Re: The Nothing but Vents, Vents, and MORE VENTS Thread

You know what's splintered my wand here this past year? Here's a two-part story, titled, SCARY WIZARD and Why AI GMs Are Beginning to Look Like More and More of 'A Good Idea' to Them.
Part I - Looking for Reading Comprehension and Boundaries: I've been looking for a game using the WarCraft d20 rules since 2006, and let's look at the results that actually panned out...
-GM flakes.
-GM flakes.
-Everyone loses interest because they're waiting on one player and the GM won't just NPC them or replace them after a week/month.
...this is to say nothing of recruitments and requests that went ✨nowhere✨. I put up a request recently, and someone started blithering over me without really understanding or engaging in the material, my inbox got flooded with people who don't seem to be able to understand what "I don't like the fan conversions." means, and one guy got really passive-aggressive in response to a request -- made somewhere specifically for requests. While I might seem like I'm asking the world, what I'm basically asking for is a one-shot using pre-published materials, and not an epic yarn -- far less than what I was antsing for when the line was still being supported, and something conciliatory at best.
Meanwhile, someone with an objectively creepy and oddly specific pitch they've been asking for for years keeps getting picked up, only to drop out of a game the minute he realizes his Main Character isn't going to be front-and-center in the game -- rinse and repeat with one hand on the keyboard and one below the desktop.
Part II - I Hope You're Not Married: I got into a game recently, I was putting together a character sheet, and I put in a "Meowdy, purrdners!" with the other players. Real Life happens, and I'm unable to post for a few days. Shouldn't be too much of an issue, we were putting together character sheets and rapping with each other, and the game isn't even a week old. Right?
...once everything's smoothed over in real life, I come back to the game, only to find that the DM has not only removed me from the game with no prior communication, they have also replaced me and told everyone that I dropped. I'm like, "Uhh, what?". If I'd been AWOL for like... two weeks to a month, or in violation of a rule clearly stated, cool. My bad. Like, there wasn't jack in the game rules about that kind of a thing -- in fact, the only rule even close to that was, "I'm always right.", which... listen, GMs, when I see that, that's a huge red flag and I usually take that as a sign that you're a horse's behind.
I PM the DM, telling them what happened that I was not able to post, asking to be let back in. They give me this hand-wringer of a response to the effect of, "I had people ghost in the past. Sorry if it's harsh or abrupt, also, I removed and replaced you. :3 ". So, I respond with, "Let me rephrase what you just said, and add additional context as to why you, as a person, suck.", before I block them.
In spite of how low the bar was in this particular case I was not the better person, I don't wager, though I've dealt with enough ineptitude in my time that I don't give much of a dead moose's last colonic push.
Part III - Mod Coddle: Oh, here's another one -- so, someone was pushing back against valid concerns over allowed materials in a game. GM whined that they might close up shop and leab 4eber, which is totally healthy behavior and not at all whiny, manipulative, and petulant, and I went, "You're restricting some perfectly valid things and artificially limiting people; this puts me off, and it's going to put off more people than it attracts. Ball's in your court, just bear this in mind?". Post got deleted, GM made a victim post in response to my (deleted) post, and I reported this behavior to Moderation because it's off-putting and controlling.
...Moderation completely ignored WHY I made the report, and belched something conciliatory to the GM. This isn't on RPoL, it's somewhere else; still, that's some Broken Stair [REDACTED] on both their parts, and makes me really question the reading comprehension and social acumen of both parties involved. I hope to god that neither of them are in Human Resources, because holy [REDACTED], man.
In any case, block buttons exist for a reason, even if their functionality on most places is concilliatory at best. And, I, personally, can not wait for AI Game Masters, because in spite of good Game Masters outweighing bad ones three-to-one in my experience, I have had it with bad ones and would rather play under a robot than deal with one more person whose parents didn't teach them not to act like the bratty little girl from Leave it to Beaver.
This message was last edited by the user at 07:33, Tue 03 Dec 2024.