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NOTHING but VENTS -- Vent all You Want Without Replies.

Posted by Shannara
member, 213 posts
Dragon Age freak here!
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 14:51
  • msg #47

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

My post in the Independence Day thread.
member, 1358 posts
RPG since 1982
Author, Developer
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 00:02
  • msg #48

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Dern holiday, so few posts in the game and those being OOC chatter. doh!
member, 17 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 01:25
  • msg #49

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

When the only one commenting on the OOC is the one the whole game has been waiting two days on.

And you're still waiting on the IC post. Wharglblargl.
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was in need of a minor tweak, at 05:58, Thu 05 July 2012.
member, 242 posts
Hobbies include killing
players and laughing
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 01:38
  • msg #50

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I lost 3 GMs in the space of 24 hours. Two have gone MIA and now closed down their games and the other was banned for multiple accounts. This wouldn't be too devastating if the one that got banned hand't been running one of the 2 games I've found since I joined 7 months ago that actually posted frequently and had real promise for turning into a long term game >_<
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was in need of a minor tweak, at 06:01, Thu 05 July 2012.
member, 73 posts
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 19:24
  • [deleted]
  • msg #51

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 19:48, Fri 06 July 2012.
member, 130 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2012
at 03:06
  • msg #52

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Moderators. Nuff said.
member, 17 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2012
at 03:28
  • msg #53

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Idiot people.

Let me explain--I'm living in a part of the US that has had temps over 100 for the past 10 days (except for one "cool" day when the high was a mere 98).  I went to the grocery, and there's a small moving van (the sort you use when moving yourself) and while I was walking in, I saw a couple with a dog on a leash walking around the van.

Reasonable people would've done the 'one person goes in, the other walks the dog' routine.  Not these people.  After I'd gone inside, apparently they locked the dog up in the back end of the van and both went inside because while I was in checkouts (a half hour later), there was a PA announcement telling the people to get outside to the van because the dog was in distress.

It's ridiculous hot.  How many times do people have to hear those public service announcements?
member, 39 posts
I wish to somehow stop
This endless fight.
Sun 8 Jul 2012
at 05:51
  • msg #54

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

About 2 months ago we got kicked out of our house because my dad lost his job and we couldn't pay the rent anymore.

We were lucky enough to get a little Camper from my mom's friend, and a slightly bigger trailer from a family member. My mom's best friend lives in a Community Run area by a lake, and she let us put the trailers on her property so that we could have a place to live, since we can't afford to put them in a trailer park.

Well, apparently there is a rule in this community that you cannot have two trailers on one piece of land.

One of the people in charge found out we were staying here, and after explaining our situation and telling them the fact that my mother is disabled and can't work, same with myself, and we have a 13 year old girl and nowhere else to go, all they said was, "We sympathize with your situation, but we just can't ignore the rules."

Now at their meetings they are voting on whether they are going to kick us out or not, and so far most are leaning towards kicking us out.

If we get kicked out we have absolutely nowhere to go.
member, 3 posts
Be proud of your scars, ~
they are your war medals.
Sun 8 Jul 2012
at 08:36
  • msg #55

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

No, I don't appreciate the fact that you're making OOC notes in live EVENT THREADS to prove that you're smarter than the other.

And what's worse, you're both in the same House!!1 You're supposed to play  smart characters!!! What you're really doing is showing yourselves up as nits and shaming one of my favorite houses. SHUT UP ALREADY!! Fight in the chatterbox or PMs. BETTER YET!! Don't fight at all!

RAWR!! /vent
member, 36 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 00:11
  • msg #56

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Bad luck since late May.  Must be cursed these last 6 weeks.

Automobile needs 300$ to run.  Spouse's automobile needs 300$ to run.  Auto accident, pain and suffering, insurance picks up repairs on car but not on human. Air conditioner breaks, repairs want 6000$.  Paid another cheat 300$, air conditioner worked one day.  Paid another 300$ for emergency window units as can't take high heat.  Spouse injures hip on holiday and thus to hospital emergency room, bill not in for that BUT what a fantastic holiday - taken up with doctor's appointments, hospital, car repair shop, and NOW automobile breaks again for 700$.  Cannot afford mortgage and already got nasty letter from bank about overdraft AGAIN.  Need removal of curse, tired of being the gods favourite toy.

member, 4991 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 03:27
  • msg #57

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

It sucks when you've got a plan all figured out for how to do a costume, you know exactly the materials you need and have a good ballpark figure of how much of which stuff you'll have to get...

And then find out that you no longer have the little stockpile of the stuff that you thought you had.  What sucks even more is that the local outlets from whence I purchased the material most needed (an awesome faux leather with a pebbled finish...which they've had in stock consistenly for about six or seven years, now) have discontinued the stuff.

Time to figure out a Plan B...(well, Plan C, since Plan B was 'go to the store and buy more stuff...')  At least I've got a long time before my deadline...
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 03:32, Mon 09 July 2012.
Metal Fatigue
member, 29 posts
sic biscuitus
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 04:46
  • msg #58

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

How long have I been on this site? A month or less. And I've gotten addicted to hitting "refresh" on the sticky list 'cause I can't wait 15 minutes.

It's called "intermittent reinforcement." Most of the time there aren't any updates to my games, or if there are, they're not on threads I'm following. Sometimes, though—sometimes I get a jolt to the pleasure center of my brain.

Doing this sort of thing to rats is against the rules of scientific ethics.
member, 533 posts
Putting old paper in new
boxes since 2005
Thu 12 Jul 2012
at 16:10
  • msg #59

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Second trip to the DMV, finally have the right combo of documents, got my number called to go to the second waiting room, finally got the lady to look up from minesweeper long enough to ask if she can help me, hand my docs over, everything going fine......

