Re: Part 73 - The long road
Cyan cocks an eyebrow at James and winces once when Berd complains. "A moment, Sir deMontford. I would need to speak with my associates, but my own feeling is yes." With that, her sapphire gaze grows unfocused.
Berd...would you allow me to speak to all of our companions?
Piqued, the little drake nonetheless opens a bridging for all of the group who so wish to listen, including the Archons.
Please hear me. I understand the reservations. Nonetheless, I have my reasons.
These men are thieves, yes. They have stolen money from those who deserve better treatment. They are criminals. These are all fair points.
And yet, I am not the law.
I have a choice to make here.
Shall I leave them, then, to continue to prey upon people, to steal from them at will?
Shall I slay them, these men who, thieves notwithstanding, have no intent to harm their victims and, if faced by one who refuses, would let them continue unmolested?
Neither choice is acceptable.
War makes for curious situations.
How might I best approach this? I do not know. And yet....
If I bring these men with me, their presence might prevent us needing to kill in the city. A large, armed escort...there is easier prey.
If I bring these men with me, they will no longer prey upon the people travelling this land.
If I bring these men with me, I might find them decent work with those of Amber. Soldiers? Spies? Even cooks or bakers or whatever they once might have been?
I feel this to be a better choice than leaving them...or killing them.
Redemption can only occur when the chance for it exists. Here and now, we are that chance for these men.
At Banglen-Yp's words, her face's bright smile is shaken. For a long moment, Cyan clearly struggles for control, lips shaking, eyes brightening. Finally she manages a terse nod, unwilling to speak of such things until the current situation passes.
But she cannot help but spare a moment for the messenger. "Thank you," she whispers to Banglen-Yp. "Your news...I cannot begin to describe what it means."
The end to this madness is close enough to taste.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:15, Tue 05 Jan 2016.