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01:30, 18th September 2024 (GMT+0)

Shameless Plugs.

Posted by DworkinFor group 0
GM, 454 posts
Renegade Lord of Chaos,
creator of the Pattern...
Tue 12 Aug 2003
at 15:58
  • msg #6

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

My point exactly.

Can you still post in this?  I just changed it so it'll always sit in one place, and I'm not sure if that closes it off for everybody else.  :">
player, 877 posts
Wild, carefree bard...
...and lazy friend
Tue 12 Aug 2003
at 17:17
  • msg #7

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

Apparantly so! :)
GM, 455 posts
Renegade Lord of Chaos,
creator of the Pattern...
Tue 12 Aug 2003
at 17:43
  • msg #8

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

Cool beans!  Thanks.  ;)
player, 675 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Thu 4 Sep 2003
at 22:35
  • msg #9

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

Checking for interest:

       I’m thinking about doing a “Cast a Deadly Spell” type game. Actually a pre-quil  to Cast a deadly Spell, 1920’s Have not made up my mind on location. But it would be one of these New York, Chicago, New Orleans or Hollywood.

I’m thinking of doing it in a Cthuluesqu style. The sanity would be based on a combination of Power Corrupts, Loosing your soul and a bit of good old CoC sanity devouring (But not near as much)

Check out the movie write ups for “Cast a deadly Spell” to get a feel for it Also check out the movie “Witch hunt”.

But I want to have a few potential players lined up before I sit down and do all of the major work.

Let me know what you think.

Shui, Guido Giovannie will be there! :)
This message was last edited by the player at 22:36, Thu 04 Sept 2003.
player, 1018 posts
Wild, carefree bard...
...and lazy friend
Fri 5 Sep 2003
at 01:50
  • msg #10

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

Poot.  :(  Unfortunately, as stated to Aaron, I'm swamped with games right now.  It's started to affect all the games I do, so my posting quality has dropped.

It isn't fair to the other GM's and Players for me to start something up...especially MY players, in the two games I'm gming. :(  Apologies...much as Shui would love another crack (take that as you will...) at Guido, I cannot.
player, 676 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Fri 5 Sep 2003
at 11:50
  • msg #11

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

Dat’s Alright, me an da boss unda’stan. [Tugs fedora down a bit lower in the front]

No problem C- , I’m still going to put the game together and see if it will fly. Without Bella or Shui there I’ll run Guido as the poor (slightly jaded now.) lovelorn street and occult contact NPC for the players. You know the type, “Dames, not’in but trouble.” Good Phillip Marlow stuff.

Once I get it up and going I’ll tell youse where it’s at and you can at least look in from time ta time.

Perhapse another time den doll. ;-)
player, 1020 posts
Wild, carefree bard...
...and lazy friend
Fri 5 Sep 2003
at 12:15
  • msg #12

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

Poot. :(

[Shui]  Oh, sure.  Here's the guilt trip....
player, 678 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Fri 5 Sep 2003
at 12:46
  • msg #13

Re: Plugs 'R' Us

        No guilt trips, I had intended to run Guido like that even if Shui was there. Bella was his little world, and it makes for great drama even if she did show up to have him still acting like a friend towards her even if Bella is not there. It gives things room to build and grow. It gives the character room to build and grow.
       Heck even if Bella joins I’d still like to take it from a standpoint of they split a year or so ago and do the Bogart Maltese Falcon type plot. :-)

This is just how I see that character now. That’s not to say some one could not crack Guido, but it’s gotta be a little work or it’s no fun.

I think I’m going to do it in New Orleans, I can do Cajun in my sleep

Besides, no I wouldn’t want you to short any of your current games.
player, 45 posts
If winning isnt everythin
Why do they keep score?
Fri 5 Sep 2003
at 15:46
  • msg #14

Errent Story

Peace across the land of Eternia has finally been reached. The wars that have plagued nations for generations have finaly come to a halt, thanks to the works of diplomats and the leaders of nations they represent. Words, not swords have won the day.

But the peace across the land is uneasy. For some, they have lived with war all their lives, and this peace is unatural. For others, it has become personal. Others still profited from the wars. And for some, darker ambitions stir within them.

But all this is unknown to you and you fellows, who are in the great city of Isabel, capital of the nation of Farrel.

But soon enough, the truth will be known, and it's darkness will spread across the land, sweeping aside all that stand in it's way. Or perhaps, there will be some who stand strong...

Errent Story, a fantasy RPG using the BESM rule set, is currently being run on, and is always on the look out for new players. Knowledge of the rules is not a requirement.
So come on down. Allready, the PC's have seen the assination of a queen, the rescuing of a princess, are fugitives from the law, and are nose deep in conspiracies. And the game has just started. :)
player, 212 posts
Floundering forever... a Pattern sea...
Sat 6 Sep 2003
at 18:56
  • msg #15

Versus - The Action Fest RPG

Game: Versus - The Action Fest RPG
Style: Heavilly Action oriented - Slightly arena in style.
Located: Horror section of RPOL.