And they have a building evacuation.  After 15-20 minutes across the street, they let people back in.  Only all 300+ have to go back through the one security gate.  Finally get back in and they want everyone to take a number again.  Thankfully, that didn't happen, I found a security guard who listened to reason.

The kicker is, I found out from madame minesweeper that it was just a regularly scheduled drill.
member, 441 posts
Dark Heresy!
Warhammer Fantasy RPG (2)
Thu 12 Jul 2012
at 16:19
  • msg #60

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

An oil change and motor vehicle inspection just turned into a $800 trip.  I had to leave my car behind and when I went home for lunch to walk my dog I realized the mechanic has my keys.  I can break into my own house, but it involves climbing and yesterday I broke/badly sprained one of my toes causing me to walk funny which caused my back to go all gimpy, so no climbing for me.  Luckily the dog decided to check out what I was doing outside and I was able to trick him into coming out the window.  Since I could not eat lunch at home I stopped at Wendy's and grabbed some take out only to have my order messed up.

I want a refund on today please!
member, 481 posts
I want to be a dragon
when I grow up!
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 20:37
  • msg #61

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Definately not as bad as some of these, financial troubles suck, my aunt and cousins are having that, even more so now.

However, I hate how most of you Humes all believe all use furs are messed up. A guy almost didn't even join a game because my Anthrofox Sorcerer was in it! Why... why must you all be so cruel? It's not OUR fault that the loud minority is messed up, you Humes! *Sobs into paw pads and runs off*
member, 148 posts
Age 31
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 21:00
  • msg #62

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Legal Immigration. That is all.
The Stray
member, 63 posts
When the Cat's a Stray
the Mice will Pray
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 21:16
  • msg #63

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

An old friend of mine recently had surgery for a brain tumor. His condition is deteriorating. He's having trouble walking, and can't form coherent sentences anymore. It's so very, very hard watching him slowly fade like this.
member, 485 posts
I want to be a dragon
when I grow up!
Mon 16 Jul 2012
at 03:16
  • msg #64

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Why. Does. Japan. Get. All. The. Good. Games. To. Itself?!
Not saying the ones we get are bad, but I'm saying most of the Japanese titles I see and think "that looks good" (Read: all Gundam games, we got the hack-n-slash DW:Gundams 1,2,&3 and the terrible SD Gundam Force) Why?! How is this fair?! I must get people to help get Japan's attention.
member, 35 posts
Tue 17 Jul 2012
at 03:58
  • msg #65

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I'm a simple man. I'm not picky about what I eat and I'll eat almost anything I don't have to chase with a fork. That said, is it too much to ask to get served a dinner that doesn't set off multiple fire alarms or that I have to put the flames out before eating? And no, I'm not talking about anything flambay(sp?). I mean, sure, the 80's rock video smoke pouring into the family room is kinda kewl until I can't see my laptop or well, breath. Going out to eat isn't an option either so dinner time has become about as enjoyable as repeatedly stabbing myself in the eye with a pencil (pointy end mind you). Alas, such is life. I knew there was a good reason I have the fire department on speed dial.
member, 22 posts
It's always the quiet one
Tue 17 Jul 2012
at 04:12
  • msg #66

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

So, I pay you $1200 to fix my air conditioning and two months later it's blowing cold air in 90+ heat. When you have me come in to check on it, don't ignore me for 25 min while on a phone call, pretend you don't see me or acknowledge me and then have the damned nerve to tell me there's not enough TIME to check it and I need to come back tomorrow. I know UNDERSTAND what going postal is. You're SOOOOOO lucky there was no pen on that counter.......................
member, 97 posts
Tue 17 Jul 2012
at 04:12
  • [deleted]
  • msg #67

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 12:27, Wed 18 July 2012.
member, 173 posts
Peace keeping you to Hell
Tue 17 Jul 2012
at 04:40
  • msg #68

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Redundancies at work mean I get more work, which means I get to be busy. This is a good thing, don't get me wrong. I like being busy at work.

What I don't like it having to pack up a good friend's desk when he's been made redundant, and then sit there with him and another manager and go through his computer to mark things as 'Personal', 'Private' and 'Confidential', and have to sit there and watch the other manager be a complete applesauce about the entire thing.
"Yes, you can take your work camera on holiday, we understand that you're having a tough time financially at home. It's all good. Don't mention it."

"No, you cannot have any of the pictures, personal or not, from the camera you borrowed from us to take on holiday. We let you borrow it. You've had it for six months, isn't that enough?"

member, 490 posts
Wed 18 Jul 2012
at 12:23
  • [deleted]
  • msg #69

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 12:28, Wed 18 July 2012.
member, 1154 posts
Thu 19 Jul 2012
at 22:52
  • msg #70

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

People who - for no discernible reason - decide that you are a liar or a moron and start ranting at you with the most pretentious bs you have ever heard. This has happened to me three times in two days. Three random people who decided that they knew a subject better than I did for no reason. Two of them related to hobbies and one related to something that I have verifiable, online evidence of my knowledge and experience in. That doesn't matter though because they are keyboard warriors karate chopping away the keys as if proving me wrong will make a girl touch them funny.

Some days I hate people.
member, 43 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 00:51
  • msg #71

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

My friend told me he hated people. I told him maybe customer support wasn't the best job choice. Just sayin'...
member, 53 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 01:10
  • msg #72

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

The home page keeps telling me there's an rmail waiting. There's nothing there! I swear I feel like Picard. There. Are. Four. Lights!
member, 117 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 03:22
  • msg #73

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I hate when people pick on you especially from behind the scenes thinking you don't notice. When you call them out for it they act like they are angels.

