborates on Gos' information, "They thought the innkeeper ripped them off since they bribed the old hag and found us prepared for them instead.  I'm sure Gos wasn't lying, messed his friends up pretty bad and they were expectin' an easy job.  I can see why the Captain of The Lady Sleeps in would want to grab the woman...she's exotic and pretty...sure to fetch a high price, but don't know who would pay him to snatch her since we just arrived in Riga.  If it was someone local that wanted her ya figure they'd use local boys to do the job."

01:44, Today: Emrys rolled 6 with the Ars Magica stress die.  Evzen charm (witty putdowns) + com (+7 total)
This message was last edited by the player at 07:01, Wed 24 Jan.
The Founder's Ghost
GM, 401 posts
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 21:23
  • msg #68

The Cornflower

Calliope and Affare?  You want to take the fifth for the guards as to what happened?


Affare Acisculu
player, 137 posts
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 07:26
  • msg #69

The Cornflower

Affare tries to keep his story as consistent as possible with what his companions have already related, assuming he has been able to listen in.  Otherwise, he basically tells the truth, but tries to keep things vague as possible as to their true mission.
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