Currently in an Alpha state of testing.
Rules are subject to revision on a random basis.

What is Versus?

Versus is a heavilly action-oriented RPG, specifically designed for those who crave a nice, swift kick in the ass. If you want to be the deliverer of said kick, play this game.

Story: Our group of PC’s find themselves, somehow, transported to an alternate dimension that they discover is known as the “Forest of Resurrection.” They have no idea how they got there or why they're there. Beside each of them, is a single weapon, and a note:

“Find me.”

The goals of our PC’s are simple:
2. Find out why you’re here, and who sent you the note.
1. Survive.

However… the reasons for our PC’s being here aren’t quite as simple.
Some soon begin to find that they are here for the possibilty of there being a “treasure,” or some have heard legends or stories about the Forest. Perhaps these legends, and the treasure, are truly there.

But they are not alone.
A group of hired killers, mob thugs, zombies and an immortal hunter, also stalk the forests.
And there are two people lost in these woods… one has the key to the “treasure”; the other, knowledge to defeat the immortal man…

Also, the Forest itself isn't exactly a Forest. It apparently leads through various other realities, leading to more mystery regarding the place itself.

The one thing every player must remember is this:

Versus, is about action.
You could, and yes, probably will, die.

Half the fun is trying not to!

The Fight That Never Ends


Again, Versus is currently in an Alpha state - Heavy testing in a new environment - Rules are subject to revision again and again until all the crap is worked out.

Accepting quite a few players to test out the game itself and to work out any obvious (or not so obvious) bugs.

System: Modified version of the Amber Diceless system. Focuses more on description rather than rolling dice.

Combat: Uses a "Strength" based Stat and Attribute system, similar to Rock-Paper-Scissors, now that I think about it. :)

Above all: "Have Some Fun!"
player, 90 posts
If winning isnt everythin
Why do they keep score?
Fri 19 Sep 2003
at 03:13
  • msg #16

Amber: The Dogs of War.

"I'd get what I needed and take what I wanted, and I'd remember who helped me and step on the rest. For this, I knew, was the law by which our family lived, and I was a true son of my father."

    Corwin - Nine Princes in Amber

All of the universe is but a shadow. All that which we know, all that which we feel, is but a poor representation of something found in only one place. This place is in the center of all, accessible only through the will of the realm's royal family, or through a dangerous gateway known only as The Pattern. And only members of the royal family of this realm can travel this path. But for those who find they have the royal blood coursing through their veins, those who feel as if their reality is not right, that they are somehow more real than their surroundings, their friends, their family: these special people are invited to join their true family. Their royal family...

Welcome to the land of Amber, the one true, real place in the universe. Every other plane of existance, every person, every object, is but a shadow of another in this central existance. The land of Amber is much like the Garden of Eden; it is the mold from which the whole world is loosely based.

Welcome to the world of Amber, a place of endless intrigue, of beings with Godlike powers, and hopefully, your home.

Amber: The Dogs of War is currently looking for players, and I figure what better place to advertise then here, in an Amber game? So, come find us in the Fantasy section. I'll be looking forward to playing with y'all again.
GM, 593 posts
Renegade Lord of Chaos,
creator of the Pattern...
Fri 19 Sep 2003
at 06:29
  • msg #17

Re: Amber: The Dogs of War.

Oooooh... competition is it?  So you come in here, pick my brains, and then sneak about setting up your own game?  Hmmm... where did I leave that pointy stick?


Afraid I'm a tad busy to join another game just now, but I wish you the best of luck with it.
player, 1511 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Sat 24 Apr 2004
at 05:06
  • msg #18

Amber Harbingers of Destruction 

Three months in the Making

Amber :  Harbingers of Destruction

 An Elder Amberite has taken ill  and does not seem to be recovering as swiftly as they should.
 Forest Arden is no longer safe as even Rangers fall victim to an unknown illness.
 All contact with the Kingdom of Salem on the outer Reaches of the golden Circle, has been lost.
 A blight grows on the great tree Ygg it’s self.
 The Courts is seems are in no better position.

         Something is wrong with Shadow and Substance as an unknown malignant force grows. Effecting reality as it is known. Can Amber, Chaos and the Shadow dwellers set aside their arrogant games long enough to stop the fall of reality, or will all be lost?