You wonder why people CHOOSE no not socialize. Makes me think my WII is better than people.

Summer vacation can't come soon enough!!!

<end vent>
This message was last edited by the user at 04:03, Fri 20 July 2012.
member, 1398 posts
RPG since 1982
Author, Developer
Sat 21 Jul 2012
at 22:33
  • msg #74

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Lots of outdoor fun today.

Forgot why I wear long sleeves or need buckets of suntan lotion.

Farmer's Burn! Damn!
member, 1911 posts
Sun 22 Jul 2012
at 02:15
  • msg #75

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Finally meeting a very devious girl and her saying "These are all the handcuffs you have??"
member, 87 posts
+3 Defense vs. Girls
and Mods
Sun 22 Jul 2012
at 04:29
  • msg #76

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

<tanget>And I know rmail doesn't always work, so I posted in a public thread to let the original poster know I tried to send an rmail, and the mod deleted the dang post :/ But I wouldn't have to resort to that sort of thing if the rmails worked all the time...
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was moot, at 04:35, Sun 22 July 2012.
member, 47 posts
60% of the time
I work every time
Sun 22 Jul 2012
at 05:05
  • msg #77

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Double Vent!

Vent A :

I ran out if space on my flash drive. It's full of screen caps of people trying to seem cooler than they really are thanks to cyber anonymity.

Vent B :

Me : I'd love a game where I can play a monster race, but not in a monstrous party. Five other people : If you find a GM I want to play an [insert monster race]. Me : Y u no read!?
member, 21 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2012
at 10:05
  • msg #78

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Family member: [Person] will be staying there for a few days later this summer.
Me: Okay, when?
FM: I'm not sure.
Me: Well, that kind of makes it hard to plan.
FM: Well, sometime in [two month time frame]
Me: *sigh* That doesn't narrow it down much. Can you give me a week's notice when you know for sure so I can plan?
FM: Sure thing.

A month and a half later, at 11PM:

FM: [Person] will be there tomorrow midday.
Me: Well, thanks. I had plans this week, but I guess I can drop them and risk my job to be here when this person arrives, even though I have a shift scheduled. No sweat. */sarcasm*
FM: You had warning! I told you back in May!
Me: And I asked for a week's notice so I could get stuff ready! They'll be here sometime in a two-month window isn't exactly useful notice, FM!
FM: Well, you don't have to be such a ***** about it. They're coming, so quit whining and deal with it.

I should just say 'no' one of these times and let them flounder when the Hotel Temperance is not open. This "I'mma have a friend crash at your place with no notice, no money for food they eat, and without even asking, just announcing it to you with <24h notice, and when you get put out at the cavalier imposition on your time and resources, Imma going to curse at you!" attitude is really peaching me off. It's not the first time they've pulled it and I'm sure it won't be the last, either.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm still somewhat financially dependent on them, I would tell them exactly where to go and what to do when they pull stuff like this, that literally upends my plans for an entire week and risks my job because I have to cancel a shift on no notice. Unfortunately, I am somewhat financially dependent until I can graduate and get a real grown-up job. They know this and blackmail me with it whenever I get too vocal with my irritation. Two months until my defense. I. Am. Counting. The. Days.
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was against the forum rules, at 10:47, Tue 24 July 2012.
member, 47 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2012
at 11:42
  • [deleted]
  • msg #79

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 11:53, Tue 24 July 2012.
member, 16 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 02:50
  • msg #80

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Here's my vent. Reading an advertisement for a game recruiting players for a game. Sending the RTJ the same day as the advertisement, with all of the particulars requested. Then receiving no reply. At all. One week later checking the board, to see other players have been added to the game and the status of recruiting players has changed. Still haven't received a reply, either yea or nay.

GM couldn't even let me know they picked someone else? No reply? Where did courtesy go?!?!
member, 4636 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 19:59
  • msg #81

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread



ARGH! I want to slap someone now. Seriously; I have a hard enough time reading posts where it's just the dialogue, and now an ENTIRE POST!? Not only do I have to completely take your post OUT of RPoL into a notepad document to read (to tell if it's something that I even have to respond to), I can't have ANY level of immersion in the characters when you're involved in the posting circle now? For goodness's SAKE.


This message was last edited by the user at 20:01, Wed 25 July 2012.
member, 2061 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 20:16
  • [deleted]
  • msg #82

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 20:30, Wed 25 July 2012.
member, 302 posts
While I breathe, I hope
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 01:34
  • msg #83

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Every day there's a bill, be it for food, clothing, gas, or other amenities that are necessary to raise four children (or help those that are almost adults or just recently become adults have a future.)  But ... it is entirely frustrating to sign my life away for the next four years for dental work.  Yeah, I get a discount because my credit is inching towards near perfect, since the place we're using doesn't do finance charges but rather drops prices if you sign up for their plan and your credit is good, and we can pay for it.  But wisdom tooth extractions, a root canal, fillings (how many I've lost count on), and now two sets of braces are going to eat money that could have gone towards a house payment and the power bill that went with it.  And the worst part ... in the long run I will pay less using this method than if I'd signed up for a 'dental insurance plan' with some big company, and I need to wait four years before I can even begin to think about having my teeth worked on.  *sigh* last wouldn't be so bad, but I've already been waiting for ten years, because when we did have that 'dental insurance plan' the costs were too high.  Oh, the joy of living in America, where crap you don't need is cheap and the stuff you do is guaranteed to put you in debt.
member, 227 posts
Dragon Age freak here!
Sun 29 Jul 2012
at 20:35
  • msg #84

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

When people make a show that's a continuation of an older show at a more advanced time frame without a backstory!
member, 119 posts
Ic willa bycġan
āne cū!
Sun 29 Jul 2012
at 20:48
  • msg #85

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I had to have a tooth extracted because the root canal was $1000 up front. I later got dental insurance from my job, so that on the next two teeth I still couldn't afford to save the extractions only cost me $90 instead of $200.

