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13:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5.

member, 278 posts
Anime Fan
Virtually all genres
Thu 23 May 2024
at 20:28
  • msg #8

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Hmmm... I'm very, very tentatively considering this. BUT..

I'm pretty much a terrible n00b GM.

Somewhere between TFT and WoW.
Mercenary company
While that means that there is choice. Certain choices will attract a lot of attention, depending on which continent you are on and who you decide to help.
The current situation would be.

The Blood Elves (newly minted name) have withdrawn to silver moon under Lorthemar, since kaelthas current state is unknown.

The forsaken don't really exist as a unified faction yet while sylvanas gathers followers.

The orcs and the horde in general are focussing on maintaining and reinforcing orgrimmar and thunder bluff.

Humanity and the alliance are reeling and desperately trying to salvage what they can after many years of war and the loss of their two strongest capitals and the apparent loss of the mage school of dalaran.

The ravages of war has meant new races across the world are trying to gain ground.

I don't trust myself to even try balancing for gestalt, sorry.

We have one definite half elf spellcaster
And two other interests
member, 321 posts
Thu 23 May 2024
at 20:45
  • msg #9

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Ok, what sources do you allow?
member, 34 posts
STR 13, INT 14, WIS 14
DEX 16, CON 15, CHA 17
Thu 23 May 2024
at 20:54
  • msg #10

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Wwweeellllll~ I could point some people from elsewhere, here, too!  I'm actually building on someone's interest, and they gave me an itch and a hankering.   >:D  I'll show them here!
member, 38 posts
Thu 23 May 2024
at 22:44
  • msg #11

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

I am interested too. Can we use Tome of Magic?
member, 1 post
Fri 24 May 2024
at 00:39
  • msg #12

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Hey there! I'm one of those people from elsewhere. Not the one who originally got the ball rolling, but an early adopter.

I've been considering an orc shaman more concerned with the earth than the different groups of the people making war on its surface, so the independent angle works well for me. Someone who senses the scars of the Third War in the land of Kalimdor still, and feels an overriding need to mend them before something even worse comes along.

My one request regarding material is that if we're using World of Warcraft books, I want to use the updated version of the shaman class from Even More Magic & Mayhem, the ebook that capped off the game. It just kinda retools the proficiencies and class abilities to be closer to a proper shaman than the "druid with all the animals shaved off" from the base book. I would ask to use the mana points system because it fits the tone of the series more than Vancian spell slots, but that's a LOT of extra math to force on everybody else so I'm not super invested in that.
member, 1 post
Fri 24 May 2024
at 00:41
  • msg #13

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Wwweeellllll~ I could point some people from elsewhere, here, too!  I'm actually building on someone's interest, and they gave me an itch and a hankering.   >:D  I'll show them here!

That's me! Haha! Yep, reporting in to voice my interest in participating! My tastes tend to lean a bit towards the Horde side of things, but I'm cool with mixing things up and going independent.
member, 35 posts
STR 13, INT 14, WIS 14
DEX 16, CON 15, CHA 17
Fri 24 May 2024
at 00:58
  • msg #14

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

 *puts away extra scrolls of town portal*

I was actually gonna check and see if the people from my Season of Discovery Realm, Lava Lash -- or what's left of the poor thing -- would be interested in this, but then I said, "Well, InAction and the others wanted this, I'll give them a hand first.".

Welcome to RPoL!  Or, welcome back if you're already here!
member, 322 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 10:48
  • msg #15

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

I don't know if there is a system in the Warcraft books, but D&D already has a Spell Point option.
member, 36 posts
STR 13, INT 14, WIS 14
DEX 16, CON 15, CHA 17
Fri 24 May 2024
at 11:06
  • msg #16

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

In reply to kark2 (msg # 15):

They use Vancian, and White Wolf went on this whole weird spiel about how Vancien was "better" and "totally like the RTS games!" in Magic & Mayhem.  I do remember there was a pretty cool debate about Vancien versus Spell Points on the White Wolf Forums, back when they supported the line... I don't remember a whole lot of the specifics, though...
member, 323 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 12:55
  • msg #17

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

There is always the option to play it with the psionic classes :D
member, 279 posts
Anime Fan
Virtually all genres
Fri 24 May 2024
at 18:46
  • msg #18

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

In reply to kark2 (msg # 17):

While I have heard the psionic classes are the most balanced DND 3.5 ever got to... Scared of them >< (new GM)

I do have EMM, but I'll have to look at Tome of Magic.

