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14:33, 13th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario.

Posted by GM ArkrimFor group 0
Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 564 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 13:22
  • msg #22

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Josep Gavinho
Sorcerer 1,467 BP, 1024 posts
Human Sorcerer
TA - 1,494 BP
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 17:43
  • msg #23

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

 Ario, the maths add up. The order of actions and the vague wording of Rapid Shot makes it look like the swift attack would incur the same penalties, but even then that doesn't change the result.
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 450 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 19:17
  • msg #24

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Attacks 1 and 4 miss because  (pm)
Attack 2 misses because  (pm)
All misses land at least 3 squares away because of range, so do no damage to Ario.

After a brush with death, Ario charged the tiny construct, and swung his whip at her.

1T         1
2          2
3  AA      3
4  AA      4
5          5
6          6
7          7
8          8
9          9
10          10

T = Tinny Tina
M = Mike (sharing Tina's space)
A = Ario

   ROUND: Round 1 (10)
POSITION: (I9,J10) to (C3,D4)
 ACTIONS: Charge Tinny, swinging an maximized blue flame whip (Full Round)

 HP: 102/176 (33 nonlethal)
 AC: 24; FFAC: 16; Touch: 18
CMD: 29; FFCMD: 22; FFTAC: 10
+12 CMD vs Trip
SR 22

EFFECTS: Burn 3, Overflow +3 , Charged
   GEAR: Free Gear, plus: Shirt, Cloak, Armor, Ring, Belt 
   USES: Burn 3/9

DICE ROLLS:  15:11, Today: Ario rolled 21 using 1d20+19 with rolls of 2.  Maximized Blue Flame Whip vs Tinny's TAC (Charge, Dex, BAB, Overflow, -size).
   SUMMARY:  Tinny takes max of 12d6+6 Fire damage - 78

Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 565 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 19:34
  • msg #25

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

If you have miss chance, it'd be nice to know so that I can roll it and expedite my turn.
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 451 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 19:37
  • msg #26

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

No miss chance.
Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 566 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 19:53
  • msg #27

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

When the whips strikes Tina, she starts glowing and doesn't take as much damage as she should. However, weird fiery injuries do appear on Mike. "Mike! Do the other thing!" Mike does the other thing, which touch himself with the other glove, which results in two Mikes. Then she throws more bombs.

T = Tinny Tina
M = Mike (sharing Tina's space)
M2 = Mike 2 (also sharing Tina's space)
A = Ario

   ROUND: Round 2 (18)

Mike: A1, HP 15/54, [AC 21, FFAC 19, TAC 14, CMD 17, FFCMD 15, FFTAC 12, Fort +10, Refl +10, Will +4]
 Actions: Touch self with glove  (standard)
 Effects: -
    Gear: Cloak, Gloves

Mike 2: A1, HP 15/54, [AC 21, FFAC 19, TAC 14, CMD 17, FFCMD 15, FFTAC 12, Fort +10, Refl +10, Will +4]
 Actions: -
 Effects: Exists (minutes)
    Gear: Cloak, Gloves

 ACTIONS: Activate boots (free), throw bombs (full attack)

 HP: 70/109
 AC: 22 (23); FFAC: 17; Touch: 16 (17)
 AC: 24 (25); FFAC: 19; (vs. Aberrations)
CMD: 27 (28); FFCMD: 21; FFTAC: 11

EFFECTS: ???  10/11, Haste 1/1
   GEAR: Composite Longbow, Mithral Chain Shirt, Headband, Cloak, Amulet, Belt, Boots, Acid, Arrows, Ioun Stone, Ioun Stone, Ioun Stone, Ioun Stone, Wayfinder with Ioun Stone, Acid x10, Free Gear (-0 ACP, Light Load)
   USES: lv1 extracts 6/7, lv2 extracts 6/6, lv3 extracts 6/6, lv4 extracts 3/4, mutagen 1/1, bombs 10/19, boots 8/10, amulet 0/1

DICE ROLLS: 15:44, Today: Tinny Tina rolled 6 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,4.  Acid bombs delayed damage.
            15:46, Today: Tinny Tina rolled 25,33 using 1d20+15,6d6+16 with rolls of 10,2,6,3,1,4,1.  Acid Bomb #1 vs. Ario FFTAC (10) TAC (18).
            15:47, Today: Tinny Tina rolled 24,41 using 1d20+15,6d6+16 with rolls of 9,6,3,4,6,5,1.  Acid Bomb #2 vs. Ario FFTAC (10) TAC (18).
            15:47, Today: Tinny Tina rolled 18,38 using 1d20+15,6d6+16 with rolls of 3,3,5,1,5,3,5.  Acid Bomb #3 vs. Ario TAC (18).
            15:47, Today: Tinny Tina rolled 19,38 using 1d20+10,6d6+16 with rolls of 9,2,6,1,3,4,6.  Acid Bomb #4 vs. Ario TAC (18).
   SUMMARY: Ario's attack damage is split between Tina and Mike. Ario takes 6 acid damage at the beginning of Tina's turn. Ario takes 150 acid damage, and will take 4d6 acid damage in one round. Any bombs that miss due to mysterious circumstances will deal 24 damage to Ario (DC 23 Reflex for half damage), and exclude Tina's square from the splash damage.

Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 567 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 19:57
  • msg #28

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Made a mistake, missed bombs don't splash.
Josep Gavinho
Sorcerer 1,467 BP, 1025 posts
Human Sorcerer
TA - 1,494 BP
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:04
  • msg #29

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

 Missed bomb don't splash indeed.

 While Tina has no idea why her attacks 1 and 4 missed, she did notice that Ario deflected the bomb 2 with his bare hand.
Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 568 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:08
  • msg #30

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 569 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:10
  • msg #31

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Josep Gavinho
Sorcerer 1,467 BP, 1026 posts
Human Sorcerer
TA - 1,494 BP
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:12
  • msg #32

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 570 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:16
  • msg #33

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario


That should be all.
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 452 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:26
  • msg #34

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

During your turn:

If Mikey Provokes (as he's before you in post and initiative from your delay):
16:19, Today: Ario rolled 23 using 1d20+17 with rolls of 6.  AOO vs Mikey if applicable w/ maximized blue flame whip.  (78 damage)

When you make the first bomb attack:
16:17, Today: Ario rolled 31 using 1d20+17 with rolls of 14.  AOO 1 - Maximized Blue Flame Whip vs Tinny's TAC.  (78 damage)
Ario takes 37 (+ 6 from start of turn) dropping to 59/176 (33 nonlethal)

When you make the second bomb attack:
16:18, Today: Ario rolled 25 using 1d20+17 with rolls of 8.  AOO 2 - Maximized Blue Flame Whip vs Tinny's TAC. (78 damage)
Ario bats the second attack aside and takes no damage.

If you're still up to make the third bomb attack:
16:18, Today: Ario rolled 27 using 1d20+17 with rolls of 10.  AOO 3 -  Maximized Blue Flame Whip vs Tinny's TAC. (78 damage)
Ario takes 38 and falls to 21/176 (33 nonlethal) - unconscious but living and not bleeding out.
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 453 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:27
  • msg #35

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Also, how are you using extracts without taking actions?
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 454 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:33
  • msg #36

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Also, Compsognathuses... Combsognathi? Compsognathoi?... do not have hand item slots:
Josep Gavinho
Sorcerer 1,467 BP, 1027 posts
Human Sorcerer
TA - 1,494 BP
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:43
  • msg #37

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

 The familiar has a feat that allows it to use hand-slot wondrous items.
 I dont' think Tina was using extracts.

 Tina, could you resolve your bomb attacks one by one, including the AOO by Ario in between, and see who collapses first?
 I have a feeling some of those might not land....
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 455 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:46
  • msg #38

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

She shows one used each round so far in her uses line.
Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 571 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:46
  • msg #39

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Mike has the Extra Item Slot feat, which lets me add another item slot to him (in this case, hands). He's wearing Poisoner's Gloves containing infusion extracts.
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 456 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 20:52
  • msg #40

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario


But: When did you take the full round actions to fill them?

Also, was the one that targeted you personal range?  (If so, you are immune to it as it gives a fort save per the item's text.)
Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 572 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 21:30
  • msg #41

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

You're allowed to voluntarily forgo a saving throw (, which I believe should apply to extracts (since they "behave like spells in potion form").

If Josep rules that my construct traits block Poisoner's Glove infusions, then I definitely lack the damage to kill Ario.
Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 573 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 21:40
  • msg #42

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Anyway, here's the breakdown assuming I DO get the infusion from Poisoner's Gloves.

Since touching someone doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity, Mike does not provoke and is still alive.

I make my first attack.
Ario makes AoO
Both Mikes use Bodyguard to Aid Another, increasing Tina's AC.
16:31, Today: Tinny Tina rolled 23,28 using 1d20+9,1d20+9 with rolls of 14,19.  Mike 1 and 2 Aid Another (Tina AC).
Both succeed, and Mike 2 uses In Harm's Way to take all the damage from the attack.

Tina is at 70/109
Ario is at 59/176 (33 nonlethal)
Mike is at 15/54
Mike 2 is dead

I make my second attack.
Ario deflect attack
Ario makes AoO
Mike uses Bodyguard to Aid Another, increasing Tina's AC.
16:33, Today: Tinny Tina rolled 28 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 19.  Mike Aid Another (Tina AC).
Mike succeeds, and uses In Harm's Way to take all the damage from the attack.

Tina is at 70/109
Ario is at 59/176 (33 nonlethal)
Mike is dead
Mike 2 is dead

I make my third attack
Ario makes AoO
Tinny Tina takes 78 damage.
Since AoO's occur before the action that provokes them, Tinny Tina's attack doesn't occur.
Josep Gavinho
Sorcerer 1,467 BP, 1029 posts
Human Sorcerer
TA - 1,494 BP
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 22:03
  • msg #43

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

You can indeed benefit from any spell that normally allows a fortitude save, if you want to.
Tina being a construct doesn't change a thing, the extract may affect her regardless.
Whether or not you're allowed to prepare your Poisoner's Gloves with extract, however, might be the problem.

However, seeing the breakdown of the last round, that means that regardless of whether the poisoner's glove work or not, Ario comes out victor.

Shall I pronounce the time of death?

We should chase Arkrim to get an answer on the gloves issue, but my first response would be that it works like a spell storing ring, ie you cannot prepare it before battle. Or a permanent spell which you would cast the day before.
Kineticist 1,328 BP, 457 posts
Drider Oreo
Thu 25 Aug 2016
at 22:22
  • msg #44

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

That was a ridiculously close match.  I am fine with closing out without the official results on the gloves, as it doesn't effect our match.

Ario has 1,427 BP, is CN and used no hero points.
Tinny Tina
Alchemist 1,476 BP, 574 posts
Wyrwood Alchemist
Fri 26 Aug 2016
at 15:03
  • msg #45

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Tinny Tina has 1503 BP, is N, and used no hero points.
Josep Gavinho
Sorcerer 1,467 BP, 1035 posts
Human Sorcerer
TA - 1,494 BP
Sat 27 Aug 2016
at 10:57
  • msg #46

Re: Duel #204: Tina vs. Ario

Ario (1427 BP) used 0 hero points

Tinny Tina (1503 BP) used 0 hero points

Duration: 2 rounds.
Players: 2 players.

(2 rounds * 2 players * 2) + 15 = 23 BP (Total Rewards for Referee)

1506 * 90 / 1427 = 95 BP (Total Rewards for Winner, max reward for referee)

1427 * 30 / 1506 = 28 BP (Total Rewards for Loser, min reward for referee)
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