Luckily for me, I'm in Britain now, and my next root canal will only be £48.50...or about $76. And I originally moved here because this was the cheapest option for my postgraduate programme..even after accommodation. Thanks, America! :D

...seriously. What a flipping rip off. I'm 23, I shouldn't be missing teeth.
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was in need of a minor tweak, at 20:50, Sun 29 July 2012.
member, 768 posts
Casting the dice
of an uncertain future
Sun 29 Jul 2012
at 22:01
  • msg #86

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

As for.. well, my continued vent, I'm job hunting right now. My OH took a job in this part of the country so I moved over and there seems to be no work at all doing what I want to do. There doesn't even seem to be much out there that's suitable but NOT what I want. I'm feeling that the Masters I got isn't so useful at present.. but then this is a small city and just about every job out here seems to be in IT. I'm sure I'll find something eventually.
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was moot, at 22:32, Sun 29 July 2012.
member, 129 posts
Ponies! Trees! Hooray!
Hee hee hee. Smile!
Mon 30 Jul 2012
at 23:18
  • msg #87

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Weeaboos. Weeaboos all over a forum I frequent. That is all.
member, 91 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 16:44
  • msg #88

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

If you're playing in an online rpg, and two ships are supposed to meet up to do a joint mission, it would help if one ship didn't do all the golddug work before the other fleansing ship showed up, leaving the second ship to do nothing but cleanup work. Seriously? You call the ship in for its expertise, and then your enlisted security person comes up with the scientific explanation? Before the ship you actually said needed to be there even fudging arrives?

Also, while I'm on a rant, if you're playing a character designed to serve a role, serve that goddished role. I'm sick to the tit of security officers that are also engineers and doctors with command and demolition experience and also Vulcan but who embrace their emotions. If it's a solo adventure, go for it. If there's more than one player character, frack you, you fracking frell.

The end.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:45, Tue 31 July 2012.
member, 121 posts
Ic willa bycġan
āne cū!
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 17:26
  • msg #89

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

My mother applied for her visa, and the Border Agency lost her passport, sent back her application, asked for another processing fee and more information because they said she didn't include her passport. At this rate, she's most likely going to miss my wedding because of it.
member, 4639 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 17:35
  • msg #90

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

<Another Healthcare Vent>

I hate trying to schedule doctors' visits. I'm lucky, what with the whole being-able-to-be-on-my-mother's-insurance-still change, but not very lucky in that the allergist (who I go to for a pretty severe auto-immune condition) is tremendously busy.

Look, I'm not saying "don't be busy" or "don't make as much money as you can" here, but what I'm GOING to say is: don't have three offices when you could literally fill your days with patients at one. I happen to know he lives near the office closest to my house, and has two others over an hour away... and he has a ridiculous amount of patients.

And I DO MEAN ridiculous. Between his few offices it's a few hundred. The only reason I didn't get slapped onto the wait-list at the office I'm at is because my problems are potentially fatal more often (AKA I'm worth more money).

The reason why I absolutely must go to him? He's one of the two doctors within an hour's drive of my home that are actually covered by insurance. One of them I tried out but couldn't stand him, just not a good fit, and the other I'm beginning to think I may need to try in hopes he has more flexibility in scheduling.

'Cause look, I'm unemployed right now. Yes, I'm going to graduate school in the fall but I'm ALSO looking for a job, so I *do not* know what my life will be like three months in advance to plan something like a doctor's visit. I have a job interview this Friday... when I scheduled (three months ago) a doctor's appointment. I tried to re-schedule the appointment and... the closest they could do is over a month away. HUH!?

I can't wait for the day where I can go to any doctor because either insurance companies are required to accept any physician or there's no such thing as insurance and healthcare is nationalized. I know it will happen, eventually. Then I could go to the guy who specializes in my issues and works out of one office: the hospital at the end of my street.
</Another Healthcare Vent>
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was against the forum rules, at 21:57, Tue 31 July 2012.
member, 1428 posts
RPG since 1982
Author, Developer
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 14:01
  • msg #91

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Last night only a few dribbles of milk so couldn't have some cereal to settle down to sleep.

Woke up this morning, did my RPOL posting. Now I'm hungry.

Just remembered... no milk for cereal.


*puts pants on over pajamas to walk to the store*
member, 5020 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 16:14
  • msg #92

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Learned the hard way that the area retailers that carried one of my favorite costuming fabrics (the stuff has a fantastic faux-leather finish to it, is actually one of the most convincing fakes I've seen anywhere) has stopped carrying it, altogether.  I've been able to find this stuff on a moment's whim for most of the last decade...and now I'm stuck portioning out the last few yards of it that I stockpiled for some other project that's probably never going to happen.

Seriously, guys?  You were the ONLY people who had this stuff.  Why get rid of your unique (and immensely useful) product, only to turn around and expand your collection of quilting fabrics?  Everybody and their dog around here carries quilting fabrics...
member, 64 posts
60% of the time
I work every time
Sun 5 Aug 2012
at 02:23
  • msg #93

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Simple rules being skirted around by sarcastic, bored people. That is all.
member, 6 posts
Mon 6 Aug 2012
at 22:41
  • msg #94

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


You're fickle, arrogant, pathetic, and treacherous. YOU TWIT!! Dx

member, 5027 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Tue 7 Aug 2012
at 06:20
  • msg #95

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Somewhere at work today, in the process of changing between my regular glasses and my sunglasses, one of the lenses dropped out of my regular glasses.  I was halfway across a relatively busy amusement park from where I think it happened when I discovered the problem...and backtracking turned up nothing.  Neither did two trips to the lost and found.  So, I'm wearing my old (14 years old) glasses, complete with hideously scratched lenses that make everything a little hazy and don't quite let me focus properly...but they're better than nothing.