Half elf and potentially orc.
Already a curious mercenary company.
member, 324 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 18:56
  • msg #19

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

It is not so different if you allow spell (mana) points.
member, 53 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 19:29
  • msg #20

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Psionics is also in the SRD.
Can you allow Magic of Incarnum?
member, 37 posts
STR 13, INT 14, WIS 14
DEX 16, CON 15, CHA 17
Fri 24 May 2024
at 21:40
  • msg #21

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

dlantoub  I know!  Why don't you tell us the books you have on hand, and we can plan our PCs that way?

Aldhissla got banned... tried to reconcile e-mail addresses, made a mistake, ban.  TIME TO LOOK FOR A WAY TO APPEAL~
This message was last edited by the user at 21:41, Fri 24 May.
member, 39 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 00:05
  • msg #22

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

I just want to play a binder.
member, 280 posts
Anime Fan
Virtually all genres
Sat 25 May 2024
at 12:48
  • msg #23

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

In reply to SCARY WIZARD (msg # 21):

All of the wow 3.5. at least I think it's all of it. Including dark alliances which has the neutral race options

And most of the warcraft 3 books . I can probably "acquire" the rest if need be.

I'm trying to target where we are since it makes a huge difference since we are pre wow. Eg "most" mercenaries in kalimdor will "not" be alliance races and those that are will probably be looked at strangely. Vice versa in the human kingdoms.mainly to get attitudes right.

I was also trying to remember what units are available in mercenary camps in game. The only one I really remember is trolls and ogres in northrend.
member, 38 posts
STR 13, INT 14, WIS 14
DEX 16, CON 15, CHA 17
Sat 25 May 2024
at 15:01
  • msg #24

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Alright, so...
[*] World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game
[*] Alliance Player's Guide
[*] Horde Player's Guide
[*] Dark Factions
[*] More Magic & Mayhem and Even More Magic & Mayhem
[*] Lands of Mystery and all those Web Supplements White Wolf forgot about until after they printed the books, I guess.
[*] Monster Guide, probably sans the "Web Supplement", which was a bigger joke than that time we got told we'd get Dance Studios in 2008, we all yelled at them over, because it was JUST animals from the System Reference Document.  I'm not bitter!  I'm not bitter at all. that right?  Those are the second -- World of WarCraft -- line's books.
The Faction Books, and Lands of Mystery have some adventures in them.  Never looked at 'em, myself, I was always holding out for modules back in the day, or at least expansions on the "Hooks" we got.

Consulting WoWPedia, I'm getting, from Mercenary Camps in WarCraft III...
Lordaeron: Gnoll, Ogre, Forest Troll, Frost Troll (Winter; could come from some part of Alterac?)
Barrens: Centaur, Harpy, Quilboar
Ashenvale: Satyr, Furbolg
Felwood: Murloc, Satyr
Cityscape, Dalaran: Human, Kobold, Forest Troll
Village: Human, Kobold, Murloc
Dungeon, Underground: Kobold, Skeleton
Sunken Ruins: Mur'gul, Makrura
Northrend: Frost Troll, Nerubian (the living ones)
Icecrown Glacier: Blue Dragonspawn, Magnataur, Furbolg
Outland, Black Citadel: Draenei; visually appear to be Lost Ones, in lore seem to be Broken Ones.
A lot of these are really hard to reconcile, for obvious reasons!  This is either due to Level Adjustments, not being in the World of WarCraft books, being Skeletons or a post-Medium Size Category, or isolated to specific areas.
Additionally, and it's funny, my World Editor for WarCraft III: Reforged yields slightly different results... for instance, "Sunken Ruins" in my world Editor has Stormreaver orcs.

I'd, myself, and I think the people I brought over here as well, prefer to be an adventurer, less a mercenary.  Though lines can get muddied, I can imagine, and the people pitching a mercenary bent could add a unique dynamic to things... especially an interesting one.
For instance, you could have a rogue who's in it for The Little People and a healer troll priest who wants to heal everyone's hurts -- the "adventurers" -- and on the other side of the group there's a dishonorably discharged hunter who's really more interested in how much she can make off of a job and a fighter who's trying to figure it all out the only way he knows how.  That's most RPG groups, in general; adding the WarCraft flavor to things makes it more interesting when, say, the hunter's a half-orc and the rogue's a human, the fighter's a dwarf and the healer's a troll... and everyone's on the same page, but maybe they're not on the same sentence -- or don't understand or fully care to understand the other's sentences.
This message was last edited by the user at 15:03, Sat 25 May.
member, 40 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 15:50
  • msg #25

