Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Family member: [Person] will be staying there for a few days later this summer.
Me: Okay, when?
FM: I'm not sure.
Me: Well, that kind of makes it hard to plan.
FM: Well, sometime in [two month time frame]
Me: *sigh* That doesn't narrow it down much. Can you give me a week's notice when you know for sure so I can plan?
FM: Sure thing.
A month and a half later, at 11PM:
FM: [Person] will be there tomorrow midday.
Me: Well, thanks. I had plans this week, but I guess I can drop them and risk my job to be here when this person arrives, even though I have a shift scheduled. No sweat. */sarcasm*
FM: You had warning! I told you back in May!
Me: And I asked for a week's notice so I could get stuff ready! They'll be here sometime in a two-month window isn't exactly useful notice, FM!
FM: Well, you don't have to be such a ***** about it. They're coming, so quit whining and deal with it.
I should just say 'no' one of these times and let them flounder when the Hotel Temperance is not open. This "I'mma have a friend crash at your place with no notice, no money for food they eat, and without even asking, just announcing it to you with <24h notice, and when you get put out at the cavalier imposition on your time and resources, Imma going to curse at you!" attitude is really peaching me off. It's not the first time they've pulled it and I'm sure it won't be the last, either.
If it weren't for the fact that I'm still somewhat financially dependent on them, I would tell them exactly where to go and what to do when they pull stuff like this, that literally upends my plans for an entire week and risks my job because I have to cancel a shift on no notice. Unfortunately, I am somewhat financially dependent until I can graduate and get a real grown-up job. They know this and blackmail me with it whenever I get too vocal with my irritation. Two months until my defense. I. Am. Counting. The. Days.
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