Hoping the lens got turned in after I left work.  If not, I have to deal with these things for another few weeks (gotta wait til I can afford to order a replacement, and then wait until they actually make one and deliver it...)

That, and my sunburn has turned the corner (mostly) from the 'constantly burning' stage to the 'itching like crazy' stage...that's good, because it means the skin is healing...but there were things I could do for relief from the burning sensation.  Everything I try for the itch is fleeting relief, at best.
member, 1978 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2012
at 05:09
  • msg #96

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


When people say

"LOOK, IT'S A BIRD!!" and point in the sky and you know it's actually superman.

Then you wonder, why is this guy so excited about a Bird?

This message was last edited by the user at 05:09, Wed 08 Aug 2012.
member, 74 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 00:28
  • msg #97

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Raaaaagh!!!! Stupid mass game death! Half of my games are now dead, and just to add a kick in the pills to it, its my favorite half.
member, 242 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 02:10
  • msg #98

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

<Vent> Tired cranky and bitchy because hubby is out golfing and I am taking care of our daughter. It would be nice if I had some *Fruiting* help! </Vent>
member, 1979 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 20:18
  • msg #99

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


We spent 2.5 Billion to go to Mars, and so far no alien lifeforms have seized the robot and turned it into a killing machine, no Tardis appeared in mysterious photos sent back, no strange devouring worms ate it..

Are you going to tell me we did all that, and we've not got to see anything COOL?

This message was last edited by the user at 20:18, Thu 09 Aug 2012.
member, 5033 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Sat 11 Aug 2012
at 07:46
  • msg #100

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Second night of a four-night performance run for the show, and we got rained out. It had looked somewhat ominous when I showed up at the theater at 5 pm to help set up sound gear.  It kept getting moreso.  About the time they started selling tickets, the bottom dropped out of the clouds and it dumped on us--HARD.  We need the rain, sure...but it would have been nice if it had waited four hours or so...we'd have been all cleaned up for the night!

It let up about 15 minutes before we were going to start...but the clouds were still heavy and we could see plenty more just like what had dumped on us, stacked up and waiting to pass overhead--so they called the show.  We got most stuff put away before it started raining again...but an hour and a half after we would have started, it was still raining.

Hopefully, it's rained itself out for a little bit, at least in this part of the state...I've got friends scheduled to come see the show the remaining two nights!
member, 47 posts
Sat 11 Aug 2012
at 15:25
  • msg #101

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


Holy Fraggin' poop

Trying to work with an manipulate large assemblies using my companies completely archaic Solidworks 2006 on an even more archaic computer with a measly 3 GHz of processing power and 1 GB of ram.

My bloody telephone in my POCKET has more processing power than that and its not even a 'smartphone'

Do you have ANY frickin clue how much resources solidworks takes to run?!?!!?!?

That and spending an hour and a half updating a subassembly just to have the flippin' thing crash on me.  of course I would save more often but every time I try to save the assembly i have to wait 5-10 minutes.

member, 1446 posts
RPG since 1982
Author, Developer
Sat 11 Aug 2012
at 20:52
  • msg #102

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


A GM who actually says that if the victim of bullying leaves the game they'll consider the problem solved.

That is sooooo dumb.

member, 190 posts
Sat 11 Aug 2012
at 21:15
  • [deleted]
  • msg #103

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 21:18, Sat 11 Aug 2012.
member, 5036 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Sun 12 Aug 2012
at 05:21
  • msg #104

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Lived through my own personal real-life actor's nightmare tonight.  Thought I had more time than I did to preset something for the end of the show, and forgot to grab a prop I needed before I went to do it.  Next thing I know, I hear my cue to be on stage, and bolt for the entrance...and find myself going on stage without a prop that is pivotal to the resolution of the story.

I managed to kind of salvage it...made mention of the prop in question and reference to the person I was doing the scene with retrieving it at a later time...but I felt like the north end of a south-bound mule.  The show worked, it was, in the scheme of things, a hiccup...but I'm NEVER forgetting that prop again!
member, 665 posts
hi all
Wed 15 Aug 2012
at 07:28
  • msg #105

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

What the heck is wrong with people these days???
I am an animal lover.  not a crazy cat lady, but I like animals dogs, cats, hamsters, etc.  not a big bird fan, but I do appreciate them.  this week I read 2 stories that about broke my heart, both involving cats...kittens actually.  Small newborn kittens.  One someone in Texas dumped 2 kittens covered in paint into the trash.  one died, the other lost sight in one eye and has to have meds now for the rest of its life.  the other story in Maine some one tossed 4 kittens just 2-3 days old into a dumpster, luckily someone with heart found them.
I read these and all I can think of is ..did noone teach these the whole fruit basket jerks how wrong that is?  There are shelters they could have just taken them to.  No they deliberately wanted these innocent little creatures to suffer.
I hope Karma will pay them back.  Pray God will deliver a just punishment for thier cruelty.  And if I find them I want to have the physical strength to beat the stupidity out of them.
member, 285 posts
Hobbies include killing
players and laughing
Thu 16 Aug 2012
at 01:26
  • msg #106

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

GM is super crappy and when I say I would like to leave, get banned from game cause of the butthurt. Gotta love it T__T
member, 5040 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Thu 16 Aug 2012
at 05:03
  • msg #107

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I guess I can relax, now...I've had my annual catastrophic incident that always seems to occur on my watch as Manager On Duty for my year, a performer fell off the stage and dislocated her thumb.  Last year, the power went out, on the WHOLE park.

