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19:53, 13th February 2025 (GMT+0)

NOTHING but VENTS -- Vent all You Want Without Replies.

Posted by Shannara
member, 66 posts
Have towel, will travel!
Mon 1 Oct 2012
at 01:02
  • msg #147

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

<annoyed>Please stop asking me if I'm somebody I'm not. I've never heard of the guy. Really I haven't. If he has the same interests as me that's just coincidence. When you started this it was kinda funny. Now I'm starting to get paranoid that I have some mad stalking doppleganger following me!</annoyed>
member, 290 posts
another one who met her
love through RPOL
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 01:15
  • msg #148

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


Trying to get back in to rping put in a character I had created for a game type for a game that never made it off the ground thinking I found her a home only to wind up in what feels like a job interview with to co gms who Im hearing info about from others about they try to kill you if you dont get along with their characters.  Also having to prove myself to a person that is a cogm with no experience in the setting and getting told by him that I have to get along to a certain level and not cause problems or my character will be killed. with no reason explanation ect.  and then being asked how i view this that and 17 other pointless things when told they wanted to pick my brain I really get the sinking filling of getting grilled down trussed up an paraded for there amusement!!!!


On the other hand HI!!!! and I find myself going why am I comin back to this?
member, 1559 posts
RPG since 1982
Author, Developer
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 05:41
  • msg #149

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread


When you seriously think someone is trying to get in through our apartment door after a robbery nearby last week...

...don't keep shouting in my ear over and over that its scary! I'm trying to figure out what is going on! If it is an attack I need my attention on the fight not you! The moment my head is turned to look at you could be the moment a knife is stuck into me.

I could use focus if I am about to fight for the lives our family. Thank you very much!

All turned out okay. Person coming to help people move in down the hall got the number mixed up. All calmed down and joked about it later.
member, 5101 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 16:13
  • msg #150

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

And, just like that, half the games I was playing in have folded up in the space of about two weeks.  I'm debating whether or not to replace them, as the ones that I'm still in aren't currently all that busy, either...but, really, I'm better off with fewer distractions.

Still...the timing sucks.  Having them all close out so close to each other...well, it's kinda depressing.  Time to learn to redirect that time and energy into other, more productive pursuits, I guess.
member, 294 posts
another one who met her
love through RPOL
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 18:28
  • msg #151

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread



Having to argue with my net provider not just one day but for 5 days to get things fixed, get lies fixed and then get the net that was never suppose to be interrupted gets done so for 2 days, find out they shouldn have done half of what they did to change it then trying to see what they are going to do to make up for there mistake and get hung up on, redirected, promised to call back and then they act like I should just be dealing with them all day long and have no other life.  (thanks AT&T)

Evil Empryss
member, 178 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 18:39
  • [deleted]
  • msg #152

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was a troll, at 18:48, Tue 02 Oct 2012.
member, 124 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 18:40
  • [deleted]
  • msg #153

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 18:49, Tue 02 Oct 2012.
member, 583 posts
I'm a Furry, and
dang it, I'm proud!
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 00:51
  • msg #154

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Our Coaches are being idiots. In the B-team game, they're suppost to get as many people in, but I only got 4 plays, while a guy who just joined, we're halfway done, and got pads YESTERDAY, who isn't that great, and is only first year, got to play the whole game! Also, in practice, when I face off against the Starting Tight End for A-team, I regularly beat him, but no changes occur. The only way he even slowed me was by grabbing my arm after I got past him, and punching me in the back, right where the pads aren't. In fact, there are a bunch of B-team players who are much better than A-team, but no changes. In practice, the B-team was even beating the A-team, yet how many changes? That's right, none!
member, 229 posts
Age 31
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 18:37
  • msg #155

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

"You looked a bit stunned when I told you what I pulled you over for"
Well, yeah! You pulled me over for not stopping at a stop sign before I turned right, when I did. Even your little cam shows my rear bumpear going up, indicating my stop. Then you proceed to argue for it even after I explained that you probably thought you saw me roll through it an I was not going to argue with you there (The place to argue is court).
This message was last edited by the user at 23:33, Wed 03 Oct 2012.
member, 23 posts
RPG Rocks!!!!!
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 23:23
  • msg #156

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Finnaly got my homework in and can post in rpol!!!
member, 30 posts
Death for the death lord.
Blood for the blood god.
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 23:46
  • msg #157

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Gave Resident Evil 6 a spin today, unfortunately.

First 15 minutes are QTEs, Interactive Cutscenes and a bit of combat (kicking is more effective than shooting the zombies. 3 kicks > 6-8 bullets). Leon crashed a helicopter into a train, kept flying it and then crashed it through two buildings. He emerged unscathed.

Why? Resident Evil is not an action mov- Oh wait. That's why. Thanks, Capcom, for making this game more like the movies and not the other way around. Good thing I took my fiance's advice and Redbox'd this game instead of pre-ordering it.
member, 390 posts
Desk Jocky Extraordinaire
Theoretical Writer
Sun 7 Oct 2012
at 07:47
  • msg #158

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Not so much a vent, but a "Karma, thou art a completely fair biscuit."

Several months ago, get trainwreck drunk.  Friends take care of me.  All is well by the next morning.

Tonight, have a dinner party at my place.  Some people have way too much to drink.  Get to be the one of the (mostly) sober people taking care of the weepy drunks.

Don't complain a bit because I WAS JUST THERE.  *sigh...*
member, 10 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 00:18
  • [deleted]
  • msg #159

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 03:35, Tue 09 Oct 2012.
member, 33 posts
Death for the death lord.
Blood for the blood god.
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 00:45
  • msg #160

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Unrelated: I just denied a player access to a game due to their utter lack of understanding of all things grammar. I then get told off by said player. Not a single punctuation in their rant about how I'm in the wrong. >______________<
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was moot, at 03:38, Tue 09 Oct 2012.
member, 853 posts
Time you enjoy
wasting isn't wasted
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 06:32
  • msg #161

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

*Covers her eyes*

I hate early mornings.
member, 171 posts
Live in the Light of Hope
Not in the Shadow of Fear
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 06:34
  • msg #162

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

member, 854 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 06:41
  • [deleted]
  • msg #163

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was moot, at 12:21, Tue 09 Oct 2012.
member, 5115 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 06:18
  • msg #164

Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

Look...I appreciate the fact that you think this is a good story that you want to tell.  But if you're going to ask my opinion of your script...and then argue with me over the majority of the points where I said, 'Okay...this is a problem and the people you're trying to sell this script to will have issues with it,' then I can't help but wonder why you wanted my feedback in the first place.

I'm not invested in this story AT ALL.  If they say yes, great.  I'm happy for you.  If they say no, I'm not out anything.  The extent of my personal involvement in this was saying, "Okay...don't bother pitching your idea to this person, he has no say in the matter.  This guy would be a better choice...but if you can get HER to sign off on it, you're set, because the company president isn't going to argue that much with his daughter."  Well, that, and having read through your script.

The problem is, it's like every other show I've seen you do.  It's got the potential to be something really awesome...if you would take some time and polish it a bit.  I realize you want to make a big impression on people and convince them that you can do these awesome're better off doing a REALLY GOOD small show several times, and working your way up, than you are doing a really slipshod large-scale production where only about half of your stuff works reliably.

But, what do I know?  I've only been working in entertainment for half your lifetime.  What possible insight could I have into how it works?
member, 38 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 21:41
  • msg #165




HE GOT PRONGED IN THE BACK! I had volts run thtough him:

I feel the searing pain, but stand up, then examine the drinks the bar is selling.


End vent
member, 27 posts
It's always the quiet one
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 22:22
  • msg #166

Re: Player

I work back to back 10 hour shifts, do my best to convince my boss we need MORE people or our state ratios are beyond off.

What happens? I get sent home with 28 hours already to save the OT till later in the week and the rest of the teachers are left with nearly double their load.

What was the point?
member, 40 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 07:51
  • msg #167

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

I really hate my job.  No, it goes beyond hate into deep loathing.  Apparently we must suffer any inconvenience such as inhaling chemicals because to complain results in being told all our jobs will be taken away.  We must work a horrendous schedule and our pay is cut (apparently all legally, too, thanks a lot government for looking out for the taxpayer/human being).   There's a fatal accident on the toll road I am forced to take (to save an hour's travel time) EVERY DAY.  I know I'll be killed or disabled by this job, but the need to eat and live under a roof compels me to stay.

And the future just looks like an ice floe with my name on it if I should survive to retire.
member, 266 posts
Northern Journey PBeM DM
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 11:00
  • msg #168

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

God, I just hate bad speeling!

its almost as bad as poor punctuation and inaccurate use of Capitals

Their almost as bad as there counterparts, wear same sounding words are used incorrectly.
The Stray
member, 66 posts
When the Cat's a Stray
the Mice will Pray
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 17:48
  • msg #169

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

I have a job that's highly sensitive to weather. All this week, it's been windy as fruit, and it's only supposed to get worse. GAR! I NEED HOURS! *shakes fist at unseasonable wind and rain*
member, 60 posts
Fri 12 Oct 2012
at 22:51
  • msg #170

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

A minor vent, but...

Why must Coke machines hate me? I never have problems with Pepsi machines, unless they're plain empty, but Coke machines hate me. And, unfortunately, that's all the local store has sitting outside. So, I was looking at the prices earlier and realised it was cheaper, and colder really, so another plus, in the machine. 1.69 inside, 1.50 outside, obvious choice. So, I put in my dollar bill, and dig out a couple quarters and put those in. But it doesn't read the quarters. Try to get my money back, that doesn't work either. So, my Coke cost 2.00, and I was feeling quite a bit of frustration...which I couldn't really vent at the time, because there were children present, and I try to avoid that.

Thank you, RPoL, for having this nice thread in which to complain about random life events. It's great stress relief.
member, 1 post
Sat 13 Oct 2012
at 14:48
  • msg #171

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

I have that, my job it a pit of despair. Hire some people or just find someone who can make it to work ON TIME. ON A REGULAR BASIS. I like overtime once in awhile. NOT EVERY DAMNED DAY.
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