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02:14, 14th February 2025 (GMT+0)

NOTHING but VENTS -- Vent all You Want Without Replies.

Posted by Shannara
member, 135 posts
Gaming is good!
Got RPOL in my soul
Sat 13 Oct 2012
at 16:07
  • msg #172

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

I really hate plumbing. That and the person who built the vanity in the bathroom with a door that can't open because they put the baseboard heating directly in front of it.  Who does that!? Nice job genius. On the upside, I did unclog 2 drains which probably saved me about $300.
Alexei Yaruk-Mundhenk
member, 980 posts
Ad Majorem
Dea Gloriam
Sun 14 Oct 2012
at 00:48
  • msg #173

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

On my days off the whole site is a ghost town.
member, 1295 posts
Tally-ho! What what!
God Save The Queen!
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 01:16
  • msg #174

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

Just spent 4 hours writing up a report, ensuring that I covered everything required, the deadline was Monday night (US time), it's 2am in the UK (where I am), and I hit save. I then go to send the e-mail with the report in...

No document file anywhere. Checked the auto-backups, checked the Temp files, nada, it never existed, according to my computer.

Fruit you computer, you git. Now I won't even get a decent night's sleep because I'll have this mulling around in my head, since I'll have to rewrite the entire thing (and I know it won't be nearly as good this time) after work tomorrow evening.
member, 136 posts
Excellent! Now I can
attack in all directions.
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 04:59
  • msg #175

Re: Job from the Great Dark Pit of Despair

Just woke from a nightmare.
Someone please tell me my boyfriend is not secretly a Bieber-fan and I'm still allowed to eat spicy foods...
Evil Empryss
member, 191 posts
Happier than a Witch
in a Broom Factory
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 05:09
  • msg #176

Can't this election be over already?

Political robocalls from numbers that say "Cellphone" at 8:53 pm.

It's late, my kids are sleeping, I'm tired, and I already voted!  Leave me the fruit alone already!

And have the chestnuts to at least identify yourself correctly on caller ID.  I don't care what you stand for, if you hide your campaign behind fake IDs I don't trust you and I'm not voting for you!
Evil Empryss
member, 192 posts
Silently critiquing your
spelling and grammar.
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 01:19
  • msg #177

Re: Can't this election be over already?

<sad vent and PSA>
The only mechanic who I ever felt wasn't trying to BS me about car repairs just to pad his bottom line died in a freak accident.  Self-employed for over thirty years and in his seventies with the fire to keep going for years yet, he took up biking to improve his health.  He fell off and hit his head on a chunk of concrete in a ditch.

Wear your bike helmets, everyone.
</sad vent and PSA>
member, 146 posts
Gaming is good!
Got RPOL in my soul
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 13:57
  • msg #178

Re: Can't this election be over already?

Wife's car broke down last night and in the dark I couldn't fine the blasted battery. Turns out it's under a plastic flap that has to be removed. AAA came and replaced the battery but I had to sit and talk with the wife for over an hour waiting for them. Oh the horrors! I asked if she wanted to make out but she kept clambering something about security cameras in the parking lot. Gosh, I miss the younger days.
member, 1285 posts
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 19:27
  • msg #179

Re: Can't this election be over already?

Yesterday I went to an exercise forum, laid out all of my physical problems, the kind of equipment I have, and my weight  to try and get some help forming a training regimen I can stick to without hurting myself.

You know what I got? 30 plus posts and 5 private messages telling me that I'm too fat and not to waste my fruiting time. One notable professional trainer made the enlightened comment of "I bet you can't even see your own little soldier. If I was there I would just bitch you till your were crying too hard to eat."

I. Hate. Fruiting. People.
member, 127 posts
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 22:11
  • msg #180

Re: Can't this election be over already?

I'm in so much pain...

Ever since I hit 21 I've had back pain. It wasn't much at first, but now at the age of 28, it hurts... so bad. Now my knees are shot too. I'm not overweight and I am not skinny. My BMI is average. I went to have an x-ray done as my Doctor has said my Thoracic Spine is tender and it juts out in places. There is nothing wrong with my bones and my knees are bad because of muscle loss and damage. I expect thats what is happening to my back. I walk each day for at least 45 minutes and I have a healthy diet, why is this happening? The pain is accelerating daily now and I can't cope anymore. I feel sick alot now too. I limp when I walk, when I will myself to actually do it and I have had it with everything.