Tonight, a pair of the performers screwed up a lift and one of them landed on her head.  Thankfully, no major injuries...but it's the most serious incident we've had all year.  And it was on my I got to deal with all the headaches of dealing with the aftermath (there wasn't much I could have done beforehand, aside from giving everyone the annual 'this is the time of year when people get injured because they've stopped thinking about what they're doing on stage' speech.  Guess what I'm doing for the other show's cast tomorrow?)
member, 378 posts
Desk Jocky Extraordinaire
Keeper of the Cool
Thu 16 Aug 2012
at 05:03
  • msg #108

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

As Samuel L. Jackson would say,


Bunch of ants on the property.  Whatever.

A few ants get inside and try to get the cat food now and again.  KILL THEM WITH BLEACH! >:D

Open the dishwasher to find a small company of them eating the crumbs.

*rage face*

*turn on dishwasher*


*consult the intertubes for home-made ant poison, because exterminators are ohgodexpensive. $___$*
w byrd
member, 1826 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2012
at 05:26
  • [deleted]
  • msg #109

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 08:59, Thu 16 Aug 2012.
member, 178 posts
Age 31
Sun 19 Aug 2012
at 20:14
  • msg #110

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I come into work as manager on duty, all three bathrooms working fine. An hour before I'm off, some one broke the men's bathroom lock (blissfully not telling anyone) preventing anyone from going in and out. And then thirty minutes later, some one breaks the women's bathroom toilet.

This is the reason why no one let's you pleebs use the bathroom!

edit: and turns out hte maintenance man had quit on Friday with no notice. Hooray.
This message was last edited by the user at 20:26, Sun 19 Aug 2012.
member, 30 posts
Sun 19 Aug 2012
at 23:11
  • msg #111

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I'm sorry (name which I shall not mention), but there are several other classes in Pathfinder that can use the stealth skill just as effectively as the rogue. Better, sometimes. This isn't AD&D 1 anymore!!! An it's a tabletop game, we don't have infinite time! The magus, ranger, cleric, and the I-forget-what-that-character-is can easily break into their own guildhall in the middle of the night, search it for papers linking them to the assassin organization, an burn the place to the ground! There is nothing making rogues any better at breaking in than anyone else!!!
shady joker
member, 1433 posts
Sun 19 Aug 2012
at 23:55
  • msg #112

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Due to massi8ve blundering RPGnow screwed me out of $26 dollars. AARRRRRRRRRR
member, 97 posts
Mon 20 Aug 2012
at 15:39
  • msg #113

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Please stop using words if you don't know what they mean.

member, 487 posts
Better known in many
places as Gatewalker.
Mon 20 Aug 2012
at 21:53
  • msg #114

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I have facebook send me emails when my dad posts to his wall because that's where he usually puts his health updates. He's got some bad conditions that I'd like to keep myself updated on. Also family news gets posted there.

Of course, his health updates are rare(which is good, no news really IS good news in this case) and family news equally so. So most of what I get from ENDLESS ignorant and aggressive political crap. All in rabid support of a viewpoint that is nearly the polar opposite of my own, of course.

Can't remove the updates, because, well, I need to get the health and family news updates when they happen.

But oh man does this irritate the carp out of me.
member, 1657 posts
Love D&D,superhero games
Not very computer savvy
Tue 21 Aug 2012
at 00:12
  • msg #115

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This is minor compared to other rants, but one of the things that drives me crazy is when I try to share something I like, perhaps a tv show or a favorite song, and the version I choose to share with someone turns out to be a very subpar version or episode.

I guess I know why this happens.   I watch entire seasons of a show, and know that there are good points and bad points, so any random episode isn't going to be the "best of" that I want it to be.
But it's very frustrating when I say "Here's this thing that I love so much", and have someone I care about look at it and shrug, unimpressed.   I feel like the show or song I love has betrayed me somehow, like showing off a new car and having it break down five minutes later.    Very annoying.
member, 5058 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Wed 29 Aug 2012
at 07:15
  • msg #116

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread much would it cost to just have my sinuses removed, completely?  (I know, aside from it being impossible, in terms of practicality, it would also have severe repercussions for the rest of my body functions...)  I'm shaking off one of those stupid summertime colds...and it's decided that my sinus cavity is where it's going to make its final stand (I hope it's the final stand, I'm sick of it moving up and down from my head to my chest).

Had so much sinus drainage going on, all day long, that I spent most of the evening on the verge of an upset stomach (I won't explain the connection to you...if you get it, you know it's gross...and if you don't, be thankful...)  I just wanna go back to being able to breathe normally, without reliance on decongestants and expectorants to prevent me from suffocating on my own phlegm...
member, 541 posts
I'm a Furry, and
dang it, I'm proud!
Wed 29 Aug 2012
at 09:14
  • msg #117

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Football. I play on the freshman team, and yesterday we played our school rivals. Now, guess what the chain gang did? The play was short by, like, 5 inches, I know, because I was standing right next to the line, and they scooted the marker down the 5 inches to get a 1st down! That's the second time this has happened in two years, as last year, it was off by a whole yard or two and they just scooted down so the home team got a first down! Although, the next set of downs they got stopped. Still, chain gang corruption!
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was moot, at 09:22, Wed 29 Aug 2012.
member, 554 posts
Putting old paper in new
boxes since 2005
Wed 29 Aug 2012
at 19:46
  • msg #118

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I work on a college campus.  The college kids are back.
member, 23 posts
It's always the quiet one
Wed 29 Aug 2012
at 20:57
  • msg #119

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Do tell when did dragging your teen out of the house by her hair, slamming her head into a car door repeatedly and choking her into submission before trying to force her into said car become 'within your parental rights'?