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

I will play a mercenary. Give me a target, money and you got a problem solved.
member, 2 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 03:56
  • msg #26

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Hmmm... I'll admit, despite what I said I'm struggling to think of any interesting ideas for Horde-leaning characters. I usually like to have a little something more to go on then "Tauren shaman" or "Troll hunter", y'know? I feel like when a decision is made on just where the game will be taking place, (Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms) that'll help to influence my choices.
member, 281 posts
Anime Fan
Virtually all genres
Sun 26 May 2024
at 18:16
  • msg #27

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

In reply to Inaction (msg # 26):

Sorry I was hoping the choices would determine where it would take place >< because a heavily "human" mercenary group would find it difficult working for orgrimmar for example. Not because of players, but because horde wouldn't trust them with jobs of any importance.
member, 54 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 19:07
  • msg #28

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

The factor here is not importance. Is difficulty and necessitiy to not doing it themselves. Noone is loyal to a mercenary, but the mercenary must remain loyal till the contract is done to be considered for any other job for any faction.
When the Alliance will send us to fight, it will be because they will need to have their hands clean and/or because the mission is difficult and they don't want to waste their loyal soldiers when they can perfectly send us to death. If we succeed, hurray. If we lose, then we would have toned down the danger for them, and they will be able to send soldiers with a minimum hope of victory. And dead mercenaries don't get paid.

The horde will do the same.

Example: The Alliance and the Pandariens are going to sign a treaty of cooperation. That will mean the horde will find hard times in the future. The horde employs us to go to Pandaria and kill a high level Pandarian noble, let's call it Po, while posing as humans and appearing drunk. We succeed, we survive the attack of the defenders of the Pandarian noble, we get paid and the treaty doesn't get signed because the Pandariens now look at the humans with distrust.

I know next to nothing about World of Warcraft. But I have read a thing or two about mercenaries.

I will change my codename from Hasted Krenshar to Astral Aquan.
member, 39 posts
STR 13, INT 14, WIS 14
DEX 16, CON 15, CHA 17
Mon 27 May 2024
at 01:29
  • msg #29

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

That example is an assassination, not an adventure.  And, something like that would lock us into the graces of one faction and the sights of the other.  Better that we don't end up playing hitman.  That limits available work, and makes more work for the Game Master.  And, it invariably gets us thrown under the bus when the paymaster decides that paying for our silence is getting to be too much.  Expose the paymaster, and we're a bunch of no-prospects no one's going to listen to.

I was thinking more along the lines of working for someone like the Argent Dawn, Cenarion Circle, or like... a member of the Bronze Dragonflight -- basically, anyone interested in the welfare of the world altogether and not a handful of its populace, really -- calling for help against something that's alarming to them who have their priorities straight but that's deemed "unimportant at the moment" by the Alliance and/or Horde and getting us.  Defectors, underdogs, mercenaries, and the like.  People who might live on the fringes of society because they're seen as being beneath the slapfights the two get into over resources, and yet... are actually above them.
member, 3 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 02:40
  • msg #30

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Y'know, I like the idea of playing as a member of the Argent Dawn, or at least like an adventurer helping them out. They're in kind of interesting position post-WC3 and going by stuff depicted in the Ashbringer series; the remnants of the Knights of the Silver Hand have finally fractured into the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade following Alexandros Mograine's death, the Forsaken are starting to form what will become their own under-kingdom in the remains of Lordaeron. That's two major new powers rapidly beginning to develop in an already very contested territory, not to mention the Scourge presence that still exists.

In fact, there was a character in the Ashbringer comic that I rather liked - a troll that took refuge in the chapel that would then become the Scarlet Monastery. He read some of the books in the library and found himself inspired, becoming a priest of the Light. That I think could be an interesting angle, I might try something like that. Maybe like a forest troll that's found solace in this new faith and feels a higher calling to make up for the wrong they've committed in the past, to protect life from falling to decay and corruption that has swept across the land.
Sir Swindle
member, 416 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 13:47
  • msg #31

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

I would RTJ for this. But wanted-GMs is a pretty bad place to advertise of you want to pre-build a group.
member, 4 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 18:16
  • msg #32

LFGM: WarCraft RPG v3.5

Bumping for interest. I still want to believe there's a GM out there willing to run this.
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