Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread
Our Coaches are being idiots. In the B-team game, they're suppost to get as many people in, but I only got 4 plays, while a guy who just joined, we're halfway done, and got pads YESTERDAY, who isn't that great, and is only first year, got to play the whole game! Also, in practice, when I face off against the Starting Tight End for A-team, I regularly beat him, but no changes occur. The only way he even slowed me was by grabbing my arm after I got past him, and punching me in the back, right where the pads aren't. In fact, there are a bunch of B-team players who are much better than A-team, but no changes. In practice, the B-team was even beating the A-team, yet how many changes? That's right, none!