That is what the cop said when he let the father take the terrified bleeding girl back home. (hit in the mouth when she fought back and managed to escape to make it to her neighbor's house...mine)
member, 20 posts
Fri 31 Aug 2012
at 16:54
  • msg #120

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Stupid school districts that have the para-educators best interests at heart above the students.

Edit:  And also SPED programs that don't do what they promised.

I have never contacted an attorney before, but have called two already this morning.  G'ah!
This message was last edited by the user at 18:14, Fri 31 Aug 2012.
member, 23 posts
Early birds get worms...
Late mice get cheese...
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 00:29
  • msg #121

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

People that question and argue about stupid things online that won't get changed just to try to make themselves feel smart or righteous or like they're fighting "the man". Seriously, people, just shut up! (Not directed at the people in this thread)
member, 155 posts
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 08:09
  • msg #122

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

<vent>Being stuck in an emotional tug-of-war between doing what is right and safe by my son and family vs my elderly grandmother who is visiting from out of province and has a bone broken in her hand and a cast on.  I just want to do right by everyone but the physical and emotional damage to everyone is starting to take its toll.</vent>
member, 1686 posts
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 12:24
  • [deleted]
  • msg #123

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 12:33, Sat 01 Sept 2012.
member, 96 posts
Sun 2 Sep 2012
at 06:43
  • [deleted]
  • msg #124

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 06:52, Sun 02 Sept 2012.
member, 611 posts
Mon 3 Sep 2012
at 10:12
  • msg #125

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

this is more depressing than anything else but i just spent 5 minuites looking for the anti-vents thread without sucsess

are people really that depressed that they can find nothining good to shout about even the little things?
member, 40 posts
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 01:28
  • msg #126

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Sigh. Things moving slowly for me on rpol at the moment.
member, 744 posts
A Giant Shei draws near!
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 03:35
  • msg #127

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Someone stole my phone at Kumoricon.  That phone had all of my con photos from Kumoricon and Sakuracon, as well as several other photos, that I had not yet transferred to my computer.

What kind of rotten blueberry steals a phone from someone who offers to share their charger, gives them food, and states that everyone at the con is like family seconds before they steal it once the person turns their back for a brief moment?!
member, 5069 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 06:23
  • msg #128

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Ugh...Spend a week not eating at the employee cafeteria at work, and my body apparently loses the ability to process the food they serve in there without tying itself in knots.  I'd worry that it was something else, except that this has a distressing tendency to happen.  Convenient, at the time I need to eat...

But oh-so-inconvenient when I start looking at what I'm getting for the money (terribly unhealthy stuff), and when I get my paycheck and realize just how much I actually spend when I don't have to take cash out of my pocket to pay for meals (they just deduct it from your paycheck...)

And massively inconvenient when I've let my body get used to digesting something vaguely resembling GOOD food and then go back to the greasy masses of indigestion they laughably refer to as 'food'.  Somebody pass me an antacid, please...
member, 22 posts
Thu 6 Sep 2012
at 11:16
  • msg #129

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Accidentally aspirated tea last night.

Most people accidentally inhale a liquid, and they cough and splutter a bit and are fine in 10 minutes.

Not so with me. I'm asthmatic, so of course it triggered a flare (breaking my wonderful 6 month no flare streak - best streak I've had in 6 years and didn't want to ruin it) and thus my training and activities are messed up for the next however-long-it-takes-me-to-recover.

Rawrg. Can I have normal lungs, please?
member, 14 posts
Death for the death lord.
Blood for the blood god.
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 06:56
  • msg #130

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

My first game was a day or so from starting, waiting on two character sheets. What happens!? The two players I am waiting on drop out. Now I have to wait to bump the advert to fill the void. Next time I am filling the team up with a few extra players. Oh well, better than them dropping mid-campaign during serious events.
member, 826 posts
War's a blueberry.
Wear a helmet.
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 00:54
  • msg #131

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

My three tween to teen daughters have seven of their friends staying over tonight. I'm drowning!
member, 156 posts
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 05:22
  • msg #132

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

<vent>Having my 79 year old grandma staying with my husband and I our small apartment with her dog for 3 weeks, while my 2 year old son continues to show no fear of the dog when he should.  Being the one person that everyone goes to for …everything (jars do not open themselves even if I'm changing a diaper), to include venting their frustrations and anger.  My sanity is slowly slipping away along with my tolerance to keep my own feelings in check.</vent>
member, 5079 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Mon 10 Sep 2012
at 07:15
  • msg #133

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Guys, really...are you EVER going to do anything with the script?  I mean, actually, honest-to-goodness, "Let's cast this thing and start shooting the movie" stuff?  Because it's been five years since you asked me to design costumes, and almost that long since you invited me to help with the re-writes...and it's been almost two years since I heard anything about it, other than, "We're still revising the story..."

I think we had the story in a pretty good place, actually, if the rest of the writing team could decide whether they were writing a comedy or an action/drama (because your secondary character, amusing as he was, was NOT helping the plot with his highly-contrived-vocabulary-as-character-distinction-tactics.)