     Harbingers of Destruction is an epic Amber Saga that will take you from Amber to the very lip of the Abyss and possibly beyond.  Are you ready for an adventure that will test even the great powers of Amber and Chaos to their limits.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:49, Sat 24 Apr 2004.
player, 1520 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Sun 25 Apr 2004
at 16:26
  • msg #19

Re: Amber Harbingers of Destruction

            Once upon a time there were two kingdoms at far ends of not only infinite infinity , but also at far ends of the spectrum of reality. One of order and one of chaos, yet even with infinite shadow worlds lying in between them, they were closer then one might think. After all not only do opposites attract, but in an odd way one is reliant upon the other.

            Who knew if the kingdoms were happy kingdoms, it would be hard to say for certain. Though the two newest Kings seemed to being with them peace and prosperity to their kingdoms, there were still games played and power structures laid. Many would say the constant games were no fun at all, but to those that played them it was what they did. So somehow everyone but the non players managed to find a twisted joy in the games.

           Yet dark portents came to both kingdoms, and with them darker times. The elders of both places conferred amongst themselves, and then conferred  with the other courts. Each put together delegates as a united front between the courts, individual agents of each court and individual agents of each elder. To see what they could find out, how to deal with it and more importantly how to use it to their advantage.

            That is where we begin, a group of delegates and  agents sit an ante chamber, waiting watching and talking as their Amberite and Chaosite Elders confer behind closed doors. Deciding what the best course of action is and negotiating what the combined Amber/Chaos agent force will do.

             Yet even as the elders confer, individual agents both within and from outside the collaborative effort size the group up and try to decide how it can be manipulated to their advantage.  Each of you are there, someplace, in some capacity. Each young Amberite, Chaosite or agent brought in from infinite  Shadow. This is where it all starts.
player, 1620 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Fri 14 May 2004
at 19:58
  • msg #21

Re: Want to save lives and earn generous gratuities?

Okay. . . If you don’t want to do a Good 20’s to modern COC game Dig D, what about a Chthluh-Punk game. The old ones meet the gritty future?
GM, 1130 posts
Renegade Lord of Chaos,
creator of the Pattern...
Fri 14 May 2004
at 20:22
  • msg #22

Re: Want to save lives and earn generous gratuities?

LOL  :p  What about a Cthulhu/Traveller cross-over?

I've seen an adventure done along those lines in White Dwarf waaaaaay back in the murky past before Games Workshop ever came up with Warhammer.  The crew of a salvage tug were sent to recover cargo from a crashed ship and found it infested with Things That Man Was Not Meant To Know™.

Kind of Alien with tentacles...
player, 1621 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Fri 14 May 2004
at 20:26
  • msg #23

Re: Want to save lives and earn generous gratuities?

I would do a Cthulhu Traveler cross over in a heartbeat. . . I just don’t know beans about Traveler.  But I’m Game!
player, 164 posts
Leonardo Henri Cezanne
Pièce de Résistance
Fri 14 May 2004
at 23:44
  • msg #24

Re: Want to save lives and earn generous gratuities?

You know that sounds a lot like the movie "Event Horizon" with Laurence Fishborn.

Have you guys ever seen that movie... very interesting take on just "where" one goes when one moves through "hyperspace".  ;)
GM, 1131 posts
Renegade Lord of Chaos,
creator of the Pattern...
Sat 15 May 2004
at 08:19
  • msg #25

Re: Want to save lives and earn generous gratuities?

Oh yes...  "Event Horizon".  Good movie.

A cool gothic space ship, lots of blood and gore, and a big explosion.  :)

What more could you ask in a movie?
player, 2114 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Sun 29 Aug 2004
at 01:38
  • msg #28

Re: Teaser Trailer

Hey, Shui! Can I sweet talk youse inta join’in for ol’ time sake?
player, 2897 posts
Wild, carefree bard...
...and lazy friend
Sun 29 Aug 2004
at 11:26
  • msg #29

Re: Teaser Trailer

It would be a perfect game for Shui and a LOT of fun.  :( know how busy I am right now.

Just too much.  :(
player, 2115 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Sun 29 Aug 2004
at 12:23
  • msg #30

Re: Teaser Trailer

Well, I am over loaded, have no time and am drained. However I am doing it anyway I just can resist the setting, but it won't be Guido though.
player, 2898 posts
Wild, carefree bard...
...and lazy friend
Sun 29 Aug 2004
at 12:37
  • msg #31

Re: Teaser Trailer

Silly Jack.  :)

I'm in ten games, all of which are now 'moving'.  That's about three too many, and I'm reffing two of them.  I can't take any more time to do gaming, and if I don't, my other games suffer.
player, 2116 posts
Deep blue eyes. . .
Disarming boyish smile
Sun 29 Aug 2004
at 12:41
  • msg #32

Re: Teaser Trailer

Gads.... I don't see how you do it. :p
player, 2899 posts
Wild, carefree bard...
...and lazy friend
Sun 29 Aug 2004
at 13:31
  • msg #33

Re: Teaser Trailer

I can't...that's why I'd like to be down about three games.. :)
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