Re: Part 73 - The long road
Cyan wakes early, and immediately sets about setting up for breakfast. Her and James, of course - and Berd, who remains 'asleep'. Mostly. She glances about for Harbonah, curious as to how he feels this morning after yesterday's shock. Perhaps, she reasons, now is not yet the time to broach the subject. Wait until after the confusion with this creature, 'Constance'.
Then discuss.
And with that decision, it seems, Constance appears.
Berd's head snaps up at the outcry, his eyes burning, but relaxes almost immediately. Or perhaps 'relax' the wrong word - his gaze dims, his tension slackens, but the drake has awoken and remains as such, perched upon Cyan's backpack.
"Please!" Cyan stands, gesturing for calm, her own eyes pale but slowly darkening to ruby. They knew this being to be above them. As a predator - an apex predator in the truest meaning - it follows that she has methods of moving undetected. Nonetheless, the demonstration is appalling, given those who patrol and Berd's own presence. "Let us welcome our guest into our camp." She waves Constance over.
"James and I were about to eat. If you wish, we can set that aside for now -" though, she considers, the food will be cold or overdone; a small issue, in truth "- or eat while we talk." The bard cocks her head. "Would us eating in your presence cause any distress, given your own race's need for solitude while...consuming?"