And if you're NOT going to shoot this thing, then I'd like my reward for helping fix some of your biggest plot flaws (like trying to do this in the same flavor as the 'Scary Movie' and 'Not Another Teen Movie' franchises) to be permission to do a novelization.  Yeah, I realize that you might come back to it and you don't want a novel out there to dictate what you're going to do with your story...but I don't think you realize that you're gutting your story.
member, 19 posts
Death for the death lord.
Blood for the blood god.
Mon 10 Sep 2012
at 16:52
  • msg #134

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Random person : "Hey, can I join your game?"

Empty rtj, just an interest in the game.

Random person : "Oh, you roll dice? I prefer point buy, you should do point buy."

Now I'm annoyed, but I see there is a reply.

Random person : "Random bonus tables? Can't I just pick what I want? Dice are lame."

RAGEFACE. Optimizers bother me, just play the game. I know flaws are scary, but that's half the fun of roleplaying. If you want the perfect character, mod/dev console a PC game and make your guy perfect. Perfection is boring.

member, 693 posts
Asker of Questions
Finder of Answers
Mon 10 Sep 2012
at 18:43
  • msg #135

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

My dryer is no long drying clothes. What's worse, we like to run the dryer overnight so the damp clothes just sit in there and get all moldy smelling.

This has happened often enough and the dryer is becoming unreliable enough that now the whole dryer just smells musty, whether there are musty clothes in it or not.

To add a dose of dark humor to it, I suspect the problem may lie in the dryer vent :D
member, 157 posts
Mon 10 Sep 2012
at 21:39
  • [deleted]
  • msg #136

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 03:25, Tue 11 Sept 2012.
member, 710 posts
Asker of Questions
Finder of Answers
Fri 14 Sep 2012
at 21:56
  • msg #137

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I HATE it when I'm trying to change lanes while driving and I respectfully put on my blinker. This apparently sends an insane message to the person driving behind me in the lane next to me to immediately push the gas pedal to the floor and race me just so I won't pull in front of him.

I want to drive them off the road and punch them repeatedly in the face for not being respectful and more over choosing a pointless and dangerous option as opposed to slow down for 1 second and let me over.

Those people who drive like that should be shot in both kneecaps for making the roads more stressful and more dangerous. BE RESPECTFUL AND LET PEOPLE CHANGE LANES IN @!%*!@$^& PEACE!!!!
member, 86 posts
Sun 23 Sep 2012
at 02:14
  • msg #138

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I normally don't celebrate my birthday, though I am not opposed to it. So it came as a pleasant surprise when some of my new-found friend wanted to do something to celebrate it. Thus plans were made to do things on my birthday.

The day of the event(today) rolls around and no one can be contacted, and nothing is heard from them. Feeling more than a little frustrated over it all.
member, 707 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2012
at 21:07
  • msg #139

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I was *going* to post on the warm and fuzzy thread about how Sunday's second date might finally be the one to break the Second Date Curse, and how I was looking forward to a third this weekend.

But since I'm posting on the vent thread instead...
member, 576 posts
I'm a Furry, and
dang it, I'm proud!
Thu 27 Sep 2012
at 02:24
  • msg #140

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Square Enix is being very mean to it's fans. First it releases FFXIII multi-platform, so we're all thinking, "hey, they're finally going multiplatform." Which made me SO happy, seeing as I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan who went to the 360 'cause I liked the Halo games, and at the time the PS3 was a bit much, but now they're pulling the one-platform again, with KH 1.5 and even pulling FF versus from the first info release of PS3 and 360, which I was elated, as it used my favorite KH command menu, but then... they did it... as I said, both, PS3 only. I understand earlier in consoles, but REALLY?! I think that KH should come to the 360, and kinda as trade, mabey PS3 gets a few 360 games that were exclusives. Let them try out Halo, and we get to try out Uncharted, cross more games, and overall make gameing more fun, all this exclusives, telling me I have to have a PS3 to play the new console releases of my favorite sieries? That's just mean! What I really fear, if if KH3 is PS3 only... *shudders* I am NOT wanting to have to save up to get a whole new system just to finish out a sieries I've faithfully followed for many, many years.
member, 5091 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Thu 27 Sep 2012
at 21:52
  • msg #141

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Can I have my other dental hygienist back, please?  She worked on me several times and never had a stream of my own drool running down my cheek.  She noticed when I flinched as she was working and took more care with those areas of my mouth that were more tender.  And she was faster.

I definitely consider this one a downgrade.  She's competent...but the other one was GOOD.
member, 162 posts
Live in the Light of Hope
Not in the Shadow of Fear
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 00:01
  • msg #142

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

First off, I've been stuck away from here for an extended period of time (going on three years now). Very frustrating. And I find that all games I had are gone. I suppose I can't really be shocked, but I had so much material in just those few games -.-

Second, I'm tired of nineteen hour work days Monday through Friday! I can't enjoy a weekend anymore because I have to spend the entirety of it sleeping to recover from the week! *sigh*
member, 572 posts
Putting old paper in new
boxes since 2005
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 14:58
  • msg #143

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Washington DC weather.  Ugh.
member, 97 posts
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 17:04
  • msg #144

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

I hate it when I forget that I have the storm call shout equipped and get attacked  by vampires in a town.
member, 39 posts
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 17:33
  • msg #145

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


To learn that my better half hates the job situation as much as I do, as both of our jobs are ruining our mental and physical health.  And to fear that we can't ever afford to retire - that we will have to work ourselves to death just to have a very basic existence - where even the purchase of a fast-food meal is weighed carefully for its affordability in our budget.   Yet all these government agencies are handing out free rent, free medical care, free food, free cell phones, free education, free assistance for SO many things...but we do not qualify.

member, 73 posts
Sat 29 Sep 2012
at 06:57
  • msg #146

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

That's it. Not participating in rpol community forums anymore.
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