These are the images currently on the faces of the cube:-
Face 1: Cadiniagart city.
Face 2: a snowscape beneath a greenish sky.
Face 3: a dense jungle with clusters of orange flowers in the foreground.
Face 4: a stone circle on open grassland.
Face 5: a bizarre city of glass buildings.
Face 6: home of the Gatherer, a desert of black sand beneath a tourquoise sky.
Face 7: a ruined fortress on a hillside.
Face 8: Taheti: a tropical beach with beach cafe and clockwork servants.
Face 9: Aerth: a storm tossed empty ocean with no land in sight.
Face 10: an island in a lake, with grey-green vegetation, beneath a pale sun.
Face 11: a large room with wide windows. Beyond them a hitech city rises through the clouds.
Face 12: Olympu: a spire of glassy stone marks Ares grave.
Face 13: Cyan's cabin, located in a mountainous area of mixed forest.
Face 14: Devil's Needles: a lighthouse on a storm-battered reef.
Face 15: a mountain range, craggy and barren.
Face 16: a land of volcanoes and lave flows.
Face 17: a wide ocean, with no sign of land.
Face 18: a desert of reddish sand, where tornadoes dance.
Face 19: a world which seems to be made of nothing but the wrecks of cars.
Face 20: a harsh world with desert under an alien sky, where a sullen globe hangs like a bruised fruit.
Face 21: a house by a lake in a wooded landscape. A boathouse is next door.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:25, Sat 05 Feb 2005.