Re: Part 66c - The art of war
"I'd be a fool to take that wager. I'm sure the Family each has their sources of information. But they can be a close-lipped bunch and that's when things are going well."
"Truth is, I doubt I know any more than you and probably less. I need to get a handle on our troops strengths, deployment and capability as soon as I can."
James purses his lips for a moment, "I probably shouldn't tell you anything; operational security and all that. But if I'm going to do that I might as well go and sulk in a corner until this is all over."
"Big picture is, Amber is being attacked by the dupes, slaves and servants of a powerful race known as Archons. They plan to break apart all the worlds and remake the universe in the image of their home, which, incidentally, would be instantly lethal for folk like you and me. The Pattern's an obvious place to do that."
"They haven't even begun to exert their full strength yet. They've been planning this for a long time and they don't seem to want to rush things."
"But they're getting set up for the endgame and so are we. The side that determines the conditions of endgame will almost certainly win. If the Archons fight a pitched battle here, at Kolvir, we lose. If we can convince the Archons to turn on their current leader, we win, more or less."
"Little picture is this. We believe they plan to stage a raid on Tir-na Nog'th. It's a good chance for an ambush and if we can capture an officer we might learn something useful. I seem to have wound up in charge of that."
"I need some good soldiers, experienced men, like you, who won't panic if things get heated or if we need to change plans on the fly. Probably about a half-company. I was hoping you would help me get them ready?"