And thats what is physically wrong with me, let alone when personal problems kick in.
member, 2027 posts
you have to risk the
dark to see the light
Fri 26 Oct 2012
at 17:59
  • msg #181

The plague of a PGM

does anyone remember, I am old, the old Heehaw show and the woe, despair and agony on me songs.  LOL

I am always learning as a game creator and a wise sage here on rpol told me if in doubt leave them out.  Well a player submits and right off I am put off by the way the age statement for adult was given including the little kittens in their apartment.  They started out a bit of trouble but thinking they were new to the style of playing on rpol I simply pointed out their godmoding, their powergaming, their pushing players for posts or manipulating them in a direction they were not ready to go.  noooo I let this player join all my games. (again the sage advice of one of our dear moderators rang in my ears)  they were great writer!  I tolerated the breaking of rules to a point until the player posted a post about child abuse.  I deleted the post and told the player in a PM that was against RPOL rules and mine.  This player then rmails me to ask me :-) show them where it was for they had read all the rules and didn't find it.  I quoted the exact words and link.  then I banned the player.

Now said player I find did not just join every game of mine to play but they 'trolled' and contacted almost every single player and my coGMs and have said they don't understand why I banned them for just asking a question!!!  When I told them in rmail it was because of ALL the rules they kept breaking they said I was just trying to make them feel bad about them self and it was not going to work.  I lost around 11 players and three coGMS due to it.  All wonderful players and people.

Why are we PGM/GMs always the bad guys when we have to do something like that.  Shhheeeshhh I just needed to vent about the situation because all is well and I move on but it hurt alot to have players believe I would ban someone for just asking a question... ggggrrrr arrrrgggh
Wine Guy
member, 320 posts
Fri 26 Oct 2012
at 20:24
  • [deleted]
  • msg #182

Re: The plague of a PGM

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 20:42, Fri 26 Oct 2012.
member, 85 posts
Fri 26 Oct 2012
at 21:33
  • msg #183

Reforms my hairy backside

Thanks to recent "reforms" (read: government shaftings) in my job, my days off this week are all cancelled except one. Never mind the fact I haven't seen my brother in almost a year and this was the first time our shifts matched up. What's more, I'm currently on a night shift while the hypocrites that cancelled my days off are tucked up nice and warm with their families, safe in the knowledge that their days off are safe. Unless of course they fancy allocating themselves some cushy double pay overtime.

I hate politicians and senior officers!
This message was last edited by the user at 21:34, Fri 26 Oct 2012.
member, 1312 posts
Resident porch-squatting
Sat 27 Oct 2012
at 02:18
  • msg #184

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

Chronic pain makes me want to get in a fist fight with everything.

At least I do my best work when I'm angry.
member, 1298 posts
Sat 27 Oct 2012
at 02:55
  • [deleted]
  • msg #185

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 05:56, Sat 27 Oct 2012.
member, 139 posts
Excellent! Now I can
attack in all directions.
Sat 27 Oct 2012
at 03:01
  • msg #186

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

I hate being in love! :(

Makes me accept second rate behaviour, makes me clingy, emotional and frustrated.
Luckily it only happened thrice in the last twenty years and it spelled catastrophy every single time. I just want to be happy on my own and yet I am not only given the short end of the stick I'm getting properly caned with the rest of it.
Evil Empryss
member, 206 posts
Silently critiquing your
spelling and grammar.
Wed 31 Oct 2012
at 23:09
  • msg #187

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

Bought two bags of 350 pieces of candy because last year we were absolutely swamped with kids.

It's been dark for an hour but because it's "cold" out we've had exactly TWO groups of three and ONE single kid come to the door.

Northern Tier kids are tougher than Southern kids.  They'd go trick or treating in five feet of snow and below freezing weather.  Sure, it looked like a parade of little flashers as they came up to the door all bundled in their coats, whipped them open long enough to yell "Trick or Treat!" and then close them up again, but at least they went out.

What kid turns down free candy?!?
member, 67 posts
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 01:13
  • msg #188

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

My vent:  My oldest daughter is not old enough to take her little sister out trick or treating without us yet.
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was in need of a minor tweak, at 05:01, Thu 01 Nov 2012.
member, 193 posts
Beware the Groove.
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 01:19
  • msg #189

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

Website developers who charge AU$18,000, including testing, who DON'T do multi-browser testing and have NO QUALITY CONTROL who hire project managers who are full of SUGAR and never take ownership of mistakes!

member, 673 posts
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 01:29
  • [deleted]
  • msg #190

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 05:00, Thu 01 Nov 2012.
Evil Empryss
member, 210 posts
Silently critiquing your
spelling and grammar.
Fri 2 Nov 2012
at 20:52
  • msg #191

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

Texting while using the bathroom, okay, at least all I hear is clickity clickity in the next stall.

Talking on the cellphone while using the bathroom?  Ick. Can't you wait five minutes and go somewhere else?  I really don't want to hear you tell your friend how bad you have to {poop} with the sound effects in the background.

But Skyping?!?!?  Really?!?!  Is there no place private anymore?  Has decency gone the way of the dodo (and the doodoo)?  Who are you so close to that you think it's okay to video chat with them while on the toilet?!?  I might have thought you were just on speaker phone, but you came out of the stall and set the phone down to wash your hands and I could see the person you were talking to!!
member, 5121 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Sat 3 Nov 2012
at 03:25
  • msg #192

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

So my boss asked me to think about some ideas to 'update the look' for one of our Halloween shows, now that Halloween is over and we'll have time to sit down and work our way through stuff at a reasonable pace.  The problem?

Well, said show has become practically the centerpiece of the entertainment during our Halloween season.  What started out a decade ago as a notion for a 'curtain-warmer act' has become iconic enough that the merchandising department on the park has even had t-shirts is using the characters from the show in advertising, and the park's Facebook page has them prominently featured.  So, 'updating' their look is kinda like being asked to redesign matter what you do or how cool you make it look, people are going to expect it to harken back to Boris Karloff's version of the Monster (I mean, they did an awesome job on Robert DeNiro's makeup...but there are very few people who think of that particular version when you say 'Frankenstein'...)

The show has, in its own way, become a classic.  Leave well enough alone, I say...I realize you want to make things look new and shiny...but sometimes that look just isn't as effective.  Let them look a like wild and weathered.  Not only is it not broke, but it's working incredibly effectively.  Don't fix it.
member, 299 posts
another one who met her
love through RPOL
Sat 3 Nov 2012
at 04:06
  • msg #193

Re: Reforms my hairy backside


That idiot criminals repeat the same fruitin routine in the same area again and again and again and not only seem stupid when they do it but manage to catch people with it.  I'm from Arkansas and we had an issue with a guy they called the blue light rapist cause who doesnt stop for a cop right?  they caught that guy and ever since then there have been 72 fruitin copy cats.  A new one just pooped up and of course this makes life hell.  I'm sure most of you in the states have seen the video of the cop who jerked the woman from the car for not pullin over the reason she was from Arkansas we dont stop for single blue lights because of this guy its what we are taught from a young age as females for a reason.  Now there is a new guy doing the same act (in a white crown vic of all things) I just found out about this from a friend and its really upsetting that it keeps happening.  I've seen reports in other states but it just feels like they keep hitting my state.  get a new flipping stick!!!!

This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was off-topic, at 07:04, Sat 03 Nov 2012.
member, 1788 posts
Sunshine, lollipops and
rainbows, la la la, la
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 02:45
  • msg #194

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

The movie "based" on World War Z, which was a great book that featured slow zombies + slow onset of infection......will supposedly have fast zombies and 28 days later-esque infection times.

...well, there goes my hopes to see a new, great classic-zombie movie.
Evil Empryss
member, 216 posts
Silently critiquing your
spelling and grammar.
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 05:32
  • msg #195

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

Fruiting dissertation committees who tell you something has to be written one specific way and won't let the paper go for higher-up review until it's written that way.  Then, when it goes the higher reviewers, they kick it back telling you that you were wrong to have done it that way!!!

And how many fruiting times do I have to say that THERE IS NO ACADEMIC CITATION AVAILABLE FOR A PARTICULAR TOPIC?!?!  NONE.  ZIP.  ZERO.  ZILCH.  I am the first one to study this particular phenomenon from this particular angle, and no one has written anything on it before that wasn't a layman writing for profit and therefore not acceptable By The University's Standards to be used as a citation?  I said it five different times in three different chapters.  I did that on the advice of my committee members after insisting that they attempt to find something to prove me wrong.

Stop asking for the blasted citations!!!  Let me do my research and get my bloody degree already!

I'm convinced at this point they're messing with me to make me have to take (and pay for) another semester.  There's no reason a single instance of the typo "belief are" instead of "beliefs are" should delay my oral defense!
member, 1267 posts
Err on the side
of awesome.
Wed 7 Nov 2012
at 03:47
  • msg #196

Re: Reforms my hairy backside

<irritating new versions of old games>

Okay, let me make this clear. The Sims was best when it was Sims 2. Sims 3 is nice and all, but I'm sticking with a game that lacks all the misfeatures of the new version.

So I want to buy Sims 2 expansion packs via Steam, Gamestop or similar places, but EA never put it up there.

There is at least one person who'll buy the old versions but not the new. That person is me. Fruit it.
</irritating new versions